EIGHT r I PAGE BIX. I M ford worl t ,ness jell f proi I for I fror Ihea: I toott joth gua ETEXXXO I E5ERVER, 1A C31AXDE, OREGOX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1903. FMEE' -- - -FREE ; ; IH IfB K if 1 ' ' ' "ji z I, i . ' ....... ... .... ... . , I, 4 After Six Only ioc ;,. Electric Knit : ' " Wash Cloths 2 l-2c ea limit 4 to a Gustomer flRMlD FREE COHCERTto.be given at The Fair Store every Saturday " evening commencing Oct. 17,7:30 to 9:30. We have employed the La Grande Symphony Orchestra, composed of the following: Miss Laura Green, Mr. E.U. Funk, Mr. Marble Green and Mr. David Stoddard. Every body welcome. Come and have the time of your life. After Six Only Men's 1 5c 4-ply Linen ' Gremaine Gollars . Ec each Limit 6 to a Gustomer AFTER 6 SPECIALS FOR MEN S5C to 50c Fancy Uriel . Men's SOc Ties, (after I) Hose, (after I) Z8o a Pr- S5c eacti 2Cc tI-15 Men's Outlnri Gowns, (after I), each GSc 15e Mothers' Friend Boys' Waists, (after I) each '' ' 58c 3 for $1.00 i Men's 75c Overalls, (af ter I), a pair 14.00 and $5.00 Boys' Suits, (after 6), a suit $2.49 50c Men's Pur Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, (af ter , 5o each. - ' 3 for $1.00 $12.50 to $11.50 Menel Top Coat, (after I) 25 per cent less 5c Boys' Outing Night Gowns, (after (), each 38C ; i: PROGRAM Miss Laura Green .... . . .......... Mr. Marble Green Mr. E. N.Funk Mr. D. Stoddard .. 1. On Soldier's Field" (March) . X. -Blde-a-Wee" i .. i .............. . $. "Fond Affection" (Walts) 4. Solo, "Somewhere" . . , " Mr. PVrrln 5. "Glory of Jamestown" (March) I. "Melody In F" - y Violin and Piano Duet 8. "Dreaming." I. Extra. Piano Violin , Cornet , Clarionet . ; Karr . . . Loraine , . Friedman .Chas. K. Harris AFTER 6 SPEGIAL FOR WOMEf; 18o Bleached Hemmt-d Turkish Towels, each - C , Size ltxtt. ..... Casey Rubensteln Moore $1.25 Ladles Kid Gloves a pair 93c In array. biaeW. tn. blood and white; dressed and undressed. - 45c Ladles' Hose Sup porters, a pair. 28c $1.50 Teazle Down Blan kets, a pair $1.19 11-4 size, In white, tan and grey. 1 1.50 - American Lady $1.18 In short and long hip. 76c Baby Shoes, a s& - 49c 15c Children's heavjj Ribbed Hose, a pair, $1.25 and $1.S5 Ladies Outing Gowns, each. 95c lie All sties. m SOc Glnghim Houk Aprons, each, 2lc THE AJTl JL A A AAAAA AAA AAA., f Vf f f f f f f ?f f f tfffWlij 4TIIE SCHOOL OF QUALITY Tenth ind Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal XWe occupy two floors 65 by ioo feet, have a $20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls far oLcfe help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leads ail others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. t&Sftid Easiness Haat " Keep hammering away erer lastingly on thorough work, It will win oat in the end." Said an EJncaton "The quality of instruc tion given In your school makes it the standard of its kind in the Northwest' COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. Keferenceat Any bank, any newspaper, any buslaeea nun la Portland - it OREGON" uilders : j Are You Doing What You Can to Populate Your State? OREGON NEEDS PEOPL E Settlers, honest farmers, mechan ics, merchant, clerks, peo pie with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. . TAc Oregon Railroad OMavigalion Co Is sending tons of Oregon literature to the east for distribution through every available agency. Wilt you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who are likely to be Interested In this state T We will be glad to bear the expense of sending them complete In formation about Oregon and Its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER from the east to all points In Oregon. The fares (turn a few principal cities are: iTvwr- Denver $$0.00 From Omaha $30.00 From Kansas City ISO. 00 From. St. Louis $35.50 Ftoin Chicago ...$3S.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. . . JL IL KEENEY, Lor Agent, La Grande, Oregon. WL M'MriUt.VY, General Pasecager Agent. PORTLAND, OREGON. SUN SHINES AND FAIR ATTENDANCE IS INCREASED From Louisville $41.70 From Cincinnati HMO From Cleveland $41.75 From New Tork 155.00 WALA WALLA FAIR DAMP ENED MUCH BY RAIX. After Several 1a) s of Small Attend ance, Thursday Saw Great Crowd at Garden City FairCity is Evac anted. Walla Walla. Oct. 1$. Today Der by day was a record-breaker for the fair, In attendance. With every place of business In the city closed, even to the drug stores, practically every man, woman and child In the city went to the fair grounds this afternoon, and the day was one to be ' long remem bered by every body. With the first three days of the fair poorly attended on account of the weather, people were becoming very anxious to pay the fair a visit. This morning when the day promised to be a pleasant one, every body, seemingly made preparations to go to the fair, and this afternoon the city Is almost eacuated. People commenced gathering at the grounds at an early hour this morning, and by 10 o'clock there was a large number of people who were viewing the many exhibits In the pavilion, and looking over the fine stock in the barns. The pavilion seenud to be the main attraction this morning, and be fore noon It swarmed with people. Excellent eating facilities are furnish ed on the grounds and give the visitors an opportunity to eut In the pavilion, grandstand or other places on the grounds. BROADEN SCOPE OE BOON TO POOR OR BCSY SEEKER AFTER WISDOM. One of the Most Valuable Adjuncts to the State University la Broadening Out to Cover Larger Field of Stud-lea. . JIBMa to Cea strong. P. J. Daley? 