EIGHT PAGE8. EVENING QBSEKVER, LA GRANDE OREGON. MOXRAT. MGrST 21, 1009. FAGS SIX. I " r r ii riiixr v . BR.CK IS CHEAPER ! illlllt WHIlt iDtAL BACK TO THIS CITY ; . Brick building, at the present orice of lumhftr in Cheaper as well as better. It has been demonstrated tnat my briik is superior o any made in Oregon. I ;an furrish common brick in any quantity. No order too large or too small to : receive prompt attention. Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Prices made known on application. IGRO- KRIEGERJ m Phones Residence. Rlar.lr 701 Vm.A D..4 kai t. . ' ' x - la uremia, uregon a. CEMENT WORK! A!! kind? ' foment and - I Goncrete work. CONCRETE DlllLDING blocks CEMETERY WORK No "contract too large or too small. Satisfaction Guaranteed L ROBERTS PHONE BLACK 682 Messenger Service, If you want a messenger call up Main 24. f j Scot; j 1 LA GRANDE j eCHOOLef MUSIC i LABOR lb The local officials of the O. R. A N. have decided to suDDlant the oosl tlona held by the Greek crew on the coal bin, by whites, and' 1 of them are at work today. The work has been at a standstill only for a short time, as there are sufficient applicants from other laborers to allow the work to go on.. When the 'Greeks were dismissed Friday night, It was plan ned to put Japanese to work, but be ing able to procure white helD. the officials have seized the opportunity. knowing they will get better results. The crew may be Increased In num bers from time to time, until the monster coal bin Is filled to the re quired amount - Studio at 105 Greenwood St. one door south of Adams Avenue PROF. DAY, Principal 5 As house cleaners we are the people who are equip-1 ped for doin the work. 1 Leave your carpets on f your floors, give us your orner and smile at our work and we will smile ? together. PHONE, Black. .1772 WHT'NOT, TRY Popham's ASTHMA REMEDY? fMvea prompt and positive relief In very case. Bold by druggists. Price 11.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co., props. Cleveland, O. For sale by A. T. HILL. Druggist For the Ladles. The Ladles Home Journal la In. At Ferguson's. AIO-2! THE SCENIC S. A. OARDIXIER, Proprietor and Manager. MOTION PICTURES and ILLUSTRATED BONGS. Program: SONG "I'll Mis You Like the Rows Mlxs Uio Rain." The Little Coxswain of the 'Varsity Eight. Scenic views of "Jlmmle Joins the Elks." Engaged. The Artist's Model and Moth f er-ln-Law. BONG . "When the Moon Plays Peek-a- Iloo." Change of Program Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, . Matinees: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at 1:80. Regular Admission, 10c. r Children under 15 years, Be, for Matinee only. THE SCENIC FACTS ABOUT STATE FAIR. This Year's Exposition to Be Greatest ton Pacific Coast. Pastime Theater lloush A I.iMtu, InHi. Ili'acnrk's Orchestra. MOTION PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED BONOS. Program. Bold Again. ' A Yankee Mnn-o'-Warsman's Fight for Live. Robert Purton sings, "My Virginia. Htrlrken Blind. The Wishbone. Rohrt Burton slum "Dear PWrry Fyea, 1nnI Nl The lream of the Pollrcmm. The Trras Gnng. DOORS OPEN AT 7 P. M. Lai'los' souvenir mntlnK-s Wednesday, t and 4 o'clock. Children's le Candy matinee Saturday. 1 and 4 o'clock MM AT THE PLAYHOUSES. a The PiiMlnip. The management of the Pastime hits secured Robert Ilurton from the Pan-tagi-s hcati-rlcnl vaudeville circuit. Mr. rmiion tioswssf a very rich tenor voice and will be a success from the start. The Pastime also announces the chango of program today In the house ad. t The Press Onng Is a feature film de pleting life In the times nf Klnn (corgo III. Mr. Burton's selections are "My Vir ginia" and "Dear Btarry Eyes, Good Night" ' If you want to sell out, call up R, A. Crawford, the second-hand dealer. 'Phone Black 1611. He pars the highest cash prica (or second-hand goods. The Scenlo Today. In presenting "The Little Cm- swain of the 'Varsity Eight," the Scenic gives a thrilling reproduction of a college boat race. The other film are extremely humorous. The soniif Are up to tho usual standard of the house's musical features. In romcdj- numbers the house nil' please Its patrons for both nr rcll runnv, sny those who have seen tin films In advance of the regular per formance tonight Tho program lusts until after Tuesday night Ncjrro ItiysM- v TorV, A "T, 14. Negro phyi clans, dentists und ph..maclsts are gathering In New York today for the 10th annual session of the National Medical association, which will open tomorrow. In one respect at least Oregon takes the lead among western states. This Is In the holding of her annual state fair, which in size and importance is first among expositions held on the Pacific slope. The state fair, which has become the big event of the year for the peo ple of Oregon, will take place this year at Salem from September 14 to It. At the fair grounds the work of preparation has long since been un ler way, and it Is expected that all will be In readiness for the throwing open of the gates which will mark the opening of the most successful fair in the 50 odd years of Its existence. In the past two years the state has expended large sums of money on the Improvement of the exposition grounds. In 1907 12 large modern ihnw barns were erected, giving Ore gon's fair th flnst equipment for the diHpluy of livestock In the west. Another Improvement was the beauti fying of the grounds by .laying out lawns, flower beds and paths, and by the destruction of numerous old build ings and the removal of the corral. the amusement street of the fair, to a more sightly location. Although the work of converting the old