PAGE SIX. - rvi-vrvo nnrnvFU. t.a chamie. nnKfioy. rnmw. onvnrn t.. i ng. pace rx : ,, . y;-, V , .l; '" . REGULAR $5.00, SALE PRICE .":." v;- ., 52.53 J J iiinrnnpn n ir i " " - " REGULAR $i.00 SALE PRICE . . . $2.25 : ; UJWERW ?cyw?$5.oo siiPi?c . . , . ;- r $.co : .. , , ' , , . , , ."' .'. . ' ' ' " V , ,' ' .. ' REGULAR 6.Q0 SALE PRICE - " '- :' ; 'n,nr'T? TJ1 I JIV'TV TfK TO OVrV7 17 REOULARoo sale price - - - $5.75 :. : Ph Au nV-A A-'l 4ri : Ai il A Ar JR A 25c W0SE' lyooiwcOTO 5 pm - ; ,i 4 A., .M, "4' "fl ; , W ILp7. HA 11 El LA .11 ; 50c USIC ffOSGta 0?"3' PAW " ... $1.00 v Furs For All Sorts of Dolls Mllineryl Millinery!' , POPULAR PRICES v- . -, : E.ri. WELLTMIN if CO, : ' : : ; : J -. '. ' ' ADAMS AVENUE -,', '' .'...' . X Something Exceptionally Good IN HIGH' TOP Boy's Shoes C IV PRESTO M , .." Depot Street ; ; ' DiR ecto ry . - . ' ; I ; FRATFRNAL O RDF.RS GRANDE,, ORE. . M. W. A. . ' , La Grande Camp No.' 770S meets very first and third Monday evenings at I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neigh - bors are cordially invited to attend. Relief committed ' E. p. Davis, Charles Dtsqua, A.' X garner and D. E. Cox. E. C. DAVIS, C D. E. COX.' Clerk. , ;v . '.'! f. o. ' La Grande Aerie No. 159. F. O. E., meets every Friday night In ' Elks' ball at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend." : '.y"-.';..' D. PROCTOR. W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. 8." ; lope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S., hold tifr communications the second and vt.:i vtflnes1av of each k month. r'in -emoem cordially invited. H O. FORREST, W. M. - '' Hf ' a. Wa RK1CK. Secretary. ; .' : IO. O. r.v Vv r La Grande Lodge No. 18, meets In their hall every Saturday night. Vis iting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery Plat may be seen at Model Restaurant., ; C. H. BLYSTONE, N. G. D. E. COX, Secretary. . & J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Sec, ' ; Foresters of America. "" f . Court Maid Marlon No. , 22 meets tiach Wednesday night in K. of P. halt Brothers are invited to attend. " ' NERI ACKLES. C. R. C. J. VANDERPOEL, F. S.-- Board of Trustees: Dr. G. L. Big gers. Oscar Berger and Herbert Pattl son. . I. O. O. F. Star Encampment No.' tl, L O. O. P., meets every second and fourth Wednesday In tne month in Odd Pel Sows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. D. E. COX, C P. W. A. WORSTELL, 'Scribe. ' M. E. of A. j. Meets first and third Thursday eve- t I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members always welcome. ." ' , "r J. A, ARBUCKLK. President a J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. 1 A. F. St Ah M. La Grande Lodge tio. 41, A. F. A v. M., holds regular meetings first md third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN. Secretary. K. Of P. Red Cross Lodge No. X7, meets very Monday evening tn Castle Hall Corpe building. ' A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. ' d. h, proctor, a a R. L. LINCOLN. K. pf R. ft S. - Woodmen of tbe "World. La Grande Lodge No. 119. W. O. meets every Saturday ' evening In K. of P. hall in the Corpe building.. All visiting members wel come. M, MMARQCIS. Clerk. . lltiney lor Kale. Fresh comb honey, one-pound sec tions. In quantities to suit customers. OSWALD VOLSWINKLER, d-w Island City. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 27, L. O. T. M., meeU every first and third Thursday of each month at 2 o'clock In the afternoon Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH, L. C. MRS. EVA M'INTTRE, K. of R. Rebekahs. - . Crystal Lodge No. to, meets ever Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting members are In vited to attend. . RACHEL H. WORSTELL, N. G. TTLLIE COX. Soretrv, r - J" . . B. P. O. E. La Grand LoUae No. 433, meets each Thursday evening at I o'clock in Elks' club, corner Depot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. ' i C. S. DUNN, ExaHed Ruler. . O. E. M CULLT, Bee Sec ' Box SKlul a Sutxwt. ' " Th9 box social at the Dry Creek school house Friday evening, October 23, was a grand success. Before the selling of the . boxes and h cakes, a short program, which seemed to be appreciated by the audience, was ren aered by the school. A fairly large largy was In attendance; but for some reason or other there -.wvre only 15 boxes.. The boxes were lii demand When all were sold and ; the clerk counted the cash, there had been $2.10 taken In, making the boxes av erage about '$L40 each. , ' Then came tho most interesting and exciting time of the evening