a r Tiif Hiiltr Mi.- VOLUME VIII. LA GRA NDE, CXIOX COUNTY, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, lOUH. N I'M li Ml II- m r n i-r . i I 1 w 1IENEY IS MUCH BETTER AXD WILL IlECOVKIl FAST. Sumo Warlike Color Hull's In the Trial of Abe Rm't Today ills Attorneys f Continue to Fluht for a Change of Venue Rucf Ui'lvon to COurt In Patrol Wagon, Surrounded by Arm cil Officers. ' . , : Ileney is Hotter. . ' fcjn Francisco, Nov. 17. Tho doctor's statement thta morning 'A says Francis J. Honey passed a restful nlghtnd U much hotter. It will probably bo Ihive weeks before lie Is well, awl five weeks before he will tyi able to resume his fiUtk'9. . ' ' . Pan' ranehn'b. Nov.' 17. When tin ,M)e Kuef. trial was -resumed this morn ing the sime warlike military .nspet! marked , the proc edinrrs. , ltuef wut driven to court In- a patrol wagon guarded by five detectives and flv mounted, police. Tho crowd cm tin street kept moving, but everybody en tering was searched. -, Attorney -Doi'ler,. for Ituef, opener! the proceed!. tr. by fills? a supplemen tary affidavit supporting yesterday's motion for 'change 'of venue. After 6 wrangle Dozier we.s allowed to rea2 the affidavit, which covered the ground since the close of court yester day. .:....' i : 'The 'affidavits were' about the same its those, presented yesterday. They pointed out Kuef. was In danger and that he had been driven to court un- . ... : . . .. , . nrlA.-...u ' tier-uie proiecwou i top utinkTu. . Fiiiur.c Utl Aid Liberal. Scores or rppmrs 10 ino can isiniut: ; yesterday by the ritizen Ti.i ul and' order, have been received today. Financial, moral and physical, support '1i.ifl.been pledged. The call nslts the citizens to aid tn tho establishment of a clean and honest press. It says: . "An honest dollar for an honest city .m Arnt a thnnuci nA rlnltnpft for Itfi corruption. All must stand together." Boys Tliouht DrownedT" San Francisco, Nov.. 17. The police today failed to find a trace of four toys reported lost on the bay since yesterday.. It is believed the boat In which they were riding capsized, and the boys were drowned. VICTORY FOK OREGON. Oregon City Ixx-ks Case Perilled in Favor of the State. Balem. Nov. 17. The state's Inter est in the locks at Oregon City will M. . , ..nli..! a r.ii m r I n t7 tn the case of the State vs. the Portland General Electric company. The locks will soon be free to navi gation. The way is now clear tor a joint purchase of the locks by the federal government and the state, for which purchase the legislature has already appropriated $300,000. - VimkIim) Test Fatal. .LlttJe Rock. Arlt.. Nov. 17. Proved by the "Voodoo test" to be a trurderer Louis Hlrsch, a farmer, today slashed his throat from ear to ear and dropped dead before the coroner's Jury which was about to free. him. The ease was all in, but With Insufficient evidence. Hlrsch was suspected of killing Sam Haywood, a negro. A negro on the Jury objected to the verdict, declaring If the revolver that killed Haywood was fired in the court .room it would sweat blood. A test was ordered to satisfy the negro. Hlrsch pulled his revolver and fired out of the window. He saw something on the barrel re sembling blood. He Instantly pulled a knife and killed himself. FlcdiWw for Woman's Right. London, Nov. 17. A poll of the house of commons completed today, shows 420 of the entire S70 membe-s admitted they are -plecgec! to suppon the pending woman's suffrage bill if it Is brought to a final vote. Power ful Influences axe keeping the bill in the committee. Given Life Sentence. convicted of murdering Hyman Ncu man, a pawnbroker, was today sen tenced to life imprisonment. TROUBLE OX CUTTER. Standi! I Slay Re Uiu-oiercd OiTioers Under Arrest. Seattle, ov. IT. Reports preceding the coming of the revenue cutter The IIh, now held In northern waters by a storm, state' several members of the off ileal staff of tne vessel art under arrest, anil that an offlcia Invesllga tlon has been demanded from Wash ington, which will create a big scan dal among officers of the cutter, -it Is reporter thnt there Is friction among the officers. It