La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 19, 1908, Image 1

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    A" A t
; LOO:TL ' ' O- TOgOy COrWXT,: OREOOX.' SATCSPA1'. SEPTEMBER- IV 1908. ; : A- ' ; -, . ' " ::
! WlOBlflG 'ALLEGED --:T-SS"ll-il nSH - flllARRI' Fr --y-1? JhSct--uc. irn--V;r-
( ' -' n White Hou.w-EmpU.-. IW-WWU IUULL 0""u,u 1 lllttwl . Juk- to III fill. 1 I H.) I II II
' 1 If I TP'll PflPiniMr i""' , : A Mountain TrafHe. MI-IIIlV I llllU LILU
1 LLtLAL LU Id r Tfl HICHPR MIIRT ; - CAvnuin DrnnDnc
m iiiuiiLii i J 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i wners tne a - r .hi i Milium i limit
jl,at Six Dig Finns of Xew York Have
Consolidated ami Formed an Illegal
Trust. and Combine, Is the Charge
of Which Federal Grand Jury Is
Working Roosevelt Will rush the
prosecution Said Delay Order to
I'rotcct Party. - "
New York, Sept. 19. Six leading
heures In the . electrical world will
. is Indicted for forming and malntaln-
unlawful tunt e ...- .
Jy the present federal grand Jury
biean anything. President Roosevelt
iirdered the Inquiry. It Is reported
he Jury has sufficient evidence to
arrant the Indictments, and It is also
j-eported the delay was ordered so the
Iiction of the. Jury will not hurt the
epubllcan party now.' - ,
The management of the General
j:iectrlc company and other big elec
trical firms are subjected to close ex
amination. It is alleged six big firm?
ave completed a monoply of all busi
ness In this ttectlonl the allied Interests
laying extended to 'all branches of
lie electrical business. It is charged
he combine has a working agreement
egtirdlng prices and the control of
leveral small competitors sufficiently
o put them out of business. The mat-
rier was called to the attention of
president Roosevelt by Attorney Gen
eral Bonaparte, who ordered the fed
eral Investigation. " "' V ,
Washington; Sept. 19.-The boss Is
coming back get busy!" This is the
word that has 'been : passed about
amdng the employes of the White
Houso, and as a result th ftana
and dusters and gardeners and men of1
an work have been laboring overtime
during the last week. The executive
mansion has now assumed a spick and
span appearance and tttllbe ready
for Its occupants when the nro.tnf
and his family arrive from Oyster Bay
inree days hence. -
Judge Bean Allows Writ of Error In
Oregon-Xellson Case Means Uie
Fight Over the Prohibitory FWi
Law Will Be Carried to Higher
. Court- Interstate Ilglit ' .Has,, At
tracted Much Notice In the West.
' Salem, Sept. . W.-lhlef 'justice
Bean today allowed a writ of error
In the case of Oregon vs. Chris Nlel
son, Involving the police Jurisdiction
over the water of the Columbia, so It
can be carried Into the United States
supreme court '
, ' - - hioibuh whb mresieu py uregon ail-
Pioneer of Wisconsin Holds Pos .t thorlUe8 on the 'J "
Bay AH Night, After Shooting Two found guilty and fined for violation
oi xne uregon prohibitory fishing laws,
Women and Wounding the Sheriff.
Waukesha, Wis., Sept. 19. After
holding a posse at bay all night and
making a desperate fight, George
Smith, aged 60, was captured at dawn
today. He is charged with shooting
Mrs. Julius Grabow and 'daughter 01-
ga, last night, after kerlouslv wound
ing the sheriff, Dwinnell. The mother
is dying.
Smith is accused of going to the
Grabow house and attacking the moth
er and daughter, aged 14. He shot
the woman In the head. When Dwin
nell came Smith shot him and escaped.
llascball Scores.
Los Angeles, 4; Oakland, 0.
w PvrJland, 5; San Francisco, 1.
The question is whether Oregon can
assert Its police power on the Wash
ington side.
