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Since It la generally understood that colved to have ft city park on the river, quite a number of our citizens last Sunday were seen looking over the sites mentioned Proebatel grove and the Carbine tract adjoining on the east. There are about 14 acres of jano in eacn tract, anu may uo i ibte to secure both at the beginning, some favored one, and some the other. The association ltslf has not thor ' otighly decided, and cannot until En gineer Plckler makes his report, which la expected within the next few days. There Is no question but what La Grande will soon have a public park. TliiJ organization la Btrong and active, and public sentiment la with ' them. Therefore, the- general ' problem I . solved. All that remains Is the detail ' and the committees haye all been ap . pointed and are active. What little . . practically all disappeared. Distance was the principal 'objection, but North La Grande Is growing so rapidly that the river' la now considered, no dis tance at all. Those , who walkeJ to the oat purposely Sunday, aoon real Jied how few; moments are required to reach either of the proposed sites. While the enthusiasm la on, let every one lend a helping hand. Every one wants a park. The Idea Is to get one good park to start with and then It will be much easier to secure others later.. Spread out Ilk '.-' Grande la, one park la not sufficient, but let us get one first, anywhere. The Indies say the river. So say we all. Later on, If we need another, we can get It. . The river has this great advantage, the trees are already there. .We do i not have to wait 10 or 15 years for a nftnft. t tin mari was he rn xirar nui shade to grow. Ana a par wiinoui hade Is like witnessing a recital of Hamlet, with Hamlet left out ' - -, .1 M i ' ' . - -. :. MRS, lVANHOE'S SPEECH (Continued from page 1.) entertain this dittngulshed' body of women, we wish you to feel that U anything be lacking in our efforts to make you feel at home, it is due to Inexperience, and not to want of thought.' .or of heart. Hitherto we have received Inspira tion In our club life by reports of our visiting delegates, but this meeting now makes It possible for all the club women of this city to receive the help and feel the effects of the combined capital of Intellectual strength which this organisation represents. About a month ago we were wish ing you could be here to see our ,''ec ond Annual After show, which, we think entitles us to no little distinc tion for promoting the culitvatlon oi this beautiful flower. Then, aiftn. being a little fenrful of chill. Novem ber's wintry blasts, we longed for you during the glorious Indian summer days of Ocotber. We wanted to greet you under our sunny skies, and have you enjoy with us that rare weather when "Summer gathers up her robes of glory and like a dream of beauty, glides away." .We trust that during your sojourn here, you will discover that La Grande stands for substantial growth, fine scenery, the making of a metropolis In the eastern part of the state, and most of all. for the whole-souled men and women that you will meet here. We want our welcome to , be ex pressed to you not only In words and so wa trust you will find us, club wo men whose hearts and homei breathe an atmosphere of rest and comfort and royal welcome to you. . And now, to conclude our greetings with a rhyme, I would say to you one and all: "Come In the evening, or come In the morning, Come when you're sent for, or come without warning. Kindness and welcome you'll find here before you. And the oftener you covne, the more . , , we'll adore you." , , , . E, C, (Continued from page 1.) Hon there may be encountered In the exchange of material products, there are none In exchanging thoughts, ''for thoughts unhindered by the loftiest mountain tops or the wide expanse of ocean course 'round the world, free as the unfettered airs of heaven," woman Is no longer a mere physical creation to be a drudge or an orna ment. ' '' - Thla special work of organizing wo men Into bodies has brought Into' ac tivity the trinity of woman1 being. Not only has It placed her In touch with the vital questions of the day. but hns made her a recognized factor In solving life's problems. For these facts I feel like proclaiming as did Phoenix In Homer's "Illlad," "To this end he sent me forth to be a speaker of words and a door of deeds." I am ever Impressed and sometimes sore depressed with remarks and comments mnde on motherhood. . They are as tonishing, if not Insulting. No won der face suicide Is so prevalent when the Impressions scattered .among the young .unknowing vtamen are to the effect that the rigors of vmotherhood will necessarily gnarl her beautiful' form Into a shape of an Interrogation point and transform her blimh of roses Into a complexion of yellow Jaundice. A mother needs diversion and the club In Its study of art, music and lit erature affords her an ideal diversion. Something to make mothers harmoni ous with the world, and' fit Ihem for grand councillors to those whose vej-y vitality and? purpose depend ' upon teaching of principles, principles that form ft pledge ; of achievements In every flel dof effort. To not only be a chllJ'a guide through youth, but an Influence through life. Some people would Insinuate to do, the work of clubs would take a mother away from home and family almost as much as It would If she were allowed to vote. I have had women say to me, "Why, Mrs, Moore, you don't mean to say you have six children and belong to a club?" They do not object to me having the children, but It seems the limit of endurance, belonging to a club. And to all such jmpertlnence I am tempted with the optimistic an swer of the small newsboy, when sell ing papers at the train. A woman asked: "How old are you. sonny?" and 110' . . , yeara old." Whereupon' this very loud woman said, "Well, wouldn't that kill you!" , And the. very small boy replied, "No, ma'm; I haven't never been sick yet." ... , . The work, of a woman's club de velops character, and character Is the conscience of society in which we live. The greatest possible success to a human being la the higher growth of hlmscif. A lesson I oft repeat to my self and to my children Is one found In the simple lines of the great dra matist, "To thine own self be true; and It follows as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." To develop a strong Individuality, Is a duty I owe to my family. My first duty Is to myself. Do not mistake me to say It Is your duty, for In so doing I realize I might bo laying myself nen to the charge of exceeding my own. Rather, I would, that my pur pose In life Is one that surely your conscience approves. Lord Byron says "Conscience Is God's oracle." My conscience Is my religious monitor nnd sentinel not only In guarding and guiding the Intellect and sensibilities, but giving and establishing faith and self assurance. Woman has- always been privileged to attend church serv ices and lectures, but that does not develop one's mental being. The brain needs to be exercised with free dom of speech. Does not Lord Bacon say, "Reading maketh a full man, but conforeiiCw a ready mau"? Like Uo. the study of history and biography make men wise.- Froebel excited the first mothers' meeting and we are told that men were so astonished and con cerned at this early display of woman's rights they called a meeting and ap pointed a committee to Investigate. They feared the wrnen were hatch ing a plot against the government Froebel did more than thla he It was who taught us life's great lessons from nature study. Froeble said: "Come with me to the forrst. Into the fields, and I will teach you a lesson without the aid of books or of creeds," and he did. Take just as an Illustra tion, our badge design the sugar beet. We learn the foliage of this plant contains the saccharine matter, hi nce, the larger the foliage the greut er per cent of saccharine. In duf lime thja matter delivers Itself Into tho millions of cells which nsture has p, f5Vii .? i?s,?,''t ? :? : .t farmer tells us with plenty of water and sunshine and Intense culture, this vegetable can be brought to a ( high state of productiveness reuplng for the farmer a profitable harvest. . It has been discover,, J iu many Instance the soil continually used with succes slve beet culture breeds a . microbe, and this microbe attacks only beeta. So the wise farmer rotates with other crops and In turn rids the soli of this pest Is not this a striking lesson to we farmers of humanity, with lntenst culture of thoughtfulness and care, watchfulness and prayer, we will be sufficiently rewarded for our labor In filling brain cells with such knowl edge that the fruits of our harvest will be Joy and love. And does It not teach us to ever be ready to change our fields of discipline and rotate these human plants with such wisdom and strength as will destroy absorbants of virtues and rid their lives of this mi crobe of evil that attracts only human ity? : This study of human nature is a deep and complex science made uj of contributions from various fields of knowledge the work In the clubs assigned the Individual Is a mental tralnlner that leads one to concentrate, and concentration Is the A B C of all knnn-ltffi whother trained by exneri ence and experiment, or by syst matlc studv. My work in clubs has cov ered a period of 3 0 years or more, and my experience has proved profltabl and pleasurable. Jst last year gathered food for thought that will be a nleasure through life. One little noem expressed so beautifully words something I had alwaya .known nnd felt, but could not, tell, and the words are: 1 ; . , ' t ' "All I know of ft certain star Is: It can throw ' ' ' ' '"' ' Like an angled spar, . ' Now-a dart of red ' Now a dart of blue, Until my friends have said They would fain sec, too, My star that dartles the red and the blue; ' ' . But then, it stops like a bird; . Like a flower hangs furled.,, They must solace themselves with the Saturn above It. . : What matters to me If their star Is the world? v Mine has opened Its soul to me, And I love It." v . ' , And I will add knowledge gained from club study, and love, friendship and' smiles from the women of U Grande clubs, has been a, wonderful help In piloting one mother across ' rf tn. ennrtlno the red and blue of life. The reason some women accomplish more than others Is because they attempt more. TlB vr a safe maxim, "the more we dare the more we do. The strong man and the waterfall channel their own path, and so will this federation of woman's clubs. We will climb the mountain side of greatness 'jntll wa reach the summit of Influence and power, And to this end I strongly urge1, "Press on surmount the rocky steeps, climb boldly o'er the Tyrant's arch; he fails alone who feebly creeps: he wins who dares the hero's march." ' HALL'S SPEECH (Continued from page l.l meeting Uce this year of the Feder ation of Women's clubs of Oregon. We deem It an honor,' because we believe that here ass-:r.t'.c.I are many of the leading mlnr' "f t'le state, whose work of directong the efforts of the many club women In the state Is one of the greatest Importance In behalf of hu manity. The wori accomplished by the Ore gon Wor.::-' dubs, as set forth In the report of your representative to the national organization. Is much wider In scope than, probably many, includ ing myself, were before aware. . I wish at this time. If I may be al lowed a f cw -m'.nutps, to make a r'?a for a greater interest in the chlldron of the poor. Relief for the neglected children