EIGHT PACES. PAGE MOHT. emrao observer, la grande, oregon. mondat. august si. iog. 1 - .. fire hing II .FOREST mm (Continued front pas 1.) ' Si f: '"I -1 ill 3 t I! THE PEOPLES S TORE Every lady in Union County Is invited to call at the Peoples Store and inspect the recently arrived Ladies Suits. We are proud of our selections and will take great pleasure in show ing them to you and we feel certain that you, too, will take pleasure in seeing them. You may not wish to purchase now but whether you do or not, you will secure the same cheerful aiicmiiiia ii jvm viae jee uitiii jvu . rwiu v sure to have one before the season is out. A FEW SPECIALS $17.50 No. 4742 Ladles Tailored Buit; an ex t eeptlonal value; must be seen to be appreciated No. 4761 Ladles' Tailored Butt. This" seasons' favorite; a really tasty Suit and one that will retain Its style )) Mill l .........- ... "YMWSW W Many other styles, ranging; In price from $15.00 to 140.00, but alt the fa mous Palmer garments. : Ladies' and Men's Oxfords The season for tans Is now short, and as we do not Intend to carry over ' a single pair, we have cut the price to the profit vanishing point ' Ladles' and Misses' Oxfords, In tans and russets, regular JS.60 values, cut to S2.29. This Is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss. i Ms ' Sorc- rp : OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, : t (At I LA GRANDE, OREGON l THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION A HOME COMPANY 34,000 MEMBERS $20,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE A Mutual Company can Save You from 40 to 50 per cent on Your Insurance J. W. OLIVER, AGENT, La Grande.Or. Cor. 6th St and Washington Ave COMBS, NEW, THE FINEST EVER WASH COLLARSWHITE TIES MIDSUMMER MILLIVERY ; ADAMS AVEM1C ROUGH DRY 7c Pound Try it. Every- thing washed and starched. All t the flat work ironed. saved Crandall's place by back-firing. add sanat crus forest fires . Flames at Clilco, , Chlco, Cal.. Aug. St. A forest fire Is raging north of here and has al ready burned 20,000 acres of timber and grazing land. Two hundred far mers are fighting It, but the struggle Is made harder by a high north wind. APPALLING DEATH LIST. Trinidad, Col., Aug. Stj Reports received here tliU afternoon Indicate that 50 were killed In the flood at Fot som yesterday, wlikh continues .to rage. Survivors are reaching lit-re and tell of how the building were inl away. Twenty-three botlle have been found and more are taken from the wreckage hoursly. Score are still missing. Dan Hlnes, head clerk at the City grocery, has resigned his position and will accept' a position as traveling salesman for a grocery house. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres- byterlan church will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs.. L. Given on Washington avenue. , V. S. Bramwell returned today from a visit to Idaho points. J Among those who have returned from North Beach and Portland, where they went with the eastern Or egon excursion are Water Superinten dent and Mrs. H. C. Oilman, DEMAND DCPOirrS RESIGNATION As Members of Republican Executive Committee as He Is Not Fit. Wilmington, Del., Aug. St. A pub lic demand for the resignation of Gen eral Dupont from the republican na tional excutlve committee was made here today by Alfred Coroiler. The demand Is based on Dupont's connec tion with the Indicted powder trust.. Corozler and Dupont are friends, orozler says he took the action for the welfare of the party, but It If thought the wide publicity given Du pont's connection with the powder 'rust by Collier's Weekly brought tlu affair to a climax. CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY. I 4 Pacific States Phone ? Main 75 Independent