La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 21, 1908, Image 1

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Director of Central Road Has Visited
the Valley and Report Is Made That
Union-Cove Road Will Be. Extended
to La Grande Next Sluing Capital.
1st Pleased Willi Irrigation Project
Men Confident of Completing Uie
Last' Loop. . . : '
Complete Cow Road.
4 "I am confident the Central
railroad,, now, running between
Union junction and Cove, will
be extended to reach La Grande
via Sandridge In the near future.
Capitalists have gone over the
ground and report such steps
will be taken." Robert Marr.
Robert Marr, who Is" one of the di
rectors and stockholders of the Cen
tral railroad, is in the city today and
statei that as a result of . the recent
visit to this valley of several stock
holders that he Is confident that the
original plans of the company will be
carried out They spent several days
looking over the Valley and were well
pleased. . Much of the preliminary
work may be done this fall, but, at any
ruie, Mr, Marr Is confident that ac
tive work extending the road through
the sandridge Into. La Grande will be
commenced early next spring. Also,
the road up Catherine creek, tapping
tha imuense. timber belt In that vl-
Continued on page 8.)
Monday, Tuesday,
From all Departments in the Dr Goods Section
15C ' Hook, and' eye. 25c $1.75 to
Mill end of Daisy cloth. Sample HankePchlef9 Black Sateen Skirts,
sale price, a yard - sale price, each ...... safe price
1c a Card
9c 13c v i.19
Wo $2.00 SU5 to SU0 30c S1'
Baby Sweaters
Ladles Dress and every eh)dren., ghoe8( . ,ale chdren'. fleeced Un-
day Shoes, a pair ..... : price, per pair derwear, sale price, a C
' garment . These Sweaters, we
- S1.39, 89C have in white and' col-
JC ora" an' tnercer-
i lzed finish. '
225 $1.25 $1.00 . -
Bed Comforts, sale price ' . , ' '
LargeLarge Co'ton Bat- Bed Sheets, sale price. . .
each . . Shirt Waist, sale price.
ting, sale price, each.. .
$1.79 89c 85c $1.38
This Comfort Is full . ,, . , ,. ,,. k
. . , . . . .... This cotton measures Tepperell quality, and all sizes, both white and
double bod size and fll- . . " . .
led with American 72x84' One Is sufficient seamless, slr.e 81x90. colors.
Beauty Cotton.- for comfort.
l Remember these prices for three days only
Southern riuifle Notifies' Patrons That
Fuel Will Be Short Again.
Reno, Sept. 21. Fuel merchants
throughout the state are laying in a
supply of. coal and wood in -anticipa
tion of a fuel famine. The Southern I
Pacific has sent out a warning that a
repetition of last winter's faming Is In
sight. The shortage of cars will be
felt as soon as fall shipping begins.
Til llll'
i un ii
White Plains, ,N. Y., Sept. 31.
Counsel for Harry Thaw has started
a complicated case on a new tangent
today by filing briefs before Judge
Mills of the supreme court, asking a
Jury trial to be given Thaw on the
question of his sanity. District Attor
ney Jerome is opposing in every pos
sible way any effort to reopen the
case, holding that Thaw's mental con
dition was investigated thoroughly on
two different occasions, and that there
is ho excuse for putting the state to
the expense of giving him a new
hearing. The motion on which Thaw
was brought here was made in an ef
fort to have him transferred from the
asylum at' Matteawan. '.
-.- v Sunday's Scores. :
Portland, 2-0; San Francisco, 0-2.'
Los Angeles, 2-4; Oakland, 1-5.
Days of Bargain
n nmiunri
v i iiimv li
New Train Service Is . Announced
Carries Freight as Well as Passen
gers New Suts Are at Palmer
Junction mid at Mlnam Town The
Train Will Return to La Grande, at
' O'clock This Evening Leaving
Time Remains the Same as Before.
Regular service between La Grande
and Wallowa, with intermediate serv
ice attached, went into effect this
morntn whwt T.(z iX.ZZ wwU..
ued on IU way past Elgin with Wal
lowa as the new terminal. A com
plete time table has been Issued and
la substantially as announced in The
Observer Saturday The train leaves
here at 8 o'clock as a mixed affair.
