EIGHT FAG2S. EVENING OMMCKVFIC. .-A GRINDS OREGON, TIESOAY. ACGVST S 1008. PACE SEVEN. . r: fwGE0RGE PALMER' Prudent ; , W. H. BRENHOLTS Ass't Cashier ,4' , ; F. L. MEYERS Cashier - ; , .i'.V 3655 .- ' ;V La Grande National Bank i Of La Grande. Orejrnn i UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY A T t j. ,t - v , , . : "DIRECTORS " '..., ".owry . b. wmiey . r . J. Holmes ... " F. M. Brykit C. CPnnington 'F. L, Meyer GeoL.' Clea'vsr- , W. L Brenholti , Georgs Palmer ' V.-, j... .................... Z ..... Keep the money at home by using LA GRANDE SUGAR Costs no 'n cte and Just as sweet. All dealers. ; .WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE i I should be capable of fitting your eyes correctly. If the Glasses 1 furnish you do not give absolute satis- faction, I stand ready to refund your money : : : : I am here three hundred and sixty-five days In the' : year to make my assertions good . : : J. H- PEARE LEADIG PIONEER JEWELER ' . W. H. BOHMEMKAMP CO. :dealers in: HARDWARE.STOVES.FIRMTURE.BIJILDIIMG MATERIAL CLMENT AND LIME . Agents for Union Portland Cement Co's Red Devil Brand Both Cement and Lime Highest Quality Obtainable Satisfaction Guaranteed DON'T FORGET Ferguson's Circulating Library. If you go camping Take a'couple books along. LOTS OF PAPER NOVELS IN fl HURRY? THEN CALL TUB TRANSFER MAN. Be will take that trunk to the depot or your home In less time than It takes to tell It Day 'Phone Red 781. Night 'Phone, Black 1792. WAGON ALWAYS AT TOUR ' SERVICE. i i .... 4 , WHAT will you have for dinner today? Tou may answer this question- aatlsfactorl ly by dining at , : .. . THE MODFJ RESTAUKA Jt T ' Hie Old Standby. , Our cooking la a paragon of per fection, our food faultless, and our service rapid and courteous. What more can we say, except that our prices are popular? We give a regu lar dinner for 25 cents. Come and try it. Tou will not need the sense of hunger to enjoy It The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop Open Day w Sell Weekwrni rn And Nieht m...-.,. , Wrl.UU TELEPHONE IJS A LABOR OF LOVE. Tou never get tired of our delight ful Ice cream, made from purest in gredients, it's always of a uniformly high quality. Absolutely pure, whole some and delicious. All flavors of se leglng his efforts at refor mare Insln lng, soothing. Try a plate and well no more need be said.' For sals at A. T. HILU FRED DUTLL 6ILVERTHORN A MACK. Blue Mounta in Creamery Co. THERE'S NOT A HEADACHE, not a single bad effect following ths use of our bottle beverages. That la one reason why so many people are giving up ths uss of alcoholic drinks and taking, Instead, our Ginger Ala, Root Beer, Sodas, Mineral Waters, etc. They tasts good, are good, and havs only good effects. Union Bottling Work MR THE FARMERS Washington, Aug. 25. That the commission recently created by Pres ident Rooaevelt to investigate social conditions on the farms of the country will prove to be the mont Important and far-reaching of any of the re forms undertaken by direction of the chief executive, Glfford Plnchot, chief forester of the government, and Jilm self one of the commissioners, firmly and enthusiastically believes. "The president has done more' for the farmer by this move," said Mr. Plnchot to a United Press correspond ent, "tlutn any other single act In the history of the country. Too many far mers' sons are leaving the homestead for the more attractive life of the cities;, the president thinks, there ought to be some way In which to mokv.llfo on the farm so attractive that la,' In some other way than money returns that there will be surplus of formers, rather than a shortage. He thinks the national well-being, lies with the farmer and he Is right. If social conditions were Improved there need be no dearth of 'hands for the harvest time. "No," continued Mr. Plncho(, "I don't believe the president had any particular section of the country In mind. The farmer of the west needs social enjoyment just as much as his brother of the south, of the north, or of the east" ; ; , The farm" Improvement idea Is ' a brand new one in many respects, There are many organizations working for' a "back to nature" exodus; there Is a "homecroft" organization which wants city men to try the delights of country life, but the Idea of retaining the farmer by making his environ ment more pleasureable Is new. True, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief gov ernment chemist philosopher, auto crat of the Poison Squad breakfast ta ble, and exponent of the aUnny life, somo time ago suggested a plan where by the farmer could get more social Intercourse, but some of the obvious disadvantages more than out-weighed Its many excellent points. In brief his plan embodied the fol lowing points: On every quarter section of land, where the corners meet, the farmers owning land In each quarter section should build their houses. That would mean four dwelling and four fnmlllea within speaking distance of each other. Dr. Wiley thought that life wouldn't be so lonesome on the farm with four families forming a small-str.ed village every few miles. FRESH .-RAMS PICNIC HAMS I SWIFT'S PREMIUM LARGE ONES THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY I , E.P0UCK, Propr: ' Phone Main 76. -"-1 CITY LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Cor. Hh & Adams Ave., One Block West of the Foley Hotel ELIJAH WELCH DEAD. Well Known Pendleton Pioneer Died t Age of 78 Years. Elijah Welch, one of the oldest pio neers of the city, died at noon yester day at the home of his son, William Welch. He had been 111 for a long time and death was due to a stroke of paralysis. At the time of his death the de ceased was 78 years of age. He was a native of Kentucky and enme to this county at an early day. Many years UK') he owned a large ranch which Is now Included In the west end of town and he was well-to-do. He was engnged mostly In stork raising. For a number of years past ho made his home with the son at whose home he died. ( : Aside from his wife, who still sur vives him, the deceased leaves many children and grandchildren ln , this community. The sons are William, Jnke, Charles and James Welch. Of these Charley Welch lives In the John Day country, while James Welch re sides In Portland. The daughters sre Mrs. Leona Thompson, Mrs. J. F. Robinson, Mrs. II. F. Johnson and Mrs. Minnie Cavlness. The funeral was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the Welch home In the west end of town and the serv ice was conducted by Rev. Charles Qulnney, rector of ths Episcopal church. Pendleton East Oregonlan. Ktlmulatloa Without Irritation. In cass of stomach and liver trou ble the proper treatment Is to stimu late these organs without Irritating them. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion apd stimulates ths liver and bowels without Irritating these organs Ilka pills or ordinary cathar tic. It does art nauseate or gripe and la mild and pleawant to take. A. T. Hill, druggist. ! All New Rigs- Well Matched Teams Single Horses For Ladies osssseeaaoaeooaaoaaooaaa j GLASSES THAT FIT THE eye! ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AT HEACOCK'S REFERENCES: Atk any ona I havs flttsd. Daily Observer, 65c per Month WELLS DRILLED If you need water for Irrigation or domestlo uss, why not havs a well drilled and cased up with stesl case IngT It's ths only way to secure Pure Water, and a Glean Well R. A. West of La Orande, successor to Miller A West O. R, M. drillers, will be glad to give yon figures and do your drilling. , ft. A. WEST New Alfalfa Hay ' All Kinds of May : i: Grain and Feed A. V. OLIVER Slater Block Pnone Main 51 leflenon Avenue ft i ! i