j4 J.J i ' VOLUME. VII. - v , ' .'' 1 ' ' ; tA GBAXPE., PSION COPXTY, OREGON, . WEDXKsD.Viy SEPT. 23, 1 J Tnfll I TVf PI riO III I eor.meu Kn-f: v,. . : : ' - I I Will I y H m IHULLLI unuj in FATAL COLLISION pEXSE EOG RESPOXSIBLE .i I Olt DISASTROUS ACCIDENT 'seven At Thought to Be Fatally in Jured ud 8frra Seriously ' Hurt Result of Collision Between Two ' Fast Trolley Ci&h Ncur Philadelphia .... Aims ami Legs Cut Off In Several Iustaiifos Tlie Cans Crowded With . Workmen Kcvcnt y-tvo Hurt. Philadelphia,' Sept. 23. At least seven were fatally injured and 72 seri ously hurt when two trolley cars col lided in a fog today on the South- J western Traction line between Ches .,., .ml PWi.rh!;. T..v cr were "I running, at a high rate of speed and j vere crowded with workingmen. The Injured. ' ' John Boyer,' ribs broken, not expect ed to live; Thomas Ryan, both arms cushed; Philip Flannagan In believed to be fatally Injured; Edward Smith, ntotorman of the Chester car, leg cut off. expected to die; the motorman of the Philadelphia car had' both , legs cut off.. ; ' . ' Neither motorman could see far ahead on account of a dense fog. lift eon Cars In Klter., Elkton, MA.. Sept. 23. Fifteen cars oT a freight, trfliq on the Baltimore & Ohio road, plunged Into the Delaware river today when the east span of thel bridge at Port Deposit gave way. It Is thought all of the crew escaped. The engine an4.Xist car had Just crossed the span when' the collapse ame. ' ! The Fair Ei.lMJ-'JE. - 1 Uil W"Wggg 1 r Thursday and Friday to get Ready for the Bankrupt . 1 ' -SI , ' , j 5 1 ! v If tf Samp omufmy, i Extra Salesman Wanted-Apply at 0nce. a f Cotton King, Sullr. Employed nt'n Salary on Broadway. New York. Sept. 23.Danlel Sul hV,the former, cotton kins:. who i i..B Cornered the market and has been In . ft hatlut t. . . - "'"iroi, or the situation, is now woyking.;0r a. salary as a sales man for Broad street brokers, at a salary of $10,000. His last futiu .i tempt to coiner the market several months ago cost him a million dollars. He has. soli his), seats on. the cotton exchange. : BITTER FEELING RIFF mm , Hlhi CANDIDATE . ' Eeaumont, Texas, Sept. 22. The feeling against Thomas Hlsgen, pres idential candidate of the Independence league, Is bitter today, following his attack upon United States Senator Bailey of Texas. When asked for a statement H!gen again attacked Bai ley. " ' Judge D. H. Hardy, secretary of state when the Waters-Pierce OH com pany was allowed to re-enter the state, took exceptions to the( remark that Bailey is responsible for the readmls sion of the little octopus. , ' Build Road to Portland. Seattle, Sept. 23. President Wl'n- chell, of the Rock Island railroad stated here Jfnaf that his road-' is not building to the coast. It will go to Portland. , Store will S a l e. eptember STAR 8F BEIICAL TO. TtlE CAPT OF IWth TUGS 11ITSICAL AXD MEXTAJi WRECKS, THE v .RVIVOR8 REACII WKAXGEt,, ALASKA, Tills'. MORXIXoi Captain AVugncr, of the Bark Star of' Kengal, 'and TweMynix Other Kur.: vlvors'of Wreck Where 110 Wero" i.rowiiort, Remhw AlusUa Shore- IWMch How Two Tug Watched Bark Swshed on Roeki-Whlto V!r tinw Given Detent Burial on Beat- h Ship a Total Wr k, Saj ImmU ' (jator. .' ;' . ' , .:'.:,..'' Wra'ngel, Alaska. Sept. 23. Of tho 110 whites and Chinese swept to death when the cannery bark .Star of Bengal broke to pieces on Coronation Island, 27, lnelueinfe Captain Wagner. " .were rescued and are now "here, all )hyslcnl and mental wreckR,' from, tie tarribU Captain AVagner calls the cnptalns of the tugs Hattie Gage and Kayak cowards, and says they, should te In .prison. He told how the shlD was al lowed to drift on the rocks, while the tugs stood by, making no effort to rescue U until It