the sell Ing of the cakes. The cakes were sold as advertised. One given to the lady receiving the most votes for being the most popular lady; the other one to the man receiving the most votes for being the ugliest gontleman. The former was gold first. The names of the candidates were soon put before the house. The following ladies were the candidates: Miss Fern Conrad, of the Star district; Misses CrS? Baker and Olive Bull, of Pleasant Grove district, and Misses Dora Neiderer and May Colt, the Dry Creek representa tives. From the,' very first the con test was full of life and merriment, This was the first contest of Its kind In the district, but It did not need very much of an introduction. J After a long hard struggle time was called 'and the following number' of votes had been cast for each person Mlss Conrad. 430; Miss Baker, 3030; Miss Bull, 25; Miss Nolderer, 2463 and Miss Colt. 300. Miss Baker- received the cake. These votes being worth one cent each, the cake brought . the enormous price of 159. 94. The men's cake was then sold Owing to a late hour and the boys had been very liberal with their money on the other cake, ' this cake did not sell very filgh, nor was the selling so exciting. Then following men were the candidates, with the number of votes to their credit: Mr. W'oodell, 175; Fi3herr 65; Klees, 7, and Wilson , 141. Woodell got the cake, It bringing in a total of 13.87. , The total proceeds of the social amounted to $84.91. I think this is a record-breaker for Union county for the year. The late hour, with the ex citement: ot , the evening, sharpened the appetites of the ladles who had brought boxes, and the boys and men who were fortunate enough in getting boxes, and everyone enjoyed a good supper after the selling of the boxes and cakes.- The crowd then adjourn ed well pleased with ihe evening's work. , 'V ; ' ". ' Simon Woodell acted as cterk, and D. C. Wilson as auctioneer. , proved by the council of the City of La Grande by ordinance No. 392. Ser ies 1908, and fled with, and in the officrf of the-recorder of the city of La Grande, on he 10th day of Sep tember, 1908. The approval of these amendments by the pepplo of the city of La Grancie will be Btiomltted to ne vot ers on tho following proposition: Shall the fity of La Grande amend Its charter and approve the amend ments to the city charter, and the new city charter proposed and submitted by the council tp the people of the city of La Grande? , The following are the polling places. Judges and clerks of the soveral wards designated and appointed by .the council- , ' First Ward, City Hall Judges: J: P. Clark. E. C. Davis and Frank Kll patrick. Clerks: William MJUor and Arthur Crutls. - Second Ward, Council Chamber Judges: Peter Kuhn, F. S. Bramwell and George Ball. Clerks; H. E. Cool Idge and A. W. Nelson. Third Ward, Building west of Judge Ramsey's residence on Penn. avenue Judges: C. C, Penington, B. W. Grandy and John Cates. Clerks: C. A. Vurplllat and A. C. Williams. Fourth Ward. Harris' Hall Judges: Bernard Logsden, G. E. Fowler and John Sheak. Clerks: C. J. Vander poel and Warren P.. Noble. : In witness whereof I have hereunto attached my hand and affixed the seal of my office, this 10th day of Septom- oer. ius. (L. S.) D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande now To Be Happy A bin full of flour and a shed full of first-class dry chain wood Is enough to make ANY man happy. Now the way to fill tha -bin is to phone V. E. BEAN to first fill the shed, which be done for - just half the cost . of. other; fuel. t This would leave you plenty for the1 flour, " and some to help buy beefsteak 'and clothes ' as well. - : ; -: : The Cheapest Fuel on the Market. Biggest loadof VVood forleast Money PHONE RED 1741. Notice oi Final Acocunt. Notice' is hereby given to all con cerned that Mary E. Swauger, admin letratrlx of the estate , of Emanuel Swauger, deceased, has filed in the county court of Ualon county, Oregon, her final report as administratrix of said estate, and that said court has set Monday, the 2nd day of November, A. D. 1908, at" two o'clock P. M.i for the hearing of said report and all ob jections thereto. ., : : , Dated this 3d day of October, A. D, 1908. MART E. SWAUGER, Administratrix of Emanuel Swauger, Deceased. d3-10-17-24-31 r : Notlto i. Crfi:urs AU who are lfcterntfj are' hereby notified that th oxug stock of the Vewlln Drug Co.. hav pg been dIspo if by mo, and .v fUair of that fi:-n up to tha 8th o." teptml er, 1908, now vilng wound up. all bills and accounts . p,f the Newlln J-'ug