EVTXlMi' I Hi i. LA i:H.r. JIOVDAl. XCVTTZ ii i I i;:. li'.orES tvr4 .Erne. pKbliHtied Daily EvI Sunday. CXKKEY BHOTHUtN EDITORS AND FROPniET0R Inlird rmt TleTapl Sen Ice. SCBSCKIPTION RATES; Pally, lng copy ...... Daily, per tnonta .. . . Sc "Xai!y, lx month. In edranc...S3 SO Dally, one year. In advance... ..14.54 Weekly, eix month, in advance.. TSe Weekly, on year. In advance... $1.00 -Hj"t roaster. , This Paper will not public any artl- appearing over nora de plume. ftrned article will be received ub- Jact to th dlacrttion of the editor. 1 Pleaao tign your article and aae dl ' appointment. ' Advertising lUtMk Display ad. rate furnianed ' apon ; application. Local reading notlcea JOc per line flrat Insertion; Se per Una for each ub sequent luaertlon. Resolution of condolence, Se a Una. ' Card of thanks, Sc a Una. ) THE COST OF ADVERTISING. The unawake' merchant often won " ders how some rival "can afford to " apend so much money for advertis ing." He Is sure that ha could not ' that It would bankrupt him In Mhort ; order to "plung" Into publicity on the scale that the other fallow does. "The other fellow" is not worrying about the "trot" of his advertising for the simple ro.aon that he dura no nave to pay for It. Tn competitor who cannot "afford" to adv-rtl real ly, In effect, pays the bills of. the rnnn who can "afford" it. II ps them In the lows of bunlnw caii by hi failure to advertlpp. The buFlnt'HS he ought to have hi "share" of the trade In his line go- In Iarjt? part, to (the .competitor who H-ekn It. who can afford to advertiw for It. The profits on the ti ad drawn away from the tfinfd advertiser by ihf aggrriv one pays the lattr' ad vertising bills WnJ leaves a comforta ble surplus. 1 " . -'.I . This Is a fact winch proKresiv. merchants are proving all the time so it ought t have some personal sig nificance to the over cautious tuslncs men who are waltlng-to get rich be fore "risking" adequate advertising campaigns. Baker Herald. i ' - i r ; ' Marshal Waldcn , says that he will be compelled to make an example of some one for Violating the ' ordinance which prohibits expectorating on the sidewalks and In the halls of public buildings. Only a few are careler s .however.- Oh, cheer up! Mince pie season Is . at hand and things - could be much worse than some would lead us to b lleve. ' ''." i ' ' ', .ii.i ' Watch that park project material ize. When the ladles of La Grande : go out after anything, they land It. 'V-. ' ... i . ' tlffi LETTER Portland, Nov. . (Special corres pondence.) Albany Is not allowing ' the people of Portland' or the uthei valley cltits and towns to forget th Albany apple fair, and the dedication of the new Southern Pacific depot on Tuesday, November 10. Portland will be there with a thoroughly rcprcsfn tadve delegation. Two of the greatest displays of ap ples ever made In the Pacific north west are attractions for early In Dc rember. On will commence at Port land December 1, and continue- for three !oj s. w hen Spokane will take the centor of the stage In thl ,im character tff cntcrtainmTit from De cember 7 to 12. The TortlanJ Commercial club had two great overflow -occasions lt week. There were more people pres ent Tuesday night to get election re turns than at any time irtnee the new building was eroded. But the great Vt ereTTt. iifi In attemfaace' ana im portance was the banquet given Fri day night to mark the opening of the North Bank railroad, with the hon ored guests Including James J. Hill, mm chairman of the board of directors of the Crest Northern; Howard Elliott. prrlUnt of the Northern Pacific; Louis V. Hill, president of the Great Northern: George P. Harris, president of the Chicago. Burlington Qulncy; Francis B. Clarke, president of the Spokane, Portland Satte. and other officials of national in-putation la the railway and commi-rrlal worM. A miniature train was part of the decor ative scheme of the banju.