La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 31, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    zTEjnjrc ncraira. la nrusnx orkwos batcrdat, October si, ijcs.
' 7...- "
L. Rayburn came up from the Pal
mer camp last evening.
Frank and Jabe Conley are In Pen-
dleton today on business.
Ira Balrd arrived on the train this
morning and will be here several days.
. Lytton Ivanhoe leaves In a few days
for cyrvallta to attend O. A. C. this
winter." ' '"
J. E. Wllkerson of North Powder.
Is here today on business before the
Julia Lanphear and'H. Lanphear of
Moro, are transacting business in the
city. ' )"''', ." ":
A. W. Shaw of Allcel, was a buBl
ness vlsltor-ln La Grande this morn
ing. ; 1
F. Clarke of La Grande, Is a busl
nesa visitor In the, city. Pendleton
East Oregonlah.
W. K. Davis, the music dealer, had
business In the north end of the
county today. . '
Miss Wilms RInehart of 8ummer
vllle, was a guest with Miss Lulu Gul
ling ' last evening returning to her
home-today. .
A ,number of. prominent members
of the L. D. S. of tho valley are In
the city today to attend a priesthood
meeting at the tabernacle, ,
Henry E." McGinn of Portland, took
his ' departure this morning for ' the
west. He Is a live worker and keeps
boosting for his party evert when off
the rostrum.
Chet Hamilton Is home from . Bing
ham, Utah," where he sustained severe
injuries in a railroad wreck last sum
mer. , With the -use of a cane he Is able
to get about the streets, slowly. j
Thomas Barbee of Malheur, Ore., a
boyhood friend of W. H. Bohncn
kamp, who arrived in the city yester
day on a visit to Mr.. Bohnenkamp, is
confined to his room by illness. -'
Samuel R. Haworth returned to En
terprise this morning, where he will
resume the construction of the Wal
'lowa c6unty court house. He spent a
few days with his wife and daughter
here this week. ' . '
O. A, Nichols, formerly of Union,
later of Old Mexico, has moved to
Los Angeles, Cal., and the presump
tion is that he has severed his con
nection with, old Mexico sugar interests.-
Union Republican.'; , '
Seventy-five pounds of mail was the
weight of the bag and extra bundles
which were heaped on City Carrier
Stoddard this afternoon. The situa
tion is frequently" full of harll loads,
but seldom equal to the load of this
afternoon. ' ,
The various buildings throughout
the city under construction are scenes
of activity these beautiful days. A
few weeks more and many will be un
der cover and the finishing can be
completed irregardleBS of climatic ren
ditions. ' :: ':,'
Ira Balrd, a former La Grande bus
iness man, but for the past nine years
a resident of Tacoma, la In the city
today: Mr. , Balrd Is, traveling repre
sentative of the Murjhy-Grant Co.,
with headquarters at. Tacoma. Mr.
Balrd has many .old-tlmc friends here
who are- glad to give hlrti the glad
hand and welcome him back to the
land of his youth, " ..
r . Blew Safe at Bellingliam.
Bellingham, Oct. ' 31. Gaining en
trance by -boring a hole In the rear
door, safe crackers, evidently profes
sionals, by using nltro-glycerine early
today btovy the safe in the Peoples
store. A. Mansfield, the proprietor,
lost 1150 in cash and valuable securi
ties. ' .., " -: ,' ,
MotralfH Nephew Jailed.
San Jose, Cal., Oct.. 31. Without
the alternative of paying a fine Pey
ton W. Metcalf," a nephew of Secre
tory of the Navy Metcalf. was today
sentenced to 30 days in the county Jail
by Judge Brown. The charge was
battery on a youth named Aylesworth,
who was struck by the auto driven by
MetC.!f. It Is said Metcalf was lntox
Cjrated at the time of theaccident. He
has been arrested several times, but
, paid fines for his misdemeanors.
, Iowa Game Is Off.'
The attempt made by the manage
ment of the University of Washington
football team to bring the Iowa uni
versity eleven to Seattle for a game
Thanksgiving day has failed. Man
ager Rasmussen of the university
tti.Ts'Salu.-Jay received & "litter from
the Iowa management saying the fac
ility there was strongly opposed to
uch a long trip - at Thanksgiving
time and had refused to sanction the
game. Spokesman-Review. - I
'. ; ' ;
"Ingoniar" at the Scenic.
