LK.H1 PAtJES. . pge two. Pastime Theater Governors to Attend.. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov.18.Governois of several coal-mining states have al ready accepted Invitation to attend the American Mining; congr'eWlu this city early next month. Every Effort I being made to Insure the purl Id pat ion In the congress of the chief xecuHves. senators and representative of all the principal conl states. In order to no cure uniform laws for the protection of the life and limb of minora. Many other mining reform will bo consid We Want Your Wants D. R. ECtXES, Proprietor, MOTION PICTURES ND IIXU3TKATED SONGS Tho Girl I Left Behind Me. 'Dcur OldIouo." The Salome Dance. Viking's Daughter. . . , IN Our Want Ad CoSumn Your want is p'aced befors a thousand or mors want-seekers every flay Can you afford to spend one cent por word of your ' want ad whe:a results ars the keynotes? Tho alior boy Imprisoned scleral ADVICE TO STUDENTS ered by the congress. . ,. s1..' f3t rtcjUT.i3.;v-r5r,r ii .-.. ru , v-.f v.: VrV- svxxixa observer. L.i cnAsnn. ongfiQ , wr..-xKrdAV, xovembek in. im SAIIOR LAD PREFERS W mm wm " I 4 -5 ' a Mitchell to HMk.'. New York, Nov. 18. John Mitchell, former president of the Vnlted Mine workers of America, has accepted an Invitation to deliver an address on trade agreement at the annual con vention of the National Civic Fedora tlon In New YorJ on December 14. ." Notice to contractors. Bids will be opened in the parlors of the Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings bank at 10 o'clock m., November 18, 190C for the erection and comple tion of business building for the M. k M. Co. Plans and specifications for building can be seen at the office of Robert Miller, architect, No. 1107 Ad ems avenue. A good and, sufficient bond wilt be required for the comple tion of building. The owners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. dNovlO-18 DRESSMAKING Fashionable dress making at 1407 Main street. 'Phone Red 1043. Mrs. C. E. Wills. I TIME AND CASH Saved by my Met ied of Dicing We!is No Wood Used .. ' Gasoline Engine Saves ypu much time and mon ey. Instruction in Gaso line Engineering . , .'. r Call or Write R. A. WEST, The Well Driller 7 Days Sale On account of too large a stock of watches u c iv! the following price for 7 days only: WALTHAAf or ELGSN, CENTS CASE VY4LTr!AIV! or ELGIN GEIVTS SIZE IN 20 YEARS COLD CASE - - $1175 WALT It AM or ELI LADIES SIZE IN 20 YEARS GOLD CASE - $12.75 IF YOU HAVE A BROKEN WATCH VE WILL GUARANTEE TO MAKE IT RUN IMlllsK Kiuni. SIEGRIST &CO- JEVVf LESS AND OPTICIANS m m m A m A A A ft tt S S S Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. i LA GRANDE D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops ad Foundry tor the balance of his fine hud bet ft met by a public tubscrlption, to which a dozen or so of the, city donated. The servant of Undo Sam must report In Portland today or his furlouah wlil hnve expired and severe punishment administered when ho does reach hln post of duty on tho Keurxago. Being unable to pay tho $23 fine imposed on him, he was taken to the Jail to serve time. Ten dollars were worked off the fine in this way, but as the last day of his parole arrived, the young fellow grew morose and melancholy, as he realized only too well what wns In Btore for him If he broke his pa role. So a few who regretted to see Uncle Sam's uniform cooped up In tho county Joll for a crime of which there is room for doubt was commit ted Intentionally, threw a dollar at the sheriffs office and Mr. Sailor Boy was allowed to hurry to his post of duty. The fellow Is honest to ulterior indications and it is believed that he will refund his benefactors as soon af fortune shines on his pathway again. IDE ERG IS Such rapid advancement has been made on tho foundation for the new M. & M. company's implement house, that a day or two, more will see the work finished. All .but a 'few feet of tht foundation Is completed today, while the secondary wall of brick which will act as a support for the sidewalk over the excavation Is already fin ished, When tin. foundation is com pleted, there will still bo the refngt of the masonry. t remove from Uu cellar