i i r rniTT in ' ' ' !?- ' S ilium 111 laiui ii;j iiiki 1 1 in' Ulliliu ULI1IML UM ARCHBOLD RESENTS ACT OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. SliVataiiilns the "Gig Guns' hi Busl ,; ness World Are Misused by. Reason of Jealousy of Smullcr Firm vu.e. President' .of Slaudard' 'oil Makes Public Statement Direct Reply to Roosevelt's Charge That Standard Aids Democrats. New York. Sept., 22. Archbold, the vice-president of the Standard Oil, to day issued a statement denying the 1 trust Is participating in any way in ,'"'" e rererred bitterly to the business men as being "held up" ' b? a'esged lavr makers. He was Im pelled to make a statement by the pro Rosevelt statement made public last night in which the Standard is clearly referred to as endeavoring to defeat the policies of the Roosevelt adminls tratlon. Archbold referred to the Jealousy of little merchants in their attitude toward their larger rivals. . He said the little merchant may violate the law with his big rival, though the law violated is probably a dead letter, but the attention of the public will be drawn to the action of the big mer chants by the press, with the result that "business men are held up by al leged lawmakers without enough sense been duly submitted to fellow law- makers." VV.VsV.V.VoVsTV.V..V.V onilay, Tuesday, e ' Three From all Departments in the Dry Goods Section THE FAIR STORE-The Store that Undersells Hohks and eye 25c 51.75 tO $2.00 . Mill end of Daisy cloth, , . Sample Hankerchk-N, Black Sateen Skirts sale price, a yard . -, sale price, each gale price n ic a card 9c 13c 1.19 ' i 'l.75to2.0O .,f.25to.5p- ,0( H.00 . Ladles Dress and every ,. Baby Sweater Children s Shoes, sale Children's fleeced Fn- day Shoes, a pair price, per pair derwear. sule price, a SC 7Q qq garment These Sweaters we UsC 4 havt (n whll and rol- sC JC orn" snd mercer ized finish. 2,25 $125 . $100 Bed Comforts, sale price each LargcLargc CVtnn Bat- Bed Sheets, sale price. ting, sale price, each.. Shift Wnlsi. Me trice. 51.79 5pc 55c $1.38 This Comfort Is full Tills sheet Is of A-l This line we have In double bed size and f!l- Tnl" cntton measur.-s pi-ppere inalliy. and all slsi-s, both white and led with American "2xL One Is sufficient seamless, sire 11x90. rolnrs. Beauty Cotton. for " . f. I: Remember these prices for three days . only SS - ' " grakde, cxipy coTOxr, Oregon. tcesdAt, septmbe22 1903 , . LEAVES FAT SALARY. I ' "' " Superintendent Leaves Lucrative Sal ,, ary for Ministry. Pittsburg, l Sent iJLr.L r Glunt has resigned a iinnnn . as superintendent of the Carnegie Steel company to take a course In a I western theological seminary to fit iinnseic ror the ministry. "I want to show thousands, of young e., m me steel business." he said Mil A. . mere is something beyond the almighty dollar." , - ABANDONS SUMMER HOME FOR THE STREiiuuus LIFE ; Oyster Bay.. Sept. 22. President Roosevelt today abandoned his "slim mer capltol" and returned to Wash ington, much to the regret of the townspeople. The president and his wife were accompanied to. the depot by a large crowd. The president made a speech from the rear platform of his car. This Is probably the last time Roose velt will ever reside at Oyster Bay as president. With the president was W. Emlen Roosevelt, his cousin, and Secretary Loeb and starf. He left In a special train of three cars. Our prtved streets, yhon tho pres ent plans are completed, will have ,fpst500,000 aftdjthey, have Increased .... ...... v " r.viM-ny in e umes that amount. Eugene Guard. 111, vnmo rT lt, i oiiommi Days of Bargain ' the Rest m I JSJ-JJ' g ' -.J.fJ 9ASStO94SISiSS99tltliitt9tSflfS9SSl4IIStS4S9tftl90' ILEII'llI SHOT BY SUICIDE UNHAITV ENDING OF ILLEGAL' LOVE AFFAIR. Daughter of Weil Kumvn Los Angelr Family and Wife of Vallejo Muchln 1st Shot Tlirough the Heart Tills . Morning by Despondent Man, Al leged to Be Secret Lover No Wit nessea to Crime Neighbors Found . the Two Cold In Death.