ontmvfoi. M ciU!E. rtRm wnnxr.f.iAv, xovrMnirn i8, nog. li Me tmM Observer Published Dully Extpt Sunday. '...CCniUiV UltOTJIEKS, EDITOHS AND PROPRIETORS. United Press Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Dally, tingle copy 5c 5c $3.40 Daily, per month Dally, six months, in advance.. Daily, one year, in advance. ..,.16.50 Weekly, six lnonti, in "advance-. ."""' Weekly, one year, m advance.'. .f 100 Entered at the postofflee at La Grande as aecond-lass matter. Thla paper will not public any artU ele appearing over a nom de plume figned articles will be received sub ject to the discretion of the editors. Please algn your articles and save dls appointment. v i 1 . Advertising Rate. , Display ad, ratea furnished upon application. Local reading notices 10c per line first insertion; 6c per line for each sub sequent Insertion. Resolutions of condolence, 5c a line. t- Crd of thanks, 5c a line, ' city tax levy. How many1 Our, miliar That is the problem which the council will be called upon to solve at the session scheduled for this eve ning. ' , ' ' , There are two at least new condi tions that have to be faced and met. Ona la our revenues are reduced as compared with former years, to the extent of about $7500, caused by the loss of saloon licenses and fines. The other Is a. fixed expense of $SOO0 to meet the Interest on the J160.000 Bea ver creek water bonds, which were re cently .sold. ' These two conditions make It necessary to raise $15,500 by Way of taxation additional as com pared with last year. The taxable property of the city Is $1,300,000. To meet the above a 12-mlll tax will be required; 8 mills are required to pro vide for the Interest of our water and city hall bonds ($75,000) and the gen eral expenses of the city lut year re quired j7 mills. On this basis 22 mill will bo voted tonight.! We niuy. ro icelve considerable .relief 'on the' Inter est account of the Beaver creek bonds owing: to the fact that these bonds may not all be luift at once and only In terest' will be Wiblrod, ':'' -the'': bond re issued, nnd flRrln.Jt U understood that the banks will' pay 4 per,'cent In tervst pr, the money as "long as deposited'- p Ao tiie time of their wltu draival,...,; As , the. .."ponds only d'aw ; 5 'percent, the loss would be small, .con sequently It' might , o' possible- this year to trim: down t ho levy to 17 or 18 mills.,,. It .Ja.auUe.'eyl.dcnt..that this Is going to be a difficult year to fl- nance.' How-over, our fixed expenses -ore such that It will bu many years .before .La Qrando can expect to escape a levy below 15 mills. The gtand total of city,- school and county wilt not iimiti wuy muw u ' and no more, nor as much as weMiavc been In the , habit of paying the prist few years., . It is understood that the county levy this year will be about 22 mills; the school 1 (unless the people vote a tax for another school building) end the city about 18 mills. . i e - t. . - . , Kvory citizen In Oregon should be glad or the wonderful growth nt lite rlfy' of Portland. The "census f l'.'OO credited her with 90,000. Now It Is estimated bv Polk's census takers - that tlieno figures mupt bo .'liiereafced to 225,0110. Allowing that these may he In, excess of actual conditions, by everal thousand, yet the fait remains that Portland litis more than doubled her population within the last elaht y.ars. A growth that stands second io few records In our country. The larger Portland" grows the better in v.ry way It will be for the entliv state. The end Is not yet nnd there every reason to believe that her growth will continue to be nsgrcnt the next few yeiirs as It has been the prist. Portland draws from an Im nunse territory. The great watershed f the Columbia river flows Into lier lap. T'le growth of the great I'l'nnd empire; the development of the gie.it Interior of Oregon, nil will redmvn to a greater Portland. We are all proud of our metropolis and may her pros perity never cease. Governor Chamberlain Is soon to visit Washington. Whatever bis object may be. It would be wise for him not to announce that h had secured rooms for his permanent abode. We have a precedent In this state that a wife of a former I'nlted Ptates senator caused i Ms defeat by prematurely remaining. that she had her trunks all packed to return to the national capital. This fact Is known to have so enraged a few of her lady social friends that with their assistance. , her husband was defeated. A thing at the outset that was thought Impossible and It took not a few years to find out Just how It all did happen. Our governor may bo depended upon, however, not to make any very rash statements be tween now and the meeting of the so lons In January.. ; ; Woman suffrage has made wonder ful advancement In England the past few years! And It Is now stated that a' majority pf the members of the house of commons are pledged to sup port the pending woman's suffrage bill If it comes to a vote. 1 The only hope of Its defeat will be to keep It In the hands of the committee. t ' It Is rather remarkable how many bank failure do occur In this country. We notice these things more than we used from some cause. However, the cause in most cases Is above the same, the country over. Keep your city park enthusiasm up. If we do we will soon have one of the finest parks In the state. Nothing In eastern Oregon can touch us. . Turkey will be turkey this thanks giving.' Most of us will be contented with fine Grande Ronde chickens this year. . .:.... '. . . - FRCIT MEN TO MEET. Local Interest Manifest In Northwest Conference in Portland. Considerable local Interest Is being taken In the comin convention of the Northwest Fruitgrowers' association