EIGHT IAC PAGE EIGHT. , o "" 'Ompiete, 1000 yards 12)a c Outing Flannel 25 dozen mum v AT" vr ':: i ' !fens' Work Shirts Guy Matlock. 8; O. D. Saunders, .i; John Schmidt, 11; M.; H. GUle-jto of Echo, .28; Oscar Stone, ll;Tomas Murrell. 2; "William . Eogart,' li; H. Sought : especially for this 50c and 60 c values. During Shomingjof occasion, per yaid Exhibition Week, each 59c Keegan, 14; Henry Noble, 7; B'pn'Mor. ton, 8; H. B. Gillette, 8; Franl tlv:, EVENTNG f DSERV tA GRANDE, OREGON, VFDXF.S1AY, EEPT. 80. 1903. I I II I Kl I III ftn I I I II l lll l I I l . an twunriuuo onioi , : . , J (Continued from page 1.) I Wfl OfcSf Xid I I M i ft. 1 J 3 "H T Ml. - . - . m ' ... i 81 j! Monday, Sept Pimm 28 Until Safurday, Pcf. 3 1: II ElERYTHIM THAT IS BEAUTIFUL; ElERV-1 THAfG THAT IS SERVICEABLE MDRY GOODS MILLINERY SHOES CLOTHWG . COME AMD it, A . V I - ins OPEJM HOUSE WOCX, I- . LAGRMDE, OREGON J 1 . H It Is admitted thai the above Is not a complete list of those Inflicted, tl.e names of the remainder being with held pending arrest. . Evidence to Convict. "These indictments," said District Attorney Phelps thtsmoYnlng, "rep resent all the cases that were brought before the grand Jury and -upon which there was sufficient evidence to con vict. The state is now ready to try these, cases out and is prepared to Con vict every man upon every indict- ment." .- '7 I' ,'. ' . . When the warrants of art-rest were served upon the accused men by , the sheriff and hia deputies this morning thy were notified to appear In the circuit court at 1:30 this afternoon for arraignment. . . .', " Jury Still Grinds. , , : Contrary to the general impression the grand jury has not yet completed Its work, but is still grinding away. This morning District Attorney Phelps Intimated that the Jury will probably i-em&in lx sIon all the week. Ap parently it lifts disposed of the bulk of h '. jrrr;'""- t it is etui open for Information upon that sub ject and hvsicies there are several cases of a dlifert rit nature, yet to be paased M poo hy tlif. seven men. , - a EVERYONE F!jrm In Fall hah. Aso a Full Lin of School Supplies ADAMS AVTtK Srar.kUig Uoe.i ret curt cblltlrtn ot bd-v tft'.ins: There 1 a cpsUtuu.i. al cause for thla trouble. Mm. M. Siirumeih.' Box W, Not-t Dawe, Ind., Will Stiia IrO'.1 tT huy niother hnr ru. C'aru! Wj'r'.riictl.'nu. Stnd no innni-y, but wHc ti'.r tod.iy if your chiiilren trouble '.n thru way. Don't blaitit! .h child, h chancs art It can't hip It. Tl.U treiuin;nt alsi citw BiJu.ta nd agod j.op!? Uotihied itli Uil'jo dtfncj':MiMt n; day or Light. 0benin''Sal8' of the CAREY ACT LAND Ai'irulmftKily U.i'Oj hcth Of th bdt lir!tri'l V.oJ in 'i. V i. I'wuie l Ot Klnk-' lilll, lOano. on thi n.!n lir of :. . '.'rpen Phui t i'.".!, .iU uc 'j''lKirt fur jile ta n.U rs ofr'or '..'C- '.i-mu r i.. (n.y Act, OCTOBtR 12, -I9C8.- ROUGH DiW 7c per Pound HUVCG FINALLY WIXS. SYmi-riiials Commciu-e Tonight at Al uiuin Tennis Courts. Tli3-tetjris match between George Cim limn and E. E. Bragg started last vi- fli. M-a$ c iripleted last rilght and afro- .v otr"U J'US game was won by Mr. T.rttue The score for the three sets, lt-sU?i; firm one week to the begln nintr of ano'her, was 4-6, 11-9, 6-4. ThH i.)i!roi!cally closes the prelim lv.ii ry i'iuoh's, except for one or two f.liiy )!, n ho have not entered the pre .Ihnlnf rl i n account of the fact that thcy'wwre old numbers. .These will e pmc.'fi directly In the semi-finals, which Marl tn!ght.V 5-vV 4 4 nvssKrs iLac line. . Best rf service, Aay and !r.it. Hacks furnished for funcrn: ni.d private parties. Itygsno transferred Day and tir t Sundays. Sfsn l u; Paul's Cigar Store. Tnn v-Red 241. 4 N'stit Tlone Main 25. 4 4 I .. L. BUSSEY. 