EIGHT PAGES. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 3Ui.lF.lEil SESSION JINK 111 TO eTO-Y 31. SSXJH VmrnAfl (a BloltrT.Cbniftrv, EUncittm, Et.jrUh l.ltftnitnrt), Otqiia, JfrrocB, Kpanish, Hist-try. MLatiia-Dotlca. Phytic Ftiil carp of Inttnicwn. tsPKCIAf. rOVItjtKS I If T.M'H liia'AltTMKMfORTkAtatli. Tct ritlimi avlrlresaf th tfttCTUI, lIVlt4TI W HUM. IU0.ll ittMl We Want Your Wants 1. La Grande Professional Directory Our Want Ad Column It Is A Safe Plan Your want is p'aced before a thousand or mere want-seeker ' every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want aa whe:e result are the keynotes? EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGU6T S, 1808. : T 1 If 1 PHYSICIANS. DENTISTS. Q. L. BIQOKR8, M. D., C. B. CAUTHQRN, . Physician and Surgeon. Dentist. Office, Lewis Building, over Henry Office over Hill's Drug Store. Carr Undertaking Parlors La Orande Oregon. Office 'Phone Black 1381. - Re.ldenc. 'Phone Red 1001. '' C' 1CE M- D- Dentist. J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Room 21, La Grande National Bank Pbyslclan and Surgeon. Building. 'Phone Black mi. .Office In New Bank Building. Rooms La Grande Oragor. lt-81. 'Phonee: Residence, Main . ' I; Office. Mai! 78. TEACHERS OF MUSIC " DR. A. U RICHARDSON. ' RR fAT. WaclptJ. Flu-clan and Surge.. l Gnade 8cho?1 ol Mulrto ,.. rw,, Mr Day- "ltant School, 105 'otMnm '. Residence Main II ""wooa Ave on. aoc-r eouia oi Adams Ave. 'Phone Black 1111. N. MOUTOR, M. D MISS STELLA D. OLIVER. Physician and Surgeon. Teacoer of Piano and Harmony. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot SU Mud0 ow , M Bmfu gt0ffc Office Main II -:- Resldenne Main It BACON A HALL. ELCTKICAL ENGINEERS. : Phvsicians and Surgeons. ' L. A. PICKLER. ' Office t A Grande National Bank (avlL Mining, Irrigation Englneerta Building. 'Phoue Main It. 1 SDd Surveying. ' C I. Bacon, Residence, Main II. Estimates, plans and specifications M. K. Hall, Residence, Main II. office in Bohnenkamp Building. -" -" orande ....... Oregot DR. . B. MOORB ' DR. H. C. P, MOORS C. K. THORNTON. ' Osteopathic Physician. Architect and Engineer. Klrksvllle Graduates Under Founder Surveying, Civil and Structural Engl- Offlce Brimmer Building. neerlng. Phones: Office Main IS; Res. Mala 44 . Twenty Tears' Experience. O. H. OTON, PH. G, M. D. ABSTRACTERS. Physician aud Surgeon. ., T -, -, ,-rxJ---.-njrr- Special attention given to Bye, Ear, j.r. OLIVER. Nose and Throat Abstracts of Title. Fire Insurance. Office In La O-and National Dink office next door to La Orande Na Building. - . tlonal Bank. Phones Office, Main I; Residence, la Grande Oregon Main II. f- . -- - ATTORNEYS. VETERINAHY SURGEONS. ' jx-l - Chas. E. Cochran Geo. P. Cocbra DR. P. A. CHARLTON, COCHRAN COCHRAN, N Veterinary Burgee-. Attorneys, Office at Hill's Drug Store. La Grand a Grande National Bank Building. Residence 'Phone Red 701. l Orande .... Oregon Office 'Phone Black ltl. Independent 'Phone II. H- LLOYD. Both 'phones at residence. Attorney at Iw. . Practice In all the courts of the State DR. W. H. RILET, and United States. Graduate Ohio State University. Elgin ...... Oregon Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery .. . .. . ...... of all kinds. Country calls promptly VI AVI. answered. ...-- Office 1414 Adams Avrnuo. MRS. GRACE McALlSTER, Phones: Pacific Black 1901. Teacher and Manager. Independent, 873. Telephone Farmers 1171. u ... ... - - SIEGRIST & CO. JEWELERS AMD OPTICIANS We wish to call your attention to our REPAIR DEPARTMENT We are better prepared than ever to do first class work. If you have a watch that does not give you satisfaction, oring it to us and we will guarantee we can fix it. Diamonds reset or mounted in new mount ing is one of our specialties. All our work guaranteed and promptly done. We will save you money " SIEGRIST & CO- ItW'LERS AND OPTICIANS Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. ! LA GRANDE D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops ad Foundry m resetting and