La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 11, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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li crjnie Evening ODscrvr
Published Dally ExTfpt Sunday.
Cnitcd Preae Telegraph Service.
Dally, single copy ............. 8c
Dally, per month CSc
Dally, alx montha,,ln advance. . ,$3.50
Dally, on year, In advance M.10
Weekly, tlx months. In advance. . 75c
Weekly, one year, In advance. . .1 1.00
' m second-rdass matter.
This paper will not, public any artl
cl appearing over a nora da plume.
Signed artlclea will be received sub
ject to the discretion of the editors.
Please sign your articles and save dis
Advertising; Rate. ,
Display ad. rates furnished upon
application. .
Local reading; notices 10c per lino
rst Insertion; Sc per line for each sub
. jaequent Insertion.
Resolutions of condolence, 5c a line,
. Cards of thanks, Ec a line.
Dr., James Wlthycombe seems to
fcsve easily solved' the divorce problem
ty looking up the records of S00 girls
who have attended the State Agricul
tural college, that not one hns ever
been a plaintiff or a defendant In any
divorce proceedings In this state. Dr.
Wlthycombe Is a ' recognized boomer
for his school, but In his latest analy
els he seems to have reached the cli
max. With such a record as this c
A precedent," the old O.'A. C. Wilt cer
tnlnly , grow with rapid strides from
this time on. ' : :
Temperance advocates, spurred or
by victories In all parts of the coun
try, are in session today In t)es Moines,
Ht which gathering representative
from nine of the mlddlei west states
Including Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Wis
consin, Minnesota, South Dakota, Ne
braska, Kansas and (ojoraijo;. One1 of
the Chief matters of discussion will be
to secure a federal enactment to pro-
tilblt the shipping of" IUUoTV"lnt'o dry
, territory. 11 '' ; i ' . '')' ;
'. .. i.i i' ."'
The next matter of political Interest
will be the election of a United. States
enator in Oregon. There is no ques
tlon but that there Is going to be an
effort made to defeat Governor Cham
berlain v for election. Matters were
kept quiet during the presldeatlal con
test, but already it Is beginning to as
sume shape and from now on much
will be advanced until the meeting of
the legislature In January, next.
; '' , '
The democrats . have . made some
gains in this state as compared with
two' years ago. At the lost legislature
' Herman Rothschild Qf North Powder,
was the only member In the house.
There will be seven democrats In the
next session,, '; ,
j "'s; . - '
A cobless corn Is to 1 be Mr. Bur
bank' next achievement. Ho has suc
ceeded In growing tho spineless cac
tus, the seedless orange and numerous
other wonderful things, but If he can
grow a. cobless corn there Is seemingly
no limit In his field of activity.
Spokane Is to have a $1,000,000 pa
per mill, giving employment to 1500
workers. It Is payrolls that build
cities. However, In our own particular
vicinity it Is Irrigation tbut will count
for much.
'Trainnin.Mcr Mnthcwui Know Nothing
Tlay About New Train Sor k-o
High Oftk luls t'omliiK to Attend (lie
.Ilanquet t Kntorprl : Tomorrow
Trainmaster J. D. Matheson knows
which Is credited with being slated for
next Saturday. Orders may arrive at
ny time, however, and with the equip
ment already here, H would require
but little preparation to set the trains
moving toward Jowph inuad of Wal-
Iowa, the present terminal.
The engineer who visited the new
tracks, returned last evening, and re
ports everything In excellent, shape.
But as to the exact starting time of
the new service. It wus merely rumor
amona- the trainmen. Officials this
forenoon knew nothing whatever about
It, according to their own statement,
orrielulM Coming Tomorrow.
According to announcement , from
Portland there will be two private
ears here tomorrow bound for Enter
prise where high officials of the O. li
ft N. will attend the commercial club
bdmiuet. Several from this city are
Kiorn-tnir' nn - uttf.rxMn!' Tho event
has the appearance of being one ui
the biggest love feast from an offi
cial standpoint, of any In connection
with the new road's advancement.-'
Chief of Police "T.W. Walden is In
Pendleton . today to apprehend John
Doe, a stranger who Is accused of hav
ing stolen a valuable overcoat from
the pool room on Depot street, for
merly owned by Mr. LcLachlln.. The
alleged theft was made last night and
to, the belief .of the pool room proprie
tor, the thief left on the evening train
for Pendleton At any rate, the chief
Is In Pendleton today with a .warrant
for his arrest, ,
Special Officer' Black la In charge
of the police department In La Grande
Though through cutting sugar
beets for .the .season, ,;.th$re. .Is, " still
about two or threo days' work for tho
Amalgamated Sugar fat'tuybefor-aU
the .material, has been converted Into
sugar. -The beet end of the factory
closed today And the men hve been
laid off. The' other employes, those
having to do with the making of the
finished product, will remain In the
company's service for several days yet,
perhaps the week out.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at La Orande.Ore..