An effort will be made to compel
the United States supreme court tc
give interpretation to "concurrent Jur
isdictlon" contained In the Oregon
constitution, under which Oregon of
ficials claimed the right to make th
arrests on the Washington side. It it
though such an Interpretation wil
settle the dispute between the twe
states. '
Bandon business, men have signed
an agreement to colse at 7 p.' m. ex
cept Saturdays, and to keep closed on
Sunday, under a penalty of 125 foi
each violation ' ' ' .
j Monday, Tuesday,
Three Days of Bargain Prices
From all Departments in the Dry Goods Section
II THE FAIR STORE-The Store that Underseils li
the Rest
' Hook, and eye, ...... $L75 tO $2.00
Mill end of Daisy cloth. Sample H.nkerchlofs, Black Sateen Skirt,
ale price, a yard - . sale price, each sale price
n lea Card
9c : 13c 1.19
$1.750 5100 $U5 ,oJI.V ' .toe,. ' 1M'
t..ii.n . . ,,.. '.i , ' Baby Sweaters
Ladle. Drew and every cwidren'. Shoe., .ale Children", fleeced Un- '
day Shoes, a pair . . . . . price, per pair ...... . derwear, iaale price, a f. q9C
garment.1. (. 'These Sweater, we
$1.39 89C O-f X " have n white and col-
j) JC trn" 'ol nd mercer
Ir.ed finish.
52,25 $1.25 $1.00
Bed Comforts, .ale price . . ,
each LargeLarge Cotton Bat- Bed Sheet.. Mle price. , shirt Waist, sale pike.
ting, .ale price, each.. ' m
$1.79 89, 85c $1.38
, . . ' This h-et Is of A-l This line we have In
This Comfort I. full 4,1 , ... . , . ,
double bed size and f II This cotton measures Pepperell quality, and all slz.s, both white and
led with American" x84. Onel..ufflclent .e.mless. size m0. color..
Beauty Cotton. for a comfort. . , .
Tacoma, Sept. 19. A special dis
patch from Mllwa.ukeci where the di
rectorate of the St. PauJ road la meet
ing today, says orders may be Issued
for the electrization of the Pacific
coast extension of the road through the
Bitter Root mountains In Idaho.
Engineers have prepared estimates
for using electricity on the mountain
grades. It is reported the, project is
feasible. The new. line ... will ; pass
through several hundred feet of tun
nels.' . '
, ....... w f
!j Remember these prices for three- days only
. . . A
a. a. . . A & & a a a a a m m b m h h a h h a h
Great Excitement Prevails In Burns
District Over Kxtrcmely Rich Find
in Mountains Must Stage Ore 150
. Mile.
Burns, Ore., Sept. 19. Intense ex
citement prevail, here as the result
of a rich strike made by O. J. Darst,
a prospector in Gold gulch. He dis
covered a ledge assaying from $4000
to $4500 per ton. It contain, gold and
diver, and Is located 150 mile, from
I railroad. It Is planned to stage
he rock, to Austin or Vale, where it
-vlll be shipped to the smelter, at
Boise or Salt Lake City. '
Washington and Oregon Indian Wat
Veremnn Want Back Pay, '
Portland, ' Sept. 19. Oregon anc!
Washington Indian war velerans wil'
we their influence again this winter
'n n effort to secure the pnssage ol
i bill In the Washington leglslaturo
illowlng the survivors' of early fron-,
ler battle $2 per day for past services,;
Vt present the remaining handful of
nen who risked their live. 60 year
go, to advance civilization, are re
elvlng $8 per month In federal pen
non. ; .
Wilbur Wright, Aviator, Will Reaiimr
Brother'. Pteoe.
Washington 'Sept. 1 . The pos.l
tlllty of abandonment of experiments
n France, and the return of Wllbui
Wright to take up the test, at Fori
vieyer wa. announced today. Orvillr
Wright, who wa. Injured when hh
companion. Lieutenant Selfrldge war
Ulled Thursday In the collapse of hir
aeroplane, will not be able to make a
flight Inside of five month..
Good Price for WheaL
Tacoma. Sept. 19. Although ' this
vear'. production of wheat In, Wash
ington although les. than la.t year,
he price I. much better. The farmer
will receive about 123.000,000. Thh
ear. crop will amount to 29,700,000
bushels, with an average price of 77
rents, while last year the price wa. 65
Relief for Nevada Independent.
Reno. Nev., Sept. 19. It Is not
ihought today the Independence party
will be able to participate In the No
vember election In Nevada throua''
the failure to comply with all cfl.',!
rront. regarding the attc.tln-r 1,
er cnt o,f voters to trei" '..V.r. K
!iave that party placn n on the
Ohio Congressional lUxonU Show
That IWukcr Was Not an ICinployc
of the Standard Wlillo hi National
CXngres Hearst Emd In Clutrge
Brj-an Repudiates Taft State
ment With Message From Alanlla
rolttkiU Leader. .
Cincinnati, Sept. i9.TRecords In the
Ohio aupram er rt - -'
single Instance ' where United States
Senator Joseph B. Foraker appeared
a. counsel for the Standard Oil com
pany. The last time of record it .how
when he appeared before the Ohio
legislative committee and secured a
50-year franchise for the Cincinnati
Traction company, which occurred In
1898. The record, controvert Fora
ker'. statement he waa employed by
Archbold of the Standard Oil com
pany, in connection with them before
the Ohio legislature and not for na
tional legislation.
