La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, November 07, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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. Ijar
Mr. Neil AikUs loft thin morning
for PfiKileton to spend a f?w days.
County Clerk and Mm. Ed Wright
j,.ft thl morning to spend alurday
and Sunday with relatives In Union.
Ml Frances Heritage and Miss Hill
of Union, come over to spend the dny
III the metropolis of the county.
F. A. Galloway, editor of the En
terprise News-Heeord, wan tn th city
liint night on business matter..
rmcrs of North Powder, are doing
business In the city today. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Cleaver re
turned this morning from Spokane,
where they have been several days.
J. W. Ethlngton, cashier of the
Union National bank, Is transacting
business matters In La Grande today,
W. F. Stock of Cove, Is a business
Visitor today In Pendleton. Pendleton
East Oregonlan. . ' y
Mrs. K. Bradley of La Grande, Is a
guest of Pendleton friends today.
Pendleton Eats Oregonlan. -
The Amalgamated sugar factory
will complete Its season's run next
Monday night or' Tuesday morning. '.
Miss Pearl Murchcson left today for
Walla Walia to vlstt a brother and
sinter for a few weeks. . , . .
Mrs. Susan Eastlake. who has been
j n the city , the past few months. ex-
t' pecte to leave this evening for her
home at Tenlno, Wash.
Mrs. Mabel Roberts and children
of Lewlaton, who have been vudting
.her Bister, Mrs. John WJIllamson, left
this morning for Moscow.
C. C. Clarke, manager of the exper
iment farm at Union, came over thlt,
morning to attend the IJcndleton-La
Grande football game..
F. J. Parke, editor of - the Union
Scout, and Mr. Sclbird of the Union
Republican, are" business'. visitors lu
the city. i
Mrs.. E. A. Bunker expects to leave
this evening for Portland to visit with
'her daughter, Mrs. H, C. Harris, until
after the holidays'. ' ;
B. S. Wheeler and family of Pipe
stone, Minn., are spending a few days
with ex-County Recorder and Mr.' D.
H. Proctor at their Frultdalo residence.
Walter Bunker returned to Walla
Walla todaj after spending a few
days at home. He will make the Gar
den City his' home hereafter,
Mrs. Hanna Rodgers came .over
from Union this morning,- where she
has been stopping for the past two
months. She expects to return Mon
day.;' '
Earl Stoddard of La Grande, has
been elected president of the student
body of Brlgham Young college at
Logan, Utah, according to the "Crim
son." the magazine of the college.
Mrs. E. "M. Fowler and Mrsi Han
nah Rogers, came over this morning
from Union, to spend the day with
friends. Mrs. Fowler Is a guesj of
Mrs. Rogers and resides In Mlddleton,
Idaho. ' .'',, '
Miss NellDe Peate, f-r the past
two years manager of the Wec'rn
r-. . . w. t - ........ i
left today for southern Oregon. ,' Mr.
of Spokane, is the new man-
Fred Huffman and Lillian Holman,
recent graduates ? of island City high
school, Jiave prominnt positions on
the staff of the "Normal Wireless,"
the. magazine published by the stu
dents of the Eastern , Oregon State
Normal school at Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Martin of
Seatti-, are vlj-'ting at . the William
Ramsey, home. They are en route to
their old home In New Turk.' where
they will visit a portion of the. win
ter. They plan to visit In La Grande,
several days. , '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of 'Seat
tle are in the' city today the guests f
Judge Jn"d Mrs. William Ramsey. Mr
and Mrs. Martin are en route to New
York and stopped off in order that
Mrs. Martin might visit a day with
her Bfster, Mrs. Ramsey.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickey will leave
Monday morning to visit Mrs. Dickey's
brother, William Baker of Summer
vllle, for a few days. They expect to
return the latter part of the week and
will remain a week or'" two In La
Grande before returning to their home
In Baker county.
- Elition Ijite.
Trouble with the big . newspaper
P'fiRS has delayed the appearance of
The Observer this evening.. The trou-
bU will be remedied as quickly a
sible and then the"rea3ers wiil again
be reached on schedule time.
W'ANTED Competent house girl In
family of two. Inquire rrf Mrs. J.