It reaches Elgin at 9:15, doing local
work en route, and stops Ut Palmer
Junction and the town of Mtnam,
reaching Wallowa at 12:Sf0. Return
ing the train stops at Mlnam and Pal
mer Junction again, arriving at Elgin
at 4:45. At 6 o'clock tonight the
train will have returned from Its Ini
tial regular run. . .
' , Freight Card Announced. ,
Commencing this morning, the
freight service was also instituted.
Freight consigned to Wallowa and in
termediate points will be cared for If
It Is In such bulk that It can be han
dled at the trains wtthout ' storage.
The depot and stockyards are not built
yet, hence there will bo some-Ume be
fore stock shipments 'Will , be made,
Mall was also taken out this morning.
m u
Hungry Throng Now on lu Way to
, Southampton to 'Demand .Relief for
' . v - v .i .
Hunger Enormous Percentage of
British Inhabitant Are" Pauii
. Public Buildings Stoned by Rioters
, Yho Are Starving for Food Police
Unable to Cope.
London, Sept. 21. Maddened by
suffering, a million and a half of
Grejit Britain's, unemployed are imu
tctter than savages for the past two
days, and the authorities are unable to
cope with the situation, which Is be
coming worse. Riots are dally occur
rences In the larger cities, and public
bulidlngs are stoned at Manchester,
Liverpool, Sunderland,' Glasgow, New
Gate, Bradford, Sheffield. Hull,
Grimsby. From the same cities 25,
000 are now on their way to North
ampton where they expect to throw
themselves upon the authorities and
demand relief.
In some of the manufacturing cen
ter! the officers have called for the
militia and President John Burns, of
the' local government board, will ask
for a $1,600,000 In heavy loans, for
public Improvements, when parliament
meet, to provide work for the suffer
ers. The board of trade estimates the
nufpber In the pauper class at 928,671.
TliU Is one pauper for every 38 people
I of (he entire population. ;,,
1 "'-
mi denies k mm mana
Washington D. C, Sept. f I. It
leaked out today that Hitchcock, the
republican national committee chair
man, offered to resign as director 6f
the Taft campaign at a meeting of the
advisory committee In New Tork. II
was not accepted, as It was realized
that acceptance would be a tactical
blunder now. It is reported the ad'
vlsory committee Is tired of the apa
thy of the public and called a meeting
on Its own responsibility.
Crane Not lite I-eader.
Chicago. Sept. 21. Following a con
ference with Hitchcock today, UnlteiJ
States Senator Crane ' of Massachu
setts, lnwued a statement denying h
was placed In charge of the Taft cam
paign. Taft Dctilen Rumor.
Cincinnati, O., Sept. 21. Taft today
wired Hitchcock: .
"Don't be disturbed at the publics
tlons referring to your management
of the campaign, or statements that It
Is my Intention to supplant you. The
presence of Senator Crane here gave
rise to the inference' that I attempted
to deprecate. I have every confidence
In you. I welemc, as you do, the as
sistance of Crane. But you are In su
preme control,".
Kill IIIh Brother While Drun';.
Lu Ar.gele. Sept. 21. Fred . ..irk
hum was arrested today. n.....u-i il
murdering his brother. .1 1 1:. In their
blHrksmlth shop i fa.i Fernando,
Saturday nlgM..' ?:a.khatn says he
was drunk fl.,d 6 u s not remember the
crime. h.-re ' were no. wltnesnes to
the murder." Markham t-luded the
posse, but hounds luter found him
asleep In a tent near the shop.
Premier l lghls Plague.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 21. Premier
Stolypln today personally assumed
charge of the. cholera situation. Ills
first act was the removal of Incompe
tent authorities.
Dalles, Oregon, Pator Dies at Wenat
cheo After Fatal Meal.
Wenatchee, '.Wash..' Sept. 21. Rev.
L. R. Kufu9. pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church, at Dalles, Ore.( died
yesterday In a hospital here following
an operation performed after the
preacher had been made dvathly sick
by something he ate He was attend
ing the Columbia conference.
