EIGHT TAG: EVESTyp OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORECOS X VXX T.S DA Y, SEPT. 23, too. PAGE TITHES. UIMLUTORY OF THE ; "' FRATERNAL ORDERS L.A GRANDE, ORE. 444444444444444444v4444444444444444? I M. W. A. I m PamD No. ta ur"" Very I I 11 I MIS I 1 7703 meets first and third Monday evening l 0. hall. AU """Off neign L cordially Invited to attend. : W "commltteo: E. c. Davis, ! L plsqua, A. J. Warner and D. ; r , , E. C. DAVIS, C. : j p. e. COX. Clerk. " sessassssssssBejBaiiiiasei l F. O. 32. . '. j j w Grande Aerie No. 259, IF. O. E., I ', every Friday night In Elk' ' fjB t P- vislt,n hwthren in I Id to attend. : ..' '. j ft LEI3HMAN, W. & Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8., hold ,.te4 communication the second and Wth Wednesday of each month. siting1 memDete cordially Invited. jjAKT A. WARNICK. Secretary. I. o. o. r. La Grande Lodge Ko. It, meets to their hall every Saturday night Via lUng brother, cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be teen at Model Restaurant. C. H. BLYSTONE. N. O. D. E. COX. Secretary. C J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Sec Foresters of America. ' Court Maid 'Marlon No. 22 meets each Wednesday night in K. of p. hall. Brothers are Invited to attend. NERI ACKLES, C. R. C J. VANDERPOEL, F. S. , Board of Trustees: Dr. O. L. Big Kers, Oscar Berger and Herbert Paul son.' . . I. O. O. F. 1 gur Encampment No. 31. L O. O. , meets every second and. fourth iesday In tne month in Odd Fel- Vlsltlng patriarchs always A WORSTELL, Bcrlbe, L n4lu !WL B, of A. KaeU first and third Thursday eve a t 0. 0. F. halL : Visiting members ;ir welcome. J. A. ARBUCKLlfl. President C. j. VANDERPOEL. Secretary. Woodmen of tne World. U Grande Lodge No. 169, W, O. , meets every Saturday evening K. of P. . hall' In the Corpe biding. All visiting members wel nme. . M. M. MARQUIS, H. KEENET, Consul Commander. Clerk. : ' B. P. O. E. ilt Grande Lodge No. 433, meets cd mursaay evening at 8 o'clock In f W hall on Adams avenue. Visu al brothers are cordially invited to iIt8oa W. B. SARGENT,. Exalted Rukr. 0. E. M' CULLY. , Rec. 8ec A. F. A A.M. La Grande Lodge No, 41, A. F. - M., holds regular meetings first tnd third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. ; , L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. ' , C. D. HUFFMAN. Secretary. . K. of .,. Red Cross Lodge No.r 37. meets every Monday evening in Castle Hall Corpe Huimm. a TiUa welcome to all vUlting knights. j D. H. PROCTOR, C. C R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. & 8. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 17, L. O. T. M., meet every first and third Thursday of each moath at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH. L. C. i MRS. EVA M'INTYRE, K. of R. Kebekaiia. Crystal Lodge No. 50. meets everj Tuesday evening at the L O. O. F hall. AH visiUng members are in vlted to attend. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, N. G. TILLIE COX, Secretary. CLEM LUNCHES Cheapest In the . City. Good Meats Made Where you can See it Done ERST STYLE LUNCH ROOM I see. H Builders 4 j Arc You Doing What You Can to Populate Your State? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, meohan- ics, merchant, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. IhelOregon Railroad & Navigation Co Is sending tons of Oregon literature to the east for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who are likely to be interested in this state? We. will be glad to bear the expense of sending them complete in formation about Oregon and Its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER from the east to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few principal cities are: From Denver 330.00 From Louisville $41.70 From Omaha $30.00 From Cincinnati $42.20 From Kansas City $30.00 From Cleveland $44.75 From St. Louis $35. 50. From New York $55.00 From Chicago ...$38.00 TICKETS CAX BE PREPAID. If you want to bring a friend or relative to, Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then he furnished by telegraph. H. KEEXEY, Local Airent,, La Grande, Oregon. ( WM. M'MriUlAY, General I"asnenger Agent. ' PORTLAND, OREGON. H,('e4e4-e4efe-e4e4e-f44t-4'4'S4-s44'e4st4 THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION A HOME COMPANY 34.000 MEMBERS $28,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE Mutual Company can Save Yru from 40 to 50 per cent on Your Insurance J VV. OLIVER, AGENT, La Grande.Or. Cor., 6th St and Washington Ave ' 4e4i shuts , The first car of Grande Ronde prunes to be shipped out from La Grande by the Ramsey-Oldenburg Warehouse company is being prepared fpr lu trip to the east. At the same time a car of apples', also the first of an extensive shipment from this point this fall, is being prepared for trans