.r .. .. . VOLUME VIII. , ' LA GRANDE. TOTOIf OOCWTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER II. . NUMBER St. flSSIISM NOT A SINGLE OPPONENT FOR PRESIDENCY 6TRONG. First Real Day of Federation Conven tion at Denver Brings Out Numer ous Resolution D. &. K. G. Con demned for Us Attitude Against its Shopmen Political Organization Policies Formulated Along With In dust rial Policies. , Denver, Nov. 14. -Today's session of the American Federation of Labor marks the beginning of actual work. Reports of committees will be sub mitted and It Is expected they are de termined, on a policy of organization politically and Industrially. Undoubt edly Samuel Oompers will be re elected president In the face of an al leged and mythical bitter attack. Not a single opponent for Gomp ers' place has appeared seriously thus far today. A resolution demanding further re striction of Asiatic laborers and re striction of t " foreigners excepting Caucasians and other classes now ex empted by the exclusion . laws, were adopted by the convention today. ' Resolutions were also adopted de manding the eight-hour day for jew elry, workers, denouncing the Denver & Rio Grande railroad for Us attitude toward Its striking shopment and ac cusing it of importing thugs and gun mcn as strikebreakers. K ATSTCll DICTATORIAL. .' ' ... Says Nation's Pnllciea to He Shaped by lie Not the Reichstag. Berlin, Nov, 14. "Despite , every thing, I shall go on my way as I see fit. It Is not for the relchstagto dic tate. It Is for me to decide what Is best for the- fatherland," are words .alleged to have been spoken by the kaiser to a group of courtiers at Esch ingen, where the emperor is a guest. All Germany Is awaiting today the kaiser's acceptance of Chancellor von Buelow's resignation, which, It is un derstood, he will present to the kaiser at Kiel Monday. There Is a woman at the beginning of all great things. Lamartlne. GRAND FREE This Evening EVERYONE IVtLCOME IT COST YOU J NOTHING PROGRAM "Carissima" Waltz . . . . . "Yankiana" ............. Car-Barllck Acid . . .' Souvenir de Baden-Baden Raglan Ravelings ........ "Under the Palm Trees' "The Masqueraders ...... Medley March Extra. , Mm I "SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK" MfM HMHHHOHI PERMANENT MANAGER HERE. A. G. Laughlln of Spokane Akkuiikw Management of Local Exchange. A. O. Laughlln, for the past 10 years company as manager at North Takl ma, division clerk, right of way agent, and various positions of responsibility, Is now Installed as manager of the La Grande exchange of the same com pany. He arrived In the city yesterday and received the management from' F. R. Bingham, who temporarily, was In charge following the promotion and departure ' of , former Manager G. C. Osburn. Mr. Laughlln Is a thorough telephone man and well fitted for the management of the growing business In this city. For the next two months his family will visit at various points In Washington, but by the first of the year will move from their Spokane home to this city, t6 be permanently located In La Grande. , The first official change in the office will be the creation of a new depart ment, that Of stenographer. Miss Jus tice Clark wli assume that position next Monday morning. SEARCHING FOR OLD MINE. Son of C. S. Van Doyn Investigating ; Pioneer's Gold 6tory. ' W. H. Van Duyn of Portland a son of C. S. Van Duyn of this city, -t La Grande yesterday for an Isolated spot on the Walla Walla river above Mil ton, where he and others of his party will Investigate the truth of a story told at. Seaside,' Ore., by an old-time prospector, who llvesatJthat place, and who says thgia valuable placer mine exists onthe river mentioned. It was first discovered many, years ago, but no development was done, except to ascertain that the gravel deposits run 80 M,mH..a. -r. Van Duyn will go over the . ground carefully in an f.for.t to6&lsfiveT; fi5 almost forgotten mine. , Conley SHU Mlsetng. . Portland, Nov. 14. A. B. Conley, the La Grande wheat king and banker, who eloped I ' with Gertrude Williams from La Grande a week . ago, Is still missing. All cities In the Wil lamette valley have been notified to look for him. The train on which he left Portland Thursday night, was searched at various places. Fire and sword are but slow engines of destruction In comparison with the babbler. Steele. . Penn. . Loftls . . Morse . Travis Sinhold . Weley . White SWRE BULLET HQ HENEY RESTING WELL FOLLOWING RESTFUL NIGHT. - ' ( Surgeons Take Sexond X-Hay Exam ination to Learn Lot t Ion of Dulld In Roof of Mouth Frequent Bulle tin All Show Slow But Favorable Improvement and Rally From the Wound Operation May Be Ncees Nary Family Is Destitute. ; Searching for Bullet. ' San Francisco. Nov. 14. Sur- geons are taking a second x-ray examination, the first having failed to locate the bullet. His. condition is better late this af- 4 4 tArnnonl '.