Co., contract .l t.ipvious to that cate, art, now due -"id I oil ctable at. tha N w'lln Book SUtlonery Co, ;.AU rmrbona so indebt ed iTf request 1 -.o call there at on ud make settlement of their account. VP.8. NEWL'H. High Prlj'e for Farm Lund. Almost $110 per acre Is the price paid for a quarter section of high grade wheat land adjoining the town of Athena whii-h was sold by W, H. Reeder and wife to William WlUaby by a deed filed this morning, .with Recorder Hendley, says the Pendelton East Oregonlan. The quarter section Is one of the best wheat farms of that size In Umatilla county,' The tract sold lies adjoining the city limits of Athena, and has been the home of Sir. and Mrs. Reeder who have Improved it with la handsomt residence, a good barn and" watet works, together with other buildings. There Is a splendid lawn surrounding the ranch house, and a half acre of pine, grove adds to the attractiveness of the place as a home. ' , - Hoi to Get Strong. ,P. J. Daley, of 1247 W. Congress St., Chicago, tells of a way to become itrong. He says; "My mother, who Is old and was very feeble, is deriving so much . benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel It is my duty to tell those vho peed a tonle and rtrnrthnlns medicine about it. , In my mother's case a marked gain in flesh has re sulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she Is steadily growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickly remedy stom ach, liver and. kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at Newlln's drug -tore, , " ... ' r ' ;-vv-;f.';-: L A U NU r rV: :-V: Done;- -f ;v;-V;': The Way You Want it'done PH0WE MAIN 7' A. B. C. Laundry ror tne Dencm or tnose seeking relief oured me, My wlfe has sine used from .uch afflictions Thera l. more Fo ,f Honey 4 Taf wtth ,am6 health for the digestive organls In a bottle of Electric Bitter, than in any ucc-" - T. Hill, druggist. other remedy I know of." Sold guarantee at Newlln's drag store. BOe. ' ? ; : 1 I TIME AND GASH In rase of scumach and Iver trou ble the proper treatment is to stimu late these organs without Irritating them., Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup Uds digestion und stimulates the liver and bowelr Without irritating thes irgans like pills or ordinary cathar tics. ' : It does nt nauseate or gripe and Is mild and oieswant to take. A. T. Hill, druggist m: mm. - w I Saved by my Mct.iod of Dicing Wells - iVO;;Wood, Used I - : 1 - - v .: . t r i XO OXE HESITATES OVER OUH CANDY XOTICE. Special El cot Ion to Approve Charter amendments." Notice is thereby riven that on Tuesday, the 24th day of November. 1998, a special election will be -held! or toe voteni in the ctiy ot lm Grande. union county, Oregon, and that the polls will be open from the hour of 9 o'clock a., m., until the hour of five yclock p. m., of said day. Said election is called' by order of the Council- of the City of La Grande for the purpose o proposing and sub mitting to the people of the City of La Grande the approval and adoption of certain amendments to the charter of the city of La Grande as shown by the proposed charter heretofore ap- They Take the Kinks Out. "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fus or friction," says N, H. Brown, of Plttsfleld, Vt. , Guaranteed satlsfae 'r.t NVwUn't orua strre J5s. . Everybody thet knowa our confec tions at all Is aware of their purity. their tresnness, their fine flavor. If you don't know, "get acquainted."- tou certainly get your money's worth In this candy shop whether you buy an ounce, a pound, or a S-pound box. E. D. SELDER, THE CANDY MAX. Excclelnt Health .KXvIl-c. Mrs. M. M. Davison of No. $79 Glf ford Ave San Jose, Cal says: . The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of tho liver and bow els is " so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word tn Ita favor, y Honey and Tar and Cored Hay f ever and Summer Cola A. J. Nusbaum, Batesvilie, Ind., writes: 'Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so dis tressing that it Interfered with my business. I had many of the symp toms of bay fever, and a doctor's pre scription did not reach my case,, and I took several medicines which seem ed to only aggravate my casa. For tunately I Insisted upon having Fo- tt quickly' Gasoline Engine Saves t you much time and mon ey. Instruction in Gaso line Engineering . . Call or Write I r a. west, ! The Well Driller Oyster tVjrktaila at SfhWa. The Selder s candy store will sell oyster cocktails from .now on. The November "American- at Ferguson's. 1 : 1-'.