TEX PACES. h.vi'.mSCl OBSERVER, LA CHASTE. GTCEOOK. SATURDAY snPTrareEn i, 1308. (Continued from pajja .) shall thereupon assume, become liableTorT pay. eatlsly or discharge all the poratlons. and the inhabitant of nS??" la all respects to the Jurisdiction- of the authcrm V n J become subject jurisdiction of any public "thorlty ..xerclwd StoL " lfce territory shall, so far as it , m conflict with the corDOte Z.n'l RTXed City, thereupon cease and. terminate. V corporate authority of said CHAPTER H. OF THE POWER AND GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY ' ' "" Power and Authority, in Whom vZtJi Section 5. The power and authority riven . . of the City of La Grande by this Charter is vested n TE""0? ond their successors in office, to ho bribed ' le manner. hereiaafter.pre- ot Wards, and rwi scribed presentation 444 fcilW Wards, and Election Treasurer and filler ..t Section 6. Each Ward of the Cltvfcf i.a ni. Iv ,, and Is entitled to elect two Councilman for thlrm rt?J?"nt' hV' elected from each ward every year, and Z&CoSa 3T ! b flees until thel.r successors are elected and'ihaU S oual florf l hereinafter otherwise provided. There shall also L Zt q.ua.Utlod- excePl " Jear. a Mayor, Recorder. Treasurer, and Ch le?0? Pol e wl nC It this municipal corporation. The CoancUmea .hall ba !L . o officer. fled .elector, in .the respective Wards in S the r Jtl nd VMcVthlv are elected to represent. The Mayor. Recorder Treasurer n shall be elected by the qualified electors ot th, 'cly at large ' ' , r . On the Aipointment and ConHrnMion ot offlcew. ' Section 7. x The Mayor shall appoint, subject to confirm' . cl, a City Attorney City Engineer. Street BSSTt. tendent, and such other officers as the Council may deem necessary appointee shall take office until so confirmed, excepf tiaUn case S a vacancy the Mayor .hall appoint a person with the proper qualification, to nil said vacancy until the next regular meetingof the Council. All officers regular y appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council, shall serve for a tm of one year, unless removed as provided in Section eight of this Charter. No person once rejected .hal again be reappointed during any one term, except by the consent of a majority of the Council. ... . ' . ' . pt Section 8. All officers appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council may be removed at any time-by a vote at the discretion of the ma jority of the whole Council; and the Mayor may suspend any officer until the Council disposes of and acts upon the charges preferred against said officer. ,.' The Qualifications ot Officers. , Section 9. No person is eligible to' any office In the municipal corpora tion who at the time of -his election or appointment is not a resident and voter of the City, and entitled to the privileges of an elector, according to the Con- siuuuuu biiu isns m mo Dime 01 uregon. ana trno Ciiy - 'uo tor one year next preceding his election or appointment Qualification of Councllmen. Section 10. In addition to the qualification prescribed In the last pre ceding Section, to be eligible to the office of Councilman, a person must be a resident of the Ward from which he Is elected, for a period of three momns prior to oucn election, ana removal therefrom win vacate his office CHAPTER III. OF ELECTIONS. ' - When Held. Section 11. There shall be a general election In the City of La Grande on the second tzna) Monday in December in each year, except as provided Id section 01 01 mis narier. . , Judges and Clerks. , section it. j.ne v.ouncu snau designate one place In each Ward for homing me election merem, ana shall appoint three Judges and two clerks for each Ward, who, previous to entering upon the discharge of their duties, snau severally tane ana suDscribe an oath in the following form, to-wit -1 solemnly swear tor arrirm) that I will perform the duties of a Judge (or clerk) of election according to law and the best of my ability; that I will endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit and abuse In conducting same; said oath to be administered to the Judges and clerks by an officer authorized by law to administer oatns. Notice of Election. - ' . section 13. xne Kecoraer, under the direction of the Council, shall give ten (10) days' notice by publication In a newspaper designated by the Council, or by posting notices thereof In three public places In each Ware! of the City, of such general election, the officers