La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, October 24, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FACTE TWO. ,
V Adcrtlsed Letters.
Mrs. J. H. Allen.
Mrs. Eldla Eans. V,
Mrs. Mary French 2.
ci in ci
La Grande Professional
Directory I
Mrs." Bill Hamilton.
Mrs. D. L. Harris.
Mrs. Morrey Holmes.
Mrs. S- M. Henderson.
Allss Oracle Larkln. -Miss
Nell Prell.' '
Mrs. Erma Thomas.
Mrs. Margeret Talbot
Mrs. E. C. Wilson. f
Our Want Ad Column
Your want is placed before a thousand or more want-seeker
every "J-C& you gfford to spend one cent per word of your
wanted where results ar the keynoUs? . ; ;
A limited number of people attend
ed one of the most enjoyable dnncing
IT - i .VI
1 We Want Your Wan ts I
-IT .' MBMMWM l . .. ...
..A .
G. It. BIGGERS, M. D., : ;
fflc. Lewis Building, over Henry
Carr Undertaking Parlor
Office Thone Black 111.
, Reeldence.'Pnone Red .1001.
i J. H. J3UBBARD. M. D.
. JPbyslclan and Surgeon, v
Piflee In New Ban Bull din. Room
10-11. 'Phonee; Reeldence, Mala
19; Office, Main TO.
' Physiclaa and Snrreo. ' .
Offloa over HM'a Drug Store. .
Offloa 'Phone 1S6. Residence Main II
Physician tsA Surgeon. ,
Corner Adam Ave. and Depot Bt
Offlca Mala 08 -:- Residence Main II
- Phvalclans and Surgeon.
Office I. A Grande National Bank
Building. 'Phone Main 1.
C T. Bacon, Residence,. Mara li.
M. K. Hall, Residence, Main II,
Osteopathic Physicians.
. jEIrksvllle Graduates Under Founder.
Office Sommer Balldlug.
phones: Office Main 63; Res. Malm 4
C. n. CTTON, rn. O, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon,
sjpeclal attention given to Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. .
Offloa In La O'ande National Bank
Building. :,
'Phone Office, Main 1; Residence,
Main 12. , ''' -Y';
Veterinary Surgecn.
Offloa at HUl'a Drug Store, La Grand
Residence Thona Red 101.
Offloa 'Phone Black 13tl.
Independent 'Phona It.
Both 'phones at residence.
Graduate Ohio State University.
Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery
f all kinds. Country calls promptly
Office 1414 Adams Avenoe.
Phones: Pacific Black .1001.
Independent, S73
II Should be looked after Now
Not after they have started their Studies and
began to have eye troubles. We'll measure
the eye FREE and tell you If glasses are need
ed Bring your children HERE today. Don't
delay. . If glasses are needed our price will
be less than half the "other fellows"
GEO. S. BIERNIE, Optician For
Complete equipment for
rubber buggy tires.
1 . J.JJIULJ -JL0 I I. I
; D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor ; ...
. Cmpie Machhe. Shops tni Foundry,
: Dentist.
Office over Hill's Drug Store. ,
La Grande ' , Oregon.
3. C. PRICE, D. M. D.
Room ill La Grande National Sank
Building. 'Phone Black 100L
La Grande Oregon
PROP. E. PORTER DAT, Principal.
La Grande School of Music.
Mrs. Day, assistant . School, 105
Greenwood Ave one door south of
( .Adams Ave, ,'Phone Black 1001.
Teacher of Piano and Harmony.1
- Studio over 3, M. Berry's Store.
Civil, Mining, Ingestion Engineer!
i and Surveying.
Estimates, plans and specifications
Office in Bohnenkamp Building.
La Grande - - - - - - Orego
Architect and Engineer.
Surveying. Civil and Structural Engi
neering. Twenty Tears' Experience.
Cnaa. E. Cochran Geo. P. Cocfarai
Attorncya, ' i
La Grande National Bank Building.
La Grande - 1 - - - 5 Oregoi
: r. h. ll6td.
Attorney at Law.
Practice In all the courts of the State
and United States.
Elgin --- - - - Oregon
Attorney at Law.
Practices In all the courts of the State
and United States.
Office In La Grande National Bank
Building, La Gpande, Oregon..
Teacher and Manager.
