La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 25, 1908, Image 1

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    j' T It
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NCMBF.R 278.
Legislature Will Bo Asked to
' Protect Young Girls.
O. R. N. TODAY.;
Eastland, Texas, Aug. 15. The
j grand Jury today recommended the
"unwritten law" be put on the statute
books of the state In order thajt young
women may have greater protection.
The recommendation Is the result of
I a series of crimes against young girls
j and women lately. . The whole com-
' , munity is aroused. The legislature
Local Car Repairer Who Was Fright- wm be asked to take steps.
uuy i iij urvu m xmr Agu, juo x-m-u.
Big Suit Against Uie O. R. N j
Supposed That Suit Will Be Ground ;
for Bitter . Litigation England
Spout. Montlia In the Hospital Fol-j
. lowing Accident. -
iu',,.u;, t : vy
w one of the largest iuiu .-.
the history of Union county was filed
today by Charles E. England of this
city, against the O. H. & N. Through
his attorneys Mr. England has filed a
suit for 5O,000, thereby setting a high
mark in the matter of damage suits.
That the case will ba ground for ev
tanoli'a H H am 1 1 .m la nauiirAil
Charles England was a car repairer
and was badly cut and bruised about
a year ago while working on the rip
track In the local yards. He was run
'yer by a box car, sustaining frightful j
Injuries to his foot and leg. He spent
Woman Missionary Pierces Interior of
Formosa Inland In the Orient She
Treads Where No White Womun
Has Ever Been Coolness of Nerve
Saves Her Life Only Protection
Was Japanese Chief of Tribe Wore
White Scalps on Belt.
several months In tho hospital and
has only recently returned from Port
land, where he spent months In suf- j eight days In
ferlng while slowly recovering from , tribe of head
the cutting re received here.
Much Interest centers in the case,
as the amount of damage money asked
for is higher than usually demanded.
The attorneys for England are H.
Daniels of Portland, and Bennett &
Slnnot, of The Dalles. . The last two
arf prominent attorneys who conduct
most of the damage suits against the
O. R. & N.
Isolated Tract Sold. '
tlaacles Morris of Alice!, this morn-
ins bouaht an isolated tract of 120
acres for $160. The sale was conduct
ed at the land office.
Berkeley, Cal.. Aug. 25. living for
the midst of a fierce
hunters on the Island
of Formosa, with no protection except
a slender garrison of Japanese sol
diers. Is thi experience of Mrs. Julian
j Arnold, lust returned from the orient.
where she was engaged in missionary
She is a graduate of the University
of California and wife of the Ameri
can consul at Formosa. She penetrat
ed the Interior where no white woman
has been. She was met by a band of
savage tribesmen and their giant chief
wearing a bolt decorated with scalps
of white men. They advanced toward
her but the woman's coolness saved
her. -
Remarkable Success Meets Lone Rob
ber Yesterday Holds Cp 125 Per'
sons One at a Time and Gets Thous
ands In Valuables Also Tackled 2.1
Stages Will Either Capture or
Starve tiie Bandit Horsemen Are
In Hot pursuit.
.Livingstone, Mont., Aug. 85. Ad
vices today from outlying portions ot
the Yellowstone Park state a troop of
cavalry Is In hot pursuit of the lone
bandit who yesterday robbed 15
stages and 12 5 persons in the park.
The robber escaped in the thickly
timbered country. He had two hours
start of the soldiers. He will be cap
tured or starved to death.
It Is estimated the robber took an
aggregate of J200jln cash, drafts worth
110.000, besides many watches and
much other Jewelry from the passen
gers. The robbery was committed
along the banks ot Spring creek. He
held them up one by one.
Wltliout Ostentatious Ceremonies, i,
W. Kern of Indiana, to Notified of
Nomination to the Candidacy of the
Vlce-Prehldent -Mia Acceptance Is
Eulogistic of Bryan and Direct At
tack on Principles of Speaker Can
non Wild Cheering. ' .
Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 25.-
Taft Talks to Phonograph.
