TAGK EIGHT. ' Bsnavm. la graxde. oregox. mm ay, October i, ios. 4.. PLE TE H Dry ' Goods, Millinery; Clothing and ffO 'S5V J09K TP'' JJ fffN lP iille r OTjOT(g s : For more than six weeks we have been recieving almost :: dailv shiomenfs of Fall and VJinfer tntrrhzinrfict until nnnr ! :: our store is filled to overflowing with nice new good? and V they ARE new goods, not oblots or old shop worn stuff :: :: but good clean merchandise that you can depend on for :: :: quality and service. Our guarantee is back of every article :! :: we sell and to show that our nnVc are rinhi ,e :: '! cnmo nr fho mnra etnnla nn.A , wwnn, is sis lllVlb Jiupit. llUd Cld lUffUlYde : ' Standard Prints, per yard ....... .60 Apron Gingham, per yard ...... tic 1 5 -inch Percales, per yard . ....7Ke Outing Flannel, 5c, 8 l-3c, 10c, It He Hope Muslin, per yard ......... .10c Bleached Sheetings, 1-4, per yd 27 He Bleached Sheetings, -4, per yd 30c Ladles' ' fleeced Underwear, per garment ... j .......... JEc to 6O0 Ladles' wool Underwear, , per garment .............. ,50c and np Children fleeced Underwear, per garment ". ...... ... . . . . .15c and np Children's wool Underwear, per ' , garment ..... , , 35c and np Men's heavy ribbed Underwear, ' per garment .87e Men's heavy fleeced Underwear ,:' per garment .............,...60o Men's heavy wool Underwear, per garment ........$1.00 and op 11-4 Cotton Blankets 12-4 Cotton Blankets " . i. . , . . . . '. Eastern Wool Blankets Oregon Wool Blankets Oregon Tiger Blankets ....... 75c $1.00 $1.50 $3.25 $1.50 $5.50 ii Remember! z RAGIFIG G0L1L1ERCE The r j. Constructive Genius of Oriental Trade-Empire. Oar Carried the Torch of Civilization to Antipodes Mads Secure Our . . . Far Eastern Commercial . Supremacy. In addition to selling you good merchandise at a small J uiaiuui vi oroiiT. we Give tKtt with rH nn purcnase a premium worth 50c. mi wr n i a m s s bm - . j k r-i ; ; a yicHnum worm Jic. . . ' 1 , ifll t7S FT . ft -. : ES II If?! liJJ j& m& U sSHKr Am: CL A :: opri house block, ........... FOfi M GRANDE, OREGON Prefy P7ows Handsome Drawn gaor Bags, Hair Puffs, Wes and Up- fo-dae Millinery V isiua at miiAM V . nUbPIIALITY lrom a pretty woman Is always acceptable. Liquid refreshment In the form of our refreshing and exhlllratlng Bottle Maltlna . Is particularly so. Put a stock of this in your collar and you may be well assured of apprccl atlve guests. And tho beauty of our Maltlna is that It Is ulso healthful and nourishing as well as thti'Bt-quenrhlng and non lntoxlcatlng. It Is a body, bono and train builder In liquid form. .Ill Orders Delivered at your Home. Also all Dealers La Grande Brewery, PM0E 1 MAIN 5. . r i-i n.iiuii stone proof, to establish claim to the land 'above described, before the reg ister and receiver of the U. a land Ctflce at La Grande, Oregon, on the list day of December. 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Basil S. Levei, of Portland. Ore.;- John O. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. , ' "' ' . U. 8. Land Office at La Qrande.Ore October 6, 10I. . Notice is hereby given that CHESTER A. 'PIKE. " ' f Vancouver, Wash... who, on October I, llOi, maae limner ana stone sworn statement Mo. 01180, for 8E14, Ktt 8WU, section I, township t south. range 15 E. W. M., has filed notice of SAY, Mr. MAN! We put iustj little pol Ish on your shirts and collars. They do not soil so easily. . TRY US THIS MONTH . . . l LnLKKY S NEW LAUNDRY. Pacific States Phone . Main 78 t Idspendent Phom 1211 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La GranJe.Ore October 5, 1908. Notice is hereby given that JOHN O. KISS ELL, T of Vancouver, Washington, who, on made timber and stone sworn statement No. 0-1849, for lot 1. NE NW(4, NW NE V4, sec tlaon 10: 8E14 8WU. section 19, town ship B south, range t E. W. M., has filed notice of Intention to make final timber and stone proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore the register and receiver of the U. 8. land office at La Grande. Ore gon, on the list day of December, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Da. vld C. Brlchoux, of La Grande, Ore.i John W. Maltland. of Tinpun. Wash.: Chester A. Pike. Klssell, of Vancouver, Wash.: John t , " v wa, ULVU" W. Maltland, of Vancouver, Wash.; rer. Wash.; Basil H. Lever, of Port Davld C. Brlchoux, of La Grande, Ore. J laad. Ore. F. C. BRAMWELL. Reslster. ! r. P. RUiunTTt Intention to tnakanal timber and , 10-11-- , . , , , . -jJLft lO-ll-ll-ll During the past ten years, under a constructive Republican policy,, the United States has assumed a position In the Pacific Ocean which Is destined to give her the bulk of the vast com merce of the countries situated on the greatest body of water on the globe. ' . Some of the things accomplished by the party of, enlightened freedom and patriotism have been: The securing of the open door in China ; the preser vation of the Integrity of the Chinese Empire; the acquisition of the Philip pines; the' establishment of coaling sta tions across the Pacific and finallv tha transfer of the American fleet of bat tleships from the Atlantic