to be elected, and the places designated for the holding of the election, and the names of the Judges and clerks appointed to conduct the same. Qualification of Electors. Section 14. No person shall bequalified to vote at any election to be held under this Charter who docs not possess the qualifications of an elector within this State, and who has nt resided In the City of La Grande for three months next preceding such election, and in the ard in which he offers to vote, at least thirty (30) days next preceding such election, and who has been duly registered according to law. Time of Voting. Section 15. All elections under this act shall commence at 9 o'clock in the morning and continue until 7 o'clock In the evening of the same day, without closing the polls. If any Judge or clerk falls to attend and serve at the opening of the polls, the Judges of the election may appoint another (n his place. - If all the Judges fail to attend, the legal voters present at any polling place may appoint Judge, and clerks. Nominations. . Section 16. All general municipal elections shall be held and the candi dates therefor shall be nominated In accordance with the general election laws now In force In the State of Oregon, except as In this Charter otherwise pro vlded. And. provided, that certificates of nomination made by Indlvldua electors shall be signed by not less than ten electors of the Ward In which the person nominated, if a candidate for election to the Council, shall reside or not less than ten electors of each Ward In case of uch officers as are elected at large; and provided, that all certificates of nomination shall be filed with the Recorder of the City not less than ten days before the day flxel by law for .aid election. Qualification of Judge, and Clerks. Bection 17. Judges and clerks of elections shall posses, the qualifications of voter, of the Ward In which they reside, but a mistake or error In this respect or failure to give notice for the full time required herein .hall not Invalidate any election otherwise legal. Election Canvam. Section IS. On or before the second day after the election, the returns thereof .hall be filed with the Recorder, and on the fourth day after the elec tion, or sooner If the returns of all the Wards are In, the Recorder .hall call to his assistance the hold-over Councllmen who are not then candidate, for election to any city office, and they shall canvas, the return, of the election. Statement of Canvas. . Section 19. A written statement of the canvas, .hall be made and signed y the canvasser, or a majority of them, and filed with, the Recorder within the time aoDolnted to comnleta' the" canvass: such written statement must contain the whole number of vote, given at such election, th. number given fur any person for any office, and the names of the person, elected, and to hat office. " Certlfk-atc of Election. 8ectlon 10. Immediately after the completion of the canvass, the Re corder must make and sign a certificate of election for each person declared thereby to be elected, and deliver the same to him on demand Council Deride Qualifications of .Members. Section 11. A certificate of election Is primary evidence of the facts therein stated, but the Council Is the Judge of the qualification, and election of the Mayor and It. own members, and in case of a contest between two per son, clalmlna to be elected to the same office, must determine the mme, ubject, however, to the review of any Court of competent Jurisdiction. In case of a tie vote for candidate, for the same office, the question shall be decided by casting lots. tontesteu t-ionoiut. Section 22. A contested election for any City office must be determined according to the law of the state regulating proceedings in contested election In County offices. tag:: :::; iconuuued on page C.) MAXV tX)LOXISTS TODAY. turn; account Livestock Show. On 1 (September 21. the O. It. & N. will sell niiiig Train Ha More Than Isuallround trip tickets to Portland at tht Quota of Eastern People. rate of $12.15. Tickets will be gooO until September The morning train from the easl d mor than the usual number of lnlHt. today. The greater bulk of h hundreds who come to Oregon 'l'. passed through La Grande at J Local boohter. got In some ef 'ftlve ork wUh mcraure t)jU morn. Ing. Hate, to Portland. Succd rate, to Portland and rc- Cirrit ld Memorial. L' nK tiranch. X. J.. SVpt. 1. Gar field Memorial day. the 27th anniver sary of the