PAGE TWO. La Grande Directory phtsiciaxs. a L BIGGER3. M. D, Pbyslclaa aad Baurgeoa. Office, Lewis Building, ever Henry Cerr Undertaking Parlor. Office "Phone Black 1I1L. ReaJdeaes "Phone Red HIL J. H. HUBBARD, K. XX Phystciaa) m4 Sargeoav DCSee la New Bank Building, Room 21-21. Thanes: Residence. Mala II; Office, Mate Tt. DR. A, U RICHARDeON. Phyavisa nd Sf giwfc. Office r HuTs Drug Store, Cffic Phon HIT. Residence Mala II N. KCLXTOR. M. D Physician and Sargeoa. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Office Main It Resident Mala If BACON A HAUL. Ffcvsiclaas and Sargeoa. Office t, a Grande National Bank Ball dine "Phone Mala It. 1 C. T. Bacon. Residence, Mala If. M. K. Ball. Residence. Mala 13. DR. T. C MOORE DR. BL G. P. MOORZ Osteopathic Physician. KXrkrrOle Graduates Under Founder Office Summer BaUdlng. Phones: Office Mala CI; Res. Mala 14 C. II. rPTOX. PIL G, M. D. Pnjslrtna and Surgeon, pedal attention given to Eye. Ear, : Nose and Throat. Office la La O'and National Bnk Building. . -Then Office. Main 2; Residence, Mala IS. rETERIXABT SURGEOXa. DR. P. A. CHARLTOX. Veterinary Sergeca. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande Residence 'Phone Red til. Office Thon BUck 1IIL- ladereadeat 'Phone It. t' Both 'phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILET, Graduate Ohio Bute University. ' Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery c an kind, Coantry calls promptly answered. Office till Adana A venae, Phones: Pacific Black lilt. - Independent, 172. I YOUR CHILDREN'S EYES 1 Should be looked after Now Not after they hae started their Studies and Levari to have eye troubles. We'll measure the eye FREE and tell you if glasses are need ed. Brinf, your children HERE today. Don't delay. If glasses are needed our price uill be less than half the "other f ellows" CEO. S. BIERNIE, SIEGRIST & CO 1 JEYYf LERS AMD 3 Complete equipment for resetting and repairing Z rubber buggy tires. 1 LA GRANDE IRON WORKS 2 0. FTTZQERALO, Proprietor I Complete MAchbc Shops aad Foundry ww ...eeeee... Professional dextltxb. . C B. CAUTHORX, Dentist, Office over Hill's Drug Store.. La Grande Oregon. J. a PRICE, JX M. D. Room 23. La Grande National Bank Banding. 'Phone Black 1111. La Grande Oregoa TEACHERS OF MUSIC PROF. E. PORTER DAT. Principal. Let Grande Bcbeel el Masts. Mrs. Day, assistant. School. IIS Greenwood Ave., one door south of Adams Are. Phon Black MIL, MISS STELLA I. OLIVER, radio ever J. M. Berry's Store. ELECTRICAL EXGTXEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. CtrlL Mining, Irrfgatloa Eaglaeestai ' and 8 an eying. Estimates, plane and specifications. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. -La Graade ...... Oregot C. R. TIIORXTOX. Architect and Engineer. Surveying. Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty Tears' Experience. ATTORXEXS. Chae. E. Cochran ' Geo. P. Cocaras COCHRAN COCHRAN. Attorneya. La Graade National Bank Building. La Grande .... Oregot R. H. LLOTTX Attorney at Law. Practice la all the courts of the State and United States. Elgin ...... Oregon C H. CR.WIXRD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the State and United States. Office ta La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande, Oregon. VTAVL MRS. GRACE MeAXISTER, Teacher and Maaager. Telt phone Partners 1 1 71. Optician For OPTICIANS I EVEXLXG GB-TRTER. LA GRAXDE. OREGOX, THIK5DIT, OCTOBER REAL ESTATE TRISfERS Union county real estate transfers for the week ending October 14. Re ported by La o ranee Investment Cow abstracters: C BL Finn to James Mcllroy, SW4 STVy, of section 1I,JTE4 SK of sec tion IT, ta township- 1 north, range 31 E. 1. J. R. McLachlea to A. McLachlea, tot I of block 1. ta Grandy's addition to La IJ09. Isaac Vanderenter to C. F. Dreher, lots 1. 