1 . fttl r?Mn,4fw'',r rn 'l it l VOLUME VIIL LA GRANDE, WIOX COUNTY. OREGON. TUESDAY. XOVMBKlt 10, I90H. NUMBER 35. CHOICEAPPLES T8 SEATTLE FASPt .: A. . T .-.v.lr 9 :-.t. ' 1 1-.". I ' i-vy .'.. jff 1 -"'' 'v' " "V :J.:i,-..p SHIR REMAINS - M SEIilCPOHS SMDDTHIlEg IS. r SECOND BLOW am I V k f r HAS NO FEAR OF RETURN. 1X0, BIT PREFERS NOT TO. Further Kumors That Friend Will Slake Shortage Good -Government Official Says Shortage In $123,000 lias No Flans for lite Future, Ex cent to Stay In Portland Ha No Fear of Harm Bcfulllug lllm In La Grande. Portland, Nov. 10. J. W. Scrlber, (ormer cashier of the wrecked Far mers & Traders National bank of La Grande, following his release late yes terday on $40,000 bonds furnished by friends and relatives, announced today that he will remain In Portland for an Indefinite period. Has No Future Plans. "What are your plans?" was asked, j "I do not know, only that I will i stay In Portland some time. I don't know what I will do yet." Not Afraid to Return. I He insisted he Is not afraid to return Mrs. E. C. Moore of La Grande, who Is second, vice? president of the state ' federa- tlon. ' to La Grande and is not afraid the people there will harm him. Officials Give Out Shortage.' The rumor was revived today that friends and rejatlves are holding con ferences with a view to making good Scrlber's shortage, which Scrlber says will not exceed $70,000. The govern ment officials says It will amount to $123,000. , ':. Scrlber's Bondsmen. Portland, Nov. 10. Scrler's ball on the first count of forgery was fixed at $15,000, and was provided by W. J. Furnish of . Pendleton and Julius Roesch, a brewer of La Grande. The tail on the second count of a similar charge was fixed at $25,000. Bonds i Continued on page S.) . f Lh GRfLWE ABLY SEHTED ON PROGRAM Mrs. Ivanhoe's Greetings. ' One of th moet .interesting and clear-cut addresses of the day was that delivered by Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe In behalf of the entertaining women's clubs of La Ornnrtf. 'Madam President and Ladies: The Lyle Tuesday Musical and the ' Neighborhood clubs of La Grande " hve made It my pleasantduty to ex tend greetings In their behalf to the officers and members of the Oregon Federation of Women's clubs, now n session In our city. This being our first opportunity to VISIT SUGAR FACTORY EX MASSE AT LUNCH HOUR. Full Attendance Registers on Arrival of Late TralnsFlrst bvMUon 0mhm 1 WHlT'ltcma rkable Prec-lslon Three La Grande Fcople Do Themselves Juxtlce and tlto City IToiioi" In formal Reception Tonight Is "lite Crowning Event. Like1 the smoothness of an intricate piece of machinery runs 'the eighth annual convention of Federated Wo men's clubs of Oregon, which con vened In the Masonic temple this morning and already has heard the I first and second sessions of the con Iventlon that is to last through until Thursday night. Every detail had been attended .with due attention, and when the vanguard arrived last night, when more came this morning, and when still more Joined the convention at noon tney were received with that open-hearted reception for which La Grande is proud and far rekpown. .Delegates Register. With a promptness that 'was , sur prising, scores of delegates, the alter nates, those who have- places on the standing committees, the participants in the program and the other guests, all registered at the' secretary's cor ner. Following Is the list: K Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, Portland, Ore. Mrs. J. p. Hayes, Portland... , ; . Mrs. N. Molltor, La Grande. Mrs. T. Oliver, La Grande. ' MrsA. L. Richardson, La: Grande. Ma7 EYTVMoor e, TXa Grande." ; Ethel C. Blackaby, Ontario, Mrs. Alice Welster, Portland. Eva C. Abbott, Forest Grove. Mrs. D. m! Watson, Portland. Mrs. Alice Dodd, Salem. H. J. Jackson, Portland. G. W. Tlfft, Portland. , y Mrs. C. C. Chapman, Portland. Mrs. George H. Clark, Pendleton. A. King Wilson, Portland. , Hattle E. Barton, Baker City. B. F. Weaver, Portland. ' Sadie Dunbar," Portland. . Mrs. i. C. Hare, Portland. Mrs. J. W. Sadler, Aurora.' - Mrs. A.' A. Jayne, Hood River. - Mary Lay . Logan, The Dalles. Nettle A. Gelsendorffer, The Dalles. titna enurgis, renoieion. : Jessie Van Scoy, Eugene. , Mrs. Anna