October 6, 1x08.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Portland, Oregon, -who, on Octobei
5, 1908, made timber and stone sworn
Statement No. 0185S, for NWli NWK.
section 28, 8W SW14 section 21, and
3 SEK, section 20, township 5
louth, range 35 E. W. M.. has filed
inflow of Intention to make final tlm-
i f n.)aK1lch lalm I
ur uu tiui.o y......
to the land above described, before
register and receiver of the U. S. land
office at La Grande, Oregon, on the
21st day of December, 1908. , .
Claimant names as witnesses: John
O. Klssell, of Vancouver, wash.; Ches
ter A. Pike, of Vancouver, Wash..
John W. Mattland, of Vancouv"-
IVash.! David C. Brlchoux, of La
Grande, Ore.
F. C. BRAMWEIX, Register.
Department of the Interior, ;
V. S. Land Office. La Grande. Ore.,
September 21, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Baker City, Ore., who, on Novem-
er 6, 1907, made timber end stone
worn statement No. 5810, serial No.
0315, for SEU NE4 and NE'A SE
section ; SH SV4. setcion 9, town-
ihlp 5 south, range 86, E;. W. M.f has
lied notice of Intention to make final
imber and stone proof, to establish
:lalm to the land above described, be
fore the register and receiver of the
II. S. land office, at La Grande. Ore
gon, on the 10th day of December,
'08. ,
Claimant names as witnesses: Da
vid C. Brlchoux. John T. Williamson.
James C. Henry. W. A. Burns, all of
La Grande. Oregon.
F. C. B RAM WELL. Register
Washington, Nov. 18. The United
States has announced Its decision to
day to recognize the new government
of Paraguay, which was established as
the result of
successful revolution
Ian pr!g
THE 500
Club Members Pay $292 ' Instead
Do not Collect From Widows and Orphans of Club Members.
Call at the Store for Particulars .or' Write at Once for
' ; ' Booklet-An Invitailon to Participate In Buying
Tlie Time to Join Us to NOW,
The books of the "Ellers 600 Piano
Club" were opened to the public Mori
day morning, same being announced In
last Sunday's papers, and from the
way applicants for membership have
been coming In It will take only a short
time to fill the club, especially as all
the principal Ellers stores will be pro
portioned their, share of the planos.-
The club room was crowded yester
da ythe greater part of the day rmu
skiuns and teachers were Interested
parents who were In need of an In
strument for the home were anxious
to see the club pianos, and In each and
every case the piano was pronounced
an instrument worthy of everything we
have Claimed for it and even more.
; Fifteen applications came yesterday
four orders from the country, were
received, and nearly a score request?
for the' booklet were sent In.
' The booklet explains fully this great
co-operative' plan, with all Its advan
tages to club members. (The bookletf
are . In . press will be mailed , thlF
wceky. 1 :' v y--i
, Invariably Swiires pecMon.
When the test for genuine good
ness and piano value Is made by an
unbiased ' and competent person the
decision Is invariably given to the New
cale $425' Ellers a 'piano that canno.
be equalled elsewhere for much les?
than double the club price of $292.
; To sum tt all up, we have waited
planned and experimented, sparing nc
expense for years to bring out this
piano to excel all other $425 pianos,
and we are safe now In saying that
we have succeeded.