Is stated that Lieu tenant Miller is In Irons. Captain Henderson has been forced to dis cipline many of the officers. - It Is re ported thrt Lieutenant fllay hag also been arrested. UNCLE SAM READY , TO PROTECT YAUKFES 1'lIILirriNE SQLAUHOX FKEPAUES I Oil ACTION. In the Event That Troufcle KreaKs Out in China, American Interests Will Ue Frotex tcI Atl.uitU? Fleet Held , Slay Sleaii War in the End. Manila, Nov. 17. The Philippine ifjuiili-on has coaled, provisioned and niobilled and la ready to proceed to China Immediately, to protect Ameri can Interests In the event of striour i-onplkttiona. All the mining offi cers' are preparing to leave Caviie. The battalions at Olongapo have be?n or Jeivl to prepare for action. Toe em aenMis of opinion a tb.tt the Atlantic fleet will not go to China at the out break of the trouble, but will remain here as reserves. The feeling Is strons among officers of the Philippine squadron and offi cers connected Kith tho intelligence department of the army, that as soon as the empire emerges from Its pres ent -financier! difficulties, Jat4.'Hg rensions In China and assumption of arbitrary position on. delicate phases In the far eastern problem wilt result In war between America and Japan. GREAT OREGON SALE. Largest Sale of Fruit and Ajrrteultural , Lands Evej Made In Oregon, Albany. Ore.) Nov. 17. The largest sale ever made 1n Oregon fruit, dairy and agricultural land was, Just closed In the sale of 30,000 acres of Ben ton and Lincoln counties to Minneap olis people. Literature for advertising this part of Oregon 'is being prepared. At present about 300 families around St, Louis are preparing to come to Oregon and take hold of the -land, which will be plotted i:;u 10, 20 and 40-acre tracts. PAPE RATTACKS Er.iPEr.CTt. Rumored Thai The Century K?rr:A Was l'citl Suppress J Wer Berlin, Nov. 17. "Die Welt n Montag," (The World on Monday?, e leading German paper here, has cre ated a sensation by the p- blicatlon of what Is purported to be jin exclus ive story that the German government paid 350,000 to the Century Magazine for the suppression of an Interview with the kaiser, that the American magazine left out ef this month's is sue. The paper demands to know If any ofthls amount came from the taxpayers. The article Is very bitter against the emperor. Ready to Test Wires. Baker City. Nov. The Baker Light & Power company is ready to test the transmission lino Into the Grnnce onde, which has Just been finished. In the future La Grande, Union and a number of other places will receive current from the Baker Light Power company of this city. A new transmission line at a cot o $:0.000 has te; built and the people of Grand-? !to de valley reel much re lieved r-vrrdnit. their st!ply of. elec tricity, for last year It will be remem bered that the valley was in darkness for several weeks. In conjunction with the water powet plants at Olive Lake and P.ock Creek, the S outh Baker steam plant Is being pa ir. rcatihi.ess so thai when the loa la too heavy the steam plant can be used rtlso. This It Is believed will give ample Tfurrcnt for the entire system which If now many miles In length- T AT WAIUI IVALU EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS COX- v'-'i". ;"vi1ikiN'rtu:iiiA'CiFi, ErrortH to Make Whitman the Yale of the Wot rroeeetls Witli Satisfaction Many Great Men Make Addresses. " -. 'iy Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 17. -An educational congress which has at tracted delegates from ttll over Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho was opened here today, under the auspices of Whitman college. Addresses will be made by prominent educators nnd literary men from many parts of the country. . ' . ' ..''...'.'..'.' . The following Is the program of ex ercises held In the chapel today: 10:4,". Chapel services. . 11 u. in.- Opening address by tem porary chairman of lht board of over seers. Address, Whitman College,' Its Organisation and Present 'Status," Pre.l'ent S. B. 1 Penrose.. Address, "The G.eator V'hiann, Its Purpose to become the Ilepressntat ive Prh'ate In Htitutlon ef the Pacific Northwest," U.