! i la 'crina tven!n4 Observer rubliMird l)tl Ept Sunday. crimicY imoTiiuii. EDITOItS AND PROPRIETORS V'nltod I'rewi Telegraph BerWi. .'. BUBSCRIPTIOH. RATES: Pally, single copy ...i tc Pally, per uionth lie Pally, elx month, In advance. . .fS.CO Pally, one year, In ajTnc. ... .11.50 Weekly, elx months, 14 advance.. 75c Weekly, one year, In advance... $100 ft ' -. j- --- . aa aecond-clr.ee matter. Tele paper will not public any artl . ele appearing over a nom de plume, lgned artlclea will be, received sub ject to the.dlscreUon of the editor. Pleaae algn your artlclea and aave die Appointment. . Advertising Ratfie. ' Plaplay ad. rates furnlahed' upon application. Local reading notices 10c per Up first Insertion; 6c per Una for each sub sequent Insertion. Resolutions of condolence, Bo a line. Cards of thanks, Eo line. POLITICAL HISTORY. ' Some one haa made up the follow ing table that Is Interesting reading: McClellan In 18C4 lost New York and Indiana. He waa defeated. Seymour In 1868 carried New York, but Lost Indiana, He was defeated. Oreeley In 1872 lost Now York and Indiana. He was defeated. -' .. Tilden ii?; t876 carried New York and Indiana. He .was not-seated, but almost no stndcni of American politics now doubts that ho waa honestly elect ed. . ."'.'..'I Hancock In 18S0 lost New York and Indiana. He was defeated. - Cleveland In. 1884 carried New York and Indiana. . He was elected. . Cleveland In 1888 lost New. York and Indiana. He was defeated. Cleveland In 1892 carried New York and Indiana. He was elected.. ' Bryan In 1896 lost New York and Indiana. He was defeated. . Bryan In 1900 lost New York and Indiana. He was defeated.. Parker In 1904 lost New York and ' '"Indiana. He waa defeated. In 50 years no democratic .candi date for president has bee.i elected Who did not carry both New York S' And .Indiana. Since Jackson's - day Do democratic candidate for presi dent, who carried both New York and Indiana has been defeated. ... Eastern dispatches for the past two weeks have been reporting quite a change In the labor vote toward Taft. In the early part of the campaign labor leaders Impressod the mlnda of the members of certain unions that Taft was an enemy of the laboring men and until the republicans tnet these charges by the ' actual records and proved conclusively that tho de - HMnnn mart by Judge Taft while on the bench are among the cases Cited when the rights of the laboring man or labor unions are involved. Those who heard Judge "McGinn last night can easily see how this change Is be ing brought about. Judge McGinn changed many votea last night, when he proved f oncluslvely by judicial de cisions the fairness and Justness of Taft's decision. Such speeches as these of which there have been hun dreds throughout the states of New York, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois the last two weeks, cannot but help wipe out the wrong Impression that Was made earlier In the campaign. j, AFTKIIXOOX TEA. You must not wear campaign but tons on Tuesday. This will be mighty dull for 'some of the old-tlmo well Jcnown rustlers on election day. No teams running .about vith banners, "Vote for Taft" nor "Vote for Bryan." No electioneering. It Is understood that Jack Peaie Is going to give an Afternoon ten, and that Invitations are now being mailed to several of the boys to Join him on his lawn on the afternoon of election. Everybody -can feel good for. three days yet. Figures. do not lie, but liars can figure, and the'man who cannot at this date prove conclusively by mixing the electoral vote of the scvoral state so the result will absolutely bring his ridldate In the Kad. should purchase one of those IBhio,u cnici.atur books which were sold In our city a few days &", . , ' - . The campaign practically closes to night. Both parties have done every thirg In their power to present th. lf aide of the political guentlon, and now the entire matter la In the hande of the grat American Jury and the ver dict will be delivered not later than Wednesday. , , . Uookmakera do not Always know how the election will go, however, there ha, not been a wager reported, except with great odd on Taft; not even money, La Grande haa sucrceded admirably In Betting- on the front page of the leading papera of the northwest the nt wweK. i ... ... -)- ID DM The city basketball league gets the receipts from the dance at the Colise um rink today. The ball commences Immediately After the completion of the basketball game "between two tem porary organisations, of which," Mer rill Chllders and A. W. Nelson are captains. The, personnel of the teams Is not known at present several of the players being on the road , and may not retvrn. There Is A squad of 10 for each team and recruits will be picked from the reserve. The game starts at 8 o'clock. This is the first game of a season which will be re plete with contests. Tonight's affair Is more of a practice nature than any thing else, none of the players having done consistent training. The price for the dance has been reduced to 60 and 25 cents. The stan dard of the affair will be lield at the verjr best, but the prices come down. STOLE TAXES A It has been discovered after years of misapprehension -that Union coun ty has been receiving taxes