4 eaters Tlmt new Heating Stove Is the tldng ttjat should be uppermost in your mind Just now. To get the proper . size, . suitable stjle nnd right construction is most Important. ' :: :: ;: V ., Qualities meeting all these requirements will be found in our assortment, at prices to fit any pocketbook, :: :: :: .. .. We have tlie largest and most complete line in the city. 1 us show you amHee If you don't agree with us. s: ;: .. BAY & Z WE IF EL , Plumbers and Tinners Pump Work and Gutter Work a Specialty Let us furnish you with an estimate on your work. No order too lare or small for otr bestattention. Let us reline that old stove. At a slight ex pense we can make it as good as new BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREET it Try it. Every I i h i 11 g washed ana smrcfjen. i Ij.ffie- Haf i honed. work 9. 3 1 ticn' v Wi r-;t )i1t'..-'.i4 pime nf c'; vo&W fd 1V i x;)vi u' t In lh lie', fruit lind, r"-!l-it.:d f i ini tiM int icuii Hull in th brAt frt ii i ro. k. ill i.ik. in p-'ri iu:;r- 1 i- t i.it'.ii r, ot 10 irn .il. Great -Surplus Purt; Water !.ii a'l thd j--..i.r. Post .otdlt.n on .-rrti r. r iMi-j.rijf t'ult' i il ' vrili'a j.t.'fli .lily. 0:i the Main lineot Hie Oregon Short Along the Snake River t! i' 9 6, Hi 'ney for Sale. Tiv.t.h rnm'i honey, one-pound 'aec tioruytn (Jan. titles to suit customers. OSWALD VOLSWINKLER. i- v Island City. CHERRY'S iy . . f J till LAUNDRY. Curd of Thanks. 1 ! a take this meani of ex l.tvlrf; j:iy heartfelt thanks for the mil- Mr;l urpresslons of love, sympa thy u.il di! s of kindness admlnls- !.! -li ih'.r the Illness and death of '1 y tiUistrt Husband, and especially to iln. oit! i ' of Elks, who rendered -rich tiriijy -i.irvlce. Mr.S. II. E. NEIL, .. Hums and Ilueon. r.. i r .Khlng txjual to the Home and Bacon which the Meat Company Is now i'i .H iver to its customers. A i' ocilnr v lit convince you of the f t:.i; uatement. v' Oct5 T!ID tiU VN'DE ROXDE MEAT CO, 4 ,t Th frui'.tl oi-'-n'tn V lit l,u )Mia-' -i v tl fr vli,i uun hy tcf. I'fvr .'cm i1. .., iMt-r hi 'M '.0 f Hii'Wj' d't - if I i'i.' t uuHit 01 p-liu-.il'j fjf i i"ti'. tt.t (nil. 1 m. ir ritjht. 1 tidx.tlr-.M- Th. 11 v- kt .tti;. , CALL UPON La Grande Investment Co fCLEY bLOCK ndcp.r,itnl Phone 1211 i.uy COFFEE You r.m huv C.lll'.'.l "cofli o" v.iili iri'its of K Ii. 'at lPc lb enrc tlin TEA l.-a by the ounce you fret Schilling i'. makes no di'Ijr tj'-e (.' v -i i.liU frcii'.t ituin don't 1 f 'l: u ti-f 11 flrf f Te;. 4 u Daily Observer, 65c per Month i.tiijt.j loc "Vra . I .-.; a- i', u. on! U;:i Hon- r:'.f t - r. I i..!y t- r t: e yen rit or lr : th.- fit j'.and. VvTbcm n ;V octi WilT NOT TRT Potliam'a TDIA REMEDY? Jim ItoTipf and posltlvs relief In try cni. . Bold by drutglsU. Price II or Ir'al packtca by mall 10 cants. WIHtauu Mff.. Co Propo. - ClereUod, O. Tor al f , A. T. HILL, Druuist WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE I should be capable of fitting your eyes correctly. If the Glasses I furnish you do not give absolute satis faction, I stand ready to refund your money : : : j I am here three hundred and sixty-five days in the year to make my assertions good ::::::: J. H- PEARE LEADING PIQEER JEWELER "' 44444444444444444J BETWEEN OURSELVES S - there is nothing nicer, mora re freshing or Invigorating than a glass of our pure and sparkling MALTINA. It U a triumph of the brewer's art and instantly makes friends when first tried. It Is a great thirst quencher and It Is also good when not. thirsty. As a tonic to the weak and convalescent it l ifee1' recommended by physicians on account of 1U wholesome strength. Absolutely non-lntoK-lcattng. i All Orders Delivered at your Home. Also, all Dealers La Grande Brewery, PHONE ' MAIN 5. j X i ' i 4444 j ! 9n i ( L. It