Pfio.T? 1211. Mystery In IxmiXm Society. London. Aug. St. Detectives today nnounced their belief that a crossed jyed cockney, while picking hops nurdered the wife of Major Genera Charles Luard, In the woods neat 'even Oaks a week ago. The Kenl lunty constabulary differ, saying the woman was seen In the vicinity with a rifle, and was heard to fire a shot One story Is that a certain woman ao used Mrs. Luard nf alienating the af- 'ectlons of her huHband. The report here Is ttjat this womar fhe wife of a high diplomat, whe vas seen In company with Mrs. Luard. Elks Benefit. Wednesday night the entire pro-ei-ds of the Pastime theater will be urned over to the Elks of this city. Week Some. Prices lor this 25c Talcum Powdzrs for -25c ang 50c Boxes of Soap, 3 Cakes 25c Cream Lolion - - -50c ' Combs for - ... . . MOO. hair brushes for - -50c Chamois -Skins i 35c Chamois Skins -have bargains in other goods as weiLcs tides. Leather Goods, Stationery, Huci Goods and Druist Sundries I5c 15c 15c 25c 75c 35c 25c loilrt ar- Red Cross BfudSto re . . A. C MAC LENNRN Propr. ... W GRANDE, ORE Schwab Camclit Them Ailiiep. Bethlohem, Pa.. Aug. SI. Em ployes of the rethU'hi-m Steel worki re sh'ikln In n-lr boots today altlns the mtumnc n little visit :alil to (he wni'ks by Charles M Schwab, the stwl mu'Tiuit" ninl fornim prisldent of the sl."l l-."f. In tlx rnrb of a wmMlfinum tl Is reporter he saw several men asleep. Toklo r.iMh.iloii rwiiiii-d. T)!.l.i. Anx. 81. The Tnklo exposl I in lias b-i 11 pniitp'ineil until 1917 K'ConllnK to tin offliial stiitement lK4ii' il IoiIhv by the minister nf ai l ci'ltitr.- nnd cniiiim rv. Action w n t;iki-n owr the proteMis of nil mem bers' o fthe Oimiiber "f t'omtnei i v. In accordanre with the government's pul ley of retrenchment. OTHIK I L Nut Ire. Hnvlng sold out, I duelre all parties linvljiir flnlins Hh'ilni-t me to prenent the name Inimeiilutely, and those ow. In me must either settl mmn or ar-niiiK,- l ir s, til. nient within the m xt 1 S tiiiys. I ran be found t my fur. mer il;tep of business. t Pflteii this !!!th'riuy of Auutist. J0X i.29-H-H . J. M. BRKRT. . - MIiimiIhiIoi liliuul lrritailiin. In cuse of .n.niscli and liver trou j the proper treatment Is to stlmu hi..- tlivne otguns without Irritating hem. " vriao Laxative Fruit' Syrui At. In fltpt. ti..i and ntlmulales the liver ani bowels wiih.iiil irrnutlng the, iirtmns Uk pills or ordinary t.i'hui Itta. It dots nsuseats or grip, and Is mild and p:ea.ant to take. A T. Hilt, druggtat- FOR M EN I a ' a a . . . a a : 4 fll I (0. . SUCCESSORS TO J. M. BERRY. I BAY & ZWEIFEL j : Plumbers and Tinners : 1 r a j Pump Work and Gutter Work a Specialty j Let us furnish you with an estimate on your work. Ko order, too large or small for ou" best'attention. Let us reline that old stove. At a slight ex pense we can make it as good as new BAY & ZWEIFEL '211 DEPOT STREET THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPftMY j RETAIL DEPARTME ! We Solicit Your Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, I louldlngs, Chain Wood We are prepared to furnish and deliver materlal I promptly. 1 I . Call u.) Pctail Department Phone Main 8. ' ! River fee T akes the Lead Scores of people have domonstrntcd beyond nil doubt that the natural Ice handled by V. T.. llenn Ib the Purest and most durable Ice on the maktet ,for further evidence ask the numerous patrons In all parts of the city, Cheapest Fuel The wise man f,.res.eth the ivll and buyeth a carload of n,an s chain V vo.,,1 In time to seasoi for winter use. The fooll.,h p-is. cn.' and nr pun ished by paying s.ven to nine dollars per cord neit winter. Dry wood, i.lgger loads for less money, and put Inio jour woodsheds. 'PHONE RED 1741. - bs a r j. ' (