The beautiful story of "Ingomar" is
told by moving picture process at the
Scenic In such a way that, consider
ing every feature of the film, It ranks
as one of the highest In excellency of
the present season. The color work
is remarkable. Vaudeville is center
ing In the presentation of Walters &
KMurray. See them, they are great,
The magician has some stunts that are
marvelous too. ' ' "K- ..
Ar Pathetic Pk-ture.
- "For Slater' Sake" at the Pastime
is undoubtedly a star headllner. So
vividly Is the pathetic story told that
the visitor to that popular emporium
of amusement forgets that he la wit
nesslng a mere picture, but becomes
wrapped up tn the seeming reality of
the thing that his mind Is wafted to
the realm of dreams, and, frequently.
a faint sob escapes the attentive lis.
tener, to break in on the solemnity of
the period that la occupied In passing
the millions of picture In rapid suc
cession across the screen. . 1 :
. Get Election Returns.
Manager O'Brien has arranged for
the presidential election returns at the
Coliseum rink Thursday evening. The
regular' , Tuesday club, dance will bo
given and the' dancers will have an
opportunity to watch the returns
while they dance. No extra charge on
account of the return.
'' SOCTETT. ' ' )
Mrs. J. M. Berry and Mrs. E, W.
Damon will entertain the members of
the Kaffee Klatch and their husbands
next Friday evening at the home of
Mrs.1 Berry. A great deal of . Interest
is taken in the Kaffee Klatch by all
the members. , At the Friday after
noon meetings -the ladies bring their
needlework and the afternoon Is pass
ed in sewing and social conversation.
Light .refreshments are served, but
the hostess must limit her lunch to
consists' of but three viands. Once a
month the meetings are held in the
evening, to which the husbands are
invited, the evenings being spent in
playing cards and having a good
time. These meetings are also looked
forward to with pleasure.' '';'"''
i Much interest is being manifested
by the club ladles in anticipation of
the convention of the Federated Wo
men's ctubs, tobe held here early In
November. The Tuesday Musical club
will render the music during the ses
sion and are practicing faithfully to
ward that end. Another practice
meeting will be held Wednesday af
ternoon at the home tif Mrs. O. E. Sil
verthorn. The ladies -Of the Neigh
borhood and . the Tuesday , MuBlcal
club will entertain the delegates dur
ing their stay' here.
Social Last Evening.
On Friday evening, October 30, the
young people of the Baptist church
and many of their friends, were roy
ally entertained by Mrs. W. P, Little
and her daughter, 'Adeline, of South
La Grande. ' The games, music and
Lrefreshments were most heartily en-
Joyed by all, about 50 In number. The
next social given by the B. T. P. U.
will be on the last Friday in Novem
ber. The place of meeting will be
announced later by the committee.
, Mrs. William Allinson entertained
the Five Hundred club Thursday af
ternoon. The club prize was won by
Mrs. Jay Van Buren. Light refresh
ments were served. 'This wa the first
club meeting for some time at which
all the members were present, and, a
very enjoyaffle afternoon was spent.
. The different sections of the La
dies Aid society of the Presbyterian
church . are very busy preparing for
their bazaar, to be held early In De
cember. A large collection of useful
and dainty things suitable for Christ
mas gifts will be offered for sale.
Mrs. A. V. Andrews pleasantly en
tertained the Kaffee Klatch Friday
afternoon. '
Mlw-Mnrjorte McCall will entertain
"a few friends at her home this eve
ning. '..'"-.'.
DR. W. D.'5f-3inx -Palnlcsa
Expert Gold Work a Specialty.
Special attention to children' tectV
La Grande National Bank Building.
Both Tbonea.
The changing of the mahn channel
of the Crande Ronde river, of tearing
down the two bridges that are to be
abandoned, and the construction of
the: new road Uulow Perry, will be
commenced next Wednesday morning.
About 20 men and 10 teams will be
put to work at that time, and that no
time and" money may be lost when
the project I started, camps for the
employe of the county, and crude
bam for the horse are now being
established. (-
The new channel will be dug, the
rlp-rapplng done, the new road con
structed along the north side of the
rrver, and the old bridge torn down
a rapidly a the force of workmen
at hand can do It. - 1
.Hallowe'en prank will be limited
to harmless pleasures tonight, If an
augmented police force can nforce
the curfew law. For this reason little
folks had beBt commit their minor
depredations with Jacw-o'-lanterns and
rice early in the night, for any caught
out after the curfew hour jwfl' be
speedily sent homo and the parents
reprimanded. To th& 'older elemonjt
out In a spirit of f unt the chief of po
lice isHues stern warning to keep with
in bounds of pleasure and not resort
to destruction of property. Special
stress will be laid on the enforcement
of the good behavloi of everyone,
even though he Is old enough to es
cape the curfew ordinance. ; Special
policemen have beta put on but the
Identity of the new enlistments have
been kept secret' As a result? would
be vandals are likely to encounter a
brass button and a. policeman's .star
at any quarter. ' r '
It Left to Himself, Former Employe
Be Called Into Uie Bank Next Week
by the Receiver to Fix Values on
Many Articles Initial Report Ready
. lor Comptroller In the Near Future.