1HVW. Congress Cntcago, tells of a way to become strea. He ays:'"MynotB"t to M an4 w vary , U flarlvtog so .Mb benefit from Electrte Blttera, teal X feel It to my y to tell tho-e -fca seed a tonlo and strengthening medicine about It In my mother's case a marked gain In flesh has re sulted. Insomnia has beea overcome, and aha la steadily growing stronger." Blectrlo Blttera quickly remedy stom ach, liver and kidney -complaints. Sld under gii Til!' drugstore. COFFEE You can buy something called "coffee" at 10c lb with 3000 miles of R R freight from the roaster; don't Yor jrnrM rrtmnt voir sion II roa don't UttStbillint hmt- pat bin. WHY NOT TRY Popham'a ASTHMA REMEDY? OWes prompt and positive relief la vry case. Bold by druggists, Price $1.00. Trial package by mall ID . . ', cenlt. . ., WIBUune Mfs;.,Con Props. . Cleveland, O. For sale he A. T. UlLi Iiiim4. , A new bulletin of the correspond ence study department of the Univer sity of Oregon has Just been received by The Observer. The scope of the work has been greatly enlarged over the beginning made last year, and now covers courses in English classics, Shakespeare, pedagogy, botany, his tory, -algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry and several courses In mathematics for teachers. By means of this work any student who has' not time to attend college or high school, can pursue, with hard ly any cost, practically the same work by correspondence through the uni versity courses, and receive credit Jor it Thousands of dollars each year are sent out of Oregon to various cor respondent schools, and the univer hlty believes thet large part of this might Just as well be savJ to the peo ; le of the itate. The enrollment of this depart nont will reach 3000 stu cVnta for Uie year. 4 a i DIRECTORY ' OF THE , j FRATERNAL ORDERS! I LA GRANDE, ORE. J) M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 770$ v meets every first and third Monday evenings at L O. O. F. halt. All visiting neigh bor are cordially Invited to attend. Relief committee: E. C Davis, Charles Dlsqua, A. J. Warner and D. B. Cox. 1 E. C DAVIS, C V D. E. COX, Clerk. F. O, E. La Grande Aerie No. Stf. F. O. E., meets every Friday night In Elks hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. J. R. LEISHMAN, W. & ' O. K. S. Hope Chapter No. 2$, O. E. 8 hold tatxt communications the second and Mil m w miuesdavs of each month. no imoia cordially Invited. i.ftV o. FORREST, w. m. H a. WAllNiCK. Secretary. L,0. O. F. La Grande Lodsre No. II. mecti k their ball every Saturday night. Vj lUng brothers cordially Invited ton tend. Cemetery plat may be smb Uodel Restaurant C H. BLY8TONE. N.'a D. E. COX, Secretary. a J. VANDERPOEI Fin. Bea N t Foreetera of America, Court Maid Marlon No." 2$ mtif each Wednesday night In K. of P. bit Brothers are Invited to attend. . NERI ACKLES, C. B. C, J. VANDERPOEL. F. 8. Board of Trustees: Dr. G. L Sir vers, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pattl-son. Methodist Cliurt-h Sertk-e. The work Is deepening and broaden ing at ever service Last night all en Joyed "The Old-Tlmo Religion." and tonight Evangelist McDIarmld 'speaks on "A Standard Oil Company." You are Invited. Spokane Is proposing to move a three-story brick building. But pshaw, Spokane has the faith that moves mountains. Spokane Chronicle. WOOD SAWING 'Phone and we will , do your wood sawing very promptly, and at prices you can afford to pay. We are always ready. MAT1CEWS, STOLL A GIASS. Phones: Red 1SI; Red 1221.' L O. O. F. Star Encampment No. 81, L O. O F4 meets every second and fourth Wednesday In tne month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. D. E. COX, C P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve it L O. O. F. hall. Visiting members ilwaya welcome, J. A. ARBUCKLtS. President C. 3. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. Ill, W. O. vV meets every Saturday evening In K. of p. hall In the Corpe building. All visiting members wel n: M. M. MARQUIS, t. H. KEENEY, 'Consui Commander. Clerk. ; i . 4mt What Yon Ordered. uu tiftta your order eomlng just as you ordered It when yea place your meat order i with 8U1 well, the Boas butcher. . 'Phone Main ' Octl A. P. Jk A. M. La Grande Lodge Mo. 41. A. T. a, M., holds regular meetings tlrsS nd third Saturdays at 7:10 p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. K. of F. Red Cross Lodn No. 27. niMtl every Monday evening In Castle EiH Corpe building. A Pythian welcoM to all visiting knights. D. H. PROCTOR, C C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. 4 8. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 87, L. O. T. M., mB every first and third Thursduy of month at 3 o'clock In the afternooa Visiting members made" welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH. L C KRS. EVA M1NTYRE, K. of R Kebekaha. Tuesday evening at the L O. 0. f naiL All visiting members are -vited to attend. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, N. 0 TTLLIE COX, Secretary. B P. O. E, La Grande Lodge No. 411, m each Thursday evening at 8 o'cluci t Elha club, earner Depot street W' Washington avenue. Visiting brotert are eerdlally Invited to. attend. C & DUNN, Exalted Ruler. . K. M CULLY, Bee. Tbey Take the Kinks Out. . "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pni for many years, with Increasing eatiatacUon, Ttcy uke the kmka out of etomach, liver and bowels, wttbost fus or friction,- says . H. Brown, Plttsfleld, Vt Guaranteed aatlsfs' lory at Newlln'a Crjg store. 2!c Cut wri mo: trei bus ton cr 1 1 d I tui ley cm To su th m d( 1 s si