death nf the tnartyreu president In this city, was observed today with the usual expressions ol love and honor fof the dead states-man. LOCATES QCARTZ MINE. . Long Ledjo or Pay Dirt From F.laca Plat to Sit. Emily, Say Miners. That quarta and placer mining miy be followed along a continuous ledge of gold ore from Black Flat below Hil Sard to the peak of Mt. Emily Is Ihe supposition now held by miners who are 'rapidly qrifting Into the moun tains doing prospect work. Several are prospecting on Mt. Emily, though most of them are spending their time In the mountains between the two points mentioned. Albert Clay has been doing consid erable work In that region- and he finds excellent prospects.- That the Mt. Emily region Is rich in ore, la the belief of the ''many prospectors now working on the surface. No report has been received of development work, though several are promised in the near future. Rock carrying the yellow lucre was exhibited by Clay this morning and he has gone out to locate a qu,arU mine which he thinka Is especially rich., There is no ques tion but what some development work will be done In that region of the Blue mountains In tho near future. , THE LAST TRIP. . After Today Elgin Will Not Be Ter- minal for the Branch Train. After about 20 years of practically continuous service, during which time many engines have come and gone, many conductors and many engineer. have been shifted to and off the run, me Elgin train made its last run to Elgin today. After today it will not have Elgin as its terminal but will continue on to Wallowa town, as the passenger schedule goes Into effoct Monday morning. The last, trip of the Elgin train marks a new period In eastern Ore gon development. When, about 20 years ago, the train made its first trip over the branch road, La Grande and Union county thought develop ment had reached a high stage, but now eastern Oregon laughs at an El gin train-service and await, the day, in the near future, when the service will be continued on to Joseph, the extreme point In Wallowa county. BOOKS OPEN BIOXDAY. AH Unregistered Voters Should Attend to Till. Matter at Once. Next Monday the registration books at the office of the county clerk will again be open In preparation for the presidential election In November. Voters may register until and includ ing October 20. Those who ha.ve reg istered during the present year need not register again, but all who have moved to another precinct since they registered must do so. All who are 21 years of age citizens of the United States, are enti tled to register. If not a natural born citizen the voter must have been nat uralized, or It not naturalized, must have had his first paper, for at least one year. Residence of six month. In the state of Oregon Is required. and EXPIXT COAL BOOX. Alleviation of Strike Trouble. Brings Added Hope Here. The temporary lull In coal move ment I. expected to disappear In the near ruiure ana local o. it. N. mo tlve power will again be released with out hindrance. Railroad business has been reduced to the minimum during' the gloomy aspect which the coal sit uation had. Though there Is no relief yet. the newspaper dispatches from Wyoming have given additional con fidence and officials of the O. R. ft N. expect to see coal moving again In less than two weeks. The present commercial supply will not hold out that long but the splendid weather has made It pomlble for consumer, to do without the fuel. FEW TOMATOES LEFT. Local Tomato Market of Faxle Valley Variety About Exhausted. ' Reports from Engle valley to local fruit merchants, sny that the tomato crop' Is about exhausted and very few 'ddltlonnl shipments will be madt to La Grande. Mr. Baker; of Pouth La Grande, hns been to the region of to- natpe and notifies the merchants 'tore that the crop Is all but gone. Hoard Meeting Monday. Th board of directors of tho Com mercial club are requested "to meet Monday night. Important business natters need attention. JOHN COLLIER, rreildent. PASSING OF STAGE. Rumble Stajre Line Goes Out of Exist. cace at Elgin This Evening.'