repairing IRON WORKS e NINE IN LINE NOW AND EIGHT MORE COMING. If Prewnt Line Hold Out It Will Re the Longest Walt on Record Rush Owatloned by Opening of Ynlimltlc Tnu't In Wallowa County TIiIf Tract In I.limlltlit Rffore, But Was Withdrawn Then No Women and Line May Continue. La Grande has another land rush. Though the day of the opening on the land in question la yet 20 days away, nine Portland people, under guidance of Cruiser Newman of Portland, took chairs at the land office door this morning and will keep their seats themselves or turn them over to sub stitutes until the 15th of September. when section 4, north 41, In Wallowa, will be opened to entry at the local land office. There la, of course, a pos sibility of some arrangement being made whereby ethics will be the pre dominating feature and that the land seekers will be able to leave their place until the morning of the open ing. With one exception this Is the' long est wait In the history of the land of fice here, and if the line Is maintained until the evening of the opening day, It will be the longest continuous wait known here. The same tract of land thnt these men seek, precipitated a rush last year, Just, an even 30 days before the doors were to open, but a satisfactory agreement between the contestants ai, reached whereby the members of the line djsbanded. They never returned, however, as the land was later withdrawn from entry. t la now open to settlement and will be opened to entry on September 15. More Are Coming. It Is rumored about the city today that eight more will Join the line to morrow or possibly tonight. They arc eastern men who want Wallowa coun ty land, and though they are a trifle late, they may secure some valuable tracts. In view of the fact that that section Is covered with squatters, and that the other nine men will secure first choice, It does not appear that there will be very many choice selec tions left. It Is said by cruisers and those who have visited the land In question that there are a few excep tlonally fine tracts of land In the sec tlon to be thrown open. But squat ters roe thick on that -land and they of course, have a preference right. In that they have 90 days to make entry- after the opening day. Ilrsl Mile Fortunate). The nine who now compose the line are extremely fortunate, as It Is cvl di'nt each of them will get a profits ble location. They have visited the section and have agreed among them selves on what they want, and while there, avoided land located by squat t-rs. Thore nre no women among the nine, and It Is believed the group will maintain Its advantage by keeping Constantly In the chairs for the next 20 dnys. VIXW NEEDS DIES. Many t'lnb Member Are Nut Paying Their Due Regularly. Time Is drnitglng along and the of flclals of the t'nmtnerclal club find thnt many members are not paying their monthly due a Is a k reed to In becoming a member of the city's live active and prouresslve commercial or- l?nnlntlrtn. The fees nre light, hut all told combine to give the manager" funds to work with, and it Is neces sary thut the club receive Its Just dues. Some of the member have come to the treasurer and paid their 'rifling dues, but others have not, and th first thing the delinquent members know he will be confronted by a Isrge bill. The books of the or it tin I tntlon are at the Eastern Oregon Trus A Paving bank, and attention to the mutter now will eliminate the expense of maintaining a collector to round lit the delinquent. The club cannot sue cessfully cope with financial matter If the due are not kept up to date. If ! cai.not call at the bank In person send a check for the amount you owe. to bank one's money and not to hoard It where It can be stolen, Do not keep much money about your person, or In your house or office. Bank it with us and It will be absolutely secure, both night and day. We secure our customers against loss, and they find us courteous and reliable people to deal with. Our methods of doing bus iness will be perfectly satisfactory to you. , " . ' , The Eastern Oregon Trust & Savings bank OFFICERS: r. M. BTRKIT. President WM. MILLER. Vice-President GEO. L. CLEAVER, Cashier. T. J. SCROOOIN, Assistant Cashlsi V. 3. HOLMES. Trwminr. Itnd for Rent We have 320 acres of excellent land for rent Call at once. F. S. BRAMWEU, C. J. BLACK. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the county court of Union county, Ore gon, administrator with the will an nexed, of the estate of Mary M. Big. gers, deceased, and all persons having claims against said eatate are herebj notified to present the same with proper vouchers, to the undersigned. at No. 214 Fir street La Grande, Ore gon, within six months from date of this notice. . Dated this August 8, 1S08. J. I). SLATER, Administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Mary M. Bigger, deceased. Deceased. dA8. 15-22-2 J-5 SPEX AND RINGS FIXED AT HEACOCK'S SO TOU CANNOT SEE THE PLACE WHERE THET ARE OLDEKED. ORDER. In the County Court of Union. County, Oregon, Sitting In Probate. In the matter of the guardianship of Louis W. Bay, a minor. It appearing to the court from the petition of Anna B. Bay, guardian of the person and estate of Louis W. Bay a minor, thnt said minor I the owner of the following described real eatate to-wit: An undivided one-half Interest (subject to the dower Interest of Anna B. Bay) In and to Iota 8 and 10, of block 108, of Chaplin's addition to the town of La Grande. Union county. Oregon. Also an undivided one-sixth Interest In and to lot 5, of block 2 "B" street, original tonnslte of La Orande, Union county, Oregon. , And It further appearing to the court that It Is necessary for the maintenance of aid ward and ,that It I expedient and for the best Interest of the estate of aid ward that such . real estate be sold and that the proceeds thereof be used for the maintenance of said ward and be put out on Interest or Invested In some productive stock; It Is by this court ordered that the next of kin and all persons Interested In said estate of said minor be an they are hereby required to appear at the office of the undersigned eounty lodge of Union county, Oregon, at the court house In La Orande, Union county, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of September, 1(08, at 10 o'clock v m. of said day,' to show cause why a license should not be granted to ssld guardian to sell said above-doscrlbed real estate, and It Is further ordered thst a copy of this order be published In the La Orande Evening Obsenrei for four successive weeks. La Orande, Oregon, August 4, 1808. J. C. HENRT, County Judge. i FOR RENT, FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with board, in private family. . Also dressmaking. C. E. Wilis, 1407 9th St. 'Phone Red 1042. 8-17tf FOR SALE Practically new Smith Premier typewriter. Inquire at this office, or at Ferguson's book store FOR RENT Elghteen-room house; modern In every respect; suitable for up-to-date rooming house. Mrs. 8. C. Zuber. A14tX FOR RENT Single or double room for gentleman. Furnished and with bath in connection. Apply at this --'- a.ie FOR RENT A suite of rooms for light housekeeping. Modern , resi dence, ground floor. 'Phone Red 171J. 7-ltf WANTED. WANTED Chanue make quick service in moving furniture and pianos with special equipment for safe hauling. All klnda of transfer business solicited. Leave orders at Halsten's store or 'phone to Red 1181. J. W. Black. WANTED Situation a. housekeeper or domestic, by married lady. Call Black 1262. 8-18-81 WANTED Boarders and lodgers at 1620 Sixth St., corner Spring Ave. All modern conveniences; close In. Phone Red 811. 8-81-27 LOST AND FOUND. FOUND In this city, a lady's pocket book, containing a sum of money. Identify at this office. FOUND Purse containing small sum of money. Identify at Observer of. flee. 25tf i Eli bmrsonAM, AUCTIONEER. 4) Sales crteo 'on abort notice. 4 Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. 4 4 LA ORANDE - - - OREGON 4 Route No. 1. 