i ' n ntxc o ::-:i: :. ur.wvt . ,- 7rT''.r. KE:-r::.:i:rn it as., j : ',-ri.'.l- Wirt" 1; i.'.i.i.lil ? ' ) '' ! ' ' M Pi. h. I ; I; j . tic . ', :i t ;. , r til ii: ! dF2E? venire Observer Published Daily Except Sunday. . CCRREY BROTHERS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. United Press Telegraph Serried. Dally, per month. .$ Daily, single copy. ............. .OS Daily, one year In advance. . . . . . J8.50 Daily, six months, In advance. , .IS. 50 Weekly, one year, .in advance. . .$1.00 Weekly, six months, In advance. . .75 JBntered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-claw matter. This paper will not publish any arti cle appearing over a nom de plume. ,JHned articles will be received subject to the discretion of the editors. Pleas . 'lgn your articles and save disappoint snent. - Advertising Hates. . Display ad. rate furnished upon ap plication. Local reading notices 10c per line first Insertion; Dc per line for each sub sequent Insertion. Resolutions of condolence, 5c a line. Cards of thanks. 5c a line. other attempt will be made this eve ning, and if no more successful, the project had better be dropped. Quite a number of our nimrods are in the valley today. Therclosed sea son for ducks is out today. Fall Is here the most delightful season of the year in Grande Ronde valley. HER BAKER GAME LOSERS. Have Scheduled Game With Perry at Baker City -Next Sunday. ; THE HUMAN SKIN. The human, skin Is the most won derful, most beautiful fabric In the world, and we don't half appreciate its marvelounness. Flexible as silk, resistant as steel, tinted like the petal of a flower, tough as leather, and al- non-conductor of heat and electrical currents known. Its vitality Is uncon querable, it power of repair almost unlimited. With a vascular mesh cap able of containing half the blood of the body, It can adjust ltnelf to almost any .extreme oft temperature. : With nearly three million of flushing sweat glands, It Is absolutely 'lf-clean1nK No contamination of any sort can cling to It for lottg. becaime Its surface 1 constantly changing by the dying of the flattened superficial cells and their falling off In'dally showers. Shut an arm or a leg In a plaster of pari cast, as In a' fracture, for instance; let It remain In position for three weeks, then take off the cant,' and you will find nearly ft handful! of human bran which has accumulated In Its Interior. This branny powder Is composed of thoiiFonds of almost Invisible delicate epithelial scales, which, under normal conditions, are continually belnpr shed and rubbed from the surface of the body, carrying with them all the Im purities that" may be nttached to them. . WOMEN NOT TO BLAME. A lady Informed The Observer that the lailles were not to blame for wear ing their hnM In church. The rcnuon thoyoMil not, was very largely because they were not asked. Continuing, the lady said that no woman desired to npie:nr ciiricpleuons and under pres ent conditions a Inilv appearing In church would be. but If It was the custom of the church to have Indies , remove thilr millinery there would b" no objections. Here Is the .problem ! for cither the pastor or the official' board to consider. If nil order Is oil that Is ivjvlril, some one Is doing Uh public and the church an Injury In not Issuing the proclamation. Beginning todny the homeseekers' rates from the oast to the Pacific coast begin and will be effective for 0 days. We will know within o few days whether or not this rush to the land of the setting sun will be up to rhe average, or will eXiel former rate periods. Some nro of the opinion thai the hard limes In the east will drive many west. Others are of the opinion that It will retard Immigration. W will soon know. The railroad com panies lire reported as predicting and have prepared to handle great num bers of people. They generally know what they are doing. The Irrigation projct Is one of the live topics of conversation among our land owners. A number have volun tarily come to town and pluced their names on the list for acreage. With in the next few weeks the busy har