La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 19, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rczz too.
An orSteBtce 3i".i('l55 See Charter c tie City ol La Grande, and provid
ing tn ?.i eUe::-a ij iauiy tnc ume by the voters of the City of La Grande.
Section 1. That the Charier of the City of La Giande, Union County, flvt
of Oresron, enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, by ar
Act entitled, "An Act to incorporate the City of La Grande, County of Union
8tae of Oregon," and to repeal an Act entitled, "An Act to Incorporate th?
Town ot La Grande, County of Union, State of Oregon'-approved Decembet
18, 165, and as amended by an act entitled "An Act to amend Section 4 ant
S of Chapter II Sections 25 and 2, of Chapter IV; Sections 34 and 35. o:
Chapter V; Sections 47, 48, 61, 54 and 64, of Chapter VII; Sections 71, 88 anc
105, of Chapter VIII; Sections 107, 108, 109, of Chapter IX; and Sections Hi
134 and 142, of Chapter XII," of an Act entitled, "An Act to Incorporate th
City of La Grande, In the County of Union, State of Oregon," and to repeal ar
Act entitled, "An Act to Incorporate the Town of La Grande, In the County o:
Union. State of Oregon," approved December lth, .1865, approved Februarj
24th, 1885, and as amended by an Act entitled, "An Act to amend Sections 2
ot Chapter I; 4. of Chapter II; 85, of Chapter V, and 105 of Chapter VIII. o?
an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon," approved Februar;
24th, 1885, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the City of La Grande, in Cnioi
County, State of Oregon," and' to repeal an Act entitled, "An Act to tncorporatt
the Town of La Grande, In Union County, State of Oregon, approved December
ism, 1SG5, snail be amended so as to read as follows:
Of the Incorporation end Boundaries of the City, Creating at Body Corporate
- ' and Politic.
Section 1. The Inhabitants of the City of La Grande. Union Countv. Ore-
gron, and of that part of the County of Union, and State of Oregon, within tht
limits hereinafter prescribed, are hereby created and established a body
politic and corporate; and declared to be a municipal corporation by the
name and style of the City of La Grande; and by such name shall have per
petual succession, contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead anc"
be Impleaded, defend and be defended. In all Courts of Justice and in al
actions, suits and proceedings whatsoever; may purchase, lease, hold or re
ceive property real or personal within the said City, for public buildings
publ', works, school purposes, streets and Improvements, and all other munic-
Ip'. jo.rposes; and may lease, sell and dispose of the same or any part thereo-
f'T ttif f neflt of said City; may purchase, hold and receive property botl
r'. nm! j.r-sonal within or beyond the boundaries of the City to be usee
for City i i r:t, cemeteries, for burial purposes, hospitals, pest houses, prisons
wwlv W.'ite houses of correction, powder houses, for the erection o:
vf: wfi-Hi jii' H" establishing of a water system, for supplying the Cit;
vith eV'tf.! or .!!.. r Tights; and tot other useful, beneficial or ornamental
furf'c u O-Kl jt y tt(-t villdlngs and works thereon, and may inclose, oma
mnt n i l-ipr vi ba, '; and may control, soil, lease or dispose of the
wu't: i ;! "'v.ynt of t,.e City; and ma v loan rrT zr.c-t im pieugt
,'." '" .;-.;..!". ' ot tne municipality. All property,both real and per-
n.r ai, l.'.oiein? 1u .r invested In the City of La Grande as heretofore created
' r-'n'.-l '..? and howadd, shall, upon-the adoption of this Charter, beconu
tif ! ! Drift".' ( an i Vested In the fItv of T.A Granrle. s r rMtpd. hniimloil on
' ev.w hv this Charter; and said City may control, lease, sell or dispose
t,i wt;i iv nr. ;,- part thereof for the hem fit of the City. - .
'orxrn(l(n Limit of tlK City.