Calkins, Eugene. Mrs. Ed Kiddle, La Grande. Jennie Frasler, Eugene. V. M. Starkweather, Pendleton. Mrs. Robert Lutke, Portland. , C. L. B. Kelleher, Salem. ' . A. T. Hill, La Grande. Mrs. F. S. Tvanhoo, La Grande. ; Mrs. F. W. Benson, Salem. A..L. Brlggs, Cottage Grove. Alice Cox. Athena. H. F. Davidson, Hood River. Mayor Hall on Rostrum. . a u.vnr M. K. Hall extended rreetlnKS to the guesU in behalf of the city In his characteristic, and convincing manner, in the following brief, but pointed ad- j T .A. urcw. Madam President and Ladles of the State Federation of Women's Clubs of Oregon: It has become my duty, and a t, pleasant duty It is, to address you In hhlf of the citizens or I uranae. W wish, in tne first place, to express our appreciation of the honor of hav ing had our little city chosen aa tne . Mrs. Sarah A. Evans of Portland- dent, and holds an executive position with the ' general federation . of the nation.- , ' ' . . . ; ' ( i . . myswwW'"www!riMftlNjsH'iw v. Mrs. J. D. Hayes of Portland, a troDolls. who Is Identified with th in Oregon. ' M. L. Spauldlng, Portland. F. Eggert, Portland. Mrs. C. J. Smith, Pendleton. REPRE Mrs. E. C. Moore's Address. Speaking on "What the Club May Do for the Mother," Mrs. E. C. Moore Impressed the au- .dlence with a clear and logical address this afternoon. She said: Emerson said, "Hitch your wagon to a star." I hitch mine to a woman's club, 'and the benefits derived from tSla rt.r cf wine fcts -'ib this honor appearing on today's pro gram. What a great privilege it is to meet and exchange thoughts with an entire state's representatives of learn ed women. No matter what obstruc (Continued on page 4.) . 1 who Is the Federation presl- tr prominent club woman of the me- e Federation's rapid advancement 4 ' .Mrs. Clara Carter, Baker City (al ternate). Mrs. .: Lee- Moorhouse, , Pendleton (guest.) Mrs. Clara T. Lyle, La Grande (guest). Mrs. Mary T. Blakeney, The Dalles (guest). 1 ' Mrs. John McDonnell, Wallowa (guest).1 Mrs. E. ' A. Holmes, ' Wallowa, (guest). , Mrs. C, T. McDanlel, Wallowa, (guest). ' Mrs. C. I. Flynn, Baker City. Mrs. R Moore, Baker City. , Miss Moore, Baker City. Mrs. F. M. Baton, Baker City. Mrs. Fred Epplnger, Baker City, Mrs. Rachel Worstell, La Grande. Mrs. Belle Wright, Union. Mrs. Ada Davis, Union. . Follow IYograni Closely. Even the most sanguine are pleased with the close adherence to the pro gram. The registration of delegates, the call to order by the president, Sarah Evans of Portland, the Invoca tion by Rev. S. W."Seemann, the sing ing of "America,- ; The welcome on behalf of the city by Dr. M. K. Hall, mayor; the greet ing to the federation from entertain ing clubs by Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe; the hearty response for the federation by COURT DENIES RIGHT OF RF.HEAIUXG FAMOUS CASE. United States Court of Appeals Re ' tunes to Allow m Rehearing of Fa ' nioiis Standard Fine of $20,000,000 - Bonaparte Has But One Loophole ' i . .. ,, . . . to Administer ' Justice, the U. S. Supreme ' Court la Secoud Blow Given by Ono Court. Chicago,- Nov. . .10. The United States court of appeals today dented a rehearing In the case of the govern ment against the Standard 'OH com pany, Involving the $29,000,000 fine. The denial la another defeat for the people, and also a bard blow at the in terstate .commerce act. . The decision was rendered by Judges Groscup, Ba ker and Seaman. It is believed that Attorney General oBnaparte will take the case to the United States supreme court. .1 This Is the second time the same court has acted In the case. The case was originally taken to the appellate court by the oil company after Judge Landls had fined the corporation for accepting rebates from the Chicago & Alton road. The company was In dicted by two special grand juries on (428 counts. The trial lasted, six weeks. ' ' :. Mrs. J. W. Sadler, which appears In another column, the report of the cre dentials committee, and the reports of the 'recording secretary, Mrs. Walter Hoge 'of Forest Grove: of Mrs. J. D. Hayes of " IP'ortlan.d' as' corresponding secretary; of .Mrs. Frances Fox of Troutdal as treasurer; of Mary E. Stafford' of Eugene as auditor; the report of the delegate to the Boston Biennial, Mrs. Kate Gingham