to the Paci fic to modestly remind the Oriental na- tlons that, having assumed the posi tion or a world power in the Pacific, we are prepared to maintain It acalnst all comers. .., i..riM mM ' .."' Two wars have caused the whole world to realize that the Pacific Ocean Is to be the scene, of the greatest hu man activities in the future. ; The war of the United States with Spain gave us possessions, which bring us within speaking distance, of Asia, and the Russo-Japanese war revealed Japqn to the world as a powerful and progres sive nation, whose future sphere of ac tion would of necessity be within the boundaries of the ocean separating America from the Orient Tnft ConMrnctlT. Stateamaa. The Honorable William II. Taft has been one of the chief advisers and strongest advocates of the Republican aauimisiratlun- policy during this for motive and historic nerlod. ITe h been a pioneer, not only along the lines or statecraft, which have had for their "Hject the development of our western states, but he has given particular at tention to the situation in the Orient with reference to the future commerce between those far away countries and me mcinc coast of America. H his own Inimitable wny and unit lug a unique personality with the hluh est authority ns a diplomat, be poured ou on the troubled waters in Japan and changed the political storm there raging. Into a placid sunshine of peace, in China he created such enthusiasm as the Orientals have never shown to any other visitor and left that empire wiin tne belief on their part that the united States Is not onlr rehdv to Pi ter Into commercial reciprocity, but to sun srana as Chlna'a friend and lend Us Influence to see that she zets iua tlce from those who would violate her territorial Integrity. ' Taft and Oriental Trad. In bis Shanghai sneeeh. addreiulnir a nony or influential merchants, diplo mats and Chinese government officials. air. iart spoke In part as follows: "We do not complain of loss of trsdp mat results from the emnluvnient .n Kreat enterprise. Ingenuity or utteutlbu to m (h'uiantla of the Chinese martet or the grenter business-- iicumcn ahotvt hy our competitors. We vo:i';l hnv. the rlnht to protest at Ix'lng secluded irom the trade of Chlim by reason of iir InslHtence of tlip nollcv of tho 0n lKHr. The acquiescence In this pt'lh'y of nil Uie nations Interests hn iMen so inheMlttInir nml mnhmir tlmt It Is hardly worth while to sn.Hn. - 1 - VM inte iiimn the probshle nation of i rnltwl Sfiites In case the Interests of American mcrchnrts nre plsred In Icon amy. anil how far the United States would go In the protection f tH Chi nese trade. I cannot sav. It u ri... however, thnt our merchants are being roused to the Importance of the rhi nese trade and tliev would vivr with fleep concern any ami sll mlltlcal ob- atacies which menace that extension. -This feeling Is likely to find ptnm. sion in tne action of the American gov eminent. The United States and the other power fcavor the open door, and if they are wise they will encourage me fcjnpire to take lonr stern in rf minlstratlvt and governmental reform the development of the resources of China, and the Improvement of the wel fare of the people. . To do this would add to China's strength and position as self-respecting government and alC her In p-epartng to resist possible for "Itn aggression n the seeking of untln ml exclusive proprietory prlTllerv 'hits no forelini sH win ho ..- enforce the oj. -' vtt The value of a prescription depends upon the , ness with whirh it r9,hc fho riVI, . .i. iviivjiiiv iUVIil IlIL-L is the motto which stands for much in our prescription a partment. Ml prescriptions are filled as soon as re I and delivered as soon as filled. ' You know pur reouiZ for pure drugs and careful compounding '' ,u ; f j We Carry Everything which Should k Found in a Drug Store " I 5 LRXIQ 0?f! LA GRANDE. ORFfihM ? THE :hSl-- OREGON T IRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION; A HOME COMPANY 34,000 MEMBERS A Mutual Company can Save Ycu from 40 to 50 per cent on Your Insurance J. W. OLIVER, AGENT, la GrandcOr. i Cor. 6th St and Washington Ave vi That Elklna-Abrunl match seems to be of the alow variety.- " . wracn bill would you prefer to pay? A good stiff one to the doctor for curing some of your family of pneumonia or , rheumatism or our f modest one for the coal which would have prevented the illness? Thick it ov;r. Then give us the ;der f.oi coal j it sooriV too. Even a little chill may mean a big bill for the doctor. I !0. E. FOWLER . Phone Main 10 I I BAY & ZWEIFEL : Plumbers and Tinners : Pump Work and Gutter Work a Specialty Let us furnish you with an estimate on your work. No order too large or small lor ou-best attention. Let us reline that old stove. At a slight ex pense we can make it as good as new BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREE1 e TS" 11 W .'mm. t I Keal,aluesi When you purchase jewelery or a time : piece from me you have a right to feel certain abou having recieved full value for your money : : r . J. H. LEADING PIONEER JEWELER PEAR Daily Observer, 65c per Month :