La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 09, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    .Y. viv
the cost for the day. The gross ex
penses for everything in connection
amounted to 2131, or 1 12.1 53. '
This wxpunse, with ,the exception of
$1000, Is burno by the lord mayor and
the sheriffs of London and iaidJlesev
The lord mayor pays one-half and the
balance la divided . between the two
sheriffs. .
The office, now has ben much
shorn of its original powers. In for
mer times the lord mayor was almost
a monarch over the old city of Lon
don and even now when the king goes
A. B. Huelat loft this morning for
Baker City on a business trip.
. Otto Dldlon returned last evening
from a short buslnes trip to Welser,
Mr. and Mr. C. P. Ferrln and fam
ily won? Surtilny vjHltnrs In Cnlon.
, The front of tlt three-story Bohn
cnkamp building lsmlng painted.
Attorney John I. Hand of Linker
City was registered at the Foley Pun-
0. N. T.
Spool Cotton
Stzndotd Cal
ico pr ysrd
Afternoon Wrthliitg. afternoon at 4 o'clock, at
the home of Mr.1 and Mrs. W. T. Short
Frank Calloway, one of Wallowa'
popular young buslm-na men, and 'Mlw
Myrtle Austin, were married by Rev.
C. E. Deal, pastor of the Methodist
church of this city.
Mr. Galloway la well known In this
city, where he waa employed in the
Red Cross drug store. MU Auntln,
ll 500 Pair sample Shoes, Men's Women's and ll
, ... . t;
In state to the old city area h mutiJJ
friends In Pendleton yesterday, return-
' inir lant evening. , -
Attorney Eugene Ashwlll returned
hint evening from a buHlness trip to
Pendleton. '
, Mrs. Annie Wcatherby arrived this
morning from Seattle, to visit her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones.
James McCoy returned to -his home
In Spokane this morning after spend
ing a short time In La Grande vlBltlng
relatives. .- .
; Senator-elect Turner Oliver , took
his departure last evening for Boise,
where he has two or three days' busi
ness affairs' : '
Mrs. C. W. Preston, who has been
vlxitlng her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Buck
ley in Portland.'the pant six weeks, has
returned home. '-. ' ; ' ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Shoemaker of
Elgin, are now making , their home
here. , Mr. ShoemaKer is employed in
the Farmers & Traders National bank.
Ex-Justice of the Peace John E.
Hough, returned last evening ; from
Portland, where he spent a week look
ing after business matters.
August Althelde writes that he Is
doing a splendid business In Pendleton
with his carpet cleaning plant and
will bo there several weeks. ...
Mrs. Frank Stlhvell and son arrived
Inst evening from Kearney, Xeb., to
Join the husband and father, who Is
: now permanently located here.
Rev. W. H. Gibson was , able to
come dovn today and made The Ob
server a pleasant but brief call. He
is able to walk, but j only with ; the
. greatest difficulty.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickey left this
morning to'vlslt Mr. and Mrs. William
Baker of Summervllle, for soveral
days. They will return the latter part
of the week. ; ' -
Allen N. Peel, representing the Ber
lin Machine works, with headquarters
at Spokane, left Saturday night for
Baker City, after , a business call; at
the Palmer Lumber company. . . . . ..
Mrs. John Shea left last evening
for Spokane, where she -will Join her
huBband, who will make Spokane his
headquarters as traveling engineer for
the Washington division of the O. R.
Roy Goodnough Is still hovering be
tween life and death, and at 3:30 this
afternoon was none better than this
morning. Physicians say there is a
fighting chance for recovery, though
they admit it to be extremely small.
P. A. Mosler, formerly with the Fair
store, but for the past two years em
ployed at Corvallls, has been secured
by N. K. WeRt as window trimmer.
He Is now here and his wife will Join
him In two weeks.
Several nromlnent L. D. S. church
men f this city spent Sunday in Ba
ker City, as guests of the: church
there.' They were George Stoddard,
F. S. Bramwell, James Kood and J.
R. Prieo.
F. D. McCulIey returned this morn
ing from Portland and stated that he
visited Mr. Scrlber on Friday, and un
derstood that an effort was being made
to rais the requlredbonds to secure
his release Until the! fodVml grand
. jury meets. .., .'
Mesdames George Brunson and
Jessie Fosterling of Baker City, spent
Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hoyt.