Foraken .aid: "When I first read
of Hearst', letter from Archbold re
ferring to the eVrtlfioftte of deposit
ror 150.000 eneltaed In a letter, I did
not recall that I had received .uch a
letter until after I looked over my
rile of letter. In my home at Wash
ington. A newspaper friend of mine
held an option for the purchase of the
Ohio State Journal for $115,000, and
appealed to ' me for help. Among
other I . asked the Btondard Oil
company to help nie- out. Later they
igreed to, loan u 35,000 acod ly
toclt In the newspaper.' j Souiebwdy
7r6pl)d out-of. the Ptnpnjted company
jnd-then. I asked the Standard for an
fncfease of the loan to 4,"0,000.'"They
ltd so. Finally others purchased the
property and I returned :the money to
the Standard people. 'I km not em
ployed In the matter and never re
delved a cent of profit in the whole
affair. I repeat the only employment
I ever had at the hand, of the Stand
ard wa. a. advisory counsel. I did
nothing In the 'course of my work
that related to anything pending In
Startling Information Gleaned That
, She Ha Child, Agxt 13.
New York, Sept. 19. There Is no
little surprlfli? among followers of th
theater today when It was announced
that Anna Held, the actress, 1. the
mother of a girl, aged 14. No men
tion of It has ever been made before
Florenx Zlegfeld, Jr., the actress hus
band, manager , of her company, and
the Wife, have always kept the exhrA
ence of the child a secret. The girl
was brought over fron Paris several
week, ago, and kept by a French maid
during the mother", absence. '
(Continued oa p.g. I.)
. T '
Killed III. Wife. Daughter and
Brother -Refused to Escape.
Kingston, Mo., Sept.' 19. Convicted
of the murder of hi. wife, hi. .mall
daughter and hi. brother, Albert Fil
ley la In Jail here awaiting execution
by hanging next week. Fllley recently
other nrlMoner. made a successful dash
for liberty, but refused to leave the J and welgha 113 pound.,
Details of a Wreck That Injured Score.?
' . . , , . t
at Newport New. Are Not Obtain-1
able Oil Tank Explodes at &aa
Pedro. '.
Richmond, Va Sept. 19. Score,
of passengers were Injured and It i
thought some are dead In a wreck on
the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad, near
Newport News today; Details are
lacking. A wrecking train with ur
geons and nurses have gone to th
scene. ' , . ,
Oil Explosion Klllw Four.
San Pedro, Cal., Sept... 19. Four
men were Berlously Injured today In
the explosion of an oil tank on W
steamer San Gabriel, which was load
ing lumber at the wharf of the Jef
hoff-Cuxner Lumber company, near
here today.
Hster Squuuder oMney, "
Kan J(.tfe,,,,1!!ett.4 9. Alleging hV4
tvroAlsters wre extravagant in hand
ilng the mlllfcin-dollnr. estate of Hen
ry Lux, the cattle king, who died lx
year, ago, Charles Lux, a .on, ha.
filed suit- demanding an account. B.
E. Kell, the guardian of Charles, any.
In the Tlll that the latter', family ha.
lived In penury since the death of th
millionaire, and that he wa. unable to
piovlde for the education of hi. two
daughter. ' v '
Telegraph at Wallowa Town.
Wallowa, Sept. 19. (Special.) Th
telegraph wire, now reach this city,
and for the first time In history, Wal
lowa town I. in telegraphic communf- ,
cation with the outside world, though
to be exact,' no commercial buatnear
ha. been don. over the wlrea.
Trap Enormou. Sturgeon.
Taroma. Hant. It. On nf tha larirw
had a chance to escape, when three lest aturgeon. ever brought her. I on
exhibition today. It I. .even feet Ion
It wa. caught
In a salmon trap.
17" fj If frft IF3 XrWftTtXl
Dan"" a id 1 luces Tonlaht. ,
The .kaMns tlnk race, which com
mence tonight at S o'clock In ,thf
"ollseum rink are the talk, of the
kattng fraternity. Some fast exhibi
tion, are slated and the manage
romlMv. something worth while,
rtanclng .tart, at 9 o'clock.
Seld Hack of Portland no. complet
ed a fine summer home In Seaside.
Exact Kind That
Doctor Ordered
)' escription department Isor
ganized along modern tines and
our reputation is sufficient guarantee
as to care and quality
. , 1
v f
. v ft. . :