vest season will be over and then the real work of securing the JO.nftO acres will begin. This should bo Hoed . within the next 60 days and we be lieve U will be. The more the sub ject l Inves'li'ated, the more It I" realised that this Is the cheapest pro- Ject on the coast. it U ". to t"'. business men of thl city to say whether or not the com ing county fair Is to be held In tin city or at the race track. Al the meet ing last night there was not sufficient Interest taken to come out to th' meeting to warrant a conclusion. An DESTROYED Th Roy Oliver threshing machine, fresh from the factory and in service two weeks, Is burning this afternoon and will be a complete loss. It was of the "Red River Special" make, one of the most costly patterns on the market. Information as to how the fire started cannot be procured at this hour, but telephone messages say there will be but little loss of grain. The machine was sitting on a place opposite the Herman Vehrs ranch when the fire started late this after noon. The fire Is burning Itself out rapidly. "We're not stung by defeat," said a Baker athlete today. "Of course we got It hung into us by a score of 8 to 2 yesterday when we met Perry's slug gers at La Grande, but what's, the difference. Our defense is that the Athletes' pitcher went to the bad In his arm and we were left in mid-sea without so much as a broken oar. All the wonder Is that those lads from Perry did not skin us up worse than they did," related one of the Baker players to the Baker Herald. That the Athletes are not discburaged is best illustrated by the fact that they will meet Perry fh this city next Sun day and Monday, when each team will be loaded for big game. ' - Tunt y-Three Crow ncd. . London, Sept. 1. The I?.'!.! schooner Amazon, was wrecked, ' o'f Port Labotte, on the coit of Wales today and 25 membf.rs of the crew were ' drowned. The ! v pasitrngers were on an ocuns v 4 when a gale swept down upon the vessel, disabling the engines. The storm Increased In fury and there was danger of the boat be- Ing swept on th rocks or sunk'. Women and children were near- ly insane with fright. There was difficulty" In getting them into life boats. Tltor Day Proclamation. , Salem, Sept. 1. Governor Georg! E. Chamberlain today Issued. the ifsti al Labor Day proclamation, setting aside Monday, September 7, 1908. , Candidate Accused of Crime, v. Steven Magill, candidate for county clerk in Columbia county, has been arrested at Dayton on the charge of wronging Ruth Heter, aged 17. It is stated that both parties ' have con fessed. . FOR RENT One.4-room house, and one 7-room house, with bath. Mrs. 8. C. Zuber. TWO SUITS mm Though this Is a dry county, Pert hind llouor houses are nevertheless trying to collect "booze" money through the law process. Two com plaints have been filed with the clerk of the circuit court by a Portland whisky house, against Nils Holverson and Mike' Nelson. The latter Is a na tive of Elgin, who was formerly In the saloon business there. The com plaint alleges that there is the sum of $033 due. The other complaint alleges that Nels Holversom owes the firm $235.15. THE 1909 REO IS HERE Not Going io be Sometime, But now Ready to Deliver Notice the Price 20 H. P. Touring Car $1600. F. 0. B. Factory. The lowest Price Standard Made 5 PascengerCar in World Why wait for the new and untried car, that even the manufacturer does not know hw it is going to stand up? BUY A REO, THE CAR OF SATIS FACTION. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. NOT HOT AIR. FRED A. BEN NET. - Northern Distributor i rruit reason is Now On Phone Us Your Orders for ECONOMY JARS! i Pints , Quarts ..... Half gallons . r Extra clamps Extra caps . . ..$1.10 dozen , . .$1.8. dozen . . .$1.75 dozen . .. 10c dozen . . . 20c dozen EXTRAS'- FOR tASY. VACUUM JARS ''" Caps .i8c dozen Rubber rings 20c dozen J , , Champa lOcdoicn Extra large Jelly Glasses .1 ,45o dozen These are an attractive size and shape, and are easily worth 60 cents per dozen F- D- H A 1S T E N 1411-1415 Adams Ave. Phone Red 1 1 61 KEO PKKMirri RAPID COMMERCIAL cars V'.cn'.s wanted in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and lirltMi Columbia. 