rW.i t. The corporate limits of the City of La Grande shall be 85
f.t.-:.VK' beginning at the southeast corner of Section seven. In TownsJjfr
H ! " th, Range thirty-eight east of Willamette Meridian, in Union County
tDY-n : 1-, and running thence went on the section line one-half mile; thene
ii.,ri! on the center line through Sections six and seven to the south line or
Z ewnue, in Riverside Addition to the said City of La Grande; thence wes
i f the center line of Umatilla street, in Riverside Addition; thenc nortrt alon;
ihe center lino of said Umatilla street, to the center fine of Lata; avenue, it
said Riverside Addition, and thence on the center line of said avenue to th'
west line of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-
two, in Township two south of Range thirty-eight cast of Willamette Meridian
thence south to the south line of said Section thirty-two; thence east along th'
township line, to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of Section five
Township three south. range thirty-eight east, Willamette Meridian; thenc;
couth along the center of the County road one-fourth mile; thence east one
fourth mile, and thence south three-fourths of a mile to the Section line
, tnence east to the cent..- of North Willow street, in Hunan's Addition to th
City of La Grande; thence south along the center line of sold North Wlllov
street to the June. Vn of said street with Willow street, In Coggina Second
Addition to the said City of La Grande, and thence southwesterly on a lln;
with the said center of sold Willow street to a point on a lint) funning eas'.
and' went through the center of Sec-lion elsht. In Township three 'south, Kangi
, thirty-eight east, Willamette Meridian; thenee went to the center of said Sec
tion eight; thenre south to the south line of siild flection elttht: and thtnoc
West along the Section line to the place
. DltH n or Word.
4 Section 3. For the purpose of municipal representation, the City of L?
Grande Is hereby divided into four Words, designated and described as follows
.The. First AVard shall Include all the part of tho City limits lying sout".
of a due east and west line through the center of L avenue, front the wes
line of the corporate limits to the eastern boundary thereof; the Second War
shall conslnt of that part of the City lyln; and being north of the First Ware
and east of the center of Fourth street, and south of the railroad track; of tht
Oregon Railroad aiid Navigation Company's main line. The Third Ward shal
consist ot that part of the City lying north of the First Ward and west of tin
center line of Fourth street. And. the Fourth Ward shall conwixt of that par.
nf K 4t,. 1 - ...- I. 9 .... M 1 . I. . I . .. 11-.- f .. 1 1 1 1 - f
' inn vuj I J Ilivi l.l fit Lilt? IttliliriJU 1111 1, Jl lilt ISIVgiOIl HMIJl'JHIJ UUU iNUVl
galion Company's main line, and east of Fourth street of. said City.
1 . I'mvor to Annex Territory. N
Section 4. .The. City of La Grande may annex additional territory con
tiguous to and Bdjolnlnfr the. limits of said City in the following manner, am'
such territory and the Inhabitants thereof when so annexed, shall become r
part of said City and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof. ,
' . IVtltloii to Council for Annexation.
Whenever a petition shall' be filed In the office of the Recorder of soli'
City describing ntiy such territory and defining the boundaries thereof, Hlgnei
by tho qualified voters of such territory in the number equal to fifteen 1.1
"per cent of the qualified voters of such territory voting at tho Inst precedln;
general election, expressing the desire of !ld petitioners for the annexation
of mich territory, the council of the said City shall consider unfl d-termim
whether the annexation of such territory or any nart thereof, shall h sub.
milled to tho qualified voters therenf. -
Council May .Submit Question to Volt.
The Council may ly a two-thirds vote thereof pa.s a resolution provldlm
. for the of the qiu silim of the annexntl on of such tmltofy. or an;
part thereof, either alone or together with any other territory rtorlsrnated 1:
said resolution, to tho qualified voters residing in the territory so designate!
at the neH (,'enenil election held then l:i;, provided," such ji H'dullon shall t
passed at lenit thirty days before said general election. Whenever the ter
rltory so to be annexed hhall Include u pint, but nt the whole of any votlm
precliul. tho CoLnty CMM of Union County shall furnish a siitillcewt'
of ballot to Htipply the vol us of nich pn clnct who reside within the terrlto;-;
so to b annexed, upon which shall be printed the question nT annexation o'
such terrltoiy, nd Mn!l supply for the voters of such precinct who do no
reside within h?M tevrllory. Iiallots upon which such qucHtloii shull nof apptat
It slmll be the duty of tho Recorder to fmnlslt previous to tho time o
Ihe election to the Judges of the election of each of such precincts, n plat am
ricscrlptlyxl of the territory so to he nnucx-'d, shou-lntf the part thereof wlthli
Ihe Ittnifs of such precinct. '8ald judges h;ill nsrertalit the residence of acl
voter applying for a b.Hot at such election and rh'ull furnlxh the ballot hsvln:
lulnted thereon the question of the annexation, of such territory to the voten
residing within "stuii t--rrliory and to none others. , '
-I'ropeity RIkIiImj Liabilities Afftt ld by Annexation, ! -
In case of a majority of the qnaliricd voters residing In such territory nm
' voting on the said question Vote In favor of st'.oh annexation, such (territory
shall on the first day of July iiext following said i led Ion be and become n par
of the City of La Grande. All rights nml property, both real and pcrsoni!