Careful Planning and Progrcfw. I
' Nearly five years ago, In a real es
tate news Item to be exact, on Janu
ary 24, 1904 The Oregonlan said:
' "The southeast quarter block
Thirteenth and Northrup streets, has deprived of this pleasure and happl
bcen bought by Ellers Piano house. ! ness for years to come, except for this
On this property a three-story brick J groat saving opportunity.' j 5
building will be erected. A, large,
tnree-siory irume siruciure now on I
. ,,,. Xtd, Col- tlOK
I Hie kiuuiiu will w: iinfen uri 11 iiht
' . .1 . ; , . M . X. . . .1 , .1
VOrinrup Blue Ol llio Itil liu ucviuru
to factory purposes. Experimental after of any piano In the Northwest
work toward building pianos has been and on merit alone it's the best $425
carried on by this firm at the present" value we know of, and now for a llm
warehouse at 13th and Marshall streetslted ' time, and It won't be for long,
and the new factory will be complete-; you can earn for yourself Just '$133
ly equipped for the manufacture of by getting Into the club now forming,
the 'Eilers Piano.'" . , ' If at a distance, write at once before
Thus the Ellers piano haa developed you lay aside this paper for Booklet
Into an Instrument that wo can point 7" an invitation to Join in the whole
to with personal pride and say to any sale buying. It's free for the asking
one and especially the most critical and a postal will bring It everything
musician there It Is, our greatest ef- Is explained In the booklet. A call at
fort to give more than a dollar's value the store. If In the city, will repay you
for every dollar Invested. Criticize It. for your trouble, and you can makei
examine It carefully, give its action lttle over $4.43 a minute for 30 mln
the most severe test. Judge Its pure, utes of your time. Ellers Piano H-ibo.:
slnglng-tone quality In fact, find one 353 Washington Street,
weak iMiint. This criticism we ask of . P. S. First edition of booklet Is now
all, . ' ' In print and will be mailed pn the 22d.
We have In the New Scale $425 Ell- Send request In time. If at a distance
ers Club piano an Instrument that Is or ovit of the city.
T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) ,
fates $1.00, $1.25, $1.50
Best 25c meal in the city
Beds 25c and SOc
All outside rooms. Board
and lodge $6. pet week
One block from depot
,'yn j6-vk,a Mvf;.,.-:,; vi'-K.'A;jivw t:T,.,iK .;-w..,..o.;w. v'.' -tv .
Of $425. Besides Eiler's , Piano House
as near perfect as money 'and brains
can produce, and the cost under our
club plan is within the reach ot all
You and 499 others Join In the whole
sale buying. In fact, now, no home
need be without a piano. Simply come
to the More, join the S00 club, which,
by the way, allots to Portland only
about 180 of this number, pay $17
when you Join, then you can pay the
balance either 82 weekly, or 88
monthly, or $25 quarterly, or you can
pay $6? when you Join and balance In
one and two years. No discount for
cash except saving of Interest.
We Will Pay $1,00!) .00
for an KH'a that will Improve the New
3cale $425 Ellers piano musleaHy
without materially Increasing Its cost
beyond a reasonable amount that
most customers care to pfiy. Every
dollar that goes Into the construction
of the New Scale $425 Ellers Club pln
iio Is accounted for in honest work
manship and material It Is built by
men who know how.
.And now comes another evidence of
Skiers progreaalvenpss: . .. ,.,.,
1'roo l ife Insurance to Club Members,
'b that Ellers Club pianos will always
remain In the home. In case of death
of parent or member of the family
loining the club, a receipt In full will
be presented to the' club members'
family without the payment of an
other dollar, on proof of death and
presentation of our duly authorized re
ceipts for payments, when due and ac
cording to agreement '-provided con
tract lias been In force not less than
six months. We do not ask for health i
certificates hence the six months'
provision, etc.
Isn't ours a fair and liberal propo
sition? One that will cause many a
home to have the advantages and In-
fluence of music that might have been
( Most Sought After of AH.
we are pruuu 10 say to trutiuuiiy
ctiit uin, vut - --j - - -
T"- II.. V-I..K ntnnA l IKa .Atinht
.iino muu iiinuu i nn iiiwi ."ufifn
Only house in the
city employing
white help only
GE0R0E.PALME3. President .
J. M. BERRY, Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ats't Cashier
F. L. MEYERS Cashier -
La Grande National Bank
. .' ' t Of La Grande,' Oregon"
Berry A. B. Conley F. J. Holmas F. M, Brykit
C. C. Pennington F. L. Meyers Geo. L Cleaver
W. L. Brenholts : , George Palmer
J. M,
i Grande Rondc Lumber Co.
For 16 inch Chain Weed Dcltiercd at yor Heme,
Call' up V. L BEAN, La Grande Fhcr.c, Kcd 1741
$28,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE
A. Mutual Company can Save; You from 40 to 50 per
cent on Your Insurance
J. VV. OLIVER, ACENT, La Grande.Or.
Cor. 6th(St and Washington Ave Phone Red 1782
I ic that
Every Sack
" Local
VV 00D, C0A1
Cut Prices on Lumber and
Shingles for large Orders
t :- - ' . ' " : .
t rr :
t We need the money; You need the material
Fir and Native Lumber, Gedar
, W. H. DRENHOLTS Ats't Cashif
at Mnrth :
W A-