page two. tVKMStj om-Enrfcii. -a kraxuk. ohkiv tuesdah novi:mbr 10, io. ocirr PAGES. La Grande Professional Directory O. Lb BIGG ERA, M. D, rtiystciaa and Surgeon. Offlc. Lewis Building. over Htary Cirr Undertaking Parlors. COflM ThoM Black 122L Realdeaos Theee Bed 100L J. EL HUBBARD, M. D. Pbystctaa ud Bargeon. Office la Nsw Bank Building. Boom 20-21. 'phones: Residence, Main f ; Office, Mala 7. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. - - Pbysiciaa and Burgees . Office over Hill's Drug Store. Ottlc 'Phone 111. Residence Mala it N. MOUTOR. M, D- Pbysfct&n aad Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. sad Depot St Offloa Main t -:- Residence Mala BACON HALL. Fferaictam aad Surgeons. ' Office I A Grande Natloaal Baok Bunding. 'Pbona Hala It. C T. Bacon. Residence. Mala 12. M. K. Hall, Residence. Mala II ML W. K. MOORE ; ' DR. H. C P. MOOR? Osteopathic Physlciane, Klrksvllle Oradoates Under Foundet Office Bommer Ball ding. Pfeoaee: Office Mala 42; Res. Mala an. CPTOW. ph. g, m. d. - Pnystcisa aad Surgeon, tpecial attention given to Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat : Office la La a-and National Bank Budding." "". Then -Office, Mala ; Residence. , " " Mala IS. J VETERINARY, SURGEONS. , aaiaaaaa MsJs,ssiaaas' (' DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Burgee a. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand - Residence 'Phone Red 70L.' J Office Tbono Black 1IIL Independent 'Phone ItV - Both 'phones at residence. ; DR. W. H. RILEY, ' Graduate Ohio State University. .Vaccination. Dentistry and Surgery af all klndx Country calls promptly aaswered. Office 1414 Adams Avenue. . . Phones: Pacific Black 10 1. I , Independent, 171.- , To make room for our Holiday Goods, ive will' give until November Wlh 33 i-3 per cent off on all cur hand-painted China 25 percent off on our stock of Libbey cut Glass ii SIEGRIST & GO- JEWfURS AND Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops aad Foundry C a CAUTHORN, . Dentist, Office ever Hill's Drug Store. -La G raids Oregon i. C PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist. Room It, La O rands National daa . Building, 'phone Black lift. TEACHERS OF MUbIC PROF. E. PORTER JJAT. Principe! La Grande School of Music Mrs. Day, assistant. School, 10' Greenwood Are., one door south of Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1111. MISS STELLA OLIVER, Teacher of llano and Harmony. Studio at residence of Turner Oliver, corner Fourth and O avenue. ' ELiXTRlCAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. vtL Mining, Irrtgatloa Engtoeerln. - aad SorrejiAg. . Estimates, plana and specifications ? Office la Bohneakamp Building. jl Grande - - Or ego C. It THOKNTON. i Architect and Engineer. . Surveying. Civil and Structural Engl- " neerlng.' -Twenty Tears Experience. ROBERT MILLER, : Architect. ; Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phones: Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. I. ATTORNEYS. Cbas. E. Cochraa Geo. P. Cochra COCHRAN A COCHRAN. V ' Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande ' - - - Orego; t R. H. LLOYD, ; j Attorney at Lw. Practice In all the courts of the State ' end United States. Elgin - 4 -' -3 - - Oregon , C II. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law. Practices In all the courts of the Stato and United "States. Office in La Grande National Bank ; Building, La Grande. Oregon. ' VIAVI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. . .. Telephone Farmers 17C. OPTICIANS resetting, and repairing : r a filRSTO I The promoters of the Columbia and Walla Walla Electric road from Walla Walla !9 Walluia. hire offered to tars r'rve; tng arcady done, and all prop rty a;:U ri;hu of the concern to the Farmers Co-op-rstlve union, on con Jltlon that they complete : the line. This offer must be accepted by N'o reinber 10, or the offer will lapse. All franchises and the name -of the corporation will be transferred to the farmers union without the payment of any money. The original promoters of the line taking stock In the com pany for the amount of money actual ly expended by them In cash since the road was first projected. t ; Farmers and others Interested In the building of the line will meet at the Commercial club rooms Wednesday afternoon at 2: JO, when the plans will ie finally discussed. One of the conditions of the transfer that the organization remain as a strictly local proposition, stock to be held by the farmers Interested. Wal la Walla Bulletin. Equipment for the additional mixed rain between