all these were followed, one by the other in prescribed sequence. The reports of the officers were limited In length, but concise and setting forth In as few words as possible the condition of each department. . The club federation has reasons to feel encouraged as a result of the officers' reports. . ; . Pretty Ushers awl Pages. ', Even down to the ushers, everything moved as smoothly aa in the higher departments. During the excitement of seating the delegates for the open- iu aeaaiuiuH. Mia Carrie liu li ter and Zoe . Bragg officiated with marked skill. The pages for the morning wereN Mlna Ash and Carol Currey, each doing her work remark ably well. This afternoon there was a change In both ushers and pages, Misses Ethel Wright and Geneva Ro ban officiating as pages, and Misses Eva Nelll and Ada West as ushers. Chorns Make Hit. The Lyle Tuesday Musical chorus was unquestionably a popular featt re of the day's attractions. The city's musical ability was well reflected In the rendition of "Daffodils." The fol lowing voices comprised the chorus: . Sopranos: Mrs. O. E. Sllverthorn, Mrs. ,T. J. Scroggln, Mrs. E. C. Moore, (Continued oa page 8.) VESTA Mil VLftCK San Francisco, Nov. 10. Dr. O. W. O'Donnell, a physician of San Fran cisco, was pointed out by James Gib son of Cove, Ore., on the witness stand at the cornoer's office, as the sur geon, under the name of "Dr. J. J. Black," as the man who performed the operation that. It Is alleged, re sulted In the death of his sweetheart. Vesta Van Vlack of La Grande. The coroner asked the doctor if he wished to say anything, and he said he didn't Identification followed the Gibson testimony In which were described his relations with the Oregon girl. He III SAN FRANCISCO COURTS TODAY DAHB ECCL1CS COMING TO L.V CIUXDE SOON. ConinM-txlul Club Holds Important Scmuou Last Night Will Have Two Hundred Boxes of Choice Apples at Seattle Fair Every Community la County Asked to Aid David Etx-Ioa Here to Drum Up Irrigation. The La Grande Commercial club made a step forward last night that lhould be immediately, followed by every other commercial organisation In the county. . As a starter, it was or dered that 200 boxes of cholco apple be Immediately purchased, shipped to Seattle and placed In cold storage for exhibit purposes, for the Alaska-Tu-kon-Paclflo fair next year. Union county should 'not have less than 100 boxes and we do not believe that we will have less before the season closes. Hood River Is reported to now have 200 boxes ready for exhibition pur- . . The emblem which stands as symbolic of La Grande and pre- dominates in the decorations, 44 poses. Hood River not only grows good fruit, but when she exhllbts her display la always on a scale in pro portion to the excellence of her fruit. . Now Hood River is an advertiser that any community can follow with profit. She makes her exhibitions pay. If you do not think so, go "and try to buy some of her fruit land, Union county raises fruit second to none. Let us make a showing that we will be proud of. V This Rosttle fdlr Is s-olna- tn b a winner for the northwest. Washing ton profited by the Lewis and Clark fair. Oregon will do likewise David libelee Coming. Several matter of Interest were dis cussed at the meeting last night, es pecially the irrigation project If Is expected that committees will begin the final campaign this week. David Eccles Is expected here on the 15th, and It is hoped to have a good show ing made by this time. Want Hughes in 'Frinco. j San Francisco, Nov. 10.' The Mer ; chants' association is awaiting a reply from Governor Hughes of New Tork, , to an Invitation to attend the annual . . dinner i month. of the organization next HI AIRED said he sought to marry her In Cove, but the license was refused them. Again It was refused at San Francisco because he did not have the consent of the girl's parents. He then visited "Dr. Black," and finally the girl waar taken to the hospital, where the cor oner will try to show, the case'waa diagnosed as appendicitis, and the operation for that resulted In death. The autopsy surgeon, Clark, of the coroner's office, swore th girl died from the effects of a bungling crimin al operation. Is " f ' ' (Continued oa page 4.) (Continued on pag 4.)