EVENING O ni.-:v it. , filTWr MONDAY, ATTGCST 24, t808. PAGE 3EVEJT. e e GEORGE PALMER. President W. H. BRENHOLTS A't Cashier J. M. BERRY, Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d As't Cashier '. ' F. L. MEYERS . Cashier '" ;;:v':.V. "'' . ' 3655 ;. .' La Grande National Bank Of . La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AMD SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THEN CALL . DIRECTORS ' M "Berry . A. B. Conley F. J. Holmes . F. M. C. C.;Penhington F. L. Meyer Geo.JL. Cleaver Brykit : W. L. Brenholts George Palmer He will take that trunk to the depot or your home In less time than II takes to tell It Day 'Plume Red 161. Night 'Phone, Black 1792. WAGON ALWAYS AT YOUR . . ' SERVICE, v DLVUIX CEJiatltV. A The Dnllca Hunter Fouud Dead In Cemetery With Hole lu Head. FRESH RAMS Keep the money at home by using J LA GRANDE SUGAR Costs no n ere ar.d just as sweet. All dealers. . . . " ' T f .. .... .. will you have for dinner today? You may answer this question satisfactori ly by dining at THE MODEL RESTAURANT The Old Standby. Our cooking Is a paragon of per fection, our food faultless, and our service rapid and courteous. What more can we say, except that our prices are popular? We give a regu lar dinner for 25 cents. Come and try It. You will not need the sense of hunger to enjoy It. The Model Restaurant J. 4. ARBICKLE. Prop. Open Day wsn WeekivfM rn And Nie-ht m..iti..ii. f,VTlUU e WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE I should be capable of fitting jour eyes correctly. If the Glasses 1 furnish you do not give absolute satis- faction, I stand ready to refund your money : : : : in I am here three hundred and sixty-five days year to make my assertions good : : : : the J. H- PEARE LEADING PIONEER JEWELER 'iSltlltltlllKMtltllKlttltlttttllllllMltllllllStl W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. :dealer3 in: HARDYVARE,STOVES.rURNITlJRF.BUILDIllG MATERIAL CLMENT AND LIME Agents for Union Portland Cement Cos Red Devil Brand Both Cement and Lime Highest Quality ' Obtainable Satisfaction Guaranteed eee4eeeeeeeeeeeeeee upnnvtvn ntna WAI.KH rino ivsncn sua W. H. Oorham has sold his ranch on Wolf creek, 100 acres, all under cul tlvatlon, to David" Lee, for t500. says the North Powder Mews. This Is one of the finest ranches near North Pow der. The building and fences alone are estimated to be worth not less than 16000. Mr. Lee la considered to have made a rare bargain. Mr. Oorham who own another tract of land In the valley, which he thinks better than th one sold, will move to Radium Springs for hi wife' health and take charge of the ranch adjoining the an Itarlum for th winter. Street Commlieiloner Mstntt Has Large Crrw at Work on Streets. Th cross walks on Washington ave nue are being replaced and new ones constructed. A crew of men has been at work under supervision of Street Commissioner Matott, and already several good Improvements have been mad. Cross walks are scarce on sev eral of the streets, and the Improve ment Is much needed. Werieran Meeting. North port. Me., Aug. 14 North port's annual Wesleyan camp meet ing opened today, with clergy and lay men from all New England present WATCH WORK TURNED OUT PROMPTLY AND GUARANTEED AT HEACOCK-B. The Dalles, Aug. 22. -Lying fiat u Its back, with a bullet. hole In the forehead, the body of William Smith was found this morning at 4:30 near the Catholic eemetry. by Edward Burchtorf, an undo of the dead man, who started out eu iy this morning to seurch for Smith, who tailed to re turn to hla home last night, after go ing out on a hunting trip. . Mr. Smith left his home yesterday morning about 9:30 o'clock,- taking with him a .25 caliber rifle. He told his mother that he was going hunting. It was not unusuul for Smith to go hunting and his relatives thought nothing about such an act. However, when he failed to return to his homo yesterday evening his folks became worried and as the night progressed and still he did not come, they became seriously alarmed, and anticipated the worst. When near the cemetery Mr. Burch torf saw tracks leading through the mnu. ouowmg these footsteps he oame- upon the body of his nephew which was about 500 feet west of th graveyard ana tn a'uui u..L the main road, at the! edge of the scattering pines. The body wus ex. tended on the ground, face upwards, the