EVENING OBSERVER, LA GP.ANDE. OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1908. : 1. PAGE TWO. ; it. f f. ; : A Mi- i La Grande Professional Directory PHYSICIANS. O. L BIGGERS, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Office, Lewis Building, over Henry St Carr Undertaking Parlors. Office 'Phone Black 1(21. Residence 'Phone Red 1001. J. H. HUBBARD. M. D. , . Physician and Surgeon. Offioe in New Bank Building. Rooms 88-81 , 'Phones: Residence, Main 89; Office, Main 71. DR. A. I RICHARDSON, Physician and Snrgo. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone lit. Residence Main 56 N. MOUTOR, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Office Main 68 -:- Residence Main 69 BACON A watt. - ' Phvslcians and Surgeons. Office 1,,. Grande National Bank , Building. 'Phoue Main 19. ' C T. Bacon. Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 62. DR. V. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORS Osteopathic Physicians. Klrksville Graduates Under Founder. Office Sommer Building. Phones: Office Main 68; Res. Main 64 C. H. UPTON, PH. G M. D. Physician and Surgeon, pedal attention given to Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat Office In La G-ande National Bink Building. 'Phones Office, Main 2; Residence, Main 82. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DRrpAyCHARLTON, Veterinary Surgecn. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Grand Residence 'Phone Red 701. Office 'Phone Black 1361. i Inderendent 'Phone 68. Both 'phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILEY, . Graduate Ohio State. University. Vaccination, DentlBtry and Surgery Of U kind. Country calls promptly answered. I Office 1414 Adams Avenue. Phones: Pacific Black 1901. , Independent, 373. W ftTff tTTTTfvTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTf TTTTTtl YOUR CHILDRESS EYES Should be looked after Now Not after they have started their Studies and began to have eye troubles. We'll measure the eye TREE and tell you if glasses are need ed. Bring your children HERE today. Don't delay. If glasses are needed our price will be less than half the "other fellows" GEO. S. BIERNIE, Optician For SIEGRIST & CO- JEWFLERS AND eeeeeei Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS i D. FITZQERALD, Proprietor Gmplcte Machine Shops and Foundry m DENTISTS. , C B. CAUTHORN, 'Dentist. Office over Hill's Drug Store. t La Grande - 4 . Oregon. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. ; Room 23, La Grande National Bank Bunding. 'Phone Black 1991. , La Grande : . . Oregon TEACHERS OF MUSIC PROP. E. PORTER DAT, Principal. La Grande School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistant. School, 105 Greenwood Ave., one door south of Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1831. MISS STELLA X. OLIVER. . Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio over J. M. Berry's Store. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLE R. ClvlL Mining, Irrigation Engineering and Surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande - - - . - - - Oregoi C R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty 'Years' Experience. . ATTORNEYS. Cbaa. E. Cochran Geo. P. Cochras COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys. La Grande National Bank Building. La Grande - - - - Oregor R. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practice In all the courts of the State and. United States. Elgin - - - - Oregon C. II. CU.VWFOKD, Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the State and United States. Office In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. V1AVI. MRS. GRACE McA LISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 1976. OPTICIANS 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e , : m mi mm Elgin will hold her1 first annual Fruit, Agricultural and Livestock ex hibit Friday and Saturday, October 16 and 17. " This Is the result of the ac tivities of the Elgin Commercial club. At a meeting held Wednesday eve ning It was decided to hold something of the above nature and It will , be come a permanent affair, known as the Elgin Fruit, Agricultural and 'Live; stock, exhibit.' The following commit tee on general arrangements was ap pointed: F. E. Smith, J. B. Thorson, H. H. Weatherspoon, D.' A. Barnes and G. C. Ma pes. This committee will have power to appoint all sub-com-mUtees and will have general super vision of the event. The finance com mittee of the recent celebration re ported a balance of $41.90 on hand and this will bs used an a 'nucleus around which Jto secure other funds for the eventv D. A. Barnes and L. A Stoop were