from the O. R. & N. on a stretch of road that rightfully belongs to Baker county. The mistake Jias been discovered, Ba ker officials have been advised, and the Union county records expunged. It represents no great sum though, as the trackage In question Is .37 of a mile In length. The peculiar situa tion exists between mile posts 334 -and 335, thus Including the steel abridge Just west of North Powder, t'that point the river swerves horse-shoe like, but the railroad leads directly across the Isthmus. tTam inner shore to Inner shore is a distance' of 87 one hundrodtha of A mile and that Is In Baker county. After running for a moment In the wet territory the train again emerges on dry soil for another considerable distance. Itemarkablj enough, thla has not been discovered before and henceforth Baker county will get the taxes from) this bit of road, rather than Union. s - " . There , will be no difficulty In se curing . national and county election returns next Tuesday night. The Coli seum skatlnff rink, the Pastime thea ter, the Elks' club and The Observer will receive telcKraphlc return from all the states of the nation.- In addi tion to that. Union and Wallowa comi ty returns will be received at The Ob- rrrvcr ofrloo tniu nigni. mis m Insure city, county, stale and United States returns In The Observer office one. The telesraphlc reports will bo the same in all Instances, but the county returns will be reit iveu lu iitk office plone, according to present plans. A Pole Scrap Settled. The Grande Ronde Electric com pany had a brush with some of th BASKETBALL i . i ' ...... FERGUSON'S THE BOOK STORE ... " . i- Aways Leading Hew Books, Station ' ery, Pictures, Hew Ideas "WHERE NOTHING IS TOO BIUCH ' TROUBLE." . ' t. 0. F. FOWLER BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE. T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) Rates $i.00, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c meal in the city Beds 25c and 50c All outside rooms. Board 'and lodge $6. per week One block from Vepof COLISEUM SKATING RINK Tuesday Evening. Charges TUo Dorfiilat Each Tuesday Evening JACK D. O'BRIEN land owners In the North Powder sec tion, while establishing the new pole line, And came out with flying colors. As a result of the" scrap, it Is reported that certain county roads have been more definitely outlined and will be opened to travel, and the pole line haa been set In the proper place. The county surveyor ran the line and settled the differences.Unlon Re publican. , - to vv.rr STOCK. On ltathor Sit: as r.:: :.:i S-ulo TliN Winter, r'-Tierlnieiit. J. E. Reynol-3 has purchased two carload of tnttte and will feed them :his winter n r.n experiment which will undov-r-;'v lead to a larger, scalo. In n low weeks Mr. Reynolds expects to visit the feeding grounds around Echo with a view of ascertain ing how they build thi lr feeding pens. and the use of either chopped alfalfa 4r tif;f r,va!. Seventh Pay Advcntlst Church. There will be aervlces- Sunday morning t II o'clock. Elders W. W. Steward and E. E. Smith will conduct the meeting. - ! WHICH BILL would you prefer to payf A good stiff one to th doctor for, curing some of your family of pneumonia or. rheumatism or our modest one for the coal which would have prevented the Illness? Think It 07r. Then give ua th :der ffv eo. Pa It soon, too. Even A little chill may mean a big bill for tha doctor. ' . Phone Main 10 Only house in the f city employing J white help only I TRY OUR SERVICE No Extra (TlnK Tlanco Manager SAY, Mr MAN We put iust a little po- on your shirts and collars. They i) ,i )';; so easily. TRY VS THIS MONTH HERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY. Pacific'Jtates Phone Main 78 ctfiutrt FLcre Ull It eeeeeeeee4ee GEORGE. PALMER. President J. M. BERRY. Vice President F. L. MEYERS Cashier 3655 La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon V ftAPITAI AND SURPLUS SI60.000 i W . mm . , - . . -. J UNITfeD STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS . , . J. M. Berry A.' B. Conley F. J. Holmet F. M. Brykit d C. Psnnington F. L Meyers, Geo. U Cleaver , .' W. L. BrenholU George. Palmer Grande Rondc lumber Go. RERRY, OREGON CAN rilRMSH LUMBER OF Al L MMDS IN CARLOAD LOTS. Tor 16 inch Chain Weed Deliieted at yo-r ilcimc, Call up V. C. BEAN, La Crandv f hCRC, Red 1741 : THE 5 OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION ; A HOME COMPANY 34.000 MEMBERS J A n . rr inoi m a lAi mof P ? $28,000.00.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE A Mutual Company can Save . roni An Your vvi w J. W. OLIVER, AGENT, La Grande.Or. Cor. 6th St and Washington Ave Phone Red 1782 ; F w; H. BOHNENKAMP CO; Why Try to "Get t Along" without o l "Sfte had done her besM I leaky range was to blame" Why not know the deiignnui v satisfation of having yourJX I work done perfeclly-ThalJ comes from using a Monarch Kanger Cut Prices on Shingles for . . - We need the money; You need the material t fir and Native Lumber, Gedar J Shingles ! STODDARD W, H. BRENHOLTS Ass't Cashier C. S.. WILLIAMS, 2d Ass't Cashier s S ' .. 7. ..... : . . . ... -. , ! .- - Yeu from 40 to 50 per Insurance - - -- g TU"Sty Satisfactory "Itaivge Lumber and large Orders - . LUMBER CO. VMM ArfAVJ i LtAS ' A A 1 I 0