here and Joseph, when (0A(H (ONES U Is put in service, Is beginning to explain" the news system. Thus oste reach La Grsbde. A vestibuled coach. I opathy Is faring wel! at the hands of such as is used on the main line. Is already here, and the baggage car for ;he new train, will arrive In the near future, being already on the way. Thr passenger and baggage equipment wil then be similar on both trains. ' This congregation of equipment leads local officials to believe that the service may be put on Monday or at least early In the next week. Gompers Contempt Case. t Washington. Nov. 10. Hearing of the charge of contempt , of court against Samuel Gompers, Frank Mor rison and John Mitchell, growing out of the suit of ' the Buck's Stove & Range company against the American Federation of Labor, 'in which a per manent Injunction was Issued restrain ing Gompers, Morrison, Mitchell and ; ,. . ; I I Blanket Specials f or Jhe Weem i t ! ; week, price 89c f ; $1.50 Sheet Blankets this week price i l; $1.19 a pair. This blanket is full l 114 "size in Green, Tan and White i x. in pretty pink or blue borders . f h $185 Outing Blankets this week's t ll price $137 a pair. This blanket j y we have in white. only, 11x4 size v ? I : $2.50 Teasle down Blanket this week t t:$U8a pair: This and 12x4 sizes, white, grey or mottled, extra aood weight. t t i Also a full line of : wool Blankets, grades, ranging . mm . a pair "SATISFACTION OR other from prosecuting a boycott against the .stove con. ,.ny. Is act for today. The stove torapai charges tht af ter the Injunction tiad been effective prohibiting the met from prosecuting a boycott against die company, the officers named In eiany ways dis obeyed the court's srder by speech which sppeared In federation's of fllcal organ, and In public Interviews. ' Judge Alton B. Parker Is counsel for In, labor men. Prllnt r.nmf) - " .......... fore election, but the court refused tc permit such action. Elks' Dance Postponed. The Elks' party set for tonight, ha been, postponed so as not to conflict with the convention reception at the Masonic tiraple. Elks are requested to take notice of this fact. OSTEOPATHY IX THE MAGAZLVEf Within' recent months . four well known periodicals have published ex tended articles explaining osteopathy and assigning It to its rightful place Ic the healing art. First the Independent led off with an article nearly a year ago. Some months later the Ladies' Home Journal followed with an srtl cle by Dr. A. T. Still, founder of tht new science, who dwells at Klrksvllle Mo., and Is enjoying the best o health and undimiaed faculties In hit list year. Then, simultaneously the Cosmopolitan and the Metropolitan magazines In September both produc ed well Illustrated stories about os teopathy, the latter' one being In two parts and continuing In the October issue. This Metropolitan article was sane and accurate, being written by Dr. Edwin M. Downing of 'Tork, Pa. j It was" easily the best of the magazine articles that have been presented to I the magazine publisners. These art! cles ought to bring good news to many sufferers who have not as yet come In contact with the new drugless system )f healing. Osteopathic Health. Need a New Husband. "Ma's New Husband"; has been In La Grande and if the packed house that saw the show last night can be taken as a criterion. Ma better get a real new husband. At times .there were many good turns in the produc tion, in fact, the enan element In th thing is not so bad, and one of th feminine characters will stand mustez In a vaudeville, but as for the others very poor. . The show abounds In good musical numbers, which lose their attractive ness in poor renditions.' . 4 i a V t a pair blanket is full llx Eastern Oregon t in all sizes ana f from $3.69 to t T YOUR MONEY AACK" R3 W - - We Want Our Want Your want is p'.aced before every day Can you afford want ad where results are I? - - FOR RENT. FOR RENT Brick buUdlng, 20x50. oa Elm street Inquire of A. C Hunt ington. , FOR RENT Office rooms; steam heat Apply to Geo. Good, proprie tor of 'he Foley "house. FOR RENT Five-room house, 1114 Adams ave: four blocks from Fir St $ it:.' . fer month. 