appointed to solicit addi tion funds and no trouble is anticipat ed in securing an amount sufficient to carry on the event.1 " ." ' .' It Is not planned to have an elab orate display this year, owing to the short space of time for arrangements, DUl II l HI H ,.T-nr. ... Ull Jk- hlbtf of fruits, vegetables, grain and livestock will be brught together that will be, a credit to our .'community. Not only with the farmers be urged t6 bring in their products but local busi ness men will cover every section of the country and collect suitable exhib its. It Is planned to secure the Hall garth building for a display room and It will make an excellent pavilion. Ar rangements will bo made to fit the building with suitable stands and shelves and work will commence at an early date. ' . . Another feature of the two days' event will be lectures by prominent men along fruit and agricultural lines and it Is hoped to make it an event of Interest and learning. An effort will be made to get Jap Chandler and others to take charge of the livestock show and this will be one of the Important features of the exhibit. The horse show last, spring was such as to Insure the success of the present undertaking. Other feat ures will be added and there will be something of interest to all during both days. Those In charge of the affair will bend every effort towards success and If our farmers, fruitgrowers an livestock men will give their hearty co-operation the first event will be c grand success, Full particulars Willi prize list will be out soon. Elgin Re corder. Combine Meetings. Pendleton, Sept. 25. Announcement was made yesterday by County Super Intendent Frank K. Welles, that the annual county institute for teacherr would meet this year In Baker City In conjunction with the meeting of the eastern Oregon division of . the State Teachers association on the 2Jd, 24th and 2.1th of November. It was the desire of Mr. Welles tor get an expres sion from all the teachers of the county upon the subject before giving a decision, so he sent out letters to all whose contracts hnd been registered before the 12th of September and al though not all have been heard from yet, It Is evident that a large majority- prefer going to Baker City. So the announcement has been made. To Smiff Out tlu ItcUl'slit. Pendleton, Ore., Sept, 25. A petl tlon signed by a large number of prominent citizens of Pendleton wap presented to the city council at Its reg ular meeting last night, asking that the state and city laws prohibiting the operation and maintenance of a red light district within the city limits be strictly enforced. The petition was referred to the committee on health and police without discussion. Msls Jean MacDonuld and her motherr Mrs. Harriet MacDonald, will reopen their class In music Monday, September 2.' "Voice method: Ames. Piano: Lrschetltsky. Studio: 1416 Sltxh street. 'Phono Black 462. 9-2Stf A company has been organized at Roseburg to purchase all . available fruit lands In that county, cut them up In 10-acre tracts and dispose of them to eastern people who are dally arriving In search of permanent homes. New Alfalfa - Hay '3 i I All Kinds of Hay Grain and Feed A. V. OLIVER Slater Block Pnone Main 57 v Jefferson Avenue The world always sees something more practical in painting a pump thin in , purifying the water down out of eight. ' ' TELEPHONE US A LABOIt OF LOVE. Tou never get tired of our delight ful ice cream, made from, purest in gredients, it's always of a uniformly high quality. Absolutely pure, whole some and delicious. All flavors of se ieglng his efforts at refor mare lnsln- Sng, soothing. Try a plate and well, no more need be said. For sale at ... r- A. T. HILL. . FRED DUTLI. S1LVERT1IORN" & MACK. Blue Mounta in Creamery Co. It Is A Safe Plan to bank one's money and not to hoard It where It can be stolen. Do not keep much money about your person, or In your house or office. Bank it with us and It will be absolutely secure, both night arnd day. We secure our customers against loss, and they find us courteous and reliable people to deal with. Our methods of doing bus iness will be perfectly satisfactory to you. The Eastern Oregon Trust , Savings bank OFFICERS: F. M. BTRKIT, President WM. MILLER, VIee-Presldent GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. 8CROOOIN, Assistant Cashier. F. J. HOLMES, Treasmrer. ' tr?3W'Ti WWW STilti-iFl I . '5.' . iff criJV' . FOR KENT. FOR RENT A furnished house; mouerin; close in; 5 rooms. Bath and pantry. Call at 1405 6th St., or 'phone Red 1472. FOR RENT One 4-room house, and pne 7-room house, with bath. Mrs. S. C. Zuber. :: - ' FOR RENT Eight-room house, sup plied with modern conveniences. Inquire of Mrs.' E. T. Richey, cor ner 8th and O streets. FOR RENT Single or double room for gentleman. 