then Vested lit or lieloiiKlnir to any therein existing local municipal corporntlor
or corporations, excepting school cilsttUts. or in or to the public of said terrl
tory, Including 'l l'rls, public wound. bulUllngs and Improvements, and ill
rights or property In pub'lc rtrects or ht;rhw:ys (Including within the mean
Ing of 'the word streets any way mentioned In any definition or explanatlo:
of said word, contained In this Cluutcr) and also Including all other rlht
and property vented In or belonging to said corporation, or In ir to the publl
of said territory, of every nature whatever, whether of the same or slmila
general nature as those above expressly mentioned, or differing therefrom I
In kind, nature, degree or otherwise, shrill thereupon' become and be riant
and ioierty of the City of It Cramle, but nil cnunfy roads lying within th
limits of such annexed territory which have not been laid out or accepted a
streets or avenues, imli ns above referred to, by such local or munklixil cor
, poratlon or cot potations, shall remain and bo county roads until they ar
laid out or accepted as such streets or avenues by said city, and bo under th
Jurisdiction of tho County Court of Union County. Oregon, and shall b
worked, maintained nnd Improved, as County i.mds outside the limits of sib
City are worked, maintained and Improved. And all debts and liabilities and id
ligations of aiicl, local municipal corporation or corporations shsil theiuit'
Income and be liabilities ot the City f La Grande, and the City of La Grand
(Continued on pago :
i (
of beginning. .
Wallowa. Sept. 18. (Special.)
The tentative schedule for the new
train over the extension provides for
it leaving La Grande at t a. m., and
arriving at Wallowa ,. between 11 a.
m. and 12 m.; returning leaves Wal
lowa at 1 p. m. The stage company
has made arrangements with the
,-allroad by which the" latter brings
the mail to Wallowa, until such time
as the postoffice department decides
the matter of turning the contracts
aver. It Is rumored the stage com
pany will buy an automobile stage
for passengers and mail between Wal
lowa and Joseph. It would be con
venient' if not. profitable even after
the railroad la completed ' clear
H. H. Weatherspoon, agent of the
O. R. N at Elgin, stated Wednesday
that he had not yet received the rate
schedule, though It has been filed
with the state railroad commission
and the Interstate commission. It Is
not likely any freight will be sent this
tide of Elgin for a week or two, as
there are no facilities for handling it
it Wallowa. '-. -
The temporary bridge across the
river at Wallowa was completed Wed
nesday, and tracklaylng this side be
gan today. The word of Chief of
Construction Brandon Is that the
work will be pushed with all possible
XTeaA nr. t V tro!lA -
Joseph. It Is stated the rails will
reach Enterprise by October 10, but
the conservative estimate is October
15. The Y at Wallowa was finished
Wednesday and the major parf of the
material camp has been movvj there
.rorn Anthony. , ,
The worst part of the track on the
extension is between Elsln and the
mouth of the Wallowa river, and Su
perintendent Buckley has recom
mended that $15,000 be expended that
it may be made eafe for heavy freight
ind passenger traffic.
-t. Peter's Church.
Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.
Holy communion, 8 a. m.; Sunday
ichool, 10 a. m.; morning service, 11
x, m.; evening service, 5 p. m. Rev.
Upton II. Cibbs, rector.
First Presbyterian Church. '
Washington avenue and Sixth St.
Morning subject, "The Relation of
Pastor and People to the Church." In
;he evening Rev. J. R. Knodell, of the
Xnti-Saloon league, will speak. Sun
lay school, 8:45 a. m., W. L. Bren
'inlts, superintendent. C. E. society
will join In tto union meeting at' the
M. E. church. Frayer meeting Thurs
day, 7:30 p. m. Rev. S. W. Seemann.
D. D., minister.
FliKt Methodist Episcopal Clnmli.
Corner M avenue and Fourth St.
-'undny, 9:45, P.lbje school, G, H. Cur
"ey, superlntendcn; 11 a, m., morning
ivorshlp and communion; 6:30 p. m
Union Toung People's service, ad
Iressod by Rev. J. R. Knodell of Port
and; 7:30 p. in., evening worship,
The Lord's Day Our Sabbath." Tues
day,' 7:30 p. m., first quarteny confer
nce. Thursday, 7 p. m., teachers'
neetlng; 7:45. prayer meeting.' A cor
!l:l welcome to all.' Rev. C. E. Dtul.
pastor. '
First P.:itlst Church.