. The rumbling' Rumble stage for years the only means of transportation between Elgin and Joseph, , made its last trip today, and "EM" , Wright, the old-time driver, packed up his Elgin station equipment today and slowly, and aorrowly, too, for that matter, made bis last drive over the Wallowa hill. The incoming stage this afternoon will return tomorrow, empty. Aa auction sale will be held at Wal low a In the near future when most ot the Rumble stago property will be sold at public auction. Though every one Is pleased with tho approach of the locomotive, they regret momentar ily to see the pnsalng of the iage, for so long a familiar sight. .a ! " ' First Accident on Road. ' Tom Goebel met with a painful ac cident Sunday, the first accident charged to the railroad a Wallowa. While he and other boys were run ning races on the track, he fell and struck his head on the rail, cutting a severe gash In his forehead. Dr. Gregg atltqhed the gash up for him, taking three stitches to draw the wound together.-Wallowa Sun. Advertised Letter.. . 1 Mrflr Pn trt-w .-f. -...- .v ..--.... Wallls Brlnsdon. ' , - Wort Baker. Jim Bange. W. E. Hower. E, T. Kearns. Mllllam Myres. H. J. Van Houten. John C. Young. G. M. RICHET, Postmaster. Building Concrete Structure.. Pendleton, Sept. 18. A reinforced concrete building, 80x200 feet, and costing about $8500. Is to replace the old Jones Implement building burned a few week. ago. and work Is to be undertaken at once. It will be occu pied by the Wilcox Implement company. Apple Boxes. 'Phone your orders for apple boxes to the Summervlll Lumber Co., Im byer, Oregon. BCSSEY'S HACK LIXE. . Best of service, Day and Night. Hacks furnished for funerals and private parties. Baggage transferred Day and Night and Sundays. 4 Stand at Paul'. Cigar Store. 4 'Phone Red 241. 4 Night 'Phone Main 26. 4 4 E. L. BUSSEY. 4 How to Oct Strong. P. J. Daley, of 1247 W. Congress St., Chicago, tell, of a way to become strong. He says; "My mother, who Is old and was very feeble. Is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel It U my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about It. In my mother' case a marked gain In flesh ha. re sulted, Insomnia ha. been overcome. and .he I. steadily growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickly remedy atom ach, liver and kidney complaint. Sold under guarantee at Newlln'. drug store. Pile. Cured at Homo y xew Abaurp- If you suffer from bleeding, Itch ing, blind or protruding pile., .end m your address, and 1 will tell you how to cur. yourself at horn, by th new absorption treatment; and will ilso .end some of thl. home treat- ment free for H.I. w!th refereares from your own locality If requested. Immediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today f- Mrs. M. Summers, Box P, Notre V Ind. .MONEY ..'TO I OAflJ - m LONG TIME EASY ; PAYMENTS Abstracts . Have an Abstract of your real estate made and know exactly what sort of a title you really hold. There may be a cloud upon the title to ' your home. Know it now while the people can be found who can correct errors An Abstract may save your home. , -Premiurn ams And Bacon We make Reliable Ab- stracts and Write In- J surance in Trust worthy Companies J. R. OLIVE R La Grande National Bank 2 Building 4 ft ED bUirQnASf, 4 AUCnONXES. 4 Bale, cried m snort notice. 4 f Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 4 No extra charge for distance. 4 LA GRANDE - - . OREGON 4 4 Route No. . "Phone No. litxt 4 .'-''. 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 Necessary to J make your Wai-! Iowa Excursion Lunch .'".Basket?? Complete CITY GROCERY MID UMERY. : . Polack, Prop. 4444444444444- e WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE I should be capable of fitting your eyes correctly. V . ' - If the Glasses I furnish you do not give absolute satis faction, I stand ready to refund your money : : : : I am here three hundred and sixty-five days in Ihz year to make my assertions good : : : : : : J. H- PEARE LEADING PIONEER JEWELER 4444444444444444444444444444444g 4 CITY LIVERY MID FEED STABLE Cor. kth & Adams Ave., One Block West of the Foler Hotel Ml Hew f?gs- IVeH Matched Teams Single Horses For Ladies 4 I 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 '44M44tM444a-4 4 1 4444444--444 j I i KILLt'. tOCH cu;.. Lutica w Br. King's CJciv Discovery fob csssr aWB U.THR0TignujW0TnUBlEt. GUARANTEED 8ATISFACX0JU OB MONET BEFUVDKD. How am I to have that white suit of mine wOking Fresh and Neat all summer as it does now? The answer is simple. When ever it becomes soiled PHONE MAIN 7 : : : : : . : WE will do the. rest WE have a force of Experienced holp to look after your wants in this line and you need have no fear of sending' your most delicate garments to us. WE Guarantee to satisfy you. ' . A. B. C. LAUNDRY Wf4tH444444t444444444444444 I