Telephone Farmer 107C. '
resetting and repairing
HI '
cock orchestra introduced a series of
dances for every Friday night that the
Elks do not use the auditorium. The
crowd was limited, but the amusement
was as great as the crowd was dimin
ished. The six-piece orchestra was
reduced to five pieces last evening on
account of the .Illness of One of the
players. I ,.A1 Hlsner was forced to
leave the rostrum and go to his home.
The music which this galaxy of local
players dispensed last evening was up
to a standard seldom mequalled by lo
cal organizations, partly because the
orchestration la such that It has a
pleasing effect ' When Mr. Hisner Is
again able to resume his post at the
drums, the orchestration will be: Vio
lin, O. M. Heacock; clarionet, J. Snod
grass; cornet, G.; E. , McCully; , trom
bone, M. B. Sherwood; , piano, Miss
Ormond, and drums, Al, Hisner.
The Weston postoffloe was entered
Wednesday evening by thieves who
secured over $200 In cash and escaped,
leaving almost no clue, according to
the Pendleton East Oregonlan. The
methods of the men and the character
of their work leads the officers to be
lleve they were yeggmen, especially
since, by the same methods, the store
at Adams was burglarised on Tuesday
evening and J 15 In cash Becured.
The robbery at Weston was carefully
planned and executed. The presence
of two strangers In . the town Is the
only clue the officers have and In
both cases the descriptions of the men
suspected are very vague. During
Wednesday afternoon two strangers
appeared, one at either of the black
smith Bhops In the town and Inquired
regarding certain smithing which they
appeared to desire done. It Is believed
this was purely a blind as the work
has never materialized, and during the
night tools were procured from . the
blacksmith shop with which the burg
lary was effected. The O. R. & N.
section house was also entered and
from this was Becured a heavy sledge
hammer, used in the operations of the
thieves. ,
No explosive was necessary In open
tng the safe, the thieves using simply
a sledge hammer with which they
knocked off the combination of the
trnnr box and managed to throw
the tumblers from the outside. In the
cash box was about $200 in sliver and
currency together with two registered
packages. One of these Is supposed
to have contained a valuable ring.
Both are missing. There were several
dollars worth of Humps in the safe,
but these were left untouched.
College Football Games Today.
Tale vs. Washington and Jefferson
at New Haven.
Pennsylvania vs. Carlisle Indians at
Harvard vs. the Naval Cadets at
Princeton vs. Syracuse at Princeton.
Cornell vs. Vermont at Ithaca.
West Point vs. Colgate at West
Pennsylvania State vs. West Vir
ginia at State College, Pa. "
Bowdoln vs. Colby at Brunswick,
University of Michigan vs. Ohio
StateState at Columbus.
Iowa vs. Mornlngslde at Sioux City.
; Nebraska vs. Haskell " Indians at
Le land Standford vs. University of
Nevada at Palo Alto, Cal.
Washington State College vs. Mon
tana School of Mines at Butte.
University of California v. Bar
barian at Berkeley, Cal. - .
Case School vs. Oberlin at Oberlln.
O. -
Western Reserve v. Keyon at
Clvlaad. O. ; J- .V ; '
Ohio Wesleyan vT Otterbele. at Del
aware, O.
LOST -A pearl-handled penknife, b
tweea Henlaf tor and, the Far
ner'e feed term. Leave at ttte of
fice. ... , .y.
Mr. Abraham.
Chas.' Bedingfield.
Ouy R. Lyons. " . ' -: . ': ' ''
Clyde Masters. ' : ; A '
Richard W. Petrle. ' .
Roy Smith. ;,.
Perl Thurston. t v K ' :
. . .. Q. M. RICHET. Postmaster.
, ; Piano Tuning. . ,
S. E. Francis, professional plant
tuner here a few days. Orders re
ceived at Smith' rooming house
Phone Red 141. Work guaranteed.
rmv-.ssMAKINQ Fashionable dress.
making parlors, at 1407 Ninth streett
Satisfaction auaranteed. 'Phone Red
104J. 'v;'y"""'v' :' "r.
House Cleaning
No dust; no worry; you
I show us the room we do
the rest. No more expert
I sive than the old way but
more thorough
Phone your orders to
Phone Red 1782
Follow the crowds to the Pastime.
