feVEYDCG onsERrxn, TJi crasde. onrco:. tctss.vy, ycrrr.mCT 8. moa. fauk nra it il .1 -I La Grande Professional Directory PHYSICIANS. O. L. BIGQERS, M. D-. Fuyslclan and Surgeon. Office. Lewis Building, over Henry 4 Carr Undertaking Parlors. Offlca 'Phone Black 182L .': Reeldenco 'Phone Red 1001 J.H. HUBBARD. M. D. ' .Physician and Surgeon. Offloe in New Bank Building. Rooms 80-IK 'Phones: Reeldenoe, Main f ' j , (; Office, Main Tl. ' ' DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeok. - Office over Hill's Drug Store. : Office 'Phone 116. Residence Main 15 N. MOLITOR. M. D Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adama Ave. and Depot 8t Office Main 08 Residence Main 80 BACON HALL. Fhvslclana and Surgeona., Office t A. Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 18. ' C T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. . M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 88. .OR. V. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOOR Osteopatklp Physicians. Klrksvine Graduates Under Pounder Office Bommer Balldlng. Phones: Office Main 08; Res. Mala 04 C. n. UPTON, PH. G., M. D. ' Physician and Surgeon. . Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . Office In La a nnde National Bank Building. Tnenee Office, Main 8: Residence, - . Main 88. ; VETERINABY SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Surgeca. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grands Residence 'Phone Red 701. , Office 'Phone Black 1881. Independent 'Phone 88. Both 'phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILET, Graduate Ohio 8tate University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery t all kinds. Country calls promptly -Answered.- Offlca 1414 Adama Avenue. Phones: Pacific Black 1001. Independent, 878. To make room for our Holiday Goods, 1 1 ive will give until November 10th 33 1-3 per cent off on all our hand-painted China 25 per cent off on our stock of Libbey cut Glass I SIEGR'IST & GO-! JEWFLERS. AIVD l44 Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS . D. FITZOERALO, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry a DELNTISTS. C B. CAUTHORN, Dentist. Of'tce over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande ' 4 , , Oregon, J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. , Dentist. f ' i' ';' ' Room 28, La Grande National Bans Building. , 'Phone Black 1801. . TEACHERS OF MUSIC PROF. E. PORTER DAY. Principal. La Grande School of Music. '.. Mrs.' Day, assistant... School, 108 , Greenwood Ave.,' one door south of Adams Ave, 'Phone Black 1831. MISS STELLA OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and Harmony.. ' Studio at residence of' Turner Oliver, corner Fourth and O avenue. ' - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. : ' L. A. PICKXER. I , Civil, Mining, Irrigation Enginerln and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande - ' - - - Orego a C. R, THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engl ','' ' ' neerlng. Twenty Tears' Experience. KOBEHT MILLER, :..' ; Architect..'' Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phones: Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. 8. ' ATTORNEYS. Cbae. E. Cochran Geo. P. Cocttra i COCHRAN COCHRAN, . . i '. Attorney. . . La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande '.' .' '. Oregor . R. H. LLOTD. !'- V ',,", Attorney at Law. Practice In all the courts of the SUte and United States. Elgin Oregon C. II. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law.' Practices In alt the courts of "the State and United States.! ( Office In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. VIA VI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1078. 0PTICIAS resetting and repairing ' . r , Brother workmen will come to the aid of Junius A. Dukk, who lot Sun day suHtained serious Injury In a fall IVeftVt' yif)heV.t"', nljigton & Co. elothlnif store. Thpy will do his work on . the building, each taking turns as-their Individual contracts will allow. This was the decision reached hint evening by mem bera of the Painters union, who met at the Bueg paint shop. The first of this work will be done tomorrow. when some of the 'men wilt complete the tak that Mr. Bugs met h In Injuries In doing. , ." Rating Well Today. " . Mr. Bugg spent a quiet night and seems to 'be out of excruciating pain. It will require weeks of time to gain strength again, but there Is no appar ent reason why recovery should not be rapid. V , , ...... Holm Not Badlv Hurt. ; Holm, the : other- pointer ho vast Injured'by 'the collapse' 6f the scaf folding, is improving. He sustained a severe sprain that will prove almost ax tardy In recovery as a break. Dr. Hubbard has the case, but , was called only after many hours had elapsed, and the swelling reached ;a serious Rtage. He was unable to make defin ite declHton