'Furnished and with bath in connection. Apply at this office. 8-24U B'OR KENT Six-room , house . , for rent near flouring mill. Inquire of Mrs. J. M. Lilly, near the La Grande flouring mill. " '"V )i FOR RENT Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Pleasant location; close In. Inquire of Mrs. Hattte R. McDonald, 1613 Sixth street," or 'phone to Black 462. FOR RENT The Fred Jacobs house In South La Grande. Inquire at La Grande National bank. FOR RENT Eight-room house, with in one block of high, school; city water, , electric lights. Inquire of Martin Larscn, 908 Third, and J Ave. FOR RENT Four-room house, fur nished completer Chas. ' Disqua, at Midget Market. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, with hall. 601 Palmer avenue. Mrs. C. R. Wyatt. ' 9-26-10-9 WANTED. WANTED Two or three 4 or 8-horsc teams to plow. Apply to Dr. Geo. O'Connor, at Sommer House. POSITION WANTED As bookkeep er. Will take position requiring all my time or will accept position re quiring part time. Apply at this of fice. WANTED Woman to do family washing at the residence once a week. 'Phone to Red 22. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A valuable terrier, notify J. H. Watson. Finder Excclelnt Health Advice. Mrs. M. M. Davison of No. S7 Gif ford Ave., San Jose, Cal., says: "The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bow els Is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word In Its favor, for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions. There is more health for the digestive organis In a bottle of Electric Bitters than In any other medy I know of." Sold under guarantee at Newlln's drag store. 50c. Stimulation Without irritation. In case of stomach and liver trou ble the proper treatment is to stimu late these organs without Irritating them. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels without Irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathar tics. It does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pieawant to take, A. T. HllL druggist. CEMENT WORK i All kinds of Cement and Goncrete work. s T CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS CEMETERY WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed f. L. ROBERTS 4 PHONE BLACK 682 I ( We Want Your Wants IN Our Want Ad Column Your want ts placed before a thousand or more want-seek every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of n want ad whe;e results are the keynotes? . ur FOR SALE. FOR SAUK TW -v" lour acre. , suburban property, well im. PhoneBlack 1532, or TW Auams, avenue. FOR SALE. Twenty-two empty five-gallon cans for sale at this office. piVe J each. .' " ' .', - For Sale. Tesm of heavy young, well brJ horses. Harness and wagon, at the Dollar second-hand store u', Adams avenue. v FOR SALE OR TRADE-WllPn, trade for smaller property, aix ro house with bath, store room ana i; larj 'good woodshed; lota l2 J frontage and 110 feet dePn- for another house. Will accept ? r-V enquire at this of FOR SALE Cheap land. inau.rT:' sugar factory. , I Agricultural Colic jt vorvuuis, Oregon. j Offers collegiate courses in i culture, Including Agronomy, Hortk culture. Animal Husbandry, Dmr Husbandry, etc.; Forestry. DomwV NflpnOA anil Art? Civil T?lni- --., - .., uicvuitOJ, ; 1 chanlcal and Mining EnKlneri,r Commerce; Pharmacy. j Offers elementarv course hi i ' vw m i , culture, Forestry, Domestic Sclenct t and Art, Commerce and Mechnl: ; Arts, Including forge work, cablndy maMnv m. am m 1 . I 1 1. t.. f chine work, etc. . Strong faculty, modern equlpmejl; free tuition; opens September 15. Illustrated catalogue with full Inf matlon on application to the Reek trar.free. diwl-w Arrival and Departure of TtalM La Grande. 1 No. 1. westbound Portland Sptclil arrives 9:25 a. m.; departs, 9:10 aa No6, eastbound passenger, vtl and express, arrives at 6:45 a. m.; parts 6:60 a. m. No. 2, eastbound Chicago 8pA arrives 8:06 p. m., departs, 8:11 No. 6, westbound passenger, o8 and express, arrives 9:55 p. parts, 10 p. m. Elgin Branch. Regular mixed train leaves 1 Grande at 8 o'clock and returnil o'clock p. m. The logging Wij leaves La Grande at 18:10 p. o. " returns at 7:45 p. m. J. n. K EE NET, Agent. La Grande, Oregon. Many pheasants are being HM killed- around Corvallls. . Stillthe cry Is In many Oregon to.t Wanted Houses to rent J t LA CRADE ! I SCHOOLof MUSIC; una a mmM No contract too large or studio at 105 Greenwood; m .1 t St. one door south of e uauio nivii- J PROF. DAY, Principal !