ETGIIT PACES. tVTMxo I) BSERVER, LA LOCAL ITEMS. j tou Itayburn is ip the city from ihoPa"rler camP9-' , George Lindgren is in Imbler today 5t deputy sheriff. Ben Noyea is hunting for bear in Wallowa county. ) Miss Susie Deal will teach in the Baker City public schools this year. Mrs. Gulling went to Wallowa today. Sjie will return on the evening train. Mr. and Mrs' James Ewing of May park, left this morning to spend a few tjays with friends at Milton. ' i Charles Button went to Union this fmomlng in the Interest of the Home independent Telephone company. I Capt and Mabel ,' Tuttle left this 'morning to resume their studies at the 'state Agricultural college. ! Walter GallOWaV Came OVep frnm Union this morning to visit his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Budge. Mr, and Mrs. William Gekeler and daughter, Miss Kate, returned this morning from Portland, where they attended the Livestock show. Mr. and Mrs. C. Shelton of Baker City came down on the morning train to visit their daughter, Mrs. J. w. Kennedy. V t Miss Mabel Williams took her , de parture today for points In western Oregon, from where she goes to Cali fornia to spend the winter, Walter M. Pierce passed through the city this morning to Hot Lake from Portland. He returned to La Grande later In the day by auto. " Miss Alice ,McKInIey leaves tonight for Portland, where she will teach in West Portland high. She completed her work in the local high school yes terday, .. j'T- !' j jST'1'' Mrs. Helen D. Harford, organizer and lecturer of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will lecture in the M. E. churcn at Summervllle, Septem ber 30. , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Berry, and the little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. K. Mailt left this mornlngto spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Holmes of Wallowa. ( Henry Blackwell, the well known Oregon Btockman, passed through the city this morning en route to Malheur county, where he will look after stock Interests. S. L. Brooks Is up from his farm today and states that he will have an exhibition of stock at. the fair next week. Mr. Brooks always takes great interest in agricultural matters. Mrs. Otto E. Diction and little son Howell, will leave for Pendleton Sun day morning to visit relatives and at tend the district fair. She will spend a few days in Milton and Walla Walla before returning. Mr. and Mrs. James Pepper left on the morning train for Athena, where they will visit friends for two weeks and thpy will go to Phoenix, Ariz., where they will make their future home. . Rev. Upton H. Glbbs leaves Tuesday morning for Pendleton, where he will attend the first convocation of ths Eastern Oregon diocese. He will read paper on "The Attitude of the Church to Amusements." , J. L. Thronson Is up from his fruit farm today. He Is preparing to set out 40 acres In winter apples. Forty acre tracts are becoming quite com mon in Grande Ronde valley these days. The seats for the North La Grande school house arrived yesterday, and within the next few days the upper rooms will be furnished and occupied. These seats should have been here three weeks ago, but were delayed in transit. Mrs. A. F. Saunders, wife of late County Judge' Saunders, accompanied by her niece, Miss Josephine Holmes, who have been visiting Mrs. M. C. Newton, left this morning to visit Mends In Union, from thence they will return to their home at Cornucopia. Information reached District Attor ney Ivanhoe that the prosecuting wit ness, Henderson, In tht case of the s'ate vs. Evans' and Ross, of Elgin, who are charged with robbing a house. was about to disappear and not be nere to 'testify and he ordered the herlff to either go and hold Hender son or place him under sufficient bonds to secure his attendance at the trial. H. C. Rlnehart came , up last eve nng and returned this morning to Summervllle. Mr. Rlnehart believes bis early summer predictions may eome true that this winter will see a nuoh heavier snowfall