ETGTIT PAf.? irrcxmr. obsctvek. la ;raxdk. onEoox. ctuday, octcrer . iocs. PAGE SEVEN. Pastime Theater MOTION PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATir.n nowno a fj1 j q ' FT ' Vt immMT 4 Grande Ronde Lumber Co. PERRY, OREGON 1 ' Heacock's Orchebtra. rrogram. CHf," have not forgotten the wealth of j Hon, headed by Luella Morey and None who last season witnessed the .acting, allegory, music and spectacle company much stronger than was last superb performance of Clarence J3en-then presented, and great Is the Inter- season's formation, In presenting per nett's incomparable drama, "The Holy est manifested la this year's produc-1 formances, that are uncommonly beau tiful.- y Numerous changes have been made by the author, each adding to the power of the well-remembered story, Interpreters of the varied char acters have been most carefully se lected, 4he "costumes ar hew through out and Increased scenic splendor has been provided. Miss Morey, who will be remembered for her artistic rendi tion of the various Sardoulan plays, heads the company, and Messrs. Le Comte and Flescher, under whose di rection she will appear, have spared no expense to make the production as attractive feature of the season's of fering at the new Steward tonight. - v ; , j f v 4" 7 . v Aim lJn J I , I ) S V; ifi A Scene from "Tlie Holy Ciij a t the Stoward Tlicafor TonlKlit. Rummage Sale,- ' St Peter's Guild will hold its fall rummage sale In the Slater building on Friday and Saturday, October 16 and 17. A good assortment will be of fered for sale. ,The Guild later on wlli have a sale of fancy articles nnd ton. due notice of which will be announc ed. .,' ' , ' tf i ' - - I The Leperschawn. "Swinging." . Old Sleuth, thu Detective. "Yankee Tourist.' ' Richard III. DOORS OPEN AT 7 P. M.' - t CAN riRNISH LUMBER OF AIL KINDS IN CARLOAD LOTS. Ladles' souvenir- matinees "Wednesday; 3 o'clock. t. Children's 5c mactnee Satur- day, S o'clock. 4 4 Must ray t'p. All persons knowing themselves In debted to tne undersigned, are hereby notified to call at my old stand on or before October 16, and settle . by. cash or . note, as onthat date I am com pelled to close my'books, and will have no permanent office. .By complying wlti the request you will confer a great favor upon me, . . - - J. M. BERRY. , "Tlio Cist and tio FidcUc.',"' Theatergoers in this city will soon have the pleasure of witnessing for the first time the big Broadway musical hit of last season, "The Cat and the riddle," which comes to the Steward Saturday night. The eastern critics pronounced this attraction as being one of the season's best the very essence of, musical comedy, extravaganza, vaudeville, etc., find Rtnted It xvn fitllv m,u1 tn am, the past Broadway successes, "The J t j - A 4 4 V ""I 1 V IP, r I 1 1 r- . r .. jpf Anotlicr Six-no from "Tlie Holy City." Tlie Elmore Sisters In "Tlie Cut and the l ldille" Tomorrow Mj-lit. Wizard of Oz," "Babes In Toyland" and later "The Top o' the World." Practically the same big cast that was seen Inst season including the El more sisters and Charles A. Sellon, and a big beauty chorus. The pro duction Is new and very elaborate. The big song hits which are so whlstly and airy are "Lota, from South Dakota," "Rosy Dreams," "Modestlng Restrains Me From Adding Any More," "The Date Tree," "The Mermaids," "I wish I Were a Sailor." "Won't You Take a Ride With Me" and some 20 others. ..The attraction will be at the Stew ard opera house tomorrow night. Keep Ihe money at home by using LA GRANDE SUGAR Costs no nrrcsrd Jirft as sued. All dealers. , Crowd Are McnHcri. Good-sized crowds witnessed the first presentation of the new film at the Pastime last evening, and that everybody was pleased Is very evi dent from the amount of applause ex tended. Mr. Ferrln's voice was heard again, lle'wlll sing for the rest of the week. The three long films are hlgs-class "dope" and please every body. To see them Is to like them, and not to see them Is to miss some thing worth twice the money asked. The Rcrnto Tonight. A new electric film program awaits Patrons of the Scenic theater toa5ht The vaudeville artists appear In new turns tonight. Waltera being slated 'or m buck and win dance. t-Lw THE GEORGE PALMER UMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your Orders for Lumber. Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood VVe are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. THE SCENIC S. A. GARDIN1EB, Proprietor and Maruurer. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE nd LATEST MOVING PICTURES. The big vaudeville features MOIUUS & MORRIS , ' Sketch Artists F. A. WALTERS, . The Comedian. 4 Struggle for Life. Crosscountry. ' , f '. Childish Match. : Wonderful Lantern. F. A. Walters in IVew Special- ties. . Morris & Morris, In a complete change, , j.- ' "Matinee prlOfcS as usual. At the evening performance during the wefck the prices will be 15 and 10 cents. Kliange of Program Mondays, Wednesdays and Frlilavw. Matinees: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 2:30 Children under IS years of ' . f t ; I For 16 inch Chain VVocd DeCieetd at yovr ilrnic. Call up V. C. BEAN, La Crando. rfcene, Txed 1741 Takes Pleasure in Announcing the Engagement of ivift LUELLA MOREY as SRLOrJIE Direction - le Comte and Flesher M The Steward, One Night Only FRIDAY, SEPT. 9th This Transformation Scene Showing the Opening of the Tomb, the Ascension of Christ, Followed by Innumberable Angels, closely followed by the opening of the Great Gates z or we - ' . ..... s f "HEW JERUSALEM" . S That opens to view the Golden Inworklng of the Immortal i .. ..... ... THE MOST LAVISHLY PRESENTED PRODUCTION OF THE SEASON , By Speca Arrangement ihe Prices Will Be Orchestra $I.G0; Orchestra Circle 75c; Dress Circle 50c; Gallery 25c and 50c. Seats on Sale Wednesday age 5c at matinees. , 1 TUIC IC fl f.HSD R NTFFft RTTDlirTMU ? f Ste ward's Ope ra H o w s e zamraay Evening, October I u CH AS. A. SELLON IN The Merry Musical Fantasy ??Th (Tb AND rm&L- fiddle THE Lyric and Music by Carlelon Lee Colbv IIITff ' 21 The Big Beauty Chorus o Realong The Dainty School Maids singers m The Undressed Kids coSns SEE HERR" The Witch's Cave "RosyDreanjs" The Fire Dance ' "The Old Date Tree" The Fairy Ship Dianna ' "Nearly Grand Opera" t J Under The Sea lVSd$' "The Almanac of i 822" VII Salome Dance MUSIC and Mirth ar ihrln mkiI.!. - -- wV IHIVIII XVIUVIII,U 10 Please the tanrvanil ilivriih mlnA" ti , w" M1V IllfliU 5fS:, ! "a 5t'.'s ll50' ""'ra 1M D,tss CM " entry sgk tfc i w m-'w 'i