PAGE TWO. evening onsErtVEn, la gkaxie. Oregon, mo.vday, ocror.EK 5. iooa EIGHT PAGES. t tft I La Grande Directory PHYSICIANS. G. L. BIGGKRS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office, Lewis Building, over Henry tt Carr Undertaking Parlon. Office 'Phone Black llll. Residence 'Phone Red 1001. J. EL HUBBARD, M. D. V Physician and Surgeon. Office In New Bank Building. Roome It-Jl. 'Phones: Residence, Main 19; Office, Main 71. DR. A. I RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone 1J6. Residence Main 65 N. MOLITOR. M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St Otttce Main eg -:- ttesiaenee Mam ii BACON & HALL. Phvslciana and Burgeons. Office 1. A Grande National Bank Building. 'Phoi Main 1. C T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 62. DR. T. E. MOORI DR. H. C. P. MOORS Osteopathic Physicians. . Klrksvllle Graduates Under Founder. Office Simmer Batldlug. Phones: Office Main 63; Res. Main 64 C. II. CPTON, PH. G., M. D. Physician and Surgeon, peclal attention given to" Eye Ear, ' Nose and Throat. Office In La d-ande National Dink "..m Building. Phones -Office, Main 2; Residence, Main 82. ? VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgecn. ' Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grandi Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black 18(1. Inderendent 'Phone 68. Both 'phones at resilience. DR. W. H. RILEY, Gradtiate Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery f all kinds. Country calls promptly auiswered. Office It 14 Adams Avenue. Phones: Pacific Block 1901. . Independent, 873. YOUR CHILDREN'S EYES ! Should be looked after Now ; Not after they have started their Studies and began to have eye troubles. We'll measure the eye FREE and tell you if glasses are need ed. Bring your children HERE tolay. Don't delay. If glasses are needed our price will be less than half the "other fellows" GEO. S. BIERME, Optician For SIEGRIST & CO- JEYVf LERS AND OPTICIANS Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires.. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry Professional DENTISTS. C. B. CAUTHORN, Dentist. Office over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande Oregon. J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Biack 1881. . La Grande Oregon TEACHERS OF MUSIC PROF. E. PORTER DAY, Principal. La Grande School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistant. School, 106 Greenwood Ave., one door south of Adams Ave, 'Phone Black 1831. MISS STELLA D. OLIVER. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berry's Store. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLER. Civil, Mining, Irrigation EnglneeHni and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande - - - r - Orego C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty Years' Experience. ATTORNEYS. Chaa. K. Cochran Geo. P. Cocbras COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande - - . Oregot R. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practice in all the courts of the State and United States. Elgin ...... Oregon c. ii. eit uvKoiM), Attorney nt Iiw, Practices In all the courts of the State und United StateB. Office in La Grande National Hank Building, La Grande, Oregon. VIAV1. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Teltphone Farmers 1971. n w Faint THE WEATH ER, is more settled then. There is less dust, less heat, not so many rainy, cloudy days and the flies, bugs, etc., are gone. THE LUMBER is drier after the s u ai mer's, heat than after a winter's M UODIDPAWT liojSmraini CixJt-t "Bert "Result dampness. The paint will take better hold of the wood and dry hard and smooth. THE PAINTER is not so busy as during-the ."Spring rush and can give the work better attention and allow more time for each coat to dry and harden. THE PAINT is the essential feature at any time of the year 3S FOR SALE BY lA M DAB-IMPME AAA!) PA PORILAiD Portland, Ore., Oct. 5. Special cor respondence.) The numerous Hearst publications have been personally rep resented throughout Oregon and Washington recently by Ray Wrishing Ington Taylor, who Is Writing a series of articles showing agricultural. In dustrial and horticultural actualities In this portion of the I'nited States. Mr. Taylor is on the staff of the San Francisco Examiner, but his stories will be printed In all the Hearst pa pers. It Is rumored that the fruit brokers of New York city grtl together recent ly, had a midnight meeting; down