1416 Droadwav. 49j Ahler St. R14 Second Ave. Seattle, Wash. Portland, Ore. Spokane, Wash. GRAND OPEN ING BALL AMD -SKATING -AT THE COLI SEUM. RINK. TUESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 1ST I 0 fid CONSTRUCTED TELEGMPH LINEMEN FIVE ilES . BEHIND STEEL CHUG 1. The Front, Wullowa County. Sept. (Special.) Creeping along, Hlowly but carefully, tho conntructlon crew erecting the Joint Western Union and (. rt. . X. teloptraph lines. Is follow Ing In the wake of the track-laying crew. The tni.'k construction has reached the .McDonald ranch, but the linemen are approximately five miles In the rear. They aim to keep about that distance behind the laying of Meel. The fo:e;mn f the crew Is supplied with a teliigra phone and each nlRht after the day's work Is . ... i ...ii iver. ne reports in neinmimnt-m, n-n- ng nf his advancement that day, or if any needed suppll-s. Thus Wallowa county l nlowly being pcneuaieu oy the telegraph wire, another mark of inini.ivHinent In that section of the state. Social Wednesday Xlglit. The B. of U F. & E. will give a o- ilal at the K. of P. hall weonesuay venlng. AH members f the lodge and their lady friend are Invited. Idaho Prohllw Meet. Ih.lse, Idaho. .-e.lt. 1. Thut the pr-i hlbltlon wave has struck Idaho and I spreading rapidly over the state wa evidenced today by the enthusiasm of the hundreds of delegates who gath ered In the state convention of the "dry" party. A complete state ticket will bo put In the field. A rally of the temperance forces of the slate Is being held In connection with the conven tion. . CENTS. 50c Ladies 25c and Children Under k 15c; SKAHVd 7:30 UNTIL 9; DANCIG 9 TNTIL 12 I Vtl-li to kindly stale tli!it 1 have nil lights reserved to positively refuse mlinissleii to this Kink, on ..il occasions, of nh.tevtioii.ihlc par ties, and vtl'l observe the rule ui lils ItiiiU under thl mir's lease, by NTHKT1.Y ENl-XHSCIXCJ T11K "AM1'. Voiir Klncerely. FRUIT GROWERS ATTENTION The Ramsey-Oldenburg Company are agents for the Grande Ronde Lumber Company and are now prepared to take orders for large and small lots of apple boxes. Call at the office in La Grande National Bank Bldg and see samples of new stamp on box. Stock Will be Delivered at the Comqany's Warehouse. PHONE: Pacific States Main 86 Vergere 1402. JACK D. O'BRIEN Manage' :t WOOD AND COAL it Now is the t me to think about your winter supply We have the supply and the price and quality is right WE ARE GETTING IN OUR NEW STOCK Of LUMBER it . ' win suiu ai nuuuiu ji iuco nuusc UlllS pctld 4 prices. We have fir finish and V G Fir Flooring We have the best grade, ot Cedar shingles. These are two grades of the same brand, : : : ; : STODDARD LUMBER CO. Phone Main 6 For Particulars I: GRANDE RONDE CASH CO. LEWIS BROS. Proprietors. It n t$i4t$ltt$t " 7A mm "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY"- .."VHllls Is o'lfferlng a Vegetable (amine. Isn't that curious. Tenth ind Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal C.We occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, , have a $20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our tchool admittedly leads all others In quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. CSald a Business Mailt " Kwp hammering away ererlasUngly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said aa EJ oca ton "The quality ofluttrue. Hon given In your school makea it the atandard of its kind in the NoUlwest.,, COpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. References! Any bank, any newspaper, any business man In Portland ARTIICIAL THE ONLY PURE KIND The only kind ot to that ws ban die In retail trade Is artificial Ice, made from pure artesian water the only pure Ice In the city. A delivery ' . wagon will bring this PURE ICE to your door on notification by telephone I or otherwise. To regular patrons ou r prices are one-half cent per pound. NATURAL ICE handled In wholesale lota. Look out for the Orsndy los wagon. Thone black 71. GRAM l( MAN 'i ;;.''.v ' .fly,' ..