Mr. Brunson returned to his . home
last evening, but Mr. Fosterling will
remain here, to be employed at the
Pnlmer mill.
Thomas Bruce Is again in the city,
having finished the work of stringing
conveying wires from Union to the
Olive Lake light . project. The wires
are now In place and as soon as the
Insulators come and are puf In place,
electricity can be. conveyed over the
new wires.
Oyster Cocktails at Solder's.
The Solder's candy store will scl;
oyster cocktails from now on.
It win not make you godlike to
call others godless. . , , , .
, it takes mora than a flow of words
to wash the world. .
The cynic is one who . has found
stolen, fruits not so sweet
To praise a good action Is to partici
pate In its repetition.- , . . '
In the telephone Office In , this city
The many friends of ,00th with them
a long life of happiness and aifcces.
They left this morning for the city of
Wallowa, where Mr. Galloway is en
gaged In the drug business, and where
they will make their home.
dr. w. d. McMillan. ,
' Painless Dentistry.
; Expert Gold Work a Specialty,
Special attention to children's tecttu
Office:- ''...'
La Grande National Bank Building.
: Both Thones. .
Ijk GraiKlo Citizen Has Relio IVom
,Lorl May- Duy in 18 1L When His
Grandfather J Won lnaugurutHl
Elnborutc Sot of Functions for I.on
' don Today. .', i . ': :
. London, Nov. 9. Sir Georgo Trus
cott was today inducted,, into the office
of lord mayor of London, in succession
to Sir Charles Bell. The ceremonies
carried out at the Inaugural consisted
Of a great "literary" pageant, in which
all the great Englishmen of letters
were represented, ' - r ' , 1 ,
Ion In , connection with the Inaugur
ation' of the Incoming lord mayor Is
the great banquet' at the Guildhall In
the evening.. To this the chief per
sonages of the realm are Invited and
the 'prime minister, In reply' to the
toast, ''His Majesty's ' Government,"
gives an Indication of his policy for
the future. This speech , is always
eagerly looked, forward to, especially
wnen clouds" are thick and heavy on
the political horizon.' The foreign
ambassadors and ministers to the court
of St. James, are' likewise Invited, and
on several occasions our own ambas
sador has responded for the diplomatic
corps. Lowell, Bayard, Choate and
Whltelaw Held : have thus responded
In their official capacity and have
won fresh oratorical laurels for them
selves. It is safe to say that next to
the prime minister's speech that of
the American ambassador, if he
speaks, is the most attentively listened
to. ' - '. '
The Guildhall Is an ancient and
large stone structure capable of ac
commodating several hundred guests.
At one end la a raised dais on which
the table for the lord mayor and the
principal guests Is placed. , r
One of our La Grande citizens of
English birth, and the grandson of
a former lord mayor, who, was Inaug
urated in 1844, gives us the following
Items In connection with the banquet,
which will be of interest to our read
ers, as he lias the original account book
in his possession, his information Is
reliable. ' 1 -
The number of guests invited was
1050, and the American minister at
that time was Edward Everett.
The contract for the food supply
was let for 11030. or approximately
$3520. The wines, which .Included
Champaign, Hock, Claret, Madeira,
Port, Sherry, cost about $2500 more, j
The menu for this sumptuous feast
was printed on silk cloth. A sample
of the menu Is now in the possession
of I'pton H. Gibbs of this city, and
the long list of 'edibles Includes: 240
tureens of real turtle; 200 bottles of
sherbet; 30 entrees; 0 ro83t pullets;
t9 pigeon pies and 2 other liberal
dishes cf Tcgetsb'ea and dlffer?at
classes of meat; nine kinds of "re
moves," and 1 kinds of desserts. The
menue Is extremely beautiful and val
uable ss a family relic.
But the banquet is only about half
mission from the lord mayor to pas
its boundaries. ; The honor Is, how
ever, valued and sought after, but It
Involves a heavy expense to Its recip
ient, for In spite, of his official Bulary
being ISO, 000, he has to spend a like
amount of his own private means. It
Is fortunate for him that his term, as
a rule, lasts only for one year, '
Department of the Interior, ' "
U. 8. Land Office at La Grande.Ore.,
October 6, 1908. '
. Notice la hereby given that : , .