portation by that company. The ne ttrm has a'brlght prospect for th coming fruit shipping season, and Is storing fruit for Its patrons to be ready to unload on the markets when prices recuperate and the demand is better. The unsteady markets for apples this fall will delay extensive shipments from this section of the state and fruit men In general aro planning on wait ing for holiday demands to set the movement at a good fast clip. So Im mense Is the apple crop in Union coun ty this year that all shippers will be busy In handling the fruit for grower. REPUBLICANS ORGANIZE. Baker City Effected Organization of Taft-Slierman Clnt ' ; ' 1 This evening those who believe In principles of republicanism will con gregate In the hall over the Citizens' National bank for the one purpose of organizing a Taft-Sherman club for the- campaign which is now well ad vanced, says the Herald of Tuesday. According to Roy Corey, chairman of the republican county central com mittee, it is the Intent of this gather ing to discuss no political matters tx- yvpi mose Dearlng directly on the ria tlonal campaign. In this It Is under stood that no factionalism will be In dulged In and the statement No. 1 men will Join with those opposed to that measure, all working for the success u the party standard bearers. That there Is no friction in Baker county at the present time among republicans Is vouched for by those who have con trol of the party machinery. There Is, however, a lethargy apparent to all, which bodes no good for any political party, according to those who have watched the game for many years. There Is no slate made for this eve ning's meeting and officers will be chosen much as officers are chosen in ?ountry literary societies without any process of flving whatever. THE BIGGEST fAIR YET. Wullu Wnlla Fair Come Off In Three ( Weeks Bright ITimixftM. Walla Walla, Sept. 23. (Special.) Never before In the history of the Walla Walla County Fair association have prospects been so bright for the holding of a record-breaking fair, a they are this year. With the. opening date of the fair only about three weeks away, plans are being advanced to a state of completion, and the pro gram contains many fi-atures that will make this fair one to be long remem bered. . Purses and premiums, aggregating $25,000 are offered this year, and purses hung up for races will reach a larger sum than Is being offered In any place In eastern Washington this season, Spokane not excepted. An en tire new string of stables have been erected. The old burns were destroy ed by fire several weeks ago, and the new stables were erect d upon the most modern plan obtainable. A wild west show, originated for the express purpose of giving exhibitions ii t the fair. Is now being assembled by the directors. Wild horses will be brought from Adams and Umatilla counties, and the riders who will b here, are among the best In the world. This show will be no fake, as it would have been possible to have secured any one of a dizcn traveling wild Host shows, had this cluss of show been de sired. Big rinn for Wollu Walla. Walla Walla. Sept. 21'. The largest real estate deal ever made In Walla Walla county, causing the removal from Waiuburg to Walla Walla of on of the wealthiest and best known mc-r. 'hunts In southeastern Washington, and a transfer of property vulued at .ibotit I I'D, (Mid, was consiim muted lute Saturday evening. Those Interested In the deal are J. II. Morrow & Son o( Wultsburg. 'ox-Harnett Co., and V. H. Rodgers nf Wsllu Walla. . Mrs. Gllmore of The Dalles, mother of 10 children, healthy Rnd active has celebrated her 0the birthday. DOCTORS MISTAKES Are said often to bo buried six fet ondoi srn'ind. But many time women call on their family physicians, sufferm. us they tmaglnn, one from dyspepsia, another from heart dise.-i.io, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros tration, anotbor with pain here and thero, and in this way 'they present alike to themselves and their casy-sroing or over busy doctor, separatn diseases, for which he, asumini them to be such, prescribes hi pills and potions. In reality, they are all onlyn'nipfom caued by somo uterine disease. The'phsician.xnorant of the coue of suffering. Bwps upTKtreatment until large bills aro nikde. JAiJSiifferlng patient gets no beiWrVJCa5tKjrfuhe wiunif ireaimeni, oui proDSDIy worgrA rj i !' Vl.'rJ'V'i'-f''---17 the disease tiuS, uy uisuiiu; all inuu d stream ? tvinn. toms, and Instituting comfort Instead of prolonged misery. Jt has been well said, that "a disease known U half cured. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system. It Is made of native American medicinal roots and ty perfectly harmless tn its Cffe?t H lil.V r.;::-,,:l .niftf S'iU'DI. . " As a powerful Invigorating tonlo "Fa vorite Prescription Imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs dis tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, "worn-out," run-down," debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shon-elrls," house-keepers, ntirslngmothors, and feehle women gen erally.Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription la thn greatest earthly boon, being un equalod as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic As a soothlnjf and strengthening uerv tne "Favorite Prescription" Is unequaled and Is invaluable tn allaying ana sub duing nervou. excitability, Irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of ih nti-.. t- i- "V j MONEY TO LOAN: LONG TIME EASY PAYMENTS Abstracts inuosutng sleep and me stomach, liver and bowels. On ta renevns uiHnini anxiety ana despondency. ur. rieroe s rieasam feiiets Invigorate three a dose. Easy to take as candy. Notloe to Creditors. ' Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that E. C. Dlsqua has beeri appointed by the county court .f Union county, Oregon, admlnlstra lor of the estate of John H. Dillon, de ceased. All persons having claims ngalnst the estate of said deceased art required to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from the date hereof to the admin istrator at his place t of business No. 1108 Adams avenue, La Grande, Ore gon. Dated September 16, 1908. E. C. DtSQUA, Administrator of the Estate of John H. Dillon, Deceased. ! 417-24-1-7-14 ft BUSSE1-S HACK LINE. ' ; : . f Best of service, Day and Night. Hacks furnished for funerals and private parties. Baggage transferred Day and 4 Night and Sundays. Stand at Paul s Clgnr Store. 'Phone Red 241. Night 'Phone Main 25. ' 4 E. Ii. BCSSEY. ' 4 4444444 44 4 4 4 4 How to Get Strong. P. J. Daley, of 1247 W. Congress St., Chicago, tells of a way to become strong. He says: "My mother, who old and was very feeble, Is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel It Is my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about It. - In my mother's asu a marked gain in flesh has re sulted, Insomnia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickly remedy stom nch, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at Newlln's drug store. Have an Abstract of your real estate made and know exactly what sort of a title you really hold. There may be. a cloud I upon the title to your ' home. Know it now while the people-can be I found who can correct ; errors , An Abstract may save your nome. , , 4e444s4t4st44s4t We make Reliable Ab stracts and Write ' In surance In Trust worthy Companies :J.R. OLIVER': La Grande National Bank Building. Premium Hams And Bacon 44444444. 4 4444 4 4 4 4 ED 61 ItrNGRAM, ' ; 4 AUCTIONEER. 4 Bales cried on abort nctice. 4 4 Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 4 No extra charge for distance. 4 4 LA GRANDE -- - - OREGON 4 4 Route No. I. 'Phone No. lltxt 4 4 . 4 4444444444444 4 44 t;. (. J CTY GROCERY MID MKERY.l J 4 j . Polack, Prop. 4 m eeea a. WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE I should be capable of fitting your eyes correctly. If the Qla&ses I furnish you do not give absolute satis faction, I stand ready to refund your money : I am here three hundred and sixty-five days In the year to make my assertions good : : : : ; : : J H PEARE ' LEADING PIONEER JEWELER eeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee m 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Cor. kth & Adams Ave., One Block West of the Foley Hotel All New Rigs- Well Matched Teams Single Horses For Ladies Pile Curve! at Home y New Abaorp uoa MeaiMMt. If you suffer from bleeding. Itch ing, blind or protruding piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by th. new absorption treatment; and wil1 also send some of this home treat mcnt free for Hal, w!i reference from your own locality If requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money. ' b-:t tel' others of this offer. Wrlto toiav ' j( Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notre I :::ie. I Ind. ' I ' !44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 a I twCUr.& VHC LUNGS w,th Br. King's Now Discovery MICR OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND All THROAT AND LUN0 TROUBLES. FOR CSSEf8 GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY 0E, MONEY REFUNDED. 4444444M-44M444444I44444444 How suit of mine vOking Fresh and Neat all summer as it : does now? The answer is simple. When X ever it becomes soiled ::::::: PHONE MAIN 7 : ; : ; : . : WE will do the rest WE have a force of Experienced help to look after your wants in this line and you need have no fear of sending your most delicate garments to us. WE Guarantee .. to satisfy you. A. B. C. LAUNDRY 7t4444444444444i-4444-44t4 44444 4444444444444444 444 4 ' 4 , s - . V It e ' e m m m . e 1