than we have naJ for the past few years. Mr. Rlne hart says this may have been brought about through the hope of more mois ture. Well la his vicinity are much lower than usual, which "eea or rain and GRANDE. PRECOX. S ATI RDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1008. shows the snow. order new scrrs. ""Ha and Pendleton, , foobaTt F Ength Nn school w-theerrtn: members of the first team and leave Work heretofore has been of a prelim inary nature and next week the team nquad will be worUea harJ ut M IVT fir9t gam8' 'w"ot hlch have been definitely arranged. Cove wants a game, Baker City has an option on the 17th and 24th of Octo ber, while Walla, Walla and Pendle ton have written today for dates, m a few days the manager will have his games scheduled for the season T . SOCIETY. Five Hundred Club Dinner-Dance. A series of 1J games had been Played by the 12 members of the "500" club, with the understanding that the six making the highest scores were to dine the remaining six, it being tacitly - ' " v cuh over 25 cents per plate. Following the re past the electric theaters were to be visited at the expense of the winners. The highest scores were made bv Mrs. H. C. Grady, Mrs. Jay Van Buren. Mrs. G. E. McCullv. Mrs. w m nu fcnkamp,,Mrs. M. B. Donohue and Mrs. F. E, Moore. As prearranged the guests met at the home of Mrs. W. R. Jones on De pot street, there to be met by the hos tesses and escorted to the restaurant and later to the theaters: They were met with autos and whisked through the streets, but the direction taken by the autos were not wholly in keeping with the plans arranged. The jour ney ended at the W. H. Bohnenkamp home on Second street, where the sur prise so successfully carried out was complete. An elaborate dinner-dance had been prepared and there awaited them. Screamingly original plac cards were arranged, designating the, guest by some prominent characteristic, and with this "meagre" Information each guest found his own place amid much merriment. The table decorations were very or nate beautiful long-stemmed roses and sprays of Ivy were sctatered on the cloth with a truly artistic effect. Dr. F. E. ; Moore presided as toast master and the following responded: "Nothing," Mrs. Fred Kiddle. ."Anything." Mrs. Grady. "Everything," Mrs. Alllnson. "Our Husbands," Mrs. Moore. "Our Wives." Mr. Donohue. . ! Those participating in this delight ful and unique affair were, beBldes the hostesses: Messrs. Grady, Van Buren, McCulley, Bohnenkamp, Donohue, Moore: Messrs and Mesdames Jones, Alllnson, Fred Kiddle, Alkine, Gul ling, Miss Bess Bohnenkamp and Miss Moina Alkine. A. A. . AT TOE PLAYHOUSES. ' At the Soenkv The entire bill at the Scenic is as good as the average, but the head liner, "The Power of Labor." Is with out doubt one of the strongest pictures ever shown in this city. The film is a highly colored one and the story deals with the reduction of wages in one "of the largest Iron working mills in the country. The Interior of the mill is shown and the attempt of the su perintendent to murder the mill own er's son is so graphically told that the audience Is held in breathless expect ancy. There Is a delightful little love story mingled with trie harsher events dealing with the story. The Power of Labor can only be appreciated when seen. At the Sherwood. . The Increased attendance at the Sherwood this week is evidence that the present program Is a pleasing one. The comic numbers are Just the sort to bring forth a pleasant laugh and the sentimental numbers have exactly the right proportion of heat Interest and romance to make them accepta ble. The feature number is the Lion's Bride. This Is an exceptionally beau tiful film. Each picture. being prop,. al iiuieu. vine costumes shown are correct for the age, and the situations are cleverly brought out The story is the old stpry of two lovers and a vil lain. -m t - ,r ( t ' KkU . ' ''C': " The Pastime. As usual there is about four times a dime's worth at the Pastime agnin this week. .. The