was pounded to pieces. , He said: "The tugs cut loose and ran away like dogs, letting us to . fight deah alone. For four hours we burned .. ... t ' . ABE RUEF ENACTS San Pranclsco, Sept. 23. Abe Ruef me erstwhile boss played the role of a hero today in an auto accident In which tho Misses Cox, were thrown J tcom n auto at Union street, one them, 01 i.uubij kiijiui-u. xtutri ouu ills i chauffeur were going along Union be Closed II :: J lb OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SKIT. 23, 1908. ' .... ; '! , , .WRECK MED lights.. Then something hit.. When 1 camo to I was on th beach." . -Seamen Jlulr and Olsen reached shofe In a boat with Wagner, . Whiten Given Buriul. '.tTTr - reached ' the teach alive, but the remainder were thrown up dead. Mulrand Olstn dus 15 graves and gave tho white decent burial. The Chinese lay where the landed. '. 1 . " ' The Kayak took the survivors from the beach and brought them here. Tht cable ship Burnslde -has reached the scene of the wreck. Captain Stamford of the Burnslde, reports the vessel u total wreck. The beach is strewn with jalmon cases and gasoline drums. 01 HEROIC ACT street when they were attracted by two young women who had lost con trol of their machine. Ruef ordered his chauffeur to run his machine in tr.on,V t tne other, thereyby stopping i . j. , ... ik'. ms mavmno -was Dauiy damaged -T , , . IIa Picked up the girls, put them In hi. mu, ., .....,,., . ... . ...... nine niiu unutru irit'TH lO me hospital. IROI RAILROAD KINGS. MKsourl t'ontmlKsion UuniU (iotild nnil Harrtniuii Orders. - , ' ' Topeka. Sept. 23. Alh-'glng that th. :.II.-Koiirl Pacific tracks in this statf ure In such poor condition that thi line Is unsafe, the state railway y(m mission has notified George Gouihl and E. H. Harilman, who recently acnutrro an l!t:-tPt n the road, that repaid must be made Immediately. FEDERATED CLUBS CONVENE lllillf, 10-12 Final announcement f tho date i.r. which the state convention of tin federated Women's clubs of O-okop will be c alled In this eity. was m'le to day when announcement wijs made by Saruh A. Evans, the state president, that November Id, 11 and 12 are tht date set. ' The two clubs of the city, throu-;') the various committees have he-r. working for several weeks on IhU ter. but have been handlinr ;,ed . i details bet-anna of thu n tt - ' fay the dates. Now tMtl" ' ;iv been snnotinced. prepnrn" .nl fairly hum until evr'-;. ; ...aiids ready for the arrival f tin- ,i;Ht of the 70 wo i.an dei.;.i.-.' .expected here on that date. (iaiix tilling AbriNiil. Baltltnorc, S-pt. 23. Joe Gun In tends t'i go abroad for the entertain ment of King Edward and oilier imm arctm who ate Interested In the "man ly art." He will be neconipunled by Doe Krone of Chiiag". tians has re ceived flittering offers from Europe. liAI DATES OF : BIC COipTll HOLV ROIXEr-S NOlsi' Taeoma. dleo Will Huvo to Quiet the "Holy Roller" EnthuMusto. Tacoma, Sept. 23 The "Holy Roll ers" are making so much disturbance ln tholr hnl1 tha numerous complaints have been mnde.,to the -'police. The hall Is over an trndertaklng parlor, the directors of which snyhe disturb ance interferes v.Uh funeral services. The Rollers regain in their hall all day talking In many tongues and shouting and howling.,,,,.. RED BLOOD HIGHLY IIDIIIUT OYER CHAIH m KfTEHCGCK S LETHARGY Washington, p, C.Sept. 23. "The card Index system Is fine for govern ment work, but In heaven's' name pump some hot, red blood Into the campaign. Never mind card-indexing the people to find out how we think they ought to vote. Let's get out wlfh red fire, stump talk, use bands and money, and stln 'em up. so they do vote. In heaven's name, remember .Vovember is almost here." These are tho words used