-.''''.'.. Did Not Lose Voice. Lane Hospital, San Francisco, Nov. 14. Francis J. Heney, the noted pros ecutor, Who was shot down by Morris Haas, an ex-convlct,' in the Ruef trial late yesterday, is resting quietly this morning after ft good night's rest. Surgeons are more hopeful for recov ery than they were at mtdnlght. Heney Is .In full possession of . his facjltles. The report that- he would lose his voice Is denied, . i. The surgeons held a consultation this morning, to remove the bullet, which Is under the right Jaw. It pass ed downward from oenina.ine rigm bulletin issued at f :. , this 'morning by. Dr. Edwin; S. Bun nell, says Heney will recover H com nllcatlons do hot follow; The bullet did not touch the brain. . ;' .-' Statement From Physician. .' Bunnell Issued this statement to dayr , ' ". -V. "Heney's condition .18 Improved." His pulse la stronger. , In all probability the patient will rest comfortably from now on. He will not lose his voice. The wound is through the posterior narcs, but did not touch the brain.",, Illumes HearHt Rudolph Spreckles, proprietor of the 5an Franclrco Call, a strong supporter of Prosecutor. Heney, said to the Unit ed Press today: "When I was approached by an Examiner reporter last night for a statement, I said: " 'Tell . Hearst I believe he is rc sonslble for another murder.' Ing and caricaturing of Heney la the San Francisco Examiner, owned by W It. Hearst, is much responsible for the . . . - t"rt attempted assassination as a bold plot behind the whole thing. The shooting of Heney Is not unlike the assassina tion of President McKlnley, which was laid at the door of the yellow Jour nals." 1 Detective Burns, who Is associated with Heney in the graft cases, declared today it was the result of a deliberate plot, planned by the "higher ups," and says Haas planned it for weeks, prac ticing with Ids pistol. Haas FRinlly Ix-Ktitiite. Rude Kcrawls of targets drawn with, pencil on the shattered boards of the cellar and alleyway near the home of Haus, were found today by the po lice. There Is unmistakable evidence that Haas has been practicing to Im prove his .aim.. Neighbors heard sev eral shots and investigated, but found nothing. H.tas awoke In Jail today apparently unconcerned ever Heney's condition. In a little home on McAllister street his wife and children were consoled by neighbors. Mrs. Haas fainted last night when the news was brought her. Today she declared she was not the wife of an ex-convlct until Heney had exposed him. She worried over It and said: "When my husband left home at S o'clock yesterday afternoon, he said he wouiJ fcc bfccx ftT-"nii:r. , he was leaving the bouse he shouted back he would probably not return. He was nervous. We were happy with our four children, the youngest aged I and the oldest 14." Haas, who was a liquor dealer, was unemployed and his family U destitute. . Burnt Makes Statement. Detective Burns made this state ment today: "Here was a man who bore a grudge agulnwt Heney because Jhe was exposed ;kj .,t!!:.r. , am ft ..'.vl.., , after the latter had bade a desperate attempt to get on the Ruef Jury. He needed little prodding or goading, by these 'out of sight' murderers. He soon decided to kill Heney. Haas la no crank, or rattle-brained lunatic, but cool-headed. A week ago I received a letter warning me to look out. An attempt to kill me would be made near my house. I saw one of the Ruef pug uglles hanging around my residence. but he fled. Ruef will go to the pen itentiary." . ". .. . A bulletin Issued by Dr. H. C. Mof f It at noon, read: . ."Heney passed a comfortable night His condition this morning is very fa vorable. , Drs. Terry, Bunnel and my self are about to take an x-ray plate, following which a consultation will be