pictures are the sort well "calculated to hold the attention of the audience, and sent them home talking about the pleasures of an eve ning spent at this popular resort.. The colored number, Grotesque Figures, is a set replete with changes and sur prises. The set showing the various drills of the Paris fire department is educational as well as entertaining. The songs are pleasing and taking the entire program from start to finish there is not a dull moment. , ; fTVE. " rGF A 1 iiMiii.iM.iii -nTnn-,,,--, imtmmEST.Mmi II ' l of household necessities kept in the Bargain i it tl il tl tl tl tl il tl tl tl il I l it m Eastern Oregon is ! Basement and eve rything at special prices i . . , . ! . .250 Laundry soap, 7 bars ...... Toilet Soap, per doxen ....... ...45c Horseshoe Tumblers, per set. ...,25c Good grade work shirts, each ...,45c Ladles' hose, per pair' ....... .12 He Children's Hose, per pair ...12 He 8-qt covered Tureens, each Covered Butter Dishes, each Sauce Boats, each Slop Jars, each .... ...... Wash Bowls and Pitchers .. Chambers, each . . . . . . . . . , ; Soap Dishes, each ........ . Semi-Porcelain Salt Boxes, each.. 4 5c , . . .v 4Sc .... 23c .....18c ....11.25 ...11.35 . . . .75c .10c i i . iiYOUR TRADE 1PP?C1 it 1 . It It 1 J 1 It 2 ? I il I 1. irin- j: MOST! Where ydu get the most goods for vour eyr wnere you get the best for ybui money and where you get the best accomodations. We not only give the most, the best and best accomod ation but with every $1.00 cash trade we give a coupon that is worth more than face value in the Bargain Basement. T7 n r5H :. m rm b n I! The DENTIST. dr. w. d. McMillan. I'ahik'H Dntltry. Expert Gold Work a Specialty. Attention to children's teeth. Office La Grande National Bank Building. Iloth Thonc. MRS. HKLEX 1LRIXKD HERE. National Lecturer of W. C. T. V. to 8puk Tomorrow. Mrs. Helen D. Harford, national lee turer of the Women's Chrimian Tern nnmnro union, who attended the nmintv convention at Union, arrived here this morning and will preach to morrow morning at 11 o'clock in the Baptist church. She will also sp'jhk to the Methodist Sunday school in the forenoon. Mrs. Haiford comes hlgho1 recommended aj a pleasant and In teresting snea'-e1. She Is guest of I Mr. and Mrs. o. K Bolton. Brick Orders Large. Peventy-flve thousand brick for the ni.,.. ritu rnmpsle library will be sent to the mining town from the Krel er brick yard. The La Grande brick ntiiiv hncnmlnr favorite for tt I 1 building purposes and in a short time Mr. Krelger will have worked up business which will be profitable from outside polnta alone. In addition to the Baker City order, he will likely supply the Island City mill with thel orders. $ BEST STOCK. eeeee-C'Oeet-reeeee ee SUFFERS CONSIDEIUI1LE PAINT" Young: Man Hurt While Working on Cesspool Windla.Hs. iames Fltzpatrlck," lately of Michi gan, sustained Bevere Injury today when working on a cesspool near the F. B. Currey residence on Pennsylva nia avenue. Not alone was the young man hurt, but Mr. Gavin, of this city, had a narrow escape from falling from the top to the bottom of a 22- foot hole. The Injuries are painful He was working with Mr. Gavin In digging the cesspool and, when com pleted, was hoisting Mr. Gavin out of the hole with a windlass. Without trouble Mr. Gavin was elevated to the surface and at the Instant that he took hold of the curbing, the crank on the windlass split, forcing Fltzpatrlck to reach for the splintered end in an awk ward way. The result was that the sudden jerk dislocated his right shoul der. Had the accident happened a moment before, Mr, Gavin would have been precipitated a distance of 20 feet. Working with ono arm the young man held the splintered wind lass until his aged companion had wormed his way to the surface and safety. ROLL CALL DAY. At McthixTlst Sunday School Tomor row TcniM-ruiH'c Innon. Tomorrow will be Roll Call day at the Methodist Sunday school. The Idea Is to have all present and to start in the new" conference year with re newed spirit. It is expected that there will be a large quantity of flowers brought on this occasion. For several weeks flowers have been brought and taken each Sunday to the La Grande hospital, but a few weeks ago It was decided to secure no less than 50 bou quels for the Hot Lake sanatorium Next Sunday Is Temperance Sunday in all of the schools who use the In ternHtlnnal !son system, and Mrs Helen Harford, national lecturer of the W. C. T. U., will be present and address the school. Birth Record. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Samui Thompson, near Elgin, September 22 a daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Wlcken( In Elgin, September 21, a daughter, MOld en Mule Go; SMALLEST PRICES. 2 . . il il 4h it il --"T'Tveteeeee4v f Statement of the Condition of the FARMERS AND TRADERS NATIONAL BANK iLliL. .1 V OF LA GRANDE, At the Close of Dusln ess July 13, 1008. ASSETS. Y WHAT will you have for dinner today? You may 'answer this question satisfactori ly by dining at THE MODEL RESTAURANT The Old Standby. Our cooking la a paragon of per fection, our food faultless, and our service rapid and courteous. What more can we say, except that our prices are popular? We give a regu lar dinner for 25 cents. Come and try It. You will not need the sense of hunger to enjoy It. . The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. Open Day w2 w.ekivftjj rn And N trht M..i tvi.u n, Vtiuu Tims loans Overdrafts, temporary ... Bonds, warrants, etc .... Banking house and fixtures Other real estate 7T.66d.00 M4I.7S 11.711.18 15,611.00 6,000.00 CASH AND AVAILABLE ASSETS U. S. bonds and premiums ...115,675.00 Demand loans I6.S6S.70 Cash and due from banks .. 87,868.26 6 per cent' re demption fund 760.00 188,618.10 Total ...9263,490.02 LLimLITIES. . ........ I 60,000 Capital stock Surplus and profits 8.71S.4S Circulation ............... 16, 006. t Dividends unpaid 1.100.4 Rediscounts 4,I00. Deposits and due to banks 179,076.5? undivided 1 1 u 5 1 Total ,..$262,400.94 We want your kar.kirc recount We ire eireful with any business en trusted to ut, and cur recctd for ccntematifm in the rest it cur best nuar- wW'lMX 0T 7HE I-AFCEST. but Ut ut convince yon that WE ARE THE BEST tar(k to do kutmctt with The Farmers and Traders National Bank. IN A H U R K T? CLEAN LUNCHES Cheapest in the City. Cool, THEN CALL Notice of Meeting of Eqiiullzatlon Board of Union County, Notice Is hereby given that the equalization board of Union county, Oregon, will meet at the court house In the city of La Grande, on Monday, October Uth, 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m. "Petitions for the reduction of a particular assessment or assessments shall be made In writing, verified by the oath of the applicant or his attor ney, and be filed with the board dur ing the first week It is by law required to be In session, and any petition or application not so made, verified, and filed, shall not be considered or acted upon by the board." (phapter 266, Section 4, Page 451, Sessions Laws of 1907.) The board will continue In session for a period of 80 days, unless ths work coming before said body shall be completed sooner. R. A. HUO, Deod-w4t Assessor. THE TRANSFER MAN. He wilt take that trunk to the depot or your home In less time than It takes to tell It Day Ttione Red 761. Night Ttione, Black' 1792. WAGON ALWAYS AT TOUR SERVICE. Sure Cure for Asthma. We guarantee to cure asthma. bronchitis and catarrh. If our roedl cine falls we will cheerfully refund all money paid. Write Arnold's Asthma Cur Co., 811-214-116 Arcade Build ing, Seattle, Wash., or for nsxt 80 days, Morris W. Knight. Cove, Ore. Box 88. teal mm a meats made Where you cav See it Done EAST STYLE LUNCH ROOM t ,0' CONN EL'S 1 1 Is the place to get the best I CIGARS AND TOBACCO at the right price SOFT DRINKS that are soil AMUSEMENT PARLORS The best Billiard and Pool Tables In Eastern Oregon x and the only Ivory Balls 1 In la Grande, i A RESORT f OR GENTLENEH tO' CO till EL'S I 1 JVef Door to Post Office. 1