by Pres ident Roosevelt in his criticism of the work of , the republican national chairman, Hitchcock, according ti a cabinet officer who does not like Hitchcock. He says the president's words led to the appointment of Sen ator Cranc-fi pilot of the republican campaign. ' ' Pioneer Hchoohiiu'nm Dead. North Yakima, Wash.,'-airs," Martha '.J. Beck, a teacher in the first public ehotd In this part of WashinKton, died if pnVumotilun today, HKod 78 years, i-he is a Yakima pioneer,, having lived 'iere sine 1869. . ' Cruller Colorado O. K. Aguln. Navy Yard, Ptiget Sound, Sept. 23. An exatnlnutlon of the interior of .he cruiser ('(dorado shows there Is no oak in the new plates In plaeo of those lamaged when the' cruiser' ran tground on August 15. , Kentucky Doctors. .Winchester, Ky Sept. i'3. Physi cians to the number of several hundred are the gti'tM of Winchester today at thuoprning of the 53d annual meet ing of the Kentucky State Medical as lorlatlon. , Army of Went Vlrglnlti, , Huntington, W, Va., Sept. 23. Vet erans from many states answered to he. roll Vail when the Society of the Army 6f West Virginia "convened x-re today in its 27th annual reunion. I TFh If F7 fR rp r i t 1 The Exact Doctor PIP m kf a m h a rm c ab ax v mm i mm mm m.m ri m v m w -w ii rj im ii nj u mi v.1 t bm ft lj m r rv a Our Prescription . deparfrnehf is or ganized along modem lines and our reputation Is sufficient guarantee as to care and quality .;. .. .'. MM r Mil I C IVl7.rirt fTAPP x I UrvVlM J 1 wlM- LA GRANDE, OREGON Bffl'S BLOFF -Will HILL ROOSEVELT TO ANSWER s BRYA X'S TELEGRAM TONIGHT. Appear -a. Though IinettSathm of Haskdl Incident Wl!l Be Made hy tho I'i;4.ldi nt Haskell U-Cali m Routcu-It Ulth " ''Other Sontliern ,, Calleiv MoniM-.t ltaliln ut tlrg SideGreat : E.wliemeni Ire tuIIh, Oyer Inehlent. ; . Washington. Sept. 23. Secre tary, juoel) tills -iHfternjon- an nounced that Roosevelf Is pre paring to anwer the telegram sent hjm yesterday by Bryan. Owing to the length of the re- ply he said It would probably not be given out until tonight. Washington. Sept. 23. What may bo the start of an Investigation by President Roosevelt of the Hearst charges against Governor Haskell, was begun today when W. C. Haskell, tho sealer of weights" In the District of Columbia and formerly United State marshal in Ohio, called on the presi dent. They talked for half an hour. This is tho Haskell mentioned by Gov. Haskell as the man who was probably meant by Attorney General Monnett of Ohio, lit connection wlti tho charge that "Haskell was Implicated In an attempt to stop the Standard Oil pros ecution by bribery." .. . W. C. Haskell ifnld the- rreslder.t ,that he was never connected with the Standard Oil company ha any capacity and knew nothing about the Monnett charges. ; Govt rnor Curry of New, Mexico, and many other official culled today. Mcnnett l!uhe to . Rryun.. Oolumhu, C) ;Sf pt; 23. in re spoh.tu to a telephone message from Bryan nt Detroit at midnight, former Attorney General Monnett left hero this morning to confer with Bryan. He said he would supply Bryan with information regarding the alleged at tempt of Governor Haskell to briba him. , lorin Outer, of I'lditlea. Columbus, O., Sept. 22. Columbu Is the storm Center of the presidential campalKn today. Attorney General Monnett Is heie to repent the charges against Haskell to Bryan who con ferred with democratic leaders alt af trnoon. , Monnett refused to exoner- (Contlnued on page .) SimnMi War Veterans. Ablllne, Kan.. Hi pt. 23. A t bree ds y reunion, which will be murked by many elaborate entertulnments, was ojtened here tuday by the United SpauUh War Veterans of KHno. FFs Fr J7 H X Kind That the Ordered X BE TAKEd - - - " i t ... g X ' i 1 i i V ii.;