-an A. V.'. Hcndrlok. :. 2:3'J '. mi Address, "The Economic Value to tho Pacific Northwest, if the Jtassaehusetts' Inst,ituo of ..Teelsnolo jrv.Wertf Tran:iilantcd from Boton to XValla Walla," Alfred Kj, Burton, dean of the Munich usetU Institute of Tv'h- tjobcy, Boston.- ' 7:30 p. m. Address, s a Great Private Institution'. Located In the Scni'i Tc: r:',!-y, i,.a Heoerit a? a lira dr.ince to the Institutions rtiipportt-U by tho Siato?", Dr. 'yrjs Northrup, president of the UnS'e.slty of Minne sota! ' .''. KEXTl'CKY BANK CLOSET). Ca-hier Suspi-etetl of 'Having Comic tUm With 5-J2.01M) Sliortase. ' I Montlcello, Ki:, Nov. 17. The CHI sen's National bank Is closed, today! day. trashier -Charles W. ilcCpnnahey arrested In connection with t,he sus pension. Authorities are seeking the assistant cashier. E. R, Winfrey. The shortage Is estimated at 322,000. The deposits are $80,000. , V - Miot by His Cousin. Puyallup, Wash., Nov. 17. Elmer Rhodes, who was shot in the head last night by his cousin while trying to pecteVto live! The t SodgTd ' tho brain. Rhodes had trouble wlthj"" o .. . ku -.f .n ... wrned to keen awav cpy this morning which was mailed from home, but he returned, with the above results. . " . .',' THOFSAXR FEET IX AIR. Balloon "United Stales'' Awaits Wind : to Curry it Eastward. ( Los Angeles, Nov. 17. "United States" bo 1 loon Is hovering 4& roues , cast of here awaiting a favorable wind to carry It thrbugh the Cajon pas.-, be tween San Bernardino and the Sierra Madre mountain ranges. Into the Mo tive desert, and thence eastward. At ..ii.i Bernardino a note was found say- -- '.he balloon had been IOjOOO feet ,i,.'n, and finds nothing but north ,,iiid. All Is fine. " Oriillna Roufth Riders. Tacoma; Nov. 17. A squadron of rough riders Is being organized In the country near hee by an officer of the Guatemalan army, to provide a trust worth' bodyguard for President Ce bera. The rough riders are offered $100 In gold per month. Some of them are Americans. Secrecy Is being main tained, fearing the United States au thorities will Interfere in some way. Subways for Seattle. Seattle. Nov. 17. Councilman Fred crick Sawyer hag introduced In coun cil a bill granting a franchise to W. L. Dudley of Seattle, and W. S. Brady of Philadelphia, to construct extensive system of subways. The project Is backed by millions of eastern capita'.. The ordinance outlines three subway routes for street cant. The bill was referred to a committee. Dcput Appointed. Aberdeen, Nov 17. John G. Lewis wtnte treasurer-elect, has announce'' the appointment of W. W. Shcrmar of Raymond, as his deputy. '. "''Ottjrrovc.!? M: -Wvr. . . Paso Rr.bles. Nov. 17. Governor elect Cot-grove of Washington. Is 1m proving rapidly. He vas able to wal' today. Dr. Keylor has gone home. KAISER PROMISES TO ' IE GOOD HEREAFTER KAISER CA11TIETES WITH Crisis In Germany lleitcvcd I'asstxl- tvalHcr Will lie More Gimrdini in Ills Spxe'h nnd ExereLse Le.ss Au thority. " ' ' . Kiel, Nay, 17. The UaLser capltuiat etl today In' an interview wr.h Von Baelow, It is understood the chnn collor will l.-rnaln In office, Tht kaiser promised to be more reserved In his speech. Interfere less in do mestic, and foreign affair, and be iijiO cTtiixl '.a public and prlvace ul- ances. . " -Vfte.r the Interview the kaiser a'.i! was the most bitter hour spent In whole career.. Tho conference was Id at the Potsdam palacev The lnl- r capitulated in the fac? of hoatlie Itl'.'lsm of free empire. Whether the tiwr will issue a manifesto .11 ml tin? is own power, as demanded by Von uelow. Is unknown Jt is thought the iliontil crisis Is passed. . I ' " Auf Siavder ni-entrs Nfk. I Kii'nungham. Ala... Nov. i7. Um!l t .'lekler vm killed today while tvy- RtJt to break the world's record for U "fH continuous automobile driving, 'ho lit Rena'wlt ear In which he wp.s rttlngr was sinnsiii'M to -pieces una cr.e .ire :.'..cs. r crushed to an unrecognisable t. v On A-t'lit; Off Af;'lnt Katlicrlne. y & Lundoni Nov. 17. The Central News agency sends a dlsputeh from P.omo Viday. which says a correspondent has confirmed the report that the Duke of Abrtwzl has eabled Eatherlne El kins recently brfaking.. their engage merit and releasing -her from a promise io wed. PRAYER CHAIN LIVES. . .'