cvEXixa oijcnvcn, la crusrn. oitraon. txzsday. xovriiucn to, i;es. clf. i LOCAL ITEMS. 4 Dan Summer returned to his home In Elgin this morning, after a hurried Visit to La Grande." . Mm. F. W. Benson, wife of the aec retary of plats, Is In La Grande as a j,.egate to the convention. She U a sister-in-law of Mrs. George Carpy. The high achool second team will leave Friday morning for Joseph, where they will p)ay on Saturday. The Joseph hoy will meet them at Wallow. T" mill shut-down- toly until Thursday morning. In order to give the logging trains a chance to get a little ahead of the supply of log. . ' . . Mr. nd Mrs. Cull Smith leave this evening for Portland, where they ex pect to make their home. Mr. Smith recently purchased an Interest In a paint and varnish business. - Mrs. Llna gturgts of Pendleton, who Is attending the meeting of the Feder ation of ClubB, Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibba at the Epis copal rectory. . Mrs. Clara Lyle la again In La Grande after a year's absence In which she has visited many points In Wash ington, California and Oregon; The week previous to her arrival here was Bpent In Pendleton. She will be In at tendance at the convention here this week. ' '. ' ' ' " i Contractor Clancy fell from a high scaffold at noon while working on the former J. M. Berry cortier, striking on , George Holt, who was working be neath him, Mr. Clancy w-as not in jured, but, Mr. Holt did not report for duty after the noon hour, ftothing serious, however, Is expected to re sult. .';;-.:.;:,:v1V :.V v ,' John Canteal , of SummerviUe. was a La Grande visitor today for the first time for three years, Mr. Canteal says crop conditions near SummerviUe were never better, Mr. Oanteal lacks but a few dnys of Wing 80 years of age, but Is still hale and hearty. He Is making some i Interesting experi ments with strawberries. ,Hls last ex periment with eight rows 180 feet long netted him $63 for the season. Chicago, Nov. 10. According to the declaration of railroad freight offi cials another coal famine Is inevitable in the northwest during the coming winter, and there is no way to pre vent it They base their opinion upon the lack of preparedness at this time for strenuous conditions. ' . f. The fault is not with the railroads, because for months, they have been urging dealers to put In good supply in tuel ana noi tune me :uttuu? m have on former occasions, which sub jected them to great ; deprivation and suffering because the railroads were blocked with snow and unable to af ford relief, A year or two ago the dgalersTwere accused of-havlng delib erately failed to order a large suppjy In order that they might put up their prices with scarcity as an excuse for so doing. -, ;r- In response to the great efforts of the railroads during the past summer to Induce dealers to make a large and early storage, they Insist that they are without facilities to do so, and have said also that they did not care to take the risk of storing coal on the ground. They do not appear to be alarmed by the possibility bf a famine, and believe that whatever extra storage is re quired should be provided by the rail roads. The latter have, therefore given attention solely to storing their own supply, ahead of ocnsunfptlon. It Is stated that less than 10,000,000 tons have been shipped from the Pittsburg district to the Great Lakes this year, as against 12,000,000 to 14,000.009 In other seasons. - TVANTKn ah bills and claim? against me presented at once. I am desirous of paying all I owe. but acknowledge that I do not owe any merchant In the city of La Grande, nor never have. Incidental -cbis .J..TSI1! .i3- l-mnedlati-'y- Jack O'Brien Oyster Cocktails at fielder's. The Se1dera candy store will sell oyster cocktails from now on. nwuw in in ' (Continued from page 1.) In that sum were provided by Frank D. McCulley of Joseph, 15000; Phil Metschan or Portland, $5000; A. A. Coolldgq of Spokane. $10,000; Chas. B. Moores of Portland, a former reg ister of the land office, $5000. DENTIST. dr. w. d. McMillan. Painless Dentistry. Expert Gold Work a Specialty. Special attention to children's teeth. Office:- ' -- r - ;..'-.'