2, I and I. of block IX. in Haa- aa'e add. to West Union. SlSft. United States to CecO Ganoway, W NEVi and E NW& of section IS township 4 north, range- HE. United State to Jixt M. Scar borough. EB SW!4 of sectloa I; NE NWK.Nfc NE . of section I. town ship I south, range II E. Stat. United States to James J. Carta, ! W?4 SE14 of section II; W XE4 and XW4 SE14 of section 14, town ship 4 south, range 13 E. T. 8. Martin to Simon Welmer, tract At1 l section II. township 33 south, range 49 E. 11239. Thoe. Loftua to Jos. Cunha, E4 NE U SW XEfc, XE4 SE4 of see Uon 27, and Ni. SWtJ and S XW of section 4 township 4 south, range 33 E. $1730. J. EL Carroll to Sarah E. Carroll, part of lots 1 ,13 and II of block 15, and part of lots 3, 4 and 3 of block 27, in town of North Powder. 12800. Anna M. Whiting to Mary A. Elmer, NE4 XWfc of section 23; SW SW!i. and NW4 SW4 of section 24, town ship 2 north, range 3 E. tSdO, United States to State of Oregon, 00d acres la Union county,' Oregon. Jane R. and W. T. Hartley to Har vey eBrry. tot 1. 2. 3. 4 and 5 of block 7. In town of Imbter. 350. H. W: Croxton and C. A. Robertson to Vlra Robertson, Si NE4, XH SEi of section 23; W XWii .and XW of SW4 of section 2. tovn hip I suth. range 41 E. XI. XEW DEPOT FEVER. Pendleton Xores Xrw Rumor of De cent Drpa BolklJng feoon. Pendleton, Oct. 14. On a tour of inspection which may result in a new O. R. A N. depot for Pendleton, high officials of the O. R. & X. and South ern Pacific system visited Pendleton last evening. The inspection proper was the work of the Southern Pacific m?n who were In the private car California. The par ty included General Superintendent Buckley. Division Engineer William Bollons and other officials of the Harriman lines, among whom were said to be Erastus Toung, general auditor and Maittr Mechanic Graham of the Southtrn Pacific. The inspectors went carefully over the buildings of the local station and It is rumored that their report will contain some recommendations as to a new d?pot. They also aere'ully In pected the yards and the equipment of the road here. BIG APPLE DEAL. Mooter Frail Comiainy Iixpnc of 10,000 I loin In One Order. The Mosler Fruitgrowers" association pulled off their first big apple deal of the season today by disponing of 10,000 boxes of apples to the Davidson Fruit company of Hood River, says the Port land Oregon Ian. The varieties sold were Spltsenberga. Baldwins and Red Cheeks and constitute about half the crop grown at Mosler. all of which will be handled this year by the association. The price paid for the apple la said to He fully as hlch as that received for the applet sold this year at Hood River, and buyers who have examined the Mosler crop say' that It la the fin est oa the average on the coast. Xottm ( Crcatiora. All who are Interject are hereby notified that the trug stock of the Newlln Drag Co. he" rc been disco A of by we, and a- riialrs ef that flra ap to the Ith v aVpr?mler, till, bow being wound up. all bill aad accounts w ig the Kewtl 1'wg Ce. eea tract 1 t.evious to tdat eate. art now da i coll cteW at th XUa Book a1 S'atlonery Co. Ail nrvas so Indebt ed are request 1 rail there at oas aad make settlement of their aeeoaata, yVL KKWLLN. LAST OI SALOOX CASES, Cmatllta Cleans Up Of er a Tboa.sand . . Yesterday In Fines. Twelve hundred and fifty dollars In fines were levied by Judge Bean hi the circuit court today. Of this sum SI109 was assessed against William Boart, Dick Keegan and their bar