and considerable dirt to liau away, before tho pioilnilnary work I rendy for the bulkllnt? contractor. ' Other Building NVtiily Done. From now on, work on' the Boltor. & Bodmer structure will be of a fin ishing nature. The large structure It enclosed and pointers are making rapid headway with their portion of th work. A spacious office 1 being: built In one eornor of 'the' structure today. A rock foundation has' yet to bo built and then the large Improvement ex penditure's will be practically nt an end. bn "--Watches' win SIZE IN SOUVENIR $5.25 t 9 Sj S1 S) 9 d resetting and repairing IRON WORKS Iff MI Given by Dr. Pearsons, Who Has Been W'liit iiuiii'h Greatest Benefactor He Worked His Own Way Through Col lege mill IJt llovcs Every Ilo y Can "i6 "Likewise Hum Little. Use for the I'rewi'iit Day College Alhlctle Field Whitman Is" Now Non-Kecturlan. Walla AValla, Nov. 17. For tha first time in the history of Whitman college, Dr. D. K. Pearsons of Chicago, who lias betn the greatest benefactor of the college, was present yesterday morning at the dally chapel exercises and addressed the student body. The rirst Impression which one gets of the great philanthropist Is that he Is now reaplnt; the reward of a lifetime of Melf-denlal, of a long life which he has lived temperately and in perfect ac cord with the highest calls of true citi zenship. He is 89 years old. Dr. Pearsons said that as he was entering the chapel room he had been talking to one of the professors who had commented on the large number f young men who were working their .vay through college. "I was very much pleased to hear that," he said. "but I venture that there is not a -Ingle person in this great gathering who had to work as hard as I did for college edu.qatlon. Why, for five years I boarded myself, baked by own Johnny-cakes, cooked my own potu- :ol9, friend my Wn meat. For five years I depended upon myself entire ly, and during that time I waxed fat in the doing and was well and hearty at all times." Leaving the reminiscences of his own life the speaker went on'to tell llOW he dislikes to see a person helped vho Is not worthy of the, help. "I ave helped young' men. I have loaned ,nd given then: money, I huve done erythJng I could to help them along, tnd I have seen tha help abused. If boy is worth anything at all he can telp himself. He can get through chool without anyone's aid. He can "ioe Is own row. Thousands of boys S.o getting their own college education, .nd they are the b:5ys who are worth hile. the boys who -will amount .to miethlng In the years that yet He be- iire them." ' "' The doctor 'urged In no uncertain tfiiis, that college students of today :ionld go tnto college athletics less, ind Into the real hard work of nature lore. He advised the tilling, of the ill and tho ordinary work of the jardon. "You can get better and more helpful exercise digging In a garden hnn playing on a football field. Dig- t'.v v-.'ly iv.C'i .ill got the exercise, that will keep your bodies healthful and pure, and will nt the same time give you a:i op portunity to think some of ,th? grand l thoughts thoughts that are really worth while " ''.'. No Longer sectr.rl'in. Whitman college tojjy iaus'd from the 'guidance of the I'ongreg.Uioiiallsls and became a non-sectaric.n Institution ,-he forninl being 'ff H t"3 when the board of supervisors met this ir.ovning find sign d the n'v eouxtHu- i in. Tfiis formality preceded the teulng of the educational c.)ngre. the greatest m- otlnar of the l.liul In re gard to far-rencMvig Importance , tlint has ever been h-M in the west. It has attracted here men of prominence from the east as well as the west. When Whitman collego was strug ?!lug along !n the early days, the t'on grefrntlonal Educational society of llos ton extended aid, and ever since a majority of the board of nine trustees hie been t.'iinRregationallMs. but when the college authorities saw a chance of expanding the plan was presented to the society and Whitman college released from Its obligations. The college, while non-sectarian, will be kept relilgous in tope, and the af fairs will be administered by a boarif of S4 supervisors or overseer. Call nt Studio. Th. f-:r:ri .v?a?ed y Mls Hcnstork on Main street, now opened by Miss Nell to do embroidery, tooled leather work and will teach in all these lines. Call and inform your self more fully. Forty-five carloads or more a month of agricultural products have been shipped from Oervsls lately. SONG "Kiss Me." The Bloodstone. DOORS OPEN AT Ladles' souvenir" I P, M. matinees Wednesday, 3 o'clock.. Children's 5c matinee Satur day, I o'clock. ' THE SCENIC g. A. GARDIXIER, Proprietor 'and Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ' " . .'