. ' La Grande National Bank Building. Both 'Phones. ' DcuirtnKnl of Minos. -Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 10. A depart ment of mines, with a cabinet officer at Its head, will be demanded by the American Mining congress at its ses sion to be held In this city early -next month. The bill for such a depart ment has already been Introduced and Is now on hte calendar of the United States, senate for third reading. . , ., To Retain Faclflc Hoot. Ban Francisco, Nov. 10. A set of resolutions asking that the Pacific fleet be retained In the Pacific ocean, and that It be augmented by the At lantic fleet, were forwarded to Taft today by the officers of the Califor nia branch of the American National Bed Cross society. Taft Is president of the national body. ' ' . Bad Man Arrested. , Butte, Nov. 10. "Paddy" Rogers, the last of the desperadoes who ter rorized the Butte vicinity for. several years, who killed three men durlnghls career and who escaped Jail three times, Is In jail here today after a fierce revolver, flaht In a local drug store last night. . He entered with a companion and commanded the' clerk and three customers to throw up their hands. Shooting from both sides be gan. ''Rogers' pal was shot In te groin. The clerk - beat the robber over the head with his own revolver, and turned him over to the putlce. " Battling with death, and lying in a stupor except fotr a moment at a time- when he would rally perceptibly, Roy Ctoodnough Is still alive. : At 2 called, but he has survived up to 4 aclled, but he has survived up to 4 o'clock, this afternoon. Hopes for his recovery continue to wane. CONDUCTOR DY1XG. Collision Near Butte Fatal to Conduc tor of One Train. . : Butte, Nov. 10. Arthur F. Beers, a freight conductor, is dying, at the hospital, with both legs cut off as the result of a collision between a St Paul passenger and freight trains. The ac cident occurred seven miles east' of here. Beers was canght In the midst Ufc tU3 4 i fc.fcU6ut U tAUi Cated. Five1 freight cars were plied up. It Is supposed a misunderstanding of signals Is the cause. None of the passengers were hurt, though they were thrown f or-eehmltrs - a were thrown from their seats. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, . U. S. Land Office, La Grande, Ore., " September il. 1908. Notice Is hereby given that CHARLES BODEAU, ' of Baker City, Ore., who, on Novem ber 6, 1907, made timber and stone sworn statement No. 5810, serial No. 0315, for SEK NE and NE'4 SE section ; N SW"4l setclon 9, town ship 5 south, range 36, E. W. M., has Hied notice of intention to make final timber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land above "described, be fore the register and receiver of the IT. S. land office, at La Grande, Ore gon, on the 10th day of ; December, 1908... . - - Claimant names as witnesses: Da vid C. Brlchoux, John T. Williamson, James C Henry, W. A. Burns, all of La Grande, Oregon. F. C BRAMWELL, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore., . October 5, 1908. . , Notice Is hereby given that . CHRISTEL R. PENDER. ' , rf vencovc Wajh., who, jn Oot - ber 5,- 1908, made timber and stone sworn . statement No. 01851. for E 16 NEi, section 17. and EH SEU, sec tion 8, township S south, range 85 E. W. M., has filed notice of intention to muK final timber and stone proof, to estah'Uh clatrn to tbt Imd abovi le scribed, before the register and re ceiver, at La Grande, Oregon, on the list day of December, 1908. " Claimant names as witnesses: Ba sil E. Lever, of Portland. Ore.; John O. Klssell, of Vancouver, Wash.; Ches ter A. Pike, of Vancouver, Wash.; Da vid C. Brlchoux, of La Grande, Ore. F. C BRAMWELL, Register. 10-16-12-18 - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, , U. a Land Office at La Grande.Oro., '; October 5, 1908. ' -'" ."Wflf'Tr fl: waswj BASIL E. LEVER. of Portland, Oregon, who, on October 5, 1908, made timber and stone sworn statement No. 01858. for NW NW, section 28. SW'4 SWtf section 21, and SV4 SEU, section 20, township 5 south, range 85 E. W. M., has filed notice of Intention to make final tim ber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at La Grande, Oregon, on the Jlst day of December, 1908. Claimant name as witnesses: John O. Kissell. of Vancouver, Wash.; Ches ter A. Pike, of Vancouver, Wash.; John W. Maitland, of Vancouver. Wash.; David C. Brlchoux, ot "'" La Grande, Ore. " ' ' . ' ' ''.': F. C. BRAMWELL, Register, -10-16-12-18 " ' : ''- - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, ' V. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or., October 19, 1908. ' ' ' i Notlco Is hereby given that . RUFUS M. McCOY, ! , of Kamela, Ortgon, who, on Novem ber 14, 1904, made homestead entry No 14077, serial No. 01927, for W!i Si3,' section OO, township 1 ; south, range 86 E. W. M., has filed notl'O of Intention to make final cfmmut.i- tlon proof to establish claim to thd. land above described, before the reg ister and receiver, U. S. Ian office, at; La Grando, Oregon, oA the 1st day of Decembt r, 1908. ' '.'' ' ' ; "' . ' Claimant names as witnesses: J. E. McCoy, Chas. W. McFall, J. A. Gra beal. Lee Grayteal. all of Kamela, Ore. ; F. C. BRAMWELL Register. . , Edlon PlionograjJis and Rec- - ords at NEWLIN BOOK & ST A- TIONERY CO. ' ' Forty Dollars Per Acre. - Forty dollars an acre was paid by P. H. Wilson for 200 acres of wheat land purchased from Christian Hell berg and wife, the deed to which has Just been made of record. The land for 7 he Office End of The Business: I When office supplies are needen there is but one action I to take come here for them. . We have iust what you want and we make the prices right WE HANDLE ' Typewriter Ribbons Carbon Paper Stenographer's Note Books Manuscript Covers Tracing Paper Typewriter Paper Legal Blanks, Dater Rubber Stamp Pads Rubber Bands, Inks Mucilage Library Paste In Large Packages And Everything in the Line of Off ice Requisites I NEWLIN BOOK & STATIONERY GO I , O.N. T. Spool Cotton 1c 1- 500 Pair sample Shoes Men's iti--r ;"',.T'vvi..'(';vv.'.-t-..., ' "T!"" mmm " mmmm it We Will Save You : 50 Children's and Misses Coats Last year's stock at exactly one half the original price. These are fast the thing for it School wear and .arc excellent value. 1500 yds. Outing, n it 00 suits men H 60c on the dollar, $3.00 for $1.80 and $2.00 Good Laundry Soap 7 Bars 25c lies In the north end of the county, along the Walla Walla river. Pendle ton East Oregonlan. - "The Little lioi." Now open. at 906 Main street. Em broidery work done and taught. Tool ed leather, Dedham pottery; lessons In all these branches. Work done in a high clasB manner. Call on studio and learn for yourself. " MISS EVA NEIL, Instructor. SPECIAL OFFERING III EVER DEPJUmiEtiT Children's T)$ MVtv.-?v '-VS. f-';.'KK 50 per cent on your Shoes for Fall Regular 12 l-2c Grade Mill Ends 8 l-3c s vmter underwear samples, The Golden Rule i THE GEORGE ! Lumber RETAIL ' We Solicit Ycur Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood We are prepared to furnish and deliver material nrimnllif Call up Petail Department Phone Main 8. LOSTA cravenette overcoat between Washington and the old town store Finder return to this office and re ceive reasonable reward. W. Waln- ' wrlght. ' ' '. TRCSL'RY DEPARTMENT, Office of tlie ConiptrolliT of ttio ' Currency. , - . Washington, D. C, Oct. .13, 1908. Notice Is hereby gjven to all persons who may have claims against "The Farmers & Trad- era National bank. of. La Grande," Oregon, that the same must be presented to Walter Neldner, Receiver, with the le- gal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. . LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, Comptroller of the Currency. N'otlrc of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Roesch Bunker, is this day dis solved ijr nutuaj, -tha tai-1 Walter E. Bunker retiring, and the said Herman Roesch continuing the business, and the said Herman Roesch Will pay all debts owing by the firm. Standard Cal ico pr yard 5c V il il Women's and l n 'w v xt it it ?: n it it it ' it it it il il Bleached Wus- lin per yd. 8c PALMER company DEPARTMENT firm. ', - ; .:, Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Octo ber 24, 1908. Oct2y HERMANN ROESCIL WALTER E. BUNKER. NO OVE HESITATES OVER OCR CAXDK. Everybody that knows our confer Hons at all la aware of their purity, their fresnness, their fine flavor. : If you don't know, "get acquainted.". Yiu certain!' ci-j'.-r auMy"b na.-ti,'.. In this randy shop whether yon bsr an ounce, a pound, or a 6-pound bos. E. D. S ELDER, THE CANDY MAS. m ' at m m 4 -is- w and collect all account due the said j ,1