tender, Henry Xoble. The other $156 was the amount fined George Mans field, the Pilot Rock man, who pleaded guilty to gambling, says the Pendle ton East Oregonlan. Of the Bogart-Keegan fine $231 was levied against each of the two prcrie tors and tloa against the barkeeper on the first count, .that upon wntch they were tried and convicted last week. On a second count to which they pleaded guilty each of the pro prietors was fined 1200 and the bar man S11. This action of Judge Bean practically disposes of the liquor Ques tion at the present term of court. Honey for Sale. Fresh comb honey, one-7usd sec tions, la quantities to suit customer. OSWALD YOLfa" WINKLER, i-w Island City. TIME AMD GASH ! x ; X Saved by my Method of t Di&Ing Wells J ; : No Wood Used : t Gasoline Eneins Saves : t you much time and mon- $ T ey. Instruction in Gasc- ! X line Engineering . .. : . tedii or write X I R. A. WEST, 1 ! The Well Driller 1 HtMUftHI IJtHtiiasassf NEW ! LOCATIO N My patrons will now find m at the Oregon Pro I duce Company's building on Jefferson A.enue uith a full line of HAY. FLOUR, MILL FEED, GRAIN, and GARDEN and GRASS SEEDS : : : : : y. V. OLIVER Poone Man 57 I ED nlrtCViraAa!. AivnoNxca. Bales artod a. naort awtlna. t Battsfaattoa gnsraatad. Na axtra rwaras for dastanao. o LA ORAXDB ... OREGOT 4 Root No. t. na Ma, life! 0 IS, IMS. We Want Our .'Want Ad Column Your want is placed before a thousand or mora want-seeks-. verf day Can too afford to tpend one cent per word of vq want ad wharf rasuha are the keynotes? 3 : t aa.aaaaaa tttttl, . . . MIMMHIIMt aagsHt roR Bjorx. FOR REXT Brick building. 20x50, on Elm street. Inquire of A. C Hunt ington. FOR RENT Seven-room modern house, corner Sixth and P streets. In quire of A. E. Stephens, FOR REXT Two rooms, and table board for two. 'Phone to Red 1771, or call at 111! Adams avenue. FOR REXT Furnished front room; modern. On block from postoffica. 'Phone to Black 1172. FOR REXT A furnished house; modern; close In; I rooms; bath and nantrr. Cult National Bank. 10-2-14 FOR REXT 33 acres good land; 12 acres In alfalfa and orchard grass; I acres in orchard, rest In plow land; land situated 4 miles north of La Grander exceptional terms to right person. A. B. French, R. F. D. No. 1- dOct27 WANTED -Success Magazine requires the services of a man In La Grande to look after expiring subscriptions and to secure new business by means of special methods unusually effect ive; position permanent; prefer one with experience, but would consider any applicant with good natural qual ifications; salary, 1.50 per day. with good commission option. Address, with references. R. C. Peacock, room 102, Success llagazine Bldg., New Tork. Octl7 Xotlce of Sleeting of Equalization Board of Union County. Notice Is hereby given that the equalization board of Union county. Oregon, will meet at the court house In the city of La Grande, on Monday. October llth. 1908. at 10 o'clock a. m. "Petitions for the reduction' of a particular assessment or assessments shall be made In writing, verified by the oath of the applicant or his attor ney, and be filed with the board dur ing the first week It II by law required to be In session, and any petition or application not so made, verified, and flled,shall not be considered or acted upon by the board." (Chapter 211. Section 4. Page 431, Sessions Laws of 1107.) The board will continue In session for a period of SO days, unless the work coming before said body shall be completed sooner. R. A. RUG. Deod-w4t Assessor. Public Sale. I will offer tor sale at my place one mile west of Summervlite, Thursday, October 22. 