.' , . .- Religions Fraud of a Yenr Aro Make its Appearance Here Agnln. ; Tho prayer enar.vjlvhlch a year ago created national Interest and almost became a scandal Involving several high church dignitaries, Is again prev alent in this city, according to the fol lowing communication: " La Grande, Nov. 17. (Editor Ob- -ver.J-The Prayer chain fraud celve a copy of the prayer with the request to make nine copies of It to send to nine other persons, I wish to say that the whole thing Is a fake. It has been In operation for some years and been attributed to various bish ops, Anglican. Greek, Methodist and JFtoman. Bishop Lawrence, In whose name It has for the past year or two Ant fsrH''-nn ' mor tn do with It than the man In the moon. Do not be afraid of the threat for break ing the chain, for I. have received sev eral of these missive and as Invariably cansign them to the flames or waste aper be.ckrt, and have never suffered the slightest Inconvenience In conse quence. . UPTON H. GIBBS. Rector St. Peter's Church. ORGANIZE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Railroad Shop Employe Will Be Taught Flre-FlKiitlnjf Methods. An organized fire department will soon be vogue at the round house. The splendid new hose cart, equipped with requisite tools and 50 ' feot of first-class hose, Is no In 'the hose house at the yards, and in a few days, a complete organization of employes will be effected, yk chief will be chosen and the employes grouped Into squadn under sub-leaders, so that If ever a fire "breaks out In the yards or any O. R. & N. bulldlnsr. the volunteer department will be on the scene with a dash. In a few days the ftrt fire drill will be held. In vi'.i-i the men wlll.be taught the nvwt expedient methods of extinr-' '- ir-.g a blaze. The hose cadt Is n-:':' painted -and de clared to he fully equal to any cart in the city department. A!k.i Ix;!fl'ti Fatal. Birmingham. Ala.. Nov. 17. An ex plosion today In. the Tennessee Caal i ?omoav' mine ktiieu cr, attord-j Ing to reports. PU bodies have beenj removed, the mesage says. It is fenr-j ed the rescuers are unable to reach the entombed men before they die. .MAY HAVE XOTVRY. i t')isliiri Arc Now Kc'iulmt to Pay Tliclr Own Notary Fees. To relieve the burden Imposed on depositoi In the suspended Farmers & Traders National bunk, a notary public will be employed by the bunk hereafter, ,U pruaent plans , niutgic, laae'r" uut t-s&Mis i &'XiiJ?'&iti u? i) ite -ltor must pay for notary fies himself In making proof of claims. If the application made by Receiver Neidner Ik granted, a notary will bo furnished by the government to take the neces sary affidavits that must accompany each claim. In - such Instances, as where the deposit Itself la only a few dollars. It robs the depositor of con siderable of the savings it ho Is forced to yay notary fees. OILIEK'S FINAL ffffl "-'TURNED CSI BY JUDGE WILL IL0 WITH XI'GRO ' OX li: EiiiJF.ll ELEVEN Tit'.' ( nils oik Gad to Farclm Jiido Who CclldouHiM un In;went Man Court Tirn Piile, But Sk-U ' the Day of ...... ... . ....... . i Ui'.fnii.ui. ; '. .. '.. Chlevui, Nov. 17. Herman Milh'ki' eonv'.cteii. of iv.l,'ouliie' the Vrsal "fam-." ily, 'r.& a final tppeut for Ids life lit Ju.!j.-e .,-:! rn ;'.' eo5?l tedny. When , aked.- U' he - had ;;.iyUiiac lo 8iiy, ho shouted;' "I '? t;-foio Ciod I aiu I n nocent; toa'y God .have mercy on your soul If you condemn me, un Innocent man. (o du on the Hallow;)." ' ,'T!ie judso turned nn.lo.but set the diy cf execution for December 11. Blllek wos helped from the room. The condemned man will be hanged on the timc date, on'-which, a. negro murderer will fee. swung into eternity. For Social Service. , SlL',ul;, Nov, 17.Wlth prominent worker of both the Methodist Episco pal and Methodist '.Episcopal church, south, In attendance, the first national convention of the Methodist Federa tion for Social service was opened in St. Louis today. Both the northern and southern sections of the denomi nation, which have been split since the war. have equal representation on the program, which Includes a dlscussldn of all phases of sociological work for the uplifting of the asses.