head being slightly turned to one side, facing east. The arms were In their natural position, at either aide of the body. A bullet hole In the cen ter of the forehead Indicated how the death was affected. Smith's rifle was lying at his feet, the barrel pointing toward his face. The bullet hole In the forehead corresponded exactly to me Dore of the rifle barrel. There was. a slight powder burn around the wound. There Is no doubt but what the shot which killed Smith came from hi own gun, It being practically cer tain that he did not meet with foul piay. uoroner Burget says that the body had been lifeless since yesterday afternoon. . TELEPHONE VB A LABOR OP LOVE. You never get tired of our delight ful Ice cream, made from purest In gredlents, It's always of a uniformly high quality. Absolutely pure, whole some and delicious. All flavors of se- leglng his efforts at refor mare Insln Ing, soothing. Try a plate and well no more need be said. For sale at A. T. HILL. FRED DCTIJ. SILVERTHORN MACK. Blue Mounta in Creamery Co. THERE'S NOT A HEADACHE, not a slngl bad effect following th on of our bottle beverages. That on reason why so many people are giving np th as of alcohollo drinks and taking. Instead, our Olnger Ale. Root Beer, Bods, Mineral Waters, to. They tast good, sr good, and hsv only good effects. Union Bottling Work PICNIC HAMS SWIFT'S PREMIUM ; LARGEONES THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY i . t. FULACK. I'ropr. Phone Main 75 OTY FEED STABLE Cor. kth & Adams Ave.; Unc dioch tit I All New Rgs IVeJ Matched Teams I Single Horses For Ladies IJtMEXSE F1U1T INCREASE. MIKon-IYccwater DJHtrlct Will 600 Carloads This Season. Ship mat the Free water-Milton section win snip out 600 carloads of fruit this season Is predicted by Howard Evans of Milton, who has been here today, says the Pendleton East Ore gonian. This will be approximately 100 carloads more than was shipped last year, the amount last year being 50 carloads greater than shipped from the Yakima valley, In Washington. Heavy fruit shipments have been made by the different fruit companies of the east end ever since the straw berry season opened last spring. At present apples, plums, and peaches are now being shipped and solx carloads went forth yesterday. Most of the fruit goes to Montana, the Dakota and other non-trultralslng section of the west. The Increase of fruit from this val ley will continue to Increase each year as the acreage being put to fruit Is In creasing at a rapid rate, over too acres of new orchard having been put out the past season alone. The Hudson Bay country Is now undergoing great change, a new - Irrigation com pany having been formed to place water on hundreds of acres now bar ren. , Enlurge Slice HoU-l. A, F. Sheets I having the building material placed on the ground for th erection of a second story on th old pint of the Sheet hotel. When this addition Is completed It will add It more rooms to the hotel. Owing to Increased business In the Joseph ho tels Mr. Sheets Is compelled to add th second story to Like care of trannlcnt trade. Joseph Herald. 0H.a Rids Tonight. The street commute of the city council Is planning on opening the bldn received at the city offices for stated amount of lumber. The time fur bid closed Saturday at i o'clock and they will be opened tonight, though th successful bidder will not likely be announced until th council meet again. Several bid hsv been received. GLASSES THAT FIT a I IV. THE ! EYE ARE ONLY AVAILABLE ATHEAC0C.es REFERENCES: I have Ask any on fitted. Daily Observer, 65c per Monlh WELLS DRILLED New Alfalfa i Hay Kllmulatio without Irritation. In com of stomach and liver trou ble th proper treatment I to stlmu tat the organs without Irritating them. Orino Laiatlv Fruit Byrup aid digestion and stimulates th liver anfl bowel without Irritating the organ Ilk pill or ordinary cathar tic. It doe nr-i nauseat or grip and Is mild and pleojant to take. A. T. Hill, draggM. If you need water for Irrigation or domestic us, why not hav a well drilled and cased up with steel case in g? It's th only way to sacur Pure Water, and Glean Well R. A. Wt of La Grande, successor to Miller A West. O. R. N. drillers, will b glsd to glv you figure and !: All Kinds of May;: : Grain and Feed i do' your drilling. R. A. WEST A. V. OLIVER Slater Block Pnone Main 57 Jefferson Avenue ttt