The Initial report of the actual con
dition of the defunct Farmers & Trad
er National bank will be mailed to
the comptroller of the currency late
next week according to present plans.
Walter Neldner, the new receiver, is
handicapped, In his work by the per
sistency of the depositors Interested,
in detaining him with interviews and
anxious inquiries. It is only natural
that such should be the case, but the
more privacy the depositors give Mr.
Neldner, the sooner they will know
actual conditions. ' -. '
The schedule will be prepared, but
before it is ready for the comptroller,
the receiver will call to. the bank for
mer employes and -other competent
men who will fix the value on various
articles that are to be turned In as
assets. Mr. Neldner says this will be
done within the next five days if the
public will let fhim alone. Notwith
standing the sign on the bank door
that no one can be admitted, there Is
almost constant rapping at the door
for admission.' v-
La Grande Won.
Elgin. -Oct. .81. La . Grande
Won a hotly contested game here
t'W(i etemnon by a wore o(
4 10 to 8. The small score how
the closeness of the contest and
that La Grande's policy of try-
Ing trick plays for practice gave
Elgin an opportunity to score.
O.N. T.
Spool Cotton
ii 500 Pair sample Shoes, Men's
tl Ve 177 Save You
IX Last . year's stock at exactly
School wear and are excellent value. .
1500 yds. Outing,
100 suits men
tf 60c on the dollar, $3.00 for $i.80 and $2.00
Good laundry
Soap 1 Bars
: The- real value of;
your property de-:
: pends entirely upon:
the title 1
A prooerly prepared
will show ycu the -exact ;
condition . of..' your, title I
La Grande National Bank I
Building 5
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at La Grande.Ore.,
October 5, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that :
of Portland," Oregon, who, on October
5, 1908, made timber and stone sworn
statement No. 01853, for NW NW.
section 28, SW BW section 21, and
SH SE'4, section 20, township 5
south, range 35' E. W. M., has filed
notice of intention to make final tim
ber and stone proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before the
register and receiver of the U. S. land
office at La Grande, Oregon, on the
21st day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: John
O. Kissel!, of Vancouver, Wash.; Ches
ter A. Pike, of Vancouver, Wash.;
John W, Maitland, of Vancouver.
Wah,t Dvta C- . Brlchotix, t,t ji
Grande, Ore.
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
Grants Pass will probably have free
mall delivery in the near future.'
Children's v-
50 per cent on iYbur Shoes for Fall n
50 Children's and Hisses
one half the original price.
Regular 12 l-2c Grade Hill Ends 8 l-3c
s h inier underweat samples,
The Golden Rule
Over Two" TIibiiNand Hogs" ShlpKd
Ioin llora Annually. '
Wallowa, Oct. 80. After being five
day on the road, W. II. Baker ar
rived in the city Monday with the fin
est lot, of hogs ever driven : to j this
place. The band consists of 371 hogs
averaging In velght 231 pounds. , Mr.
Baker brought them over the new
road and state that a soon as the
fsrict ft v
Our Abstract Books the most complete In the County. Am
Abstract fucnished by us is
Fire, Life and
Ha Grande Investment Co.
I Foley Block . -
La Crande
Stendatd Cal
ico pr".yard
VJomen's and
: .
..- ,v,...
' ;
Ihese are iust the thing for
Bleached Mus
lin per yd. ,
road Is traveledenough it will be nn
Ideal road for the Flora people l
reach market. .
Mr. Baker states that fully 250
head of hogs' are shipped from Flora
country annually. Formerly W'T
have been driven to Lewlston, but
with the completion of tho neyrrofc
and the extension of the railroad im
Wallowa county, that a large pero.nt
age of tn trade will come to . thta
point. i
si m m r
absolutely reliable ,
Accident Insurance
La Craude, Ore. t
Realty Co.
- - Ore.
A -