1908, seven horses, two of! these are good single drivers; 13 head' cattle; one 2-year-old registered Polled ; Durham bull; 1-year-old bull; two butl calves; 1 seven-months-old. one five; four polled -Durham cows, S years old; three polled Durham heifers. 1 year old; two Jersey cows; one Poland Chi na boar; one-year-old. A few young Poland China sows and boars. These hogs are pedigreed. One McCormick binder, almost as good as new; one new press drill; one mower; one new gang plow; four new wagons; two sets of heavy work harness; on set nearly new. Sal commence at II o'clock. Free luach at noon. Terms of sale: A credit of II months will be given on approved note, at I per cent from date. A. J. BTORT. H. B. DAY1DHIZER, Auctioneer. dwOctl-2L Not f or Bids. Notice Is hereby gtvea that the un dersigned will receive sealed bids up to II o'clock a. nv. Thursday, Octo ber, II, 1101, for excavating channel for Graade Roade river, near Perry.! Ore as per plane aad specifications oa' file la the omce of the county clerk.' The county court reserving the right to reject any aad all bids. Dated at La Graade this llta day f October, 1101. H-ll-II ED WRIGHT. Onaty Clerk. PCHT PACES. Your Wants ! FOR SALE, f anasaawaj0Bksw, FOR SALE Two to four tew, j suburban property, well tapt. 'PhoneBlack 15J2, or see g. t Kam merer, 2004 Adams avenas. ! FOR RAf 1R. Twenty-two empty flve-galki cans for sale at this office. nTtCe!, each. i FOR SALE Cheap land. Inquiry sugar factory. , . . . i FOR SALE Canary birds; good j era. rnone Black 211. or tan r1 2111 X. Spruce St. I FOR SALE OR TRADE B J- one 2-year-old Jersey bull. 'Pik7 Black 1J72. f For Sale. Thoroughbred white Leghorn, stof ! comb cocks. All pure breeding ttodj Inquire of F. B. Houston, Bex 41, U Grande. Ore. Sweet Oder. For sweet cider (Crystal brandv pure cider vinegar, call at 1401 Tj street, or 'phone to 19J4. Farmm line. ll Tfirvn Agricultural Collect Corvallls. Oregon. Offers collegiate courses la ArrtJ culture. Including Agronomy, Hort-1 culture. " Animal Husbandry. Dalnf tTn.Ka.VM, a... . . .. f Science and Art; Ovll, Electrical, lit-l chanlcal and Mining Engineerisfix Commerce; Pharmacy. J Offers elementary courses la Arm culture. Forestry, Domestic Bcleac' and Art. Commerce and Meehani:, Art (Tutlnill.. fc , vj va ivi nvri, cmvuis making, steam fitting, plumbing, mi- chine work, eta Strong faculty, modern equlpmeat; free tuition; opens September IS. Illustrated catalogue with full Infor mation on application to the Rers- trar, free. dftwUlf wa UiYion Pacific Arrival and Deparvmre of Trains e La Grande, No. 1. westbound Portland Spec 11. arrives 1:21 a, m.; departs. 1:311 a. av No. I, east bound passenger, awl and express, arrive at 1:41 a. m.; e parts 1:11 a. m. No. 2. east bound Chicago Spedsl, arrives 1:01 p. m.; departs, 1:11 P- No. I, westboond passenger, attl and express, arrives 1:11 p. m.; Paris, II p, m. Elgin Braacb. Regular mixed train leaves U Graade at I o'clock aad returns at I o'clock p. a. The logging tran leaves La Graade at 11:11 p. av asl returns at T:4I p. an, J. H. KEEXET, Hgft Better Than Spaakmg. Spanking does not care chlldrea ? bed-wetting. There I a constltutiao al caus for thla troabl. Mra. K Sumraer. Bex W, Notre Dame, lad will send free to any mother her sae cessful tnstnictlona. Seed a moot but writ her today tf your caliona trouble la Utss way. Don't blaaw the child, the chance are It cast help "It. Thla treatsaaat also ear adults aad aged people troubled wtt nrtn dlfflculUea bw day or dgnL LOST la " La T Graade. ' Moaday, child's red sweater; finder pi leave at thla office. lUr yen registered Better de V before October 21. y "ss.