.' and LATEST MOVING PICTURES. 4Ciange cf Program .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. - Illustrated song by Miss Helen Brandon. The Slums of Farls. Rajah's Casket. ' Miss Helen Brandon In Dutch character dance. ' The Wooing and Wedding of a Coon. Miss Blanch Bishop, the fa mous "Hot Tamnle ' Girl," in monologue and singing. Matinee prices as usual. Matinees: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2:30 Children under 15 years cf fr age So at matinees. THE LYRIC PARSON' & BAUER, Managers. .- Lady James' Flight. ' J ' "SIIks Ktlhtrney." 4 The First Bicycle Rider. '...- L'oyd Walker, In singing and dancing. , Gamble for a Woman, . "I'll Tcat h You iron." i. : ' High-class vaudeville, and the most realistic , and s interesting picture ever brought to the city. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday, ' Pictures Oiiuise Monday and Wednesday. ' Prices, adults 10 cents; chil dren under of 12, 5 cents. Ladles' souvenir matinee Wednesdays, on Saturday.' 4 4 4 4 NOTICE. SiK-elnl Election to Approve Charter Intendments. Notice Is hereby given that on Tuesday, tae 24th day of November 1908, a special election will- be held of the voters of tho City of La Grande. Union county, Oregon, and the nollt--vi;i be open from the hour of 9 o'clock a, "m., until the hour of five o'clock p. m.. of said day. Snid election Is called by ordero( tho Council of the City of La Grande for t-ie purpose of proposing and sub mitting to the people of the City of Grande, the approval and adoption of certain amendments to the charter of the city of La Grande as shown by the proposed charter heretofore ap proved by tbe council of the City of i.a ("5ranie by ordinance No. R!2. Ser ies 1808. and filed with, and in the office of the recorder of the city of La Grande, on the 10th day of Sep tember, IS OS. The approval of these amendments, by the people of the city of La Granfie will be submitted to fr.e vot ers on the following proposition: Shull the City of La Grande amend Its charter and approve the amend ments to the citv charter, and the new city charter proposed and submitted by the council to the people of the city of Ia Gmnde? The following are the polling places. J-jdRfS and clerks of the several wards designated and appointed by the council- , I Fir?t Ward. Cltv Hall Judges: J: I P. Clark. E. C. Davis and Frank Kll ! Patrick. Clerks: William Miller and Arthur Crutis. Second Ward. Council Chamber Judges: Peter Kuhn. F. S. Bramwell snd George Pall. Clerks: H. E. Cool Idtce and A. W. Nelson. Third Ward. Building west of Rirf-ey's -.!!'.!!' Petsn. avenue Jiulsres: C. C. Penlngton, B. W. Grandy and John Cats. Clerks: C. A. Vurpi'.lnt and A. C. Williams. Fourth Ward. Iirrls' Hall Judges: Bernard Logsden. O. E. Fowler and John Pheak. Clerks: C. J. Vander pofl and Warren P. Noble. In witness whereof I have hereunto attached my hand and affixed the seal of my office, this 10th day of Septem ber. lns. (L. & D. K. COX. ' Recorder of the City of La Grande. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Brick building, 20x5.0, on Elm street Inquire of A. C. Hunt ington. ' : FOR RaJNT Office rooms; steam heat. Apply to Geo. Good, proprie tor of the Faley house. . FOR RENT Five-room house, 1914 Adams ave; four blocks from Fir St. IS per month. ' 'Phone Black 1662. ' Nov7 FOR RENT Seven-room house, with "bath. Inquire at the Zuber resi dence. ; . , . . THREE furnished, rooms for light housekeeping. 1301 Madison Ave. Phone Black 402. FOR RENT Three rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 1300 Madi son avenue. 