- . .' t ' "," , ',; TO BAKER CFTY SATURDAY. Second Hlxli School Team Will Flay Duker Second Team. , The doughty second high : school team will go to Baker City next Sat urday morning to play the second team of Baker City, The game was arranged today noon and the members will .,.V t-,r1.A Har fratn for the Saturday fray. They are still stiff and sore from the strenuous game. -of last Saturday, but will get Into the pink of condltl6n In the Interim,- ' , Moving About Over. J. H. Pcare, the Jeweler, has about completed his "moving day" and Dick R. Kelley Is making preparations for opening his fish market In the room occupied by tho Pearc store for many years. ! STOP THE I FIRST COUGH Early fall coughs often pave ting up a chronic inflammation of the air passages. Cure the first cough promptly and rightly and you will thus be taking precautions against liability to later annoyanqes and danger. For any kind of a cough at any time, wo know of nothing better than Ncvvlin's White Pine Expectorant It Is a remedy that we can highly recommend, because it cures tn the right way, and its value has been demonstrated by year of use. Price 25 and 00 Cents. NEWLIN DRUG CO LA CRANDE; ORE. 1 SEEOS AT FAULT tTEEINO MILLIONAIRE ot lv iudixo iii:bf ltc)Krt Thnt Conlcy Was Keen in I Gruiulo I.nst Sunday Night It De nied by Conductor Coykcudall Who, It Was Claimed, Saw lllm on Sunday Nlslit's Train Conductor Denies the Report Today. The reported statement 'iff Conduc tor Coykendall :. of Pendleton, that Conlcy, the ii!l!lhni-,!re wheat grov-r and banker of 'Cove, who Is wanted in rorlhuvJ en a statutory charge, was ill La Ginnde'hwt Sundny evenlnr, comiiiR in on No. 2, the eastbound pes senser trnin, Is not true. Mr. Cviy kenilull denied thl,i over the telephone today, ', ., Tin; rumor had (rained cimsl-.lernMe cred'Mici? In La Gr.tnde today and Tii Observer,-' In eorrohori.tlng the report, wtis minl.ile to gain any authentic siy-'inenls frm t'ove neishhors of tle fu!;li.ive, where ho .In.-;, supposed by some to be in hfdlnif. In. Us Investift.'.ilon ' The observer convtrsed vv'Uli Conductor Cofkend.ill of Pendleton ' over the telephone this nrteriomn, and 1,';C eo:li:et"r vloetly denied havinsr ' ei-en f'oniry since I'-ie i?-.;y lie we tit ti) i'o; t!:vnd. Acoordinif f. the con.lu',toi'.' own statement; the rpert of Ovley's' i.reseiiee .liv,Tho Grande Hni1e valley M at fault arid without foundation, ( . , . y, -. . . .'-.. - .West' Vlr-liiia 9!Uitoiw. '.' WheelinK, W. Vu.. Nov.' 17. Be ginning today and continuing' until Friday, tho Scottish Iille Jiaymis of this section will hold what promise' to bo one of the most Interesting con- vocations In th history of the order. Delegations' of . Masons are here from Pennsylvania and Ohio, as weM. as from this Ptute.The reunion will close with a banquet Friday evening. Blenched Flour. Washington, Nov. . .Whether bleached" flour Is healthful Is the prob lem to be decided by the board of food and drug Inspection at a hearing to day. Prominent millers appeared be fore the board to defend the practice of bleaching flour. It is alleged that the public demands flour of snowy whiteness and that the unbleached product would be unsalable. Tariff on Provisions. Washington, Nov. .The tariff re visionists of the committee on waya and means of the house today took up consideration of thi sccdulo relating to provisions and agricultural products. The hearing will be continued 'tomor row. ; - ' :..,' '''.. . ...,..-.".; uuw - -f ......j..:.-. Portland, Nov 17. That the city will start the new year with a popu lation of 225,000 l the estimate by census takers of the R, U folk com pany, who are engaged in compiling a new directory. If this is true, Port land will have made a gain of 15,000, v . Z7 . . :'- A f rlutgrowers' union will be or ganized at Dufur. Farmers around Clatskanle are planting many fruit trees and berry bushes. ' - A , tho way for many later ones, by set- 9 "1 J TO 9