La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 24, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    tage rora
la QiM2 ty& mmm
; l'ubll.-lip?l Ii!y Ewpt Sunday.
, ctru:r;y m:oTm:i:.s,
thitcd Pros ficnlce. .
Dally.: slnsle copy ,. ..... , . . ... J5c
Iti!.v,' per month .............. 63e
Illy, six months, In advance. . ,$3.50
Jxiuy. one yfrar, In advance'.... ?.50
viekly, six months. In advunce, . 75c
Vekly, one year, Jo advance. ,, $1.00
1 . .x. ' . ... imiirm uooxe remained loyal, they
Fmered at the poatofflce at La Grande - , .... ... a . ,
T . . , I refusing to believe that he had duped
tThls paper . will not public any arti
cle appearing oyer a notn de plume.
Signed articles will be received sub-
Jeet to the discretion, of the editors.
leaae sln your articles and tare dis
appointment. , .-. ' - ' '
. Advertising jtUMca.
iMspUjr ad. rates furnished upon
Application. v:
Lecal, reading notices ivc per line
first Insertion; 6c per line for each sub
equent Insertion.
Resolutions of condolence, lo a line.
'jCards of Wanks, te a line. '
Will Mr. Bryan now b rood r He
triads' the wires burn Tuesday la de
manding ;;,that -President (. Roosevelt
prove that the treasurer of the demo
cratic national committee' was ever
connected with the Standard Oil Co.
President Roosevelt was "not slow In
filing his reply. All he had to do was
to go to the court records, which were
plma facie evidence, showing that
Governor Haskell td be an attornov of
record, in a Standard Oil case. Mr.
JJryan seems to be rather slow. There
hfve been precedents - .without num
ber where the president has been asked
t show authority for making certain
statements, and the authority, as In
this' Instance, has always been forth
coming. Bryan Is not In the Roosevelt
class by any means, and the less he
has to do In attacking any statement
President Roosevelt may make, the
bftter he will be off.
. The committee of general arrange
ments who have been' responsible for
te success' of the aster show, will be
hippy ,when it Is all over. Pew, un
ites they have served on such public
rmmlttees realise the labor that is
connected In such matters. ; The la
dfetjn this Instance, however, have
every reason to feel amply repaid for
their labors, as nothing but words of
praUe and commendation have been
' spoken during the entire day. This Is
t& second attempt of this nature and
oih have been such universal suc
cesses, that Aster day In La Grande
will surely become a permanent feat
ure, and one always looked forward
e with pleasure and delight. ' .
I 'ur boosters who met the morning
train to Interview the homeseekers
who are now coming In by the traln
load to this, coast, felt they were a lit
tle handicapped owing to their inabil
ity to take a few of the most-prominent
looking ones out and give them
a high ball, because o fthe local option
Jaw. They made' good, however, and
handed them all a snowball. ' ' ;
The presidential campaign In the
.east Is actually warming up.' Some
heretofore prominent men are having
the starch taken out of their political
aspirations. The people are beginning
to recognize clean men, and are de
manding such as their political lead
er. ' . . v
" -
Portland Is to be a close dtown,
says the district attorney.' There Sr.
no question but what that officer has
the power to ninko It such. It remains
to be seen whether or not he moans
It, If he does, Portland will be closed.
The county fair opens netx Wednes
day morning. The admission will be
J aooke game revived, nn 1
Where are the !S victims of Cooke
the hlgh-hunded, wholesale king ol
JsndgrabbersT That Is the question
that Is of public Interest In La Grande
today on account of the fact that the
.21 victims of that artist who was ar
rested In llaker City, and la now In
JMew Torn jail awaiting trial by
icderal court, were due to make proot
in the United Si.-Ucs land office'- here
yesterday and today,--- but tht.s i far
nuiiu have liitiue" fe..p.-u;&iiLt;. it
hup;)p;!fj that iho tnre. sto;:p has
lout faUh in their leader,'. CKk.v w'.jo
fcroucht' them h)1- the vay train New
forit state to La Grande to mke
procf on tinitcr and stone 'oldens oil
the tluo.y that Cooke would' buy back
h ZO to 1 proposition. The proofs
were made, all tight, and the party
returned 't-i I'aktr city' v under the
guidance of Cooke. The latter .was"
arrested soon' efter by aV office of the
federal court, but for a long time their
faith-in Cooke remained loyal, they
them. The fact that not a single one
of the 2S have appeared here In the
city to make proof Is evidence that
the scales have fallen from the eyes
of the victims and that the
ment has lost no claims through the
manipulations of Cooke. Mathews, the
understudy of the king himself, was
also arrested, but he Is out on ba'l.