'Phone Black 402. fcpexlal. For sale ,a tract of land totaling; 660 acre. , One hundred acres under cultl tlvatlon. A $1000 restaurant and oth er good Improvements; spring water enough for house and barns; creek, across one 40 all for $5000 cash. Lo cated six miles from town on R. F. D. Figure it out for yourself. Write to Indian Valley Realty company, Elgin, the firm that stands for a squaro deal. , WHY NOT TRY Popbam'a ASTHMA REMEDY? jives and positive relief In evry case. Sold by druggists, Price $1.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co., Props. t ' Cleveland, O. F6r salr by A. T. HILL, Druggist - WOOD SAWING ' . ' phone and we will do your wood sawing very promptly, and at prices you can afford to pay. We are always ready. MATHEWS & GLASS. Phone, Black 1561. In case ot atumaeh and 'iver trou ble the proper treatment Is to stlmu late these organs without Irritating them. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the llvet anc. Doweln,tt.iout irritating tneso organs like pills or ordinary cathar tics. It does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. A. T. Hill, druggist-- mm; . WILVT will you have for dinner today? You may answer this question satisfactori ly by dining at Tin: MODIX RESTAURANT Tho Old Standby. Our cooutng is a paragon of per fection, our food faultless, and our service rapid and courteous. What more can we say, except that our prices are popular? We give a regu lar dinner for 25 cents, Come and try it You will not need the sense of hunger to enjoy It The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLf. Prop. Open Day wSe" Weekly i rn And Night MealTicV.ts forU Piano Toning. E. E. Francis, professional plaao tuner here a few days. Orders re ceived at Smith's rooming house. ..Vt - .! i1 i f-.,y . SI I rou SALE. FOR SALEy-Two' to four acres of suburban property, well Improved. 'PhoneBlack 1532, or see E. W. Kammerer, 2004 Adams avenue. , FOR SALE Cheap land. Inquire at sugar factory. . , . FOR SALE Two milch v, cows, cne fresh. Jersey calf S days old; other. Durham,' giving 2 gallons. Inquire of Mrs. Chllders, Island City. ' ' ..''; dwl0-l-24 For Sni. Thoroughbred wh: . Leghorn, single comb cocks. All pure breeding stock. Inquire of F. B. Houston, Box 46, La Grande, Ore. , ' FOR SALE OR TRADE Will sell or exchange for ood team, a fine Coach stallion, age 7 years; weight 1600 pounds. Can be seen at Klrt ley barn, La Grande. Al. J. Selby. FOR SALE Small house and a 140x 130-foot lot. Buy from owner and save commisslcner's fee. Inquire of J. Bachant, Cherry street. FOR SALE Four good fresh milch cows. Inquire of Blue Mountain Creamery, Union, Oregon. , For Sale. Cabbage for Krauft, 'Phone your orders now, 'Phone red 1702. . Land for Kale. 40 acres of fruit, garden or alfalfa, land for sale cheap if taken eoon. C. D. Huffman, R. F. D. 2, La Grande. Notice to Shippers. Under a new Interstate regulations, shippers are required to mark or place a linen tag on all shipments of freight with the consignee's fullname and Inl- -tlals, together with town and state. If not so marked or tagged, shipment . will be classed at one class higher rate. Shippers of oil, acids, gasoline, powder and all other explosives are re quired to furnish a certificate of packing and attach label to same con forming to the class of shipment. Cer tificates and labels can be had at the O. R. & N. office. Rules relating to Inflammables and explosives must be lived up to or shipment will be re fused. J. H. KEENEY, Agent. Dr. W. H. KEATING Fynerf Fvtinht $nrhfit nf Saft Lake ... is now at Sommer Hotel. Don't fall to see him about your eyes or glasses. . If you are having trou- bio with them. Remember, the doctor is not a stranger and can furnish you many references. Call and see him about your eyes. DR. W. II. KEATING. SOMMER HOTEL. Better Then Spanking. Spanking does not cure children ot bed-wetting. There Is a constitution al cause lor this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W, Notre Dame, InJ will send free to any mother her suc cessful Instructions. Send no money, but write her today If your children trouble in the way. Don't Maine the child, the chances are it can't help It This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night r? i -4' .' 1 9i