In our land cannot be hoped for through any other medium than that of Chrls tlaDlty, and as I personally believe that per rent of the Christianity dwells In the women, In my opinion It la to them we must look for the furtherance of this great work. ' I honestly believe that a large per centage of our criminals are made be fore they have reached their 14th year. They are criminals and many of them will remain criminals because of no fuult of their own. The forces that make them such are. In my opinion, first, that of heredity; second, lack of restraining Influence and good exam ple on the part of their parents; and, third and greatest of all, the most powerful and most compelling Instinct in the animal kingdom, the desire to or acquired. Who will blame a hun gry child for stealing when the appe tite cannot be appeased In any other way? ' ' The children who need the Interef t of such women as you, outside your own families, are not those who are found In attendance at the Sunday schools. They are the poor little tots who have never been to Sunday school, because for one reason they never had a Sunday suit to wear. They are of those; who cry because they did not have" enough breakfast, who will go to bed hungry, : and afterwards cry because they are cold.' These are sad realities, and I believe the man or woman and I honestly' believe our only hope is In the women, and espe cially organized women who will take an interest in even one of these ilitle ladles or gentlemen, for they are little ladles and gentlemen -before they are spoiled by copying the manner of some of their elders and will he Ip them In the right way; will accom plish more for morality, and the ulti mate good of the race than any judge or Jury In the land. , I bllcve there are many people who have more of this world's goods than they need, who would gladly give of their means to aid awh poor children If they Were Informed of conditions by ..bose' who should stand between the wo.' Perhaps the clergymen are do ing all their time will allow In this direction; In this work of giving the rich an opportunity to aid the poor little children In individual cases but If go, from my observation aa a phy sician doing my share of work among the very poor, I 'am forced to the con clusion that many of them must be very busy men elsewhere. - .1 ! It U inybelief that of statistics of the ailments of mankind of the male oermiaslon, of whatever profession or calling, those listing cases of nervous prostration brought on by overwork in behalf of the poor, will be gathered only after women have been voting for a couple of centuries. I believe that men, because of their Intense selfishness, can only be whip ped Into line for good works by the votes of the women, or perhaps better yet, shamed Into it by the example set them In good works by their superiors, the women. ' Splendid work Is being done by many Institutions In the United States for the waifs, such for Instance as theu home at Council Bluffs, Iowa. In Portland, the Boys & Girls' Aid socie ty Is doing a great good.'. I. believe, however, that If the women's clubs will take" a speciaT Interest In this work will become alike to the rights of the helpless little ones In their own towns, and try to seek out ways to help Individual cases, they will add largely to" the good they are always doing. . Madam' President and Ladles of the Oregon Federation of Womena Clubs, In behalf of all the citizens of La Grande, I tender to you as ftn organi sation nnd Individually,, an earnest elcome to our city. Railroad Con vent Ion. " Milwaukee. Wis., Nov. 10 Railroad men from all over the country are In attendance at the convention of the Roadmasters and Maintenance of Vv association, . opened In this cty today. ' . , ; , - 1 '.r, Japan Rrnoos Appropriation. Toklo. Nov.' 10. The financial de partment today announced fts budget for the next year, aggregating $258. r.60.000, meaning a curtailment of funds for the military. .. naval and civil enterprises of $84,000,000. Notkv to Contractors. - pM will be onened In the onrlo-s -f the Fnstern Oregon Trust A Savings hank at 10 o'clock a. m.. November 18. 1908, for the erection and comple tion of a business building for the M. M. Co.t Plans and specifications for building ran be seen at the office f Robert Miller, architect No. 1107"Ad ams avenne. A good and sufficient bond will be required for the comple tion of building. The owners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. dNovlO-lS ' GEORQE.PALmER. President W. H. BRENHOLTS Ass t Cashier J. M. BERRY, Vice Prssidant C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Asi't Cashier F. L. MEYERS Cashier. . 3655 . La Grande IationaI BanEi . Of La Grande, Oregon" CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ."; ' ,' ' . . DIRECTORS . J. M. Berry A. B. Conley . F. J. Holmes F. M. C. C. Pennington F. L. Meyer Qo, L. Cleaver W. L BtenholU George Palmer' - " Grande Ronde Lumber Co. ; PERRY, OREGON ' CAM f URNISH LUMBER Of M L MMDS IN , CARLOAD LOTS. For 16 Inch Chain ttocd Dcliiercif at yo.f iicrtic, Call up V. I. EEAN. La Crend?, I fccne, Rcitf 1741 .; ,.'';1'"'' THE ''-c ';,;;-.-':$ ; OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION A HOME COMPANY $28,000,000.00 . . . A Mutual Company can Save You from 40 to 50 per ; cent on Your insurance I J. W. OLIVER, AGENT, la CrandcOr. f Cor. 6th St and Washington Ave Phone Red 1782 ; I THE is that BEST made at Powder v Every Sack N0REBCTTBR " ' '" ' : ' ' " " ' ' ' i GRANDE RONDE CASH CO. ; Local W 00D, C0AI Cut Prices on Lumber arid Shingles for large Orders We need the money; You;need the material Eir and Native Shingles STODDARD LUMBER CO. .T'l."rWv Brykit . .-' t . 34.000 MEMBERS ; INSURANCE JN FORCE - , . Guaranteed Agents AND FEE Lumber, Gedar f FLOUR