Cooke has no friends in all New Tork,
and he Is In jail, evidently turning over
In his fertile brain some way of dodg
ing sentence on the charge of which
he will undoubtedly be convicted.
An error has beenjnade in the an
nouncement of the commencing time
of the county fair. September 28th!
has been the date heretofore adver
tised by the of fllcals, but aa ' error
was thus made. The fair commences
next Wednesday morning and will con
tinue until Saturday evening.
Arrangements n're being made' by
the directors and officers to have
everything In place by the time "of the
opening, and with the proper co-oner-
ation of the farmers and horticultural
clement, the first annual fair of the
present organization can be ' made a
real fa'lr of reaj worth. "Get in line"
Is the motto to be adopted by every
(Continued from page 1.)
would not come up to the showing
made last year, but this Idea immedi
ately la dispelled the moment one en
ters the hall of beauty.
Testerday the Committee on yard
displays visited the different portions
of the city and passed their Judgment.
Those entering the competition were:
Mrs. Turner Oliver, Mrs. R. An
thony, Mrs. Kochensparger, Mrs. Nell
son, Miss Ivy Long. Mrs. Keeney, Mrs.
J. H. Peare, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Murry,
Mrs. Goodnough, Mrs. Bragg, Mrs. T.
K. Smith. Mrs. Geo
G. M. Taal. Mrs. J. D Kiata
There were a number of other
yards whose owners neglected to send
In their names.
The doors were thrown open this af
ternoon from 2 o'clock until S o'clock.
and a constant throne- t
poured In and out. They were not
prepared for this sea of beauty and
as soon as they viewed the long rows
of tables each and every one looking
like a prUe winner the next thouaht
was, "I must see that Mrs. So-and-So
comes out this evening. I know that
she little realize what Is In store for
her." It must not be taken for
granted that only Indies visited the
show a great many gentlemen found
time to cull, and they enjoyed It fully
as well as did the fairer i
During the afternoon reception there
were a number of vocal and Instru-
mental selections and this evening
there will be a musical program ren
dered. Refreshments, consisting
ice cream, cake and punch will bi
served at a normal charge. The ladle
expect this feature to reimburse then
for the expenses of the occasion.
It must not be considered a.
from Summervllle. Allcel. Island City
and other sections of the valley. Mrs.
I'homua WallMnger had a iiiKolay oi
stemmed specimens which exceeded a
height of J feet. The lady ex Dial ne1
"What the sandrldge will do with wa
ter. There are several sermons In
that remark.
The following Is the list of competi
tors In the Inspection prises:
Single SpcdmetM,
a I Grandma Wallslnger, S. R. Deal.
the I Mesdamea Hanna. Hall ci.t.. r
Colfa's; and fancy Bells All Colors
? Fine line pillow top3r Lace and ruffling , to .'
match. Stamped linen, Genter- pieces,
. and Scarfs. Beautiful line Met Waists, . .: .
f? educed prices on whHe mists, summer betts and many
other lines Call and make your selections
OV;-; VV while they last y i
;. '. , ". J ;,-- V,', JJ; ::--''',:;;-
tiif iflfj niiYti-n
iiiMHii vv I n Ay. flip
- ' - - it
Own Your Wter System
And Be
A Well Will Solve The Problem
. ,-r ' ,f . - -
Twenty-five years' experience In the well-drilling business enables
me to do your work properly and economically. I am prepared to
drill to any depth. v : - ' . . " '
Tenth inJ Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrcc-v i t r .
tiyfe occupy two Ooors 63 by 100 fect, have a $20,000 equinm
employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more if
for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly lead
others in qnality ofinstniction. - It pays to attendluch aiilnstitS
CSald Business Han! "Keep hammering away everlastinKlT on ,
work. It will win out in the end." Said an Educator "the quatr 0fi sh
tion riven ia your school makes It the ntnnri r n j i Ulstrw-
- v w ui VUC XfortniaaA
dOpen all the year. Students admitted at, any time. Catalcuefrtk
&Z'Ji'aVya? ay buaiaew maa la Portly
A, k 1T1MlWiisrirriiirinMi.i 1 . i
.. How am I to keep the t white suit of mine
Loking Fresh and Neat; all summer as it
does now?.; The answer ts simple. When
; evsr it becomes soiled : : : : : : :
: : : :. . WE will do the rest
' WE have a force of Experienced help to
look after your wants in. this line and you
need have no fear of sending your most
delicate garments to us. WE Guarantee
to satisfy you. . A. B. C. LAU.DRY
Allcel and Mrs. Jasper of the valley.