Corner Sixth and.Sprln-r. At 9:15,
Sunday school, O. S. Wlgglesworth. su
lerintendent; II, morning worship,
'c-rmon by pastor, theme. 'Vt'-pplnfi
atones In the Upward Life." At 6:30
. m., the young people will partici
pate In the Union Young People's
lervlee In the M. E. church; 7:30.
veiling wyrshlp. sermon by pa-toron
'The Motive Power In Pi'ngresiv R-1-Iglon."
Inspiring, worshipful music
ed by C. a. Greene and n chorus
holr. Cordial welcome to all. Rrv.
V. II. Gibson, pastor.
Central Church or Christ.
Rlble school, 8:45 a. m.; praise and
prayer, 10:43; the Lord's supper, 11;
tddrcsa by J. R. Knodell of Portland,
11:20; Junior Endeaver, 6:30 p. m.
Dur Y. P. S. C. E. joins In union
neetlng In Methodist church. 6:30 to
: 1 5 ! v preaching service, 7:30 p. in.,
hhjoet, "Three Men and Their Mas
er's Money." Welcome to all Strang
rs In the city. Rev. O. H. King, pas-
i Uevj Alfalfa
I : '' Hay; :
All Kinds of Hay
Grain and Feed
Slater Block
Pnone Main 57
Jefferson Avenue
The world always sees something
more practical in painting; a pump
thin In purifying the water down out
of sight
You never get tired of our delight
ful Ice cream, made, from purest In
gredients, It's always of a uniformlv
high quality. Absolutely pure, whole
some and delicious. All flavors of se
leglng his efforts at refor mare Insln
mg, soothing. Try a plate and well,
no more need be eald. -
For sale at . " )
Creamery Co.
It is A Safe Plan
s.-?; t':H
fir 0OKr
to bank one's money and not to hoard
It where It can be stolon. Do not Keep
much money abont(your person, oi
In your house or office. Bank It with
us and it will bo absolutely secure,
both night and day. We secure out
customers against loss, and they find
us courteous and reliable people te
deat with. Our methods of doing bus
iness will be perfectly satisfactory to
The Eastern Oregon
Trust a "Savings"
: bank
F. Jff. BYRKIT. President
WM. MILLER, Vice-President
GEO. L. CLEAVE R, Cashier.
T. J. FCROGGIN. Assistant Cashier
T. J. HOLMEB. Treasurer. 1
i .
We- Want
Our Want Ad CoSumn
Yoar want i placed before a thousand or more want-seeW
every day Can you afford to spend cne cent per word of vour
want &q where result are the keynotes? r;
FOR RENT A furnished house;
modertn; close in; 5 rooms. Bath
and.pantry. Call at 1405 tith St, or
phone Red 1472.
FOR RENT One 4-room house,- and
one 7-room house, with bath. Mre.
S. C. Zuber. '
FOR RENT Eight-room house, sup
plied with modern conveniences.
Inquire of Mrs. E. T. Richey, cor
ner 8th and O streets.
FOR RENT Eighteen-roora house;
- modern In every . respect; 1 suitable
for up-to-date rooming house. Mrs.
8. C Zuber. A14tf
FOR RENT Single. or double room
for gentleman. Furnished and with
bath in connection. Apply 'at this
office. - 8-24tf
FOR RENT Six-room house for
rent near flouring mill. ' Inquire of
Mrs. J. M. Lilly, near the La Grande
flouring mill.
FOR RENT A suite of rooms for
light housekeeping. Modern resi
dence, ground floor. 'Phone Red
1712. 7-lStf
FOR RENT Eight-room house, with
in one block of High 'school; city
wat.r, ele:lilc 1'ghts. Inquire ef
Martin Larson, 903 Third and J Ave.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
housekeeping. Pleasant location;
close in. Inquire of Mrs. llat'tle R.
McDonald, 1616 Sixth street, or
'phone to Elack 462.
WANTED Two or three 4 or 8-horse
teams to plow. Aply to Dr. Geo.
O'Connor, at Sommer House,
WANTED 200 split ,fence posts. Call
at Amalgamated Sugar company's
office. - '
WANTED Table boarders or room
ers and boarders. 'Phone to Red
er. Will take position requiring all
my time or will accept position re
quiring part time. Apply at this of
flee. WANTED Woman to do family
washing at the ' residence once a
week. 'Phone to Red 22.' t!
FOUND Two 'hunchee'of keys. 'The
owner may have same by calling at
this office and proving property.
IJclter Thau Spanking.