In the subway, and decided that they were not going to pay fancy prices for Oregon and Washington apples. There was at least one commission man who did not attend this meeting, however, and he went to Hood Itlver and bought 80,000 boxes. A grapevine telegram says that 150,000 more have been sold and eastern commission men have been plentiful in the Yakima, Freewater, Itogue Wver, Grande Uonde, Wena tehee and other fruit producing sections. ' Hon. John Barrett, director of the International Bureau of American re publics ut Washington, D. C, who was In attendance at the National Irrlga- tlon congress last week In Albuijuer - one, will be present at the Trans-Mis- slsslppl Commercial congress at San Francisco, then comes north for a visit to points In Oregon and Washington. Ills addresses will be non-polltlcal and will deal with the creation and fos tering of the trade of the Pacific coast with South America, a subject upon which lie has bestowed special attention. i The people of the nor hwest, but particularly those of Portland, were not entirely satisfied with the attend- ance at the show of, the Portland Country Club and Livestock associa tion, and Immediately upon tile iI ihc of that meeting a canvas was com menced for 1909 season tickets. The success of this campaign has been phenomenal. The tickets are 3 each and It is proposed to sell' 5U00 of them from' the present outlook this can he accomplished without any trouble. It Is the Intention of the committee to have special guaranteed trains from points throughout Oregon, Washington and Idaho, to bring an attendance, In cluding those fiom this city, of 1 50.- 000. Both Friday and Saturday nights" trains took big delegations of people from the Pacific northwest, to attend the conference of Coast Commercial bodies to bt held in Sao Francisco this week, and also to participate In the Trans-MlsslsslppI Commercial congress. ',..--. - l in the Fall and sliould be carefully consid ered. - "Hand Made" mixtures or cheap products are a waste fo of time and(nicney. THE PROTECTION is the primarypbject of painting and in the winter your house needs protection the most. "High, Standard" paint not only gives the best but the longest protection of all paints. - Don't do any guessingjust insist on "High Standard" Paint and there will be no regrets. There are "Little Blue Flag" Paints and Varnishes for your house, barn, wagons, carriages, floors and wood work. Let us ex plain to you. V-The tMiti ' MEN WORK WELL. Entire Football Squad Put on the Fir ing Line Lust Saturday. ' Practically every member of the high school football uad, who ha any chance to make the first team, was given an opportunity o sho-v what he could do under fire, last Sat urday afternoon, when a pick-up team from Island City was given an eay drubbing on th bull par.k ground t, score 20 to 0 in favor of La Grande. Fifteen points were scored In the first half, when the regulars or what will probably later be the regulars were In power, but in the second half La Grande's inexperienced and light men were seen on the line ot battle. The coaches were" given the oppor tunity they sought. They now know Individual faulta and collective weak nesses. In the time intervening be tween now and October 17, when Ba ker City comes here, every conceiva ble "stunt" will be worked to a per fection that for the first time in man; years the locals can say they bested Baker City. Must Pay Up. All persons knowing themselves In debted to the undersigned, are hereby notified to call at my old stand on or before October 16, ami settle by cash or note, as on that date I am com pelled to close my books, and will have no permanent office. By complying with the request you will confer a great favor upon me. J. M. BEIUtY. ' s(Nes$s J, ' New Alfalfa Hay l ' J, ' 1 All Kinds of liny Grain and Feed fl. V. OLIVER IV Slater Block Pnone Main 57 Jefferson Avenue We Want IN . Our Want Your want is p'aced before a thousand or more want-seekers every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want ad whe:e results are the keynotes? - :, FOR RKXX. FOR RENT One -room house, and one. 7-room house, with bath. Mrs. S. C. Zuber. FOR R ENT Six-room house for rent near 'flouring mill. .Inquire of Mrs. J. M. Lilly, near the La Grande flouring mill. FOR RENT The Fred Jacobs house jn South La Grande. Inquire at La Grande National bank. ' FOR RENT Eight-room house, with in one block of high school; city water, electric lights. Inquire of Martin Larsen, 908 Third, and J Ave. FOR" RENT Three furnished rooms, with hall. 601 Palmer avenue. Mrs. C. R. Wyatt. 