. Exoelelnt Health Aavlce.
Mrs. M. M. Davison of No. 3?t Glf
ford Ave., San Jose, Cel., says: "The
worth of Electric Bitter a a general
family remedy, for headache, bilious
nesa and torpor of the liver and bow
els Is so pronounced that I am
prompted to say a word In Its favor,
for the benefit of those seeking relief
from such affliction. There 1 more
health for the digestive organts In
bottle of Electric Bitter than In any
other "medy I know of." Bold undei
ruarantee at Newlln'a drag store. tOc
4 How to 'Phone. 4
Patrons of The Observer will
confer a very great favor upon
the office If, when they wish to
talk with the editorial or news
department, they will simply
call for Main 13, and when they
office they will say Main 18, two
rings. All subscription business
and complaints of a business na-
ture should be addressed to the
business office and as above
mentioned for this class of calls
please ask central to give you 4
Main 13, two rings.
will you have for dinner today? Ton
may answer this question satisfactori
ly by dining at : v
The Otd Stasriby.
Our cooking la a paragon of per
fection, eur food faultless, and our
service rapid an eeorteeea, What
mere eaa we say, except that . our
prices are popular T We grre a regu
lar dinner for 21 cent. : ,
Cwu a4 try . Too will not aeed
the ene ef hunger to enjoy tt
Jbz Model Restaurant
- J. A. ARBUCKLE, prop.
Open Day 'JlJvfl
Ad Night Meal TkA.U frU
FOR RENT Brick building, 20x50, on
Elm street Inquire of A. C. Hunt
ington. ' - .'.
FOR RENT Furnished light house
keeping rooma 1706 5th St., corner
Depot. ' ' V:'."V 15-U i
FOR RENT Furnished front room)
modern. One block from postofflce.
'Phone to Black lit. ' ! V
FORRENT 3$ acre good land; 12
acre In alfalfa and orchard grass; 6
acre in orchard, rest In plow land;
land situated 4 miles north of La
Grande; exceptional term to right
person. A. B. French R. F. D. No
lf " ; dOct27
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, wun
all modern conveniences. Inquire
of Mrs. a C. Zuber. 19tf
FOR RENT Five-room cottage; fur
nished complete. 'Phone Red 1712.
DRESSMAKING Fancy dressmaking
parlors, at 1407 Ninth street. Satis
faction guaranteed. 'Phone Red 1042.
MONEY TO LOAN -1 have for a ell
ent, 12000 to loan. Security, first
mortgage on city or country real
property.. Time, one year, with priv-
of extension if agreeable to
both parties.
F. S. Ivanhoe.
SiMX-lal Election to Approve Charter
( , amenuiiicuis. !.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, the 24th day of November,
1908, a special election will be held
of the voter of the City of La Grande,
Union county, Oregon, and that the
Dolls will be open from the hour of 9
o'clock a. m., until the hour of five
o'clock p. m., of said day. .
Said election is called by order of
t A Pniini.ii n th Pitv of La Grande
for the purpose of proposing and sub
mitting to tne people oi mo vny
La Grande the approval and adoption
of certain amendments to the charter
of the city of La Grande as shown by
the proposed charter heretofore ap
proved by the council of the City of
ia Grande bv ordinance No. 392. Ser
ies 1908. and filed with, and in the
office of the recorder of the city of
La Grande, on the 10th day of Sep
tember, 1908. . . 'V
The approval of these amendments
by the people of the city of La
Grande will be submitted to M vot
ers on the following proposition:
Shall the City of La Grande amend
ments to the city charter, and the new
city charter proposed and submitted
by the council to the people of the city
of La Grande?
The following are the polling places.
Judges and clerks of the several
wards designated and appointed by
the council: '
First Ward. City Hall Judges: J!
P. Clark. E. C. Davis and Frank Kll-
patrick. Clerks: William Miller and
Arthur Crutis.
Second Ward. Council Chamber
Judges: Peter Kuhn. F. S. Bramwell
and George Ball. Clerks: IJ. E. Cool
Idge and A. W. Nelson.
Third Ward, Building wesi oi
Judge Ramsey' residence on penn.
avenue Judges: C. C. Penlngton, B.