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There Is a constitution
al cause for this trouble. '.Mr.V, M.
Summers, Box W, Notre Dame. Ind.,
ttilt send free' to any mother her suc
ucusful Instructions. Send no money,
hut write her today If your, children
trouble In thrs way. " Don't blame
the child, the chances ere It can't
help It. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled wit'a
urine difflctiltlos ry day or nltht- '
ExceleTnt Health Advice.
Mrs. M. M. Daviaon of No. 379 Glf
ford Ave., San Joe. Cal., says: "The
worth of Electric Bitters as a general
family remedy, for headache, bilious
ness nnd torpor of the liver and bow
els Is so pronounced that I am
prompted to say a word In Its favor,
for the benefit of those seeking relief
from such afflictions. There Is more
health for the dlgerUve organls In a
bottle of Electric Bitters than In apy
other -rnedy I know of Sold under
guarantee at Newtln'e drug store. Cne.
Stlmulatloa Without Irritation.
" In case of stomach and liver trou
ble the proper treatment Is to stimu
late these organs without Irritating
hem. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup
aids dlgostlon and stimulates the liver
and bowels without Irritating theso
organs like pills or ordinary cathar
tics. It does nt nauseate or hm
and Is mild and pleawant to take. A.
Your Wants
, FOR KT.Tf .
v x wo to rour acres
suburban property, well lmPr0ve!
PhoneBlack 1532, or see , E.
Kammerer, 2004 Adams avenue. '
Twenty-two empty five-gallon oil
cane for sale at thla office. Five cnt.
each. ,' j ' "
Good Uoter Proportion.
For $3500, on easy terms; good lo.
cation for steady, roomers, boarders
and transients; furnished. Inquire of
John Palmer, at Palmer House, or w
3. Ransom, Elgin, R. r. D. No. 1
'.' 8-24-ln
i For Sale.
: Team of .heavy young, well broke
horses.. Harness and wagon. Inquire
at the Dollar second-, j 'zUu',
Adams avenuj. ' : ' .
FOR SALE Fifty thousand .feet of
lumber in old mill buildings, at half
price. Write or Inquire of H. H. Hu
ron, of Summervllle.
FOR SALE Model "cottage, 4 room,
and closet, pantry, bath room with
lavatory and tub; porcelain sinks ia
kitchen and pantry. Frost proof
j cellar; septic tank and sewer eys-
' tern. Earn for largo storage of feed;
box stall for carriage team, rooms
for rigs and harness. Street and
walks complete. Everything tew
and neat. Will sell at bargain anil
, good terms. Inquire No. 1317, cor
ner N. Fir St. and Y Ave. 'Phone
Red 1261. g-istf
FOR SALE OR TRADE Will sell or
trade for smaller property, six room
house with bath, store room and cel
lar; good woodshed; loU 123 feet
frontage and 110 feet deep; room
for another house. Will accept par
tial payment. Inquire at this office.,
, 9-17-20
Agricultural College
' CorvaHIs, Oregon.
Offers collegiate courses In Arri-
culture, Including Agronomy, Horti
culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy
Husbandry, etc.; Forestry, Domestic
Science and Art; Civil, Electrical. Me
chanical ' and Mining Engineering;
Commerce;. Pharmacy.-. V
Offers elementary courses In Agri
culture, Forestry. Domestic Science1
and Art, Commerce and Mechanl
Ars, Including forge,, cabinet
making, steam fitting, plumbing, ma
chine work, etc. j.
Strong faculty, modern equipment; ,
free tuition; opens Scptembef '25.
Illustrated catalogue with full lnfor
matbrti ; on application to the Regis
trar, free. J d&w8-ltf
i -t-
Vol E t
mm- 6p.;
Arrival and Detmrture ot Trains at
La Grande.
No. 1, weatbounA Portland Special,
arrives 9:25 a. m.; departs, 9:30 a. m.
No. , eastbound passenger, mall
and express, arrives at : 45 a. m.; de
parts (:S0 a, m.
No. 2, eastbound Chicago Special,
arrives 1:05 p. m.i departs, 8:10 p. .
No. t, westbound . passenger
nd express, arrives 9:65 p. ul;
parts. 10 p. m. "
Elgin Branch.
' Regular mixed train laavsa
Grande at I o'clock and returns at
o clock P. m. Tha lnrrtn trala
lesvee La Grande at 11:80 p. m. and
returns at 7:45 p. m.
-- ww v. .n
9. II. KLL.NET, AfesiC
i-. uiu, druggist .-.
L Grandk, Orrtoa. ; jVj