- ; Vallejo,' Cal., Sept 22. Mrs. Harry Magnus, daughter of a well known Los Angeles family, t was .shot, and Kitietf at her h6me here today by Charhfs Sriburg, . a machinist of the Mare Island navy yards, who latei blew'the top of his head off. Thert were no witnesses. The tragedy occurred shortly after Harry Magnus, the husband, had gone to work at the island. Neighbors saw Strlburg enter the house and hearr" several shots. Upon investigating the found the woman dead with a bullei through her heart, and Sriburg on t bed dead, with a pistol still in hh hand. The body of the woman was dressN as though she was preparing, to gr out when the shot was fired. The roorr was In confusion. , The Magnuses have lived here fo: seven years. Sriburg Quit his job yes terday, saying to his friends the; would never see him again. He wen' uirecuy-io tne Magnus home an- committed, the -erime Neighbors. a; icriDurg and the woman Mere jseen In each other's company. . ofter Prices 9 i S i t V 4 s s at weanesaay DFOAIIOS fiEPLY FRO PRESIDENT Bit VAN DEFIES ROOSEVELT TO SUBSTANTIATE puRGF. Demot ratlf Standard Bearer . Semis, a Telegram In Dlctatory Spirit to Ihipsevelt Today Bryan Now at Ann Arbor But Is Going to Colutn bus Explaiiw His Ptatforni to Stu-denjs-.-DwlKes Haskell lot Idem and Teddy's' i iMirge of Crooked Work, i Detroit. Mich., Sept. 22 William J. Bryan addressed a great concourse of students si; Ann Arbor univsr.it t oon toaay, explaining his attitude on the trusts, labor and bank uarant Plan. He arrived here early and went directly to Ann Arbor. After speakinj Here Bryan leaves for Columbus. H was importuned, to reply to the accus atlon of President Roosevelt that lite gal combinations are supporting the democratic tlckek He said he wfeuld give out a statement later. He re fused to discuss the Governor Haskell incident, where the latter Is chargeC with being the "paymaster" of tin standard Oil company. , Iefle the President, to Roosevelt, demanding that th( . Eryan this afternoon sent a telegran president prove his charges that Has kell Is. connected with the Standard Oil company, and that tho Stnndart Is back of Bryan In the presenUcam palgn. ' . t -The telegram is the result of t ;jiaiement made by . ..Roosevelt lasT wek at Sagamore Hill, referring t. the allegations by Hearst agalns Haskell and practically similar charge: of his own. . - . Hie Bryan Telegram, Bryan's telegram says: "In th' 'tatement tlven out by you. you eu lorse the chargr against Haskell thnH he crc was employed by the Standard )il company, and connected with ni, Attempt to l-rtbe Attorney Genera: Monmtt 'of Ohio, to dismiss the sul: tiendlng ngnlnst the Standard. In tn lorslng'the charge you attack tin lcmocrntlc party and its candidate "ajingnasKell stands hlKh In th. ounills.i.f Bryan. The charge Is h I'iliius that'I cannot allow It to pas jnntitlccd. Huskvll demands an In esilgatlon. Now, 1 agree with you hat If he Is guilty, he Is unfit to l onnected with the democratic com nlttee. I think you agree with m, hat if he Is Innocent, he deserves t e exonerated from so damning an ac tuation. 1 Attacks' RiMiM'telt'M Justice. "You add that the publication o: (Continued on pags I.) POSSE SEARCHING FOR BOLD R03 ' BERS AT AUBURN, CALL Auburn. Cal., H- pt. 22. Thu sh. -. ffs officers and n pohse aiv scon -I .. he hills of I'lacer otiiif f" i ., nasked men who hint nl !..:d kp tnd robbed Geore '. .. , nin and 'J persons In the r nore In A?- legnte. 10 m" .- , a of here. Near, y the (-nll-v ;iij'i.l jtlon was Kathcred a the : . to get the mull after the lain left. v. !n n the holdup occurred. The roL. 'rs suddenly appeared anil viinmandcd everybody to hold tip :h-lr hands. One prod-sled and wttf truck oer th" head. They coin minded the men, women snd children o put Ihclr valuable In a handker chief snd then marched all to a ten lei and ordered them to reinjln there iniler penalty. '' ' bp iEr Si RUNS AMFCK WITH CROWBAR. Insane Man Kills Two Before He Is Captured by Asylum Guards. ashingt'on,'' ' Sept.' ' 22. Suddenly seized with a homicidal mania Andrew Ughtfoot. a patient In tho govern ment hospital for the Insane; today killed two I,l.,ms with a steel crow- bar,.. . He escaped during ; the excite ment and was pursued to a swamp, where he was shot in the log and cap tured.:. . ' ' Mv.i- . 