'Phone No. 16x8 4 I lies Cured at Homo wy New Absorj on sCethod. If you suffer from bleeding. Itch ing, blind or protruding piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will ilso send some of this' home treat ment free for trial, with references from youtr own locality If requested. Immediate relief and permanent ct re assured. Send no money, but .ell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Summers. Box P, Notre rtsme, Ind. F.xeelelnt Health Advice. Mr. M. M. Davison of No. 378 Olf ford Ave., Pan Jose, Cel., says: "The worth of Electric Bitters a a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bow el Is so proncunced that I am prompted to say a word In It favor, tor the benefit ot those seeking relief from uch affliction. There I more health for the digestive organia In a bottle of Electric -titters than In any other emedy I know of. Sold under guarantee at Newlln's drug store. tOc Chamberlain's Cough Remedy During the past SO years no rem edy has proven more prompt or mora effectual In Its oures of Coughs, Colds and Croup thao Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In many homes It Is relied upon aa lm plioltly aa the family physician. It con tains no opium or other narootlo, and may be given a confidently to a baby as to an adult. Price Jtc; targe slse 60o FOR SALE. FOR SALE Household furniture- ranges, couches, chairs, etc. Co& plete to furnish one or more houses. Mrs. S. C. Zuber. FOR SALE Reo Touring car. Fo- partlculars Inquire of Mrs. T. N. Murphy. - 7-2 2tf Good Hotel I'ropoelilou. For 83500, on easy terms; good lo cation for iteady roomers, boarders and transients; furnished.' Inquire ot John Palmer, at Palmer House, or W. J. Ransom, Elgin, R. F. D. No. 1 t-14-lnt ITALIAN RAN AMUCK. S FOR SALE One (lrst-class wardrobe, Iron bedstead, springs, mattresses, tables, buggy top and storm front Inquire of Mrs. R. E. Worstell, 808 Second St 'Phone Black 881. 7-22tf FOR SALE High-grade, 600-n ca pacity cream separator In good con dltlon, or will exchange for spring wagon or good work horse. Robt Miller, B St., South La Grande. 8-ltf FOR SALE Model cottage, 4 roonvl and closet pantry, bath room with" lavatory and tub; porcelain sinks In kitchen and pantry. Frost proof cellar; septic tank and sewer sys tem. Barn for large storage of feed; box stall for carriage team, room for rigs and harness. Street and walks complete. Everything new and neat. Will' sell at bargain and good terms. Inquire No. 1317, cor nej,N. Fir St. and 1 Ave. 'Phone Red 1261. 8-1 8tf Sure Cure for Asthma. We guarantee to cure asthma, bronchitis and catarrh. If our medi cine fail we will cheerfully refund all money paid. Write 'Arnold's Asthma Cure Co., 333-334-86 Arcade Build ing, Seattle, Wash., or for next 30 day, Morris W. Knight Cove, Ore. Box 33. Agricultural College Con allls, Oregon. Offers collegiate courses In Agri culture, Including Agronomy, Horti culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, etc.; Forestry, Domestlo Science and Art; Civil, Electrical, Me chanical and Mining Engineering: ' Commerce; Pharmacy. Offers elementary courses In Agri culture, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art Commerce and Mechanic Arts, Including forge work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, ma chine work, etc. Strong faculty, modern equipment; free tuition; opens September IS. Illustrated catalogue with full Infor mation on application to the Regis trar, free. d&w8-ltf OREGOR Arrival and Departure ol liains a I La Grande. No. 1, westbound Portland Special, arrives 8:28 a. m.; departs, 3:30 a. m. No. 6, eaatbound passenger, mall and express, arrive at 6:48 a, m.; de part 6:50 a. m. No. 3, eaatbound Chicago 8 pedal, arrives 3:06 p. m.; departs, 8:18 p. m. No. 6, westbound passenger, mall and express, arrives 8:66 p, m.; de psrts,' 10 p. m. Elgin Branch. Regular mixed train leaves La Orande at 6 o'clock and returns at t o'clock p. m. Th logging train leaves La Orande at 13:86 p. m. ant returns at 7:46 p. m. 1. n. KEF.NET, Agent, La Grasrie, Oregon.