KtGHT IAGI'3. PACE riiifrr. ' " ' "'" " MtMMl I IIAVi: GOOD AUUiM HXW. I K II . 1 K I V M 1 . I . I III U W !.l :: AT . I: II ' nmm w frv rm ? sufficient sound. The hole will be en- t i HK'rKOrliKb MUKfiil : 5 - giil OUR''ORE 'fcit or-nsrvv - fall ceds -: a-it - 5 :: L13 I Eri: will hold. Every line of Fall's newest styledic-:; :: goods ever shown in this town, we win nccu iin ui iuuiu iui i. :: this new display. .We want -to hurry things a little with this pre- :: :5: bent stock in order to get it out of the store during - this month..:: I n L it.. tf A.,'ntf Wnt,mh!r..PV?rV rfJtV irftm HOW - Until UZ' ' 2 Senator Levy Ankeny. to caputa K. Si-OIWeUUfllllV Ull UUIIit-lVW.iiiMV. - J J - - The wedJinsr Is to cember. 1st-you can expect many special bargain prices here We ::( wn :: Know that bargain prices do move things. This entire stock :; 'iTMTFXT Klu riuxa ! a r-1 1 1 4 r At'5 " at iv i iiv i a: i - ii itr. mot t w I ; ' : ' 1 - ' .' , . - M La Grande's Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Emporium ii Tie 'Tefiif)e .of . EcoiUDHif .. !! , , : m :: 0P?A HOUSE BLOCK . - - o e t ee i rie vaue of a prescription depends upon the pro mpt ness with which it reaches the sick room "Dp It How" W motto' which stands for much in our prescription de t I t t partment. Ml prescriptions dllU UCIIVCICU J - - - r - for pure drugs and careful compounding .:. .:. IVe Carry Everything which Shoutd be Found in a Drug Store i HILL'5 DRUQ JTOKE I LA GRANDE, OREGON I BLUE MOUNUIN HOUSE I T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) Raies$l.OO, $1.25, $1.50 Besf 25c mea n ffte cfy Beds 25c and 50c A7 outside rooms. Board and lodge $6. pet week One block from depot lYOU NEED NOT WORRf 5 About seams, lining and interior details of clothes when you have a suit made by cur tailors, Ed. V. Price & Go. Every suit or overcoat is absolutly guarantaed by us ; S LET US MME A SUIT FOR YOU and you will bthe best dressed man in town s o'eeas' - are filled as soon as received t Only house in the city employing f white help only I TRY OUR SERVICE i Opposite La e a . LA GRUNDE, OREGON 9"eeeeei flEW : -.CR0P ALMOMDS 'MP VVALMUTS 1 1 1 ' " ', " 1 a'' JUST ARRIVED New Lot of Premium Hams PICKLES HEINIS full line of fresh pickledgoods. Bottled and in bulk. Our CHOW CHOW is great CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY. . Polack, Prop. Strayed. Tuesday, November S, black male hunting dog (pointer) white breast; carrying black lenther collar with large ring. Finder please notify E. Sebbelov. Both 'Drones. 4-St EN IN Grande National Bank. Corner Elm and . r.nit-nr uni'RnV. vrrxnAV. VOVFMIJFft U The fire tthlstlt? that will some day In this near future cerve tt8 a ,,re a'arm In this city, has been returned 'to Al bum for Improvements and. 'repair". The In.'et to the ti-U v.as too srmill, nt sufficient strum could enter to make sufficient sound. The hole will be en larged n.id a convenient lever attached to dlspln.ee the valve screw. When H returns to La Grande with, these re pairs and "Dlj.mge It will be adequate In nols e-maklng propensities. Division Foreman" Watson affirms that the par ticular tone which the whistle pos sevtti, ran ivi he, i iutrir thun a more shrill tone. lie Is confi dent the alarm will be entirely satis factory when the required changes art made. - SUSS AXKENY TO MAK11Y. Bishop Paddock Leave Ln Grande for Guidon C ity to Officiate. Bishop Paddock of the eastern Ore gon dloceso of the Episcopal church. Is In Walla Walla tonight. He Uft here this mornlnsr after spending the night with Cpton il. Gibbs. At Walla Walla tomorrow night he will be the o!'fl -kiting minister at the wcddlna of of P. bo Sjjonlc.'Htiiw rcuv.Jt.iKtlon Will Jv-'t Touch K.iro fliin..s lloreafte?.' Spontaneous con.b 'Stion will k nn loniri r jjjraasi! the huge pillars op. which Js consiiiicted the elevaU'd track 6t the coal storage-bins. In the 0. K. & N. yor.lt;. Workmen aro t-jdaj snoveling; the coal that, lies .heaped about the pllinfj to a place sufficiently distance ftoin the piling to permit the building of a framework that will pro tect them. In ordrr t fl 'lis It was found nccebtary ,to bt.ild temporary -nai.diira iis'.' tracks - fn- tho eccom modatlon of the niovnhle pocket truck. Into this pocket the coal now ibout the piiltsg will be shovejed and trans pi: led to other pnrts the bin. The protection is to be of heavy tinker that stands, at an arirlf. tnucblrs thf ele vated tracks and reach the bottom ot the bin a considerable distance from the ba.se of the piling. Fires of a spontaneous character, have been fre quent ani th expensive pilinss suffered thereby. have Business Sleeting Friday. An Important business meeting will bo held by the L.a Grande band next Friday night. All members are asked to arrange their affairs so as to be able to attendthis important session VALUES The real value of your property de- pends entirely upon : il- AUi. lilt III IV A properly prepared ABSTRACT will showycu the exact condition of ycur title CALL AT OUR orriCE AMD LET US EXPLAIN WHAT Ar AiMfti : MEANS TO YOU LR. OLIVER: La Grande National Building Bank ri irurri..t Arkcnv. dai'ehter GTON 190. I 11 nir-.rlrsl TnL Up IV WW I iwir or Made Suiis Net and Silk Waists, Infant's Pop Corn Silk Caps, Wool Shirts andLeggins t The Latest in Collars and Bells U 1 I . HE lis ' .tiiati m&k- ;at - Nortli i .Every.. .Sack L- GRANDE WDE CASH CO, r ' Local C0A1 V00D, . Santo Qotheswasher X The only VVashlng Wachine fnade en tirely of metal. Better than all other washing machines combined The only washing machine that sucks the dirt out of clothes. It does not I rub the clothes and therefore does not t wear and tear. A free demonstration t at vour home which will show you In a practical man nr lufct uhat it will do and W V" Jr. - ----- - I G. C Schcurer, I Agent for Wallowa and Union County t PHONE RED 1082 - - . ... I Cut Prices on I Shingles for We need the money;' You need the material Fir and Native Lumber, Gedar Shingles STODDARD LUMBER CO. Adams Ave , .' ' .: . I. i ;1 IIVM i"A .- liCreaflt'ftt 11 w. Massnic m 1 U Vi -.Guaranteed 1 . 10 n ri J Agents AND PEED j leave vou to ludge. i i LAJ'U UK! fsli ? I .. x . ....mtmltu II Lumber : x large Orders r A)