8 ini'iis ?DrPIII . Tnnu - ... Ta MANY IHLAHD -TOVSHS : ' Seattle, Sept 22. A special train bearing 103 Seattle Chamber of Com merce excursionists, left at noon to day for Portland, where they will be Slven a reception tonight The party will reach Walla Walla Wednesday and Lewiston, Idaho, Thursday. They will arrive at Spokane Friday aftor noon. gol'ug to Ellonsburg Saturday night. . '. " The excursionists are wearing llttje sliver watch charms advertising the fukon exposition. 'On one side of the medal is a seal of the exposition, and n the other the motto of the Cham ber of Commerce: "One for all; all for one." Aside from the four Pull nan coaches there Is an observation '.ar and two diners. ' , Canadian Violate Laws, Washington, Sept. 22. That Cana lltin fishermen have been engaged the past summer In sal punching In Aids can waters In violation of ngreemmt letween the Cnltert States and Great ilrltnln, Is th suhstancu of o" report by Captain Berlhuloff of the United itates revenue cutter Bear, to the treasury department. Nab Opium Sinugjilcrs. San Francisco, Sept. 22. WilMam 1. McMul'len, Arthur M. Jones and Charles Swanson, marine firemen, ore under arrest, accused of attempting to smuggle opium into this port from Vancouver, B. C. Fifty tins of onlum lave been seized.' , ' CHOLERA SPREADING.'.. Fearful Death I.Ut In Ruxwfa Continues TMlr I'nnhaleU. 1 St. Petersburg. Bept. 22. It was an nounced tonight that In the 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock tonight, over ,500 new cases of cholera have been dls revered. The death rate Is pn per ent. The Idea of turning the schools Into hospitals has been abandoned, DDSTERS TOUR rTTTTTTTTTfWTtfttttttttttTmTTTtTTfTTfTTTTTTTTfy l 17 17 i7?. 17" r? TF FT J! ? (F i X A. ' The Exact Kind That the Doctor Ordered Our Prescription ganized along modern lines- and our reputation Is sufficient guarantee as to care and quality .', .. m siilifltJl HILL'S DRQQ JTORE LA GRANDE. OREGON X r- .:'.T-''; M'MBER SO;'., SBUIIBOIIIffl! IBP I METHODIST CONFERENCE OF Pl'GET SOUND AFTER SCALP. Not a Single Minister of Methodist Church in Sound Conference Will Vote for a Congrcmau Who Favors Cannon's Rcnoinlnntlon Will Boot for Any One Who Will fight Inter state Traffic, hi Ruoze Churcltiaea HDi Adopt Effective Method. Tacoma, April ii Speaker Joseph the Puget Sound Methodist conference which has Just closed. Every one of the 200 ministers In the district ar" pledged to vote, against any one for congress who will vote for the return of Cannon tq, the speaker's chair. Tho ministers want a speaker in the lower house who will encourage tho passage of a bill prohibiting Interstate shipment of liquors Into prohibition -territory. Cannon's name was In the resolutions. By adopting this plan, the Metho dist church will do much toward de- , ' featlng Cannon's chairmanship. His , district In Illinois selects him to con gress but It Is the lower house that selects Its chairman, and the various factors. working against Cannon's re- ,a unlnntlon as speaker, will center thelf attacks of electing congressmen who Ore unfavorable to Cannon. Many -states In tho union have imtterened after the Minnesota republicans who threw Adam Bedn down because hat' was vCDnnon fiwrter: ' "". ', The churchmen's attack waB rrecln- Itated because ("a nnon refuwed to al low tne interstnfe commerce bill go before the house at the Inst session. Few Ai:los In Waxtilngtnn. . Olympla, Wash..-. Sept. . 25. Not. a citizen of Douglas, Ferry, Okanogln. Skamania or Wahkiakum county owns an automobile, according to the. sched ule of the state board of equalization. Asotin and Benton counties have ac quired one each, and Clnlliim has four this year. v '"'.""'. Enormous TIiiiImt lim hast. " Bclllngham, Kept. 22. To supply the Immense combination mill to be erected In South Belllnshum nlonir tho water front, 120,000.00ft fee( of timber, was recently purchused on the hills around Lake Samlsh by Kansas City capitalists. Wufchcd OverlMiard. Seattle, Sept. 22. Bringing news of the loss of lives of two men during a stormy passage to Chlgnlk last spring, the American ship St. I'r.ul has re turned from Cannery port. The men were, washed overboard during s heavy sea. ' department Is or Fffr?? P.-j.H1iiHiMI W