'Phone Black Not7 . T - bpeciaL For sale tract of land totaling SCO acre. One hundred acres under cum tlvation. A $1000 restaurant and oth er good improvements; spring wsier enough for house and barns: creek. across one 40 all for 15000 cash. Lo cated six miles from town on R. F. D. Figure It out for yourself. -"Write to Indian Valley Realty company, Elgin. the firm that stands for a squar deal. WHY NOT TRY Popbam'a " ASTHMA REMEDY lives prompt and positive relief In evry case. Sold by druggists. Price 11.00. Trial package by mall 10 : . , cents. ; kVniiams Mfg. Co., Props. Cleveland, O Far salr y " ; A. T. HILL. Drnggtrt. WOOD SAWING 'Phone and we will, do your wood sawing very promptly, and at prices you can afford to pay. We are always ready. MATHEWS GLASS. Tbone, Black; 131. Strayed. ; Tuesday, November 2, black malt hunting dog (pointer) white breast; arrying black - leather collar witr arge ring. Finder please notify r. Sebbelov. Both 'phones. 4-3: In case of stomach and -iver trou ble the proper treatment Is to stlmu ate these organs without Irritating them. . Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup -tlds digestion and stimulates the liver itac oowei Kicaoui trniaung - cnese organs like pills or ordinary cathar tics. It does' n nauseate or grlpf and is mild and.pieawant to take. A T. Hilt dmgalot . WHAT will you have tor dinner today? You may answer this question satisfactori ly by dining at THE MODEL RESTAURANT The Old Standby. uur cooiung is a paragon of per fection, our food faultless, and our service rapid and courteous. What more can we say, except that our prices are popular? We give a regu lar dinner for 25 cents. Come and try It Yon will not seed the sense of hunger to enjoy it The Model Restaurant J.A. ARBUCKLf, Proo. Open Day wsn wWl en And Night Meal Tickets for ,UU Plana Tnatng. X. E. F rands, professional piano tuner sere a few days. Orders re ceive at Smith's reomlag house. A-v,va 1 for i "71 eeeeeeee - e - Your Wants IV Ad Column a thousand or more want-seelcerr to spend one cent per word of your the keynotes? FOR SALE Two to four acres of suburban ' property, well improved. 'PhoneBlack 1522, pr see E. W. Kammerer, 2004 Adams avenue. FOR 8 ALE Cheap land, sugar factory. Inquire at FOR SALE Two milch cows, ene fresh. Jersey .calf I days old; oiher Durham, glvlug 2 gallons. Inquire of Mrs. Chllders, Island City. dwl0-ll-24 ; j -' .For hale. ; Thoroughbred white Leghorn, single tomb cocks. All pure breeding stock. Inquire of F. B. Houston, Box 44, La Grande, Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE Will sell or exchange for good team, a, fine Coach stallion, age 7 years; weight 14 00 pounds. Canbe aeen at Klrt ley barn. La Grande. Af. J. Selby. FOR SALE Small house and a 140x 130-foot lot Buy from owner and save commissioner's fee. Inquire of J. Bachant Cherry street' FOR SALE Four good . fresh milch cows. Inquire of Blue Mountain Creamery, Unlonbregon. , For Sale. Cabbage for Kraut 'Phone your orders now. 'Phone red 1702. Land for Sale, 40 acres of fruit garden or alfalfa land for sale cheap If taken soon. C O. Huffman, R. F. D. 2, La Grande. Agnculturai College CorvaUla, Oregon. Offers collegiate courses la Agri culture, including Agronomy, Horti culture, Animal Husbandry.1 Dairy Husbandry, etc; Forestry, jDomestlo Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Me chanical and Mining Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy.. ' Offers elementary coursestn Agri culture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art Commerce ' and Mechanio Arts,- including forge work, ' cabinet making,' steam fitting, plumbing, ma- hlce work, eta Strong faculty, modern equipment; free -tuition; opens September 25. Illustrated catalogue with full Infor mation on application to the Regis trar, free. dAwl-lti Arrival and Departare of Trains at La Grande. No. -1,' westbound Portland Special, arrives :2t a. m.; departs, 9:20 a. m. No. 6, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrives at 4:45 a. m.; ds purts 6;f0 a. m. . . No. 2, eastbound Chicago Special, arrives 4:05 p. m.; departs. 1:1 p. n. No. 5, westbound passenger, mall .and express, arrives 0:55 p, an.; da i parts, io p, m. , Elgin Brancn. Regular mixed train leaves La Grande at t o'clock and returns at I dock p. m. The logging train leaves La Grande at 12:20 p. m. and returns at 7:41 p. m. J. H. KEEVEY, Ageas. Xm Orsnde. Oregosk Betfer Tbaa Spanking. . Spsnklng does not cure children of bed-wetting. There is a constitution al cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers. Box W. Notre Dame. Ind srtl! send free to any mother her sue ceesful tnstmctiona Send no monoy. but write her today If your children trouble in thsi way. Dont blame the child, the chances are It cant help It This treatment also cures adults aad aged people troubled with artne difficulties y day or night aatafeaatt irisWllsW'aMaaaaai ,v.. --.V'V.T'' FOR 8ALK. mm rwlni MoflS V e