One-t'olor Collection.
Mosdames Chandler, T. Oliver. T.
Vallnlnger, Charles Dunn of Eust La
Grande and Nellson.
Ijir-tvt and Bt Cidloctlon.
Mesdames J. D. Slater. K. A. Hanna.
J. II. Peare, Oeorge Cochran, Jasper.
A. L. niehardson, Mrs. Riddle of May
Tark and Mrs. K. Zwelfel of Sum.
Mont Artl-lk' riouquet.
Mt-Hilanios Keeney. C. M. JonVa. Lit
tle. Hanna, T. Oliver. J. n.
Hall. J. T. Richardson. V. H. Glbbs.
K. E. RraKd. Charles Dunn. C. A. Mur
ray, A. J. Curtis. Grandma Wallslnger
and Samuel R, Deal.
Trom 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock the hall
will be closed and during this time
the judges will award their decision.
In addition to the ab
valley than ever. It will always bo a
bright spot In your memory.
above list a
La number of lnUra u-n . .1
I " v i k- Hivia man Kt'll-
Grads show, for there were displays erous In sending larKe baskets of
choice flowers for decorative nnr.
Bragg. Mrs. Thomas . Wallslnger of
poses, which added greatly to the dls
play. Among these were:
Mesdames Kochensparger, George
Cochran, C. T. Racon, M. K. Hall.
Dawson. C. E. Smith. Seemann, Ed
Kiddle, R. C. Beckley. Harvey, C. D.
Goodnough, J. T. Williamson and
If you did not attend this after
noon do not let anything Interfere
with you. at least In spending a few
moments, loosing over the exhibit.
rBy virtue of an order and license
made and entered by the Hon. Coun
ty Court of Union county, Oregon, on
the 17th day of September, 1908, In
the matter of the guardianship of the
person and estate of Louis W.TTy
minor holr of John H. Bay, deceased,
and ward of the undersigned, his
guardian. 1 will, from and r, ik.
:4th day of October. 1908. at my
home, No. 1505 Madison avenue,
Grande. Union county, Oregon, pro
ceed to sell at private sale all his In
terest, to-wlt: an undivided one-half
Interest (subject to dower Interest of
Anna R. Bay) In and to lota 9 and 10
of block 108, of Chaplin's addition to
the town of La Grande. Union county,
Oregon; also an undivided one-sixth
Interest In and to lot 5 of block 2. "B"
street, original townslte of La Grande.
Union county, Oregon, for the benefit
of said ward and his estate. Terms of
sale, cash to mo In hand.
Guardian of the Person and Estate of
Lewis W. Bay, a Minor.
A Sheridan man shipped a carload
or very fine pears to Nebraska.
Tfc wsit w . ..... . . '
You win think . . ' " """" """"Ptea oil well
VL "r"na "na ' Dofur will soon be resumed.
Now ' is ihz time 16 thiis!;
fib'out vour vvinter 5 auonlv
i - cr'
Wc have the supply arid the price
ana quaiity is right
Phone Main 6 For Particulars i . . ,
D. M. HUNT, La Grande, i ii
-.--. . . i
LEWIS BROS. Proprietors l
r,. .
Is now due. We bar e put In a fine line of 'V. O." Flooring
and Stepping, and Squares surfaced on four sides; native flnlri!
and dimension. Cedar Shingles of the first qnality, same price
as second grade. We are closing out our Doors and Sash at
, rortland wholesale price. Tou get 2-8x6-8 Door for $1.25: other
: Idnds in proiwrtlon. '
Don't wait until the Fail rush is on,
:buy now to avoid the mad ,'scram-:
. ble for material later on
to ioOPwnfHJ! Mftoja MO to 5. Every night from 7:3a
fhlt I0Penifr0m;5? SaturdY evening until 11 o'clock.
Those desmng to learn to skate will be taught by an able in
structor Gratis every evening from 5 to 6
t GEORGE PALMER, President
J. M.
W. H. 6RENH0LTS Ats't Cashier
BERRY, Vice President; C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d As.'t Cashier
F. L. MEYERS Cashier '
La Grande National Bank
Of La Grande, Oregon
J- M;B.rry I A. B. Conley F. J. Holme F. M
C C'Pennington F. L Meyers OeoL, Cleaver
W. L BrenholU Qeorga Pafmsr
; Daily Observer, 65c per Month