held with Drs. Still man and Hunting ton to determine what further action will be necessary. In case It Is neces sary, an operation will be performed by Terry, Bunnell, . Huntington, Still man -and myself." r i Meage From Roosevelt. . The following message was received by the Justice league from President Roosevelt: '. "Every decent American who has the honor and Interests of his com munity at heart should Join, not only In putting a stop to the wave of violent crime of which this man's act is but one of the symptoms, but In stamping out the hideous corruption in which men like the would-be assassin are bred and flourish. That can only be dono by warring as Heney warred relentlessly against every man guljty of corrupt practices without regard to social standing or to prominence in politics or business. I give utterance to what 1 know would be Heney's wish when I say I earnestly hope, whether or not he recovers! there will be no faltering In the work In which Heney Is so gallant and efficient a leader. Two additional mass meetings will h hpld tomorrow afternoon In tbe churches. ' ' '' BELIEVE EMPEROR LIVES. Xo Definite Anruv-e That Death Re- port Yesterday Is True. . London. Nov. 14. Foreign office It trying to confirm or disprove the re port of the death 'of the emperor of j China. Nd definite news has been re- celved. The delay in confirming the death is convincing. European busl ness men state the emperor Is not dead. .A later dispatch from Pekln affirms yesterday's report : TIES FOR EAGLE VALLEY. Baker City Sees Evidence of Further . nnii.nnniriit Work.. O. C. Finlenberg, engineer for the Chicago-Oregon Construction company. Is now In, the city and has a crew ol men at work distributing ties on 12th street for the Eagle Valley railroad. A. B. Ja'eobs, head of the enterprise, returned yesterday from . Portland where he contracted for the rails for the entire road. The tics have also been contracted for and work will be pushed a rapidly as the weather will permit. In looking over the route En imr Finlenbure found that the ma Jorlty of the surveyor's stakes had been dewtroyed, which Will necessitate a survey of the whole route v being made again. Owing" to the mild weather here It Is hoped that work can be continued all winter. Baker Herald. Birth ltworil. In Union, Monday, November 9, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Parke. In Union, November 8, to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Johnson, a duughtcr.. Land Values Rise. Wilson MoBrldo.- special agent for the government, has completed his field notes tnd is making reports on 70 aonll.-att.-ir.!! within th Wallowa Kaiiunal forest.. He trcn in tbe county since . August 20 and states that land values In the proximity of the claims Inspected have Increased! fully one-third since the coming of I the railroad. Wallowa Sun. ISSUE ILL FOR iilSSIJEEW PROSECUTION OF RUEF WILL BE CARRIED ON. Croud Watch , Bulletin Iktards All Night and Come Away In Ominous Sllenco Some IVr of Riot Rule Call Mam Meeting- of All Citizens Tonight to Formulate Continuance of Prosecution Siweckles" Blames ; Deed to Hearst's Paper. San Francisco, Nov. 14. A'?r n Immense crowd had watched' 1V bul letin board all night to learn th con dition of F. J. Heney, senUcnont set tled down Into a sullenness which the police think bodes evil. Strong men are urging moderation. Every effort will be made to prevent a state of an archy which might follow any overt act.. ' .'.;.'. .'v.'" .; After an all night's session of the the Citizens' League of Justice today Issued an appeal for a mass meeting tonight to decide on the plan of action regarding further prosecution of the Kraft cass. The appeal says: "We appeal to the calm reason of citizens to preserve order and proceed only by due process of law. Look not for vengeance, but swift Justice through the" courts. The prosecution will proceed. , We are assured that the Bucf trial will proceed Monday," The authorities are taking every pre caution to prevent violence at tonight's meeting. Everv cltlaen Is Invited to attend the meeting. The league was organ tssed wfhen the prosecutors announced that tho coubt room during the graft trials were daily filled with thugs, al leged to have been ' hired ,by the "higher ups." Chief of Police Blggy issued this statement: "I am not looking for mob violence here. 1 am taking every precaution to prevt-nt'any possible ruction.' I think the citizens will help us. Ruef and Hass are securely guarded In the county Jail and will be kept under guard until. U has, been decided what will be done with them. There will be a police guard at tonight's meet- ing.": '.'