W. Grandy and Jonn cates. ciems:
C. A. Vurpillat and A. C. Williams.
Fourth Ward, Harris' Hall Judges:
Bernard Logsden, G. E. Fowler and
John Sheak. Clerks: C. J. Vander
poel and Warren P.' Noble.
In witness whereof I have hereunto
attached my hand and affixed the seal
of my office, this 10th day of Septem
ber, 1903. ,v
(L. 8.) D. E. COX.
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Notice of Final Acocunt
Notice Is hereby given to all con
cerned that Mary 2L Swauger, admin
istratrix of the estate of Emanuel
Swauger, deceased, baa filed In the
county court of Union county, Oregon,
her final report a administratrix of
said estate, and that aid court ha set
Monday, the Snd day of November, A.
D. 1901, at two o'clock P. M for the
hearing of aald report and all ob
jection thereto.;
Dated this 2d day of October, A. D.
Administratrix ef Smaainel Swnnirr.
FOR. SALE Two to four acre of
suburban property, well improved.
'PhoneBlack 1532, or aee E. W.
Kammerer. 2004 Adam avenue. , .
Twenty-two empty five-gallon - oik
can for sale at this office. - Five cent
each. '. '. :';v:";i1 lii
FOR SALE Cheap land,
sugar factory.
Inquire at
FOR SALE Canary bird; good sing
ers. . 'Phone Black til, or call at
211S N. Spruce St
FOR SALE Two milch cow, one
fresh, Jersey calf 3 daya old; other
Durham, giving 2 gallon. Inquire
of Mrs. Childera, Island City, '
-v " dwlO-l-24
For Sale. .
Thoroughbred white Leghorn, single
tomb cocks. All pure breeding stock.
Inquire of F. B. Houston, Box 48, La
Grande, Ore.' , '.-
FOR SALE OR TRADE Will sell or
exchange for good team, a fine
Coach stallion, age 7 years; weight
1600 pounds. Can be seen at Klrt
ley barn, La Grande. M. 3. Selby.
FOR SALE A swell body cutter;
will sell cheap for cash, or will ex
change for alfalfa hay. 'Phone Main
20. H. Monson.
Sweet Cider.
For sweet cider (Crystal brand), or
pure cider vinegar, call' at 1401 Fir
street or 'phone to 1994, Farmers
line. " H. YOUNG.
Agricultural College
j Corvallla, Oregon. ' .
, Offer collegiate course . In Agri
culture. Including Agronomy,' Horti
culture. Animal Husbandry. Dairy
Husbandry,, etc; Forestry, Domewlo
Science and Art; Civil, Electrical,' Me
chanical and Mining Engineering;
Commerce; Pharmacy,
Offer elementary course in Agri
culture. Forestry, Domeatlc Science
and Art, Commerce and Mechanlo
Arts, Including forge work, cabinet
making,' steam fitting, plumbing, ma
chine work, etc. ,
Strong faculty, modern equipment;
free tuition; open September 25.
Illustrated catalogue with full Infor
mation on application to the Regis
trar, free. '..'''.. dAwJ-ltl
ahdUmon Pacific
Arrlvai and Departure of Trains
L Grande. 1
No. 1, wethound Portland Special
arrive 9:25 a, m.; departs, t:30 a. m.
No. 6, eaatbound passenger, mau
and express, arrive at 1:46 a. m.; de
part 1:60 a. m.
No. S, eaatbound Chicago Special.
arrive 1:05 p. m.; departs, t:l P xa
No. I, westbound paaeenger. mall
and express, arrives :IS p. m.; de
parts, 10 p. m.
Elgin Brancb.
Regular mixed train leaves
Grande at I o'clock and returns
o clock p. m. The logging train
leaves La Grand at lt:t p. m BSi
returns at T:4I p. m. .
j. TEL KJaaSMT, Acfa.
Ln Grande
Better nnn Bpanktng.
Spanking doe not cure ebfldrea of
bed-wetting. There la a eonsUtutlon
al cause for this trouble. , Mrs. M.
Bumsaen, Box W, Notre Dnnw, Ind
wtil send free to nny Baother
ceaaful lnstrucOens, Bend no money
but writ her today tt your children
trouble In thai way. Don't Na
thf rhlld. the chances nr It cast
help H. This treatment also cure
r's id aged, people trcobled
.iie y day or nhrht