' . . JOHN O. KISS ELI ' '
of (Vancouver, (WashIngton, who, on
October 5, 1908, made timber and
stone sworn statement No. 0-1849, tor
lot 1, NEU KWM, fTWL NEVit sec
tion 30; SE14 8W14, section 19, town
ship 5 south, range 36 E. W. M., has
filed notice of Intention to make final
timber and stone proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore the register and receiver of, the
U. S. land office at La Grande, Ore
gon, on the 21st day r of December,
i9o..-. ;' . ; 'i
Claimant names as witnesses: Da
vid C. Brlchoux, of La Grande, Ore.;
Wash.; Chester A. Pike, of Vaneou
John W. Msltland, of Vancouver,
ve-. Wash.; Basil E. Lever, of Port
la 11 J, Ore. ' '" '
F. C. BRAMWELL; Register.
io-n-12-18 , :
Departmont of the Interior, v. ,
U. S. Land La Grande.Ore..
. .October 5, 1908. , . . ,
Notice is hereby given that ;
of Vancouver, Wash., who, on October
5, 1908, made timber and stone sworn
statement Ko. 01850, for W SEVi,
EH SW, section 8. township 5 south,
range 35 E.iW. M., has flied notice of
Intention Jo maka.. final, timber 'and
stone proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the reg
ister and receiver of the U. S. land
iff Ice at La Grande, Oregon, on the
21st day of)December, 1908, .. .
Claimant names as witnesses: Basil
E. Lever, of Portland, Ore.; John O.
Kissell, of ; Vancouver, Wash.; John
W Maitland, of Vancouver, Wash.;
For 1 he Office End of The
i Business:.. I
IVften office supplies are needen there is but one action
to takecome here for them.
want and we make the prices
Typewriter Ribbons
Carbon Paper
Stenographer's Note
Manuscript Covers
Tracing Paper
Typewriter Paper
Legal Blanks, Dater
Rubber Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands, Inks
Library Paste in Large Packages
And Everything in the Line of Office Requisites
it We IV Save You
ll test , year's stock at exactly cnt half the original price. Jhest are Just the thing for t
it School wear and are excellent value, ' ; . , -
1500 yds. Outing,
00 suits men
ll 60c on the dollar, $3.00 for $1:80 ' and $2. 00 1
Good Laundry
Soap 7 Bars
David C, Brlchoux, of La Grande, Ore.
F, C, BRAMWELL, Register. -
10-1MM8 .-
The Little Shop."
" Now open at 90S Main street. Em
broidery' work done and taught. Tool
ed leather, Dedham pottery; lessons
In all these branches. Work done In,
a high class manner. Call on studio
and learn for yourself. - ;
; ' Instructor.'
We have iust what you
1 "
50 per cent on your Shoes for Fall
50 Children's and Misses
Regular 12 h2c Grade
s winter underwear samples,
,. ". .
We Solicit Ycur Orders for
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mduldlnfis,
Chain Wood
. We are prepared to furnish and deliver material
Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8.
LOST -A cravehett? overcoat between
Washington and the old town store.
Finder return to this office and re
ceive reasonable reward. W, Waln-
. wrlght.; 'i ' . ': t :?;,.)
Off Ice of the ComptrolliT of the
Washington, D. C, Oct. 18. 1908,
Notice is hereby given to all
persons who may have claims
against "The Farmers & Trad
4 ers National bank of La
Grande," Oregon, that the same
must be presented to Walter
Neldner, Receiver, with .the le-
gal proof thereof, within three
months from this date, or they
may be disallowed.
, Comptroller of the Currency.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice Is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, under the firm name
ul Rooto u Bunker, U tins day din
solved by mutual consent, the said
Walter E. Bunker retiring, and the
said Herman Roesch continuing the
bsslness, and the said Herman Roesch
will pay all debts owing by the firm,
and collect all accounts dus' the said
Mill Ends 8 1-3c t:
Bleached Wus-J
I'm per yd. I
i S
- 0
' firm. . ' . ''.' ..'' '!
Dated at, La Grande, Oregon, Octo
ber 24, 1308. ' Oo2t
Everybody tlist knows our contetv
tlons at all is aware of their purity,
their fresnness, tbelr fins flavor. II
on - flon't Vwow, "jrt a?a"t:J-:!! JL .
Tou certainly get your money's worts
In this candy shop whether you brf
an ounce, a pound, or a 1-pound boc
i 1