Robert Marr, who has been Inter
ested the past few months ln the oil
properties at Vale, arrived here from
the scene of activities and states his
company is now down 1400 feet, and
going deeper every day. ' The Colum
bia company has machinery on the
ground and ,is almost ready to com
mence drilling, ' r
Lewis & Co. have their promotion
work financed and expect to begin
active operation on a well November
first. .
It Is reported that the Standard Oil
company people have hadagents In
there for the past four months, trying
to secure large leases. This, of course,
cannot be yerlfle'd. ' '
Anoiner leature is the fart thHt a
lady operator, who has ir.ide over
llOOO.OOf ,n the Beaumo", oil fields
In TeAaVufter looking ve the Vale
oil properties, remarked that she never
saw better prospects In her life, and
would like to Invest In this location.
This lady Is now operating SO well
Mr. Marr believes there is a great
future for both the Vale and Ontario
oil districts. ,
' , , , ". i
W. J. Bryan I Dead. .
San Francisco, Sept. 21. Captain
William J. Bryan, one of the best
known steamboat men on the Pacific
coast, died yesterday at his home In
this city .of heart failure. He arrived
here in 1849 around the "Horn." He
was asslstantchlef . engineer of the
steamship Columbia, the first boat to
run regularly between San" Francisco
and Portland. He was commander of
some of the best boats of the Pacific
Mall Steamship company, and retired
from active service In 1893. ;
EiprcM Rales Too High.
Salem, Sept. 21. Representative
Jones of Polk county, has filed two
complaints with the railroad commis
sion asking for a hearing to substan
tiate the charges of the alleged ex
cessive rates made against the Pacific
nd Wells-Forgo Express companies.
Jones, declares the rates are unrea
sonable and unlawful. He wants the
commission to adjust them.
The Exact
0ur Prescription
ganiztd along
our reputation Is
as to care and
Xm,.. .
N-CM f.U'U 30 J.
S r '
Flames Break Out and Spread With
Rapidity Over Section Left Stand-
injT In Fire Luxt Winter Many Are
Homeless nnd Loss Reaches a Mil
lion Dollar Aid Comes From Sur
rounding titles and Towawii ; ':
consln and Michigan Fire Revive!.
ClMOllMtV-flMMM tiT-Z- Z
before the disastrous fire of
last winter. Chelsea was a city
of 22,000 population and a cen-
ter of much traffic, A national
marine hospital Is located within
its borders., The city Is a suburb
of Boston. , .
Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 21. The en
tire section of Chelsea which escaped
the.conflagratlon last tilr.ter, Is burn
ing. A'rt has le'i juinra ned from
Boston, Maiden and Everett A whole
block was soon afire, and by 9 o'clock
thin morning 18 houses and a larga
box factory had been destroyed. The
police think the fire is of Incendiary
origin, ' '
The box factory employed CO men,
who had Just gone to work, but were
compelled to flee for their lives.
Fire engines from Maiden, Everett
and Boston are now arriving on tha
scene by special trains. : ,
A. hlft.. ,.f thy wind tUU afternoon
saved the' manufacturing district.
Thirteen acres of the already devas
tated portion iSf the Hown are again
destroyed.. The loss Is estimated at 0v
million dollars. ; '. '
Lat this afternoon the fire was got
ten tinder control with the all "of fire
fighters and apparatus from neigh
boring towns. . t '
' Many people are homeless, some of
them for the second time within a
year. J,
Four Town Threatened.
. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept, 21. Two'
engines and 8000 feet of hose with a .
company of firemen were tent" to
Rhlnelander today'ln response to an
urgent appeal for help In , fighting
forestf Ires which, are menacing the
town. One engine has been fighting
the fire for hours. Curtis, Moon and
Ladysmlth are also threatened.
Michigan Fire Revived. .
Calumet. Mich., Sept. 21. Forest
fires are threatening this city, Hough
ton and several nearby villages. Hun
dreds are fighting the flames against
heavy odds. The recent rains did not
check the smoldering flames.
The Ladles' Home Journal and the
Woman'. Home Companion at Fergu
son's. '
Kind That the
departmtnt Is or-!
modern lines and
sufficient guarantee
quality .v.. .v ..
' ' , ?