9-26-10-9 FOR RENT Two rooms, and table board for two. 'Phone to Red 1771. or call at 1519 Adams avenue. FOR RENT Furnished front room; modern. One block from postoffice. 'Phone to Black 1172. j FOR RENT A furnished house; modern; close In; 5 rooms; bath and pantry. Call on janitor La Grande National Bank. 10-2-14 FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping rooms. 1706 5th St., corner Depot. ' ' WANTED. WANTED Two or three 4 or 8-horse teams to. plow. Aaply to Dr. Geo. O'Connor, at Sommer House. POSITION WANTED As bookkeep er. Will take position requiring all my time or will accept position re quiring part time. . Apply at this of fice. WANTED Woman to do family washing at the residence once a week. "Phone to Red 22. WANTED Information leading to the recovery of a brown and black shaggy-haired dog. Answers to the name of "Buster." Reward of J 10 offered. Inform J. H. Watson. WILL TRADE Eighty acres in Wal lowa county; 20 under cultivation; balance heavy timber, for La Grande property. Chris N. Krogstadt, at Observer Office. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that there Is sufficient money In the hands of the county treasurer, to pay all outstand ing county warrants Issued prior to November 1, 1906, and that Interest on tbe same will cease after this date. Dated at La Grande, Ore., this 28th day of September, 1908. ' JOHN FRAWLEY, Treasurer of Union County. F.xcclelnt Ilrolth .luvlce. Mrs. M. M. Davison of No. "9 Glf ford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bow els la so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word In Its favor, for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions. There Is more health for the dlgertlve organls In a bottle of Electric Bitters than In any other medy I know of." Sold under guarantee at Newlln's drag store. EOc. CEMENT WORK All kinds of Cement and Concrete work. r CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS CEMETERY WORK No contract too large or too small. Satisfaction Guaranteed L. ROBERTS PHONE BLACK 682 Your Wants Ad Column 1 FOR SAUL FOR SALE Two to four acres of suburban property, well Improved. 'PhoneBlack 1532, or see E. ty. Kammerer, 2004 Adams avenue. ' FOIt SALE. Twenty-two empty -flve-sallon oU cans for sale at this office. Five cent each. FOR SALE Cheap land. Inquire at sugar factory. : FOR SALE Canary birds; good sin, era. 'Phone Black 211, or call at '2115 N. Spruce St Stimulation Without Irrltatkm.: In cast of stomach and liver trou ble the proper treatment Is to. stimu late these organs without Irritating them. Ortno Laxative Fruit Syrui and bowels without Irritating the organs like pills or ordinary cathar tics. It does nt nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pieawant to take. A.x T. Hill, druggist. Agricultural College Corvallls, Oregon. Offers collegiate courses In Agri culture, Including Agronomy, Horti culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc.; Forestry, Domestle Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Me chanical and Mining Engineering; Commerce; Pharmacy. r Offers elementary courses in Agri culture Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, ' Commerce and Mechanlq Arts, including forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, ma chine work, etc , . Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens September 25. Illustrated catalogue with full infor mation on application to the Regis trar, free. d&w8-ltf OREGON Arrival and Departure of Trains M La Grande. No.1 1, westbound Portland Special, arrives 9:25 a. m.; departs, 9:30 a. m. No. 6, eastbound passenger, mall and express, arrives at 6:45 a. m.; de parts 6:60 a. m. No. 2, eastbound Chicago Special, arrives 8:05 p. m.; departs, 8:10 p. m. No. 6, westbound passenger, mall and express, arrives 9:55 p. nx; de parts,' 10 p. m. ' Elgin Branch. Regular mixed train leaves La Grande at 8 o'clock and returns at I o'clock p. m. The 'logging train leaves La Grande at 12:10 p. m. and returns at 7:45 p.' m. J. II. KEENET, Agent. La Grande, Oregon. Many pheasants are being Illegally killed around Corvallls. Sttllthe cry Is In many Oregon towns Wanted Houses to rent. LA GRANDE I SCHOOLof MUSIC 1 i X Studio at 105 Greenwood St. one door south of Adams Avenue ,1 it it mm tip PR0E. DAY, mncipai V t n T1LT'S AT UEKCURON'8. eee4e4e4)ee4eeet)eee V