Hot Springs, Aug. 25. Taft today
delivered a missionary lecture Into i
phonograph, declaring It was the du
ty ot Americana to help convert the
heathens. State Senator Hopkins of
Illinois held a conference with Tafl
I'ucle Sam Will Not Interfere In
Struggle of Revolutionists.
Washington, Aug. .25. Assured by
the United States that It .will not in
terfere, Venezuela revolutionists are
planning to overthrow President Cas
tro by a war which will begin anon as
the South American rainy season end.
Holland has promised naval aid.
while soldiers will be recruited In Co-
lumbla. Finances are already, being
arranged In New York.
Investigating Raids.
Aberdeen. S. D., Aug. 25. The au
thorities are Investigating the raids on
the towns of Lowery and Akaska, by
a company of armed and mounted
men. The Inhabitants last night slept
with guns under their pillows.
interest for democratic leaders of the
United States, who are gathered here
with thousands of supporters to wit
ness the Kern notification, and hear
Bryan's address on "trusts." There
Is the absence of pomp, as Kern dis
likes display. There was no parade
or street demonstration, for on Kern's
request the merchants and citizens did
not adorn the pity with general dec
orations. The leaders are gathered at
headqaurters. A trip to the grounds
In aiitos were the only features. Wm
J. Bryan, John W. Kern, and Theodore
Bell of California, were In the first
auto. -
The car was wildly cheered. The
second car carried Natlor-.l Chairman
Norman F..- Mack, Thotr is . Tassnrt
and Thomas E. Marshall, candidate for
governor of Indiana. There were wild
cheers for Kern, the people calling
him "Johnnie."'
Kern, In his acceptance speech, said
that'Bryan, while a foe to unlawful
mnionolv. is a trlond to every legiti
mate ' enterprise. He said Roosevelt
has been unable to secure tariff re
vision, relief from the duty on wood
pulp, although 80,000,000 people are
r-.'"'r.rr tMs legislation, to right an
nJrrltted wrong.
'Dining the last session of con
srress." he saltl,. "fipeaKer cannon
At a Reception to the Officers of the
Atlantic Fleet, Veiled and Even
Open Threats Are Hurled at Japan
Consul Hi!r Them But Replies
In Winning Manner and Sets Things
Eight Compliments Fleets ami Also
Put the Yankees,
ies ran suit
New York' Latest Styles
Ms made byMpBest
vance styles of New
and- most exclusive
This week we place on display for the first time
York's smartest ladies tailored s
ladies' suit tailors in America.
Suits of distingishing style, chanter ant Individpmty-designed by experts who
are In touch with the fashion cenfJrs oyfie world- made from cloths that
represent the highest obtainable rsof the cloth designers and weaver's
art. - ' '
Embodied In these suits you will find everything worth while, superb workman
ship, exclusive styles and patterns and In attention to all the small details
so essential in the making of a really stylish garment.
Our pricec, too, will give you a decidedly pleaant senation:
$15.00 to W.00
You are hereby ex
eft? 'C&fcllZf tended most cordial
ftMhstw invitation ca and
look them over.
(Continued on page .)
Old BoMton Foundation Gives vlav,
Precipitating Structure Being Re-
cotutlruiled Reported That Twen
ty Are Killed Ten of the Dead Re
coveredNo Hope for Those Under
the Debris Citizens to Rencuo.
Sydney, Aug. 25. (By Lee Clot
worthy.) The" anti-Japanese feellns
Is sweeping Australia as a result of
the visit of the fleet. From all quar
ters a cry is resounding tnat me
whites must dominate ' the Pacific.
The feeling Is growing dally. , The
only remarkable fact Is the tact of
Klsaburo Uyono, the Japanese consul
general at Sydney, who today pravVul
an extremely embarrassing situa
tion at the reception given -the fleet
officers by the Brazilian embassy
Uyono disregarded both veiled and
open threats against Japan, and spoke
In tho. highest terms of the fleet, He
"Japan will try to equal the recep
tlon here to the fleet, when It arrives
In Japan." .
Uyono continued: "Japan's friend
Milp for America la traditional, and I
know of nothing to prevent a continu
ance and even strengtnening or me
bonds between the two nations."