.' v V ..'.':' '' Attorneys Hiram Johnson and Mat L Sullivan, two prominent lawyers, have delegated themselves to work on the graft prosecution to continue He ney's work until the latter recovers. Johnson and Sullivan were discussing the proposition of helping Heney yes terday When the snot was urea, xney sealed the bargain when the news of terday when the shot was fired." They the attempted assassination . brought to them. Johnson said: was "By the grace of God, we will put Abe Ruef where he belongs, and avenge the attempted' arfassinatlon. Sullivan will go into this work, not as an employe of anybody, but as repre senting the body of decency of San Francisco, and without any compensa tion whatever." . . ' . ' Lnniidon Pleads for Order District Attorney Langdon, who ftr- 1 STOP THE FIRST COUGH Early fall coughs often pave the way for manj" later ones, by set- tins up a chronic Inflammation of the air passages. ; J Cure the first cough promptly and rightly and you will thus be liking precautions against liability For any kind of a cough at any I Newlin's White It Is a remedy that we can highly recommend, because it cures in . the right way, and its value has been demonstrated by. years of use. ' ' Prk 25 and 50 Cents. ; NEWLIN DRUGCO. LA GRANDE; ORE. J eeaee rived here this morning from Fresno, said: "The prosecution will proceed. Wa expect a conference bfore night. The machinery of the law will be set In motion immediately to bring to Justice through the regular channels, the .$aw-(eX? legal methods will be tolerated In dealing with him. Others may be In volved. At this critical period all good cltliens must remain cooi-neaied and attempt nothing reflecting further discredit upon the community." ' A SPLENDID ATTRACTIOX. Bancroft, the Noted Psychologist, 1 Coming, Also D. Lillian Lewis. Franklin P. Davis and wife of New Tork, are In the city. Mr. Davis Is manager and director of George Gil- , bert Bancroft, the famous psychologi cal lecturer and entertainer, and D. Lillian Lewis, vocalist and imperson ator. Mr. Davis made arrangements to' bring this talented pair to this city under the auspices of the Toung Men's and Toung Ladlea Mutual Improve- ment association of the Latter Day Saints' church, entertainment to be held in the Mormon tabernacle on the evenings of December 11 and It. This, Is a specially strong attraction and full" particulars will appear later. To Exonerate Family. Elklns. W. Va., Ncv. 14. It was learned today that Miss Margaret Wade, a former social secretary to Mrs. Fairbanks, wife of the vice-president, has been engaged to ' assist In the preparation of the family tree in the Elklns family, to silence the Italian press In their remarks about the Kathertue Elklns family. Secretary Metealr irenlgnv Washington, Nov. 14. The resigna tion of Secretary of the Navy Metcalf, announced last night, has started a flood of-, rumors today. . One Is that Metcalf ahd Roosevelt differed on the reorganization of the navy depart ment. Another Is that Metcalf resign-v ed on account of lit health. , " Rewly fi Balloon Raeo. ; Los Angeles. Nov, ' 14. On the eve of the transcontinental baltoon race the weather bureau announced today the atmospheric condition In the mid dle west and locklee Is becoming fa vorable. The race is between two monster balloons owned by Dick Fer ris, the actor. , MANY IMPORTANT GAMES. . Eastern and Local FooilMll Scores . Posted at Ferguson's Tonight, . Football followers will be furnished football scores this evening through Important iantes, . ,ntfrb renters, are on which public Interest centers, are j the big contests In the middle wes at Ann Arbor and Chicago, ana at .u- 1 . r-,. Tt.. Tnannli mm wtth thrt ' - , , ,,., Interest. : ' ' . ... ." ". ....... Barring some piece of luck I have seen but few men get rich rapidly ex ! cept by means that would make them ' writhe to have known In public- Warner. to later annoyances and danger. time, we. know of nothing bettor than Pine Expectorant j 1 ' - - 0,,,,, :!