-t UbS-. GlI'n'laie. Washington, ha given all the commtinlilfs of the Pacific coast a record tn raining money for advcrtUing purps-s. by giving $1 fr every msn. woman and child within V .1- . ..... u i . j this came, in at me rmi oi m ute. ' y f ' . ProsiH-rity has been rife In all parts of Oregon, and all the election had to do wlth.lt ne way nr the other was to give some mn an excuse to wait. Now that even that Is useless people are closing great contracts, and build ing activity will be more marked than at any time In the history of the state. During the last few days that the colonist rate were effective more than 1209 people came to 'Oregon on one way tickets to make this state their permanent home. , . Crowds are meeting the farming demonstration train at every station. Through the co-operation of the Ore gon Agricultural college and railroad Interests which have made this possi ble. Iota of good Is being received to wards the 'encouragement of diversi fied and Intelligent farming. NOTICE FOR PCBLICATION. . r-partment of the Interior, U. . Iind Office,' La Grande,' Ore., September 21, J903. Notice is hereby given that -MARTHA LANGDOX, of Ia Grande, Ortgon, who, on B-p-tomlwrl, 1908, made timber and none sworn statement No. 01333, for W'V XEV. section 18. township 2 south, range JS. E. W. 51.. has filed notice of Intention to make final tim ber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land above described, befor tha register and teceiver of the V. S land office at La Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of December, 10S. . Claimant names as witnesses: Chas Col well, of , Perry. Ore.; "Harry Col well, of Perry. Ore.; Edward Lovely of La Grande, Ore.; W. R. King, of La Grande, Ore. ; F. C BRAMWELL, Register. f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande.Ore. October 5, 1908. ." Notice Is hereby given that CHRISTEL R. PENDER, of Vancouver, Wash., who, on Octa ber 5, 190. made timber and stom sworn statement ATo. 01851, for E NE14, aectlon 17, and E4 8E4. sec tion 8, township S south, range 15 F W. M ha filed notice of intention to make final timber and stone proof, to tab"'i cla'tr, to thf. 'wd abovi -le-scribed, before the register and re volver, at La Grande. Oregon, on th 21st day of December, 1908. Claimant names a witnesses:., Ba sil E. Lever, of Portland, Ore.; Joha v. Kissen, ot Vancouver, wash.; Ches ter A. Pike, of Vancouver. Wash.; Pa . Id C. Brlciioux, of La Grande, Ore. . F. C. BRAMWELL. Register. 10-18-12-18 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Inu-lor, U. S. Land Office, La Grande. Ore.. September 21, 190S. Notice is hereby given that CHARLES BOOEAU, of Baker City. Ore., who. on Novem ber 6. 1907, made timber and ston sworn statement No. 5S10, serial No 0315. for SE'i XE and NE4 SE'4 xectlon s; Ni Sffli, setclon 9, town ship 5 south, range S6, E. W. M., ha '.iled notice of Intention to make final timber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore the ropister and receiver of the O. S. land office, at La Grande. Ore gon, on the 10th day of December. 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Da vid C. .Brichnux, John T. Williamson. James C. Henry,-W. A. Burns, all of La Grande. Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. t 9. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. October 19, 190. Notice Is hereby given that RIVUS M. McCOT. of Kamela. Orvgon, who, or Novem. ber 14, 1964, made homestead entry' No. 1407T. serial No. 01927. for Wi stK4, "section SO.' township 1 south, range 3 E. W M.. has filed notiv of Intention to mke final commatv tlon proof t establish claim toith land above described, before the re- - BLUE MOUlimU; HOUSE T. J. CRAY Prep. ( New Management) I Rates'$t.00,$1.25, $1.50 X Best 25c meal in the city X Beds 25c snd 50c X All outside rooms. Board X znd lodge 16. pet week $ One. block from depot ... : 0. fr. FOWLER : Why Try to "Get I Along" without o "She had done her best-A leaky range was to blame" Why not know the delightful satisfa lion of having yc t work done perfectly-That comes from using a Monarch Range? r?7 A We are Prepared to ? nn i i mane Loans on Farm or city property I Our Abstract Books the most complete in the County. An t X Abstract fucnished by us is absolutely reliable , .'. X : IFire, Life and Accident Insurance : I La Grande Investment Co. Foley Block Daily Observer S. S. T. t3 lie best treatment for Catarrh, because it b a perfect blood ptrr.Scr. It; the only medicine that is able to get clown iajo the circula tion, and r-irc!y remove the catarrhal matter and imptrities which produce the tronl.-i. .-? long as the mucous Esembranes and tissues are fcept iu3amed nnd iiritcd ly this iirpure and infected condition of the blood Catarrh will rera&L.. l.z iJlrajreeable and dansrerous symptoms, of rinrjia g noises in the cars, ntcus dropping back into the throat, headaches, eatery eyes, difficult breathing, end even stomach disorders and weakened health, cannot be penna uently relie-ed ustil the blood is purified. Nothing equa!3 S. S. S. for this purpose. It poes down to the very root cf the trouble, end removes every particle of the catarrhal matter from the blood ar.d enriches th:S vital fluid so that all the mucous surfaces are supplied with nutritive, fcerJthful qualities, in stead of bcin? constantly irritated and inflamed by impurities ia the circula tion. Then the avmntoms betrin to pass away and wbs v S,fv br, frr.tfrc!? pnntied the blood. Catarrh is permanently cured and the general healt" greatly built up. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice deurtd sent In to all who writer ' . TH3 SV7IFT SPrCIFIC CO., ATLAXTA, GJL - Only house in the city employing white help only VTTTTr-IT TtTT t. would yon prefer to pay? A good atlff one to the doctor for curing some of your family of pneumonia or rheumatism or our modest one for the coal which would have prevented the illness! Thltk U ovr. Then J give us the ;der to. coaU Zrj J it soon, too.' Even a little chill J may mean a big bill for tha doctor. . ' ' a . Phone Main 10 : XatlStay Sat Isf &rtorvK&j2 ' : : La Craude, Ore. v 65c per Month J' -r- . j BEST TREmffiHT FOR CATARRH GEORGE PALMEP.Prtsidsr.t W. H. ERENHOLTS A"t Cashiar J. M. BERRY, Vica Prtsldant C S. WILLIAMS. 2d AlCh;r F. L. MEYERS Cashiar . 3655 La Grande National Bank Of La Grande) Oregcr CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY t ' DIRECTORS J. M. Berry A. B. Conley CC. Panmngton F. L. W. L. Brenholts fw tMtHMMIMtHMWMMMMMMMM Grande Ronde PERRY, 11 CAN FURNISH LUMBER OF M L MNDS IN; CARLOAD LOTS For 16 inch Chain Weed Deliiereilat yo r iirnx. I Call up V. Z. EE AN, La Grande ! hcr.c, Rfd 1741 aaaaaaaaaa . jvV;v THE "'.'.;';;;:': I - OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION : t A HOME COMPANY $28,000,000.00 X A Mutual Company can Save Ycu from 40 to 50 per cent on Your Insurance 1 i J. VV. OLIVER, AGENT, La GrandcOr. J . m.. aMaaAafa. 'A ; Cor. 6th St and Washington Ave rnone Kea uo . is that made at North j aa .. i ......... . - :'' -- . i Powder - Every Sack i'N0R j GRANDE RONDE CASH CO. Local Agents VV 00D, C0A! AND " : : I Cut Prices on Lumber and I : : i 1 Shingles for large Orders f We need the money; fir and Native Shingles STODDARD -1 F. J. Holme F. M. Brykit ; i Meyera Geo. L. Cleaver , George Palrr Lumber Co. GRC60N 34,000 MEMBERS ; INSURANCE IN FORCE r Guaranteed You need the material Lumber, Gedar LUMBER CO. CBCTTCR 7 -r n oaw",Bw