It has been feared that Uyono would
make some reference to the prevailing
sentiment and that his speech might
ooen a breach that would be hard to
heal In view of the circumstances,
However, he was perfectly calm and
fully equal to the situation. His speech
was well received and had a good ef
The sailors are enjoying athletic
games at the Royal Agricultural show
grounds this afternoon and an lllunv
Inatlon of the show will take place to
night In honor of the ships and the
whole city Is strung with electric
lights. The parliament buildings and
government mansions are outlined
with HgV'r
After a Week ot Consideration Justice
Stewart Overrules Demurrer to In
dictment AgnliiKt Nels HolverMa,
and Case Will Go to Trial Monday
Came Cp a Week Ago, But Filing
of Demurrer Detained Further Ac
tlon Two Weeks.
The domurrer to the indictment
sawlnst Nels HolversoR ,f Hllgard, In
which the defendant t charged tww
with selling liquor at Hllgard, was to
day overruled, and Holverson will bo
placed on trial next Monday without
full. A week ago today the Holverson
case came up In the Justice court, but
Attorney Finn filed a strong demur
rAr to the Indictment. The arguments
on these concluded the case at that
time, and the court announced a Uer
chiton .would be rendered today. In
accordance with this announcement,
Justice Angus Stewart today handed
down an opinion, finding that the In
dictment as it reads is sufficient and
ho overrules tho demurrer.
Without further hitch the trial will
proceed next Monday morning. New
subpoenas have been Issued and to
all appearances the case will come to
a hearing a week hence.
Inriucntjiit Members of the Exchansa
Go Vudor After "Wash Sple."
New York, Aug. 25. It . was an
nounced today that the firm of A. O.
Brown & Co.,' large and Influential
members of 1he stock exchange, have
suspended, due. It Is thought, to the
unusual flurry In the stock market
Saturday. ,
Representatives of the firm say the
failure was due to financial embar
rassment and the Impossibility of
making deliveries on time. The com
pany handled 750,000 of the 1,000.000
shares of stock that changed hands In
the "wash sale" lant Saturday, leaving .
Ijss than 400,000 shares for the re
maining 1098 members of the ex
change. They did a business Saturday
amounting to over a million shares of
stock. i ' . -
The estimated liabilities are between,
tl. 000,000 and $1,500,000.
Investigating Greek Troublea.
'Han Francisco, Aug. 27. It wa
learned today that Minister L. A. Coro
Mllas, from Greece to the United
States, Is In the city for five days In
vestigating the International rowa
that have disrupted ths Greek colony
here. He Is holding secret conferences.
i i iTu i'"" 11 i i iook rnem over. i
I I I 1
Boston, Aug. 25. Eighteen men are
reported killed and a number hurt in
the collapse of a building here today.
Ten of the dend and seven of the In
jured have been removed. The dead
were crished to an unrecognizable
mass and are unidentified. Thirty-five
men were working In the building.
The building was being reconstruct
ed and It is thought the disaster was
due to an effort to use the old found'
atlon which was damaged by a recent
fire. All the men were caught In the
debris and 11 were seriously Injured
Hundreds of citizens are helping the
firemen and police to lift the d'brln.
The dead ai! r!-i;d down without a
chanre for their lives.
4k Ihtlnts Not IiiMinc.
New Turk. Aug. 25. Sheriff
Harvey ol C-Jen3 county. to.lny
declared that Captain Halns.
slayer of William Annls, Is not
4 Insane, and that the stories of
the alleged ravings were glvin
out by his friends to support ths
4 Insanity defense planned for the
Take a Little Soda
Fcr Your Stomach's Sake
";;.is .'uhlce Certainty holds Good with Everyone
This Sort of Weather
Scda served at our fountain is more than a
t-cty thirst-quenching beverage. It S3 tonic and
nfre;hing and every glaco a strengthoner for
the stomach.
Our Soda is absolutely pure, strengthening,
reviving, refreshing and healthful. It "lands di
rect" on the "dry" spot and quenches thirst as
nothing else will, because we serve it at just the
right temperature. ,