as to the extent of the ...... Injury until today. Grande Ronde hospital news Is ex tremely encouraging today, James Gavin,' the engineer who was so bad ly Injured recently, Is recovering with remarkable rapidity, and his many friends Join with the family In con gratulations to his remarkable escape. Andrew Nelson," the logger who had his head crushed In an accident at the Grande Ronde Lumber companyts bamp, is establishing a recovery rec ord similar to that of Gavin.. His chances for ultimate recovery were very few when he was brought to the hospital..' Oscar Soley of ' Perry, who was brought down some time ago, with a bad case of pneumonia, Is sitting up and will soon be let go from the Insti tution. Roy Goodnough has had no relapse though he Is gaining strength but TREASURY. DEPARTMENT, ' ';. . ' 1 , Office or the Comptroller of the Current'y. . Washington, D. C, Oct. IS. 1908. Notice is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against "The Farmers & Trad- ers ' National bank of La Grande," Oregon, that the same must be presented to Walter Neldner, Receiver, with the le- gal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. LAWRENCE O. MURRAY, Comptroller of the Currency, Rea When you purchase jewelery or a time piece from me you have a right to feel certaih abou having 'recieved full value for your money : : : . .. : J. H- PEARE LEADING PI0ER JEWELfR riii; This has been an extremely quiet day. . With the court house locked, lh banks closed, the, land offlcluls .We. and Ahe' potofftce,. de.?artmo wiirkfns oh Sunday scht lal( J. ti-ere has be"en little transacted .except the routine purcre of sugar, coffee and houBehold necessities. There has been no violation of the "clean politics' bill In this city, either. Not a single political button , was In evidence . to day, and aside frorrij the usual num ber congregating: about those who were' .'orn In,' there. Is nothing to In dicate that an election Is In prog ress. ' ' "' ' ' .'. : It takes but a moment to vote and it will take but a moment to count the votes tonight. ' s" Karly Returns. : , Thlsfwlll wean that the returns from both county and city .precincts will come to The Observer early. It is thought ; a" general knowledge of how- the vote: Is going will be on the sheet byj 9:80; o'clock. Telephone communications have been provided for In every precinct and The Obser ver's returns-gathering staff will have the facts at the hand of this office as promptly a possible. ' , O. M. Heacock, who for the past few weeks has been operating the Pastime' theater In this city, turned It back to Fred Housh, who on Wed nesday will dispose of his Interest to E. H. Eccles of Baker City. , Mr. Ec cles returned to Baker City this morn ing to make arrangements to move to this city. Xotlce of Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm name of Roesch & Bunker, la this day dis solved .by mutual consent, the said Walter E. Bunker retiring, and the said Herman Roesch continuing . the business, and the said Herman Roesch will pay all debts owing by the firm, and collect all accounts due the said, firm. , Dated at La Grande, Oregon, Octo ber 24. 1908. Oct24tf . HERMANN ROESCH. WALTER E. BUNKER. ED atltrNGBAJt, 4 AUtmONKER, 4" Sales erlea on short aotice. I Satisfaction guaranteed. 0 No extra charge for distance. . LA GRANDE ... OREGON 4 Route No. S. 'Phone No. 100x0 They Take the Kinks Out. "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with Increasing satisfaction. They, take the kjpks out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fus or friction," says N.- H. Brown, of Pittsfleld, Vt. Guaranteed satisfac tory at NewHn's drug store ' 25c. FOR RENT Five-room house, 1914 Adams ave;. four blocks from Fir St. . IS rer month. 'Phone Black 1862. Nov7 aiues i i - ' 9 999 We Want Our Want Your want is placed before a thousand or more want-seekers very day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want ad whe:t results are the keynotes? FOR RENT. FOR RENT Brick building, 20x50, on Elm street. Inquire of A. C. Hunt ington. ,'.''' FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping rooms. 1700 5th St., corner Depot. v , , , ' 15-tf -' FOR RENT Furnished front room; modern. One block from poatolflce. ''Phone to Black 1172. . FOR . RENT Furnished rooms, wlh alt modern conveniences. - inquire , of Mrs. S. C. Zuber. , '' r 19tf FOR, RENT Three large rooms with pantry; furnished or , unfurnished; near round house. Inquire at 1107 W avenue, or 'phone Red 212.;.. ,. :', '. FOR RENT Office rooms; steam heat Apply to Geo. Good, proprie tor of' tha Foley, house." " ' ! -WANTED. WANTED A competent girl for gen eral housework. Apply to Mrs. H. E. Coolldge, corner Fifth street and O avenue.' .. ' 's '. WANTED Lumber' haulers Write to Joe E. Robinson, Summerville, Oregon. WANTED rGIn to do general house work In family of two. Inquire at this office. ,. - WANTED Girl for general house work In family of two. Good wages. . Apply at 1404 O St Nov 7, MONET TO LOAN I have for a ell ent, 2000 to loan. Security, first mortgage on city or country . real property. Time, one year, with priv ilege of extension If agreeable to both parties. F. S. Ivanhoe. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A pearl-handled penknlfo, be tween Heulat's store and the Far mer's feed barn. Leave at this of fice. ; LOST On Adams avenue, ' between Elm and. Depot, passbook No. 252, on Farmers & Traders National bank, made out in favor of Ethel M. Wright. Leave at Polack's store. ' ' . . .' . Special. : , " . ' , For sale , a tract of land totaling 560 acre. One hundred acres under cultl- Hvotton. ; A tinnft roatnumnt and oth er good improvements; spring water enough for house and barns; -creek, across one 40-all for 25000 cash. Lo cated six miles from town' on R. F. D. Figure it out for yourself. Write to Indian Valley Realty company, Elgin, the firm that stands for a square deal. Residence Property for Sale. As I am' soon to leave La Grande, I am desirous of selling my residence property located at the corner of 7th and Pennsylvania avenue. This prop erty Is within two blocks of the main street of the city, and consist of good modern 5-room house, also good barn. Terms to suit purchaser. Also house hold goods and furniture. For Inspec tlon and terms call at the premises. OctJl O.-C. OSRDRN. .;''-'"' .- WHY NOT TRT Popham's , ASTHMA REMEDY? Gives prompt jin.d positive, relief In evry case. ' Sold by druggists, Price 81.00. Trial package by mall 10 ' ' cents."' . . . WIMIanis Mfg. Co., Props. . '. .-. . t Cleveland, O. Far tsl r - ' 1 ' .. . A. T- HILL. DruKg! . WOOD SAWING "Phone and we will do . "H.I"'" wonfl .rawing very promptlr, and at. prices you can afford to pay. We are always ready. MATHEWS. STOLT. & GIA9S. Phones: Red 382; Black 136f. Your Wants IN Ad Column FOR SALE. FOR SALE-r-Two to four acres I suburban property, well Improved PhoneElack 1532, or see E, W. Kammerer, 2004 Adams avenue. . FOR SALE Cheap land. sugar factory. Inquire at FOR SALE Two milch- cows, ona fresh. Jersey calf 8 days oid; other Durham, giving 2 gallons. Inqulra ; of Mrs. Childers, Island City. ; '-:: dwio-io-24 '",.'' .'. . For Sale. 'Thoroughbred .white Leghorn, single tomb cocks. All pure breeding stock. Inquire. of F. Bt-Houston, Box' 40, La Grande,. Ore. ' ,7"' . ;. '' FOR SALE OR TRADE Will sell or exchange for good team, a ', flna Cpach stallion age 7 years; weight '. ,1600 pounds. Can be seen at Klrt ley barn, La Grande. A. X. Selby. FOR SALE A swell body cutter; will sell cheap for cash, or will ex. change for alfalfa hay. 'Phone Main 20. H. Monson. FOR SALE Four good fresh milch cows,' Inquire of Blue Mountain Creamery, Un.'on, Oregon. - . For Sale. Cabbage for Kraut. 'Phone your orders now. ; 'Phone red 1702., . , '..; . .. , Land for Sale. . 40 acres of fruit, gardenffr alfalfa land for sale cheap If taken 'Boon. C. D. Huffman, R. F. D. 2, La Grande. f Agricultural College ; Corvallla, Oregon. ' Offers collegiate course In Agri culture, Including Agronomy, Horti culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy J Husbandry, etc.; Forestry, Domestla Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Me chanical and . Mining Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy. Offers elementary courses in Agri culture, Forestry, Domestic Scienca arid Art, Commerce and Mechanlo Arts, Including forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, ma chine work, ate..,'.-,' , ;.. Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens September 26. . Illustrated catalogue with full Infor mation on application to the Regis trar, free. - dftw8-ltf 111 OREGOR ' Suo!rliro3 IMojnPajcihc: Arrival and Deparrare of La Grande, Trains a( . . t '.,-. No. 1, westbound Portland Special arrives 0:25 a. m.; departs, 8:20 a. m- No. I, eastbound passenger, mall' and express, arrives at 6:45 a. m.; de parts 6:60 a. m. ' No. 2, eastbound Chicago Special, arrives 1:05 p. m.; departs, 8:10 p. ta. Nq. 6, westbound passenger, mall and express, arrives 8:55 p. m.; de- I par is, iv y. III. , ; Elgin Branch. Regular mixed train leaves LsJ-i o clock p. m. The logging train leaves La GraMde at 12:20 p. m. and. returns at 7:45 p. m. 3. II. J5EENET, Agent. . ' La Grande. Oregon. Better Than Spanking. Spanking does not cure children of i bed-wetting. .There is a constltutlon- al cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box V, Notre Dame, ' Ind 'Mlt tend fr ?" nwther her sue- eessfui Instructions. Send no money, but write her today If your children trouble In this way. Sont blame the child, the chances are It can't heln It- This treatment' also eurea adnlt and aged people troubled wf T urine difficulties ay day or tight IT' -I 4 v. I 1