3. Kerry.
One of the most Inti resting ses
sions of the evening Kaffee Kluuh to
which the husbands of the members
are always Invited, was given last eve
ning by Mesilumes J. M. Berry and
W. L. Damon at the Berry, home on
Adams avenue. Mrs. Jay Van Buren
and J. J. Carr were awarded hand
uome prizes-for . winning the highest
honors. Following cards a delicious
luncheon was served.
i .-
Yesterday afternoon Mr C. E. Deal
and ' Mrs. Geoiw'II. Currey, at the
home of the former,, entertained the
Current Topic club and a number of
Invited guests. One of the features
of the occasion was a response to roll
call, with the choice of a story, poem
or a musical number. This proved
most entertaining and amusing. Re
freshments were served and a delight
ful afternoon was enjoyed by all
present. ,
Master William Sllverthorn this of
ternoon entertained ' several of his
friends at the Sllverthorn home on
First and Main. . '-',-
dr. w. d. McMillan.
. Painless Dentistry.
Expert Gold Work a Specialty.
Special attention to children's teeilu
. Ofilcc:: . , "' ' . ' '
La Grande National Bank Building.
Both 'Phones.
Tlic Scenic. ' '
"Standing room only" was the 'sign
displayed last evening. MISs Helen
Brandon In' her song and dance act
elicited the greatest amount of ap
plause. Her '.act' Is clever, especially
her dancing; The pictures were good,
the variety of films was Just the sort
which best please the public. Walters
and Murray caused many laughs, and
seemed to please the audience. The
bill for tonight ' will be the same as
last night.
Ro:evelt Praises Went Point.
Washington, Nov. 7. There Is an
excess of athletic" seal at the army war
college today, flowing a visit yester
day of President RooBevelt, at the re
quest of General Franklin Bell. Pres
ident Roosevelt followed Bell to the
platform and told the officers he was
much interested In the work.-
naze City Hall Tower.
San Francisco, Nov. 7. The great
dome of the flre-rlddenfdismantled city
hall, standing as a monument of the
great' disaster, will soon be razed, ac
cording to plans of the contractors
who bid upon the removal of - the
building. ' ' -
Clever Gang Vork Their anie hi
Land Across die Ocean.
Walla WallaNov.
-Local banks
have received warning eireui tail
ing attention to- a gang's of clever
swindlers In f!pain, who In years past
have been successful In defrauding
people In this country out
sums of money. ' ..
of? large
The usual methods of procedure of
the gang are Illustrated by the case of
a young lady school teacher in a city
in the middle west. She had been in
correspondence for some time with a
person, In Spain who signed himself
"F. Lopez," who claimed to. have a
minor heir with a valuable estate for
whom they were looking for a guard
Inn. The heir always bears the name
of the vlctl mln this country and is
supposed to be,a distant relative. The
story told the school ' teacher was a
pitiful one and she became very much
Interested in the child's behalf. ' But
when "Mr. Lopez", wrote that It was
necessary to have $954 for legal ex
penses and transportation to this
country, she became, suspicious and
wrote the Spanish minister, who told
her she was lucky to escape In time
from the swindling scheme of a bad
The swindlers are said to have been
operating extensively of late and the
warning Is sent out as a protection to
patrons of banks throughout the coun
try. Search Warrant Issued.
Bohnenkamp A Co. had a iearch
warrant Issued today to investigate a
pos-jbox of merchandise recently Bold by
j." BTOTtVtVrTtf' iC-Arca W8
Is now being held by F. D. Haisten as
keeper' In an attachment suit. Bohn
enkamp has reason to believe that,
contained In the bo xis a breech-j
loading shotgun valued at $S.
Presidential election week has seen
sharp Improvement In the business
centers of this city and In the real fs
tsto Rovcsrisnt -?f founty. . Snlw
totalling mora thaa J20.000. have been
- VT -
the Real Estate, Loan Commis
sion company. The deals were given
some consideration before the elec
tion, but their consummation was not
effected until the vote was counted.
This one firm reports the following
sales within the past few days:
McIIatten's 80 acre to Mr. Egbert
of Cash Valley. Utah, for $4600; the
Sallng place,' near the Conley ware
house, of 10 acres, to Parley Egbert,
also of Cash Valley, for $8000. ,
' The McGee place of 60 acres to C.
P. Evalson of Emmett, Idaho, for $4,
300; the Ellis Solsbury place of 80
acres near Alice, to Mr. McGInnls of
Imbler, for $5600. .
Event Will Come Off at I'ortluntl on
ThaiikxKlvlng Day.