In Portland December 2, 3 and 4. The exhibits at that time will be extensive and reflective of the apple Industry In this state. Exhibits can be sent to the association not . later than Monday, November 30, and It la planned to have several exhibits of, Grande Ronde products at the exhibit tables. Oregon In all Its apple growing. strength will be exhibited on the shelves of the ex hibit hall at that time, and Union county cannot .afford to miss the chanco. Notice of liiiKi!iKlinent. t Notice Is herebygiven that on the 16th day of November,' J0X, I took up jhle. running at large 1i) tho( city Of La Grande, Ore., the following de scribed "animals', "to-wit;-": v - Ono small brown eowtyiandiiil R on right hip: no other 'brands' visible. One. spotted cow,'!' Unlit red and white no brands visible; has hole In left ear,,':' :- , . - " , '''-'. One large spotted cow, 'branded R on right ' hip; under bit out of left ear and small slit In left ear. '' ''. .;, ; One red cow, no brands or marks visible. ' ' ' '''; :.-Ono red nnd. white spotiedt yeaiiints heifer,-swallow-'fork In left ear; no other brands or murks Visible, , w .. . right ear. torn out; np brands visible All of the above animals have horns. That I Impounded said animals in the city pound of L:t Grande, , Ore., under and by virtue of the ordinance there of "and unless the owner claims and pays the costs and expenses of such impounding and keeping of said anl vil at the-explration of 10 days from the d;ite of this notice, advertise and sell, said animals as provided tiy the ordlnunces of said city. Ivme and dated at La Orande, Ore., this the 17th day of November, 1 90S. JOHN W. AVALDKN, Chief of Police. 17-let " . ., . I CEMENT WORK I i ; I ! 1 All kinds of Cement Concrete work. and CONCRETE BUILDIG BLOCKS CEMETERY WORK No contract too large or too small SaJisftiction Guaranteed I 4, 4 i I L. ROBERTS i PHONE BLACK 582 - & Fine Peerless need potatoes for sale this week only, 85 cents per crate, at Conley warehouse, or $1 per crate de livered. THRONSON FRCIT CO.. By Q. L. Cleaver. Keep the money at home by usinlj V LA CRAIVDE SUGAR Costs no n ere rd jtst as sweet. All dealers. . i pM4WWt444 Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PtRHV, OREGON CAN FURNISH LUMBER OF L MMDS IN CARLOAD LOTS. For 16 Inch Chain Weed Delivered at you Heme. Call up V. r. DEAN, La Crar;d. Thcne, Kfd 1741 tttmTITtTITITITIT.T.TT. Own Your Water System i And Be Independent A Well Will Solve The Problem Twenty-five years' experience me to do your work properly and drill to any depth. ASK ME FOR PARTICULARS AND REFFRENCE RE CARDING WELLS I DRILLED IN THIS D. M. HUNT, ? Thanksgiving is si most hcre-Haveyou the necessary table silverware, i cutlery, , etc. to have your table appointments? youwillfind that you can secure the necessary articles here with .S the most complete stock to select from and the most up-to-date and finished 61 beauti ful design and workmanship. WOULD YOU CARE TO INSPECT? J. H- PEARE Kl t4itrOUAM. AlTOTHINKKll. O 8alea cried on abort boUc. 4 4 Satisfaction tuaraateed. 4 No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDS ... OREGON 4 Route No. J. 'Phone No. lttil - in the well-drilling business enables economically. I am prepared N to t , , , , - COUNTY . La Grande eeeeveeeeee.. S!.r.ii'.lr.5'dor.t am! "itroMery lson& given. .Ml materials used are the best quality. One lesson free with eaeh piece. LOST ' A cravenette overcoat between Washington and the old town store. Finder return to this office and re ceive reasonable reward. W. Waln-wrlght. GEORGE PALMER. President , ,W. H. DRENHOLTS Au't Cashier J. M. BERRY, Vict President . C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ati'tCftthier F. L. MEYERS Cashier La Grande Of La Grande, Oregon. ' tw -"; "i.t CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS $160,000 J UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ,7. : DIRECTORS J. M. Berry A. B. Conley F. J. Holmes' F. M. BryWt . C. C. Pennington ; .v F. L. Meyeri,, , Geo L. C'eaver ' W. L. Brenholts George Palmer We are Prepared ) Make Warm or ci Our Abstract Books the most : Abstract fucnished by us is Fire, Life and Accident Insurance La Grande In vestment Co. Z Foley Block W. Why Try to "Get Mong" without on e "She had dene her best--A leaky range was to blame" Vhy not know the delightful satisfa thn of having your work done perfectly That comes from usinq a Monarch . Range? ft BAY & ZWEIFEL : Plumbers and Tinners Pump Work and Gutter Work a Specialty Let us furnish you with an estimate on yourork. Wo order tea large or" small lor ou- best attention. Let us relinc that old stove. Af a slight ex pense ue can make it as good as new BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREE1 . Treasurer's Call for City Warrants. Notice la hereby given that tht-re re now funds on hand to pay all out standing warrants Issued on general fund of La Grande city, up to and In cluding No. e:s;, ,r.Jo;s.J iith II. 1907. ' - Interest on all warrants on general fund from No. 7S2 to No. S765, In clusive, ceases from this date. There are alo funds In the treas ury to pay all warrants issued asra!nt the water fund of La Grande city," up to and Including No. 1 7 16, endorsed National Bank I V . V on complete in the County. An absolutely, reliable1.: . .v 1 La Qraude, Ore. J Loans typroperty H. B0HNEMKAIV1P CO ! ' t 'ihe'StaySAtlsfactoryTlaBge t ej July 7, 190S. Interest on all warrants on the water fund from No. 751J to No. .7766. Inclusive, ceases from date of this call. Zj. Griadei O.-eficn, Noveiiber V 190S. , ' ;"' "' ; ' " ' J. K. WRIGHT, City Treasurer. Pictures. Nice pictures not expensive at Ferguson's.