Oi' A. C, has IssueJ a challenge to
the athletes of the University of Ore
gon for a cross-country race,
run at- Portland on the forenoon of
the. O. A. C.-Unlversily footbaU game,
says a Corvallls paper. The distance
wiirbe four miles, tho runners to start
and finish at the Multnomah club.
The winner will be given a turkey
second man, goose; third, a. chicken,
nnd the last to finish will be pres. .-hi
ed with an egg.
' This was the decision reached at a
meeting of .the candidates for the
cross-country team, which was recent
ly organized. Over 100 students re
sponded to the acll,' and received In
structions for the carrying on of the
work. Most of the regular track team
men have "joined the team and will
commence training af oncel .
The Dalles Elk Buy Home. " i.
At the meeting of the Elks lodge
last night, the members decided to
purchase property on which to build
a hall, according to The Dalles Chron
icle.' '
The deal was closed this morning
wherein the Elks' order bought the
property belonging to George Llebe
on Third and Court streets, occupied
by. the building formerly ,used as a
meat market, and the two cottages oc
cupied by Ed Kurtz and J. E, Hardy.
For Ihe Office End of The
Business: I
When office supplies are heeden there is but one action
to take come here for them: We have lust what .you
want and we make the prices right.
WE HANDLE ' I ; V; y " ; ; .v'.'
Typewriter Ribbons
Carbon Paper ' .
Stenographer's Mote Books
Manuscript Covers
Tracing Paper ,
Typewriter Paper
Leal Blanks, Dater
Rubber Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands, Inks
Library Psste in Large Packages
And everything in the Line of Office Requisites
o. n. r.
Spool Cottnn
11500 Pair sample Shoes, Men's
,., ., -..-.V,' ..... ...
JV-Ht ..f;-v-i y.ora rf-.4vi;
it We Will Save You
Last year's stock at exactly
r.L.f ... -.-j ...
jiiivui ncor auu mc caichciji iuc. .....
1500 yds. Outing,
If 100 suits men
H 60c on the dollar, $5M 'ioi '$1.80 and $2.00
Good Laundry
Soap 7 Bars
The size of the ground purchased is
X00xil6eet and the price paid was
$80Q0. ' ' '''. ' '''-'"' : "
The Elks will not build a hall for
some time, but have purchased ft most
desirable building site,' so that when
they decide to erect a home they will
have a" choice iocaflon on which to
place a building.
The committee making the purchase
was composed of Dr. B. C. Ollnger,
Mayor E. M. Wlngate and A. E. Cros-
50 per cent on your Shoes for Fall
SO Children's and Misses
one half the original price.
Regular 12 i-2c Grade Mill Ends 8 l-3c
's mntet underwear samples,
We Solicit Ycur Orders for
Chain Wood .y
We are prepared '.to furnish and deliver material
nrnmntlv. . -:-..' :,..-,.:.;.7;,
" .. , .... .. . ........
V , - ' !..; ,..ilr..-,.-. jj ,-.-' S-'-v"-.. . ,
Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8.
; Oyster Cockluils at Sclder's.
The Seldor's eandyJjBtore will sell
oyster cocktails from now on.
Don't rise so high In your calling
that you see only one side of your fel
lows, .. ' "' ;-
Offi-e of the Comptroller of the
- -. Currency. -
Washington, D. C., Oct. 1J, 1908
Notice is hereby given to all
persons who may have claims
against "The Farmers & Trad
ers " National bunk of La
Grande," Oregon, that the same
must bo presented , to Walter
Neidner, Receiver, with the le-
gal proof thereof, within three
months from this date, or they
4 may be disallowed.
Comptroller of the Currency.
Xotlce of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, under the firm name
of Roesch It Bunker, is this day dls-
(oiied us ""nuiuHi Consent. A a).;
Walter E. Bunker retiring, and the
said Herman Roesch continuing the
business, and the said Herman Roesch
ill pay all debts owing by the firm,
and collect all accounts due the said
Standatd CzU
ico pr yard
Women's andil
These are iust the thing for ?
1 1 .
I'm per yd.
firm. '
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Octo
ber 24, 1908. Oct24tf
; - HErtMAX.V ItOliSClL
Everybody that knows our confec
tions at all is aware of their purity. -their
fresnness. their fine flavor. If
you don't know, "get acquainted."
in this candy shop whether you buy
an ounce, a pound, or ft l-pound box.
M Mil
?, . .
A' '
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