grounds Into a modern home for the exposition was begun last year. It is not yet finished. This year many new Improvements have been made, chief among which Is the addition built on the Immense grandstand, by which Its capacity will be almost dou bled, the putting up of miles of fences and the erection of new buildings. Ten thousand-dollars are offered on livestock, agricultural and manufac ture! products. Eight counties will provldo extensive exhibits. Almost j every Industry will be represented.) Tho llveatoc!. sh-.w will be uncqualcd, t'e agricultural exhibits will be won derful, and the a-t department, the floral dlspli y. the dairy, poultry and mnchlnery exhibit will all demand the Interest of the thousands of spec tators who will como from nil parts of the northwest to si-e the fair. The cnierti'lnment of the crnwi'n will not bo neglectud. The races will be the fastest ever teen on the const. Two iriOOO pursca and six $1000 purses will draw the best blooded horses In the country, and that there will be records lowered when they meet Is conceded. ' In addition, many special features and free arts will bc provided, and there will bo the "Corral." with Its side show. Its sti.nds anl pleasure- seeking crowds, all -imhl'i"d n con tribute to the enjoyment nnd variety of the big exposition. Another feature I the city of tent. Hundred of families journey to the fair every year to enjoy the camp life n the grove, where everv mnilnen onvenlcnce Is at hand, together with week's outing and the sights of the fair. Rev. C. E. Deal has been returned to his La Grande charge. The annual conference of the Methodist church at Welser has come to an end, and the appointments In this district have been made. Mr. Deal's return will be wel come news to his church, who asked tor' his return unanimously. B. F. Meredith, who was pastor of the local church two years ago, is at Vale now. Following are the appointments In Superintendent J. D. Oilman's dis trict: ' , Superintendent, J. D. Glllllan, Baker City, Jacob Finger. Cambridge, Idaho, to be supplied. Cove, J. L. Baker. Elgin, W. F. Bradley -enterprise, C. E. Trueblood. Flora. H. Martin. Haines, J. M. Johnson. Harney, H. E. Carter. Huntington, Mr. Hensha. John Day, H. P. Peterson. Joseph, A. L. Howarth. La Grande, C. E. Deal. Long Creek, J. M. Cason. North Powder, C. D. Fawcett Nyssa, A. H. Soward. Ontario, J. E. Garver. Payette, Q. G. Haley. Prairie City, J. M. Dressier, Promise, F. G. Potter. Roseberry, to be supplied. Summervllle, A. F. Kline, Thunder, to be supplied. Union, D. C. McColm. Vale. B. F. Meredith. Wallowa, J. D. Bird. Welser, C. McCoard. . ; 9 How am I to have that white suit of mine . v looking Fresh and Neat all summer as it , does now? The answer is simple. When ever it becomes soiled : : : PHONE MAIN 7 : .: : : WE will do the rest WE have a force of Experienced help . to look after your wants in this line and you need have no fear of sending your most delicate garments to us. WE Guarantee to satisfy you. A. B. C. LAUNDRY ttMtt4 MM,tw j N EW ARRIVALS THE LATEST NEW YORK STYLES IN Collars, and fancy Belts All Colors Fine line pillow top3, Lace and ruff line to match. Stamped linen, Center pieces, ' and Scarfs. Beautiful line Met Waists, Reduced prices on white waists, summer belts and manv oiner lines, ta and mafte vour selections. white they last til BUILD AT La telle, Ore. IN THE Mdsonlc Bid. GRANDE La Grande continues to receive promise of growth and additional prosperity. The latest announcement In this line Is the decision of the Is land City M. A M. company to build a two-story brick implement house In La Grande, to take the place of the large structure destroyed by fire at Island City recently. Fred Holmes, one of the principal stockholders, declared today that the work would begin Jut as soon as the architect could prepare the pluns. The building will be located on Jef ferson avenue adjoining the Lu Grande National bank In the rear, and whi be aueuuatcly large to'accomr.io date the company's flourishing buM hens.. Tho company will be In position to nnnounce definitely plans In short time. , This matter has been under cont'd eratlon for some tlm. but It was un til the directors held their meetlnu Saturday afternoon, that the an nouncement made, wa decided upon BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) Only house in the city employing white help only TRY OUR SERVICE WE ARE GETTING IN OUR NEW STOCK Of Kafes $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c meal in the city Beds 2Sc and SOc : All outside rooms. Board, and lodge $6. per week One block from depot UMBER NOTICE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given to all whom t may concern, thnt Mary E. Bwauger. vlmlnlstratrix of the estate of Eman- lel Bwauger, deceased, has filed la the county court of Union county, Oregon, her final report as admlnla 'ratrlx of sold estate, and said court ha set Monday, September 7th. A. D. 101. at I o'clock p. ni.. si the time for the hearing such report and an objection thereto. Dated this July 4th, 1101. :: ROB HOUSE i II Eli ll 4 44AAAAA.aaaTTTT--T- - will be sold at reduced prices House bills specla 8 prices. We have Fir finish and V G f ir Flooring JNignt orncer Carr and Laughlln rounded up two ai: rd house robber. George Evans and Frank Ross, of thF city. The crime was committed at Elgin, when the two are said to have broken Into a house and stolen (S One of the men was arrested Siitur day night by Officer Carr. and I,,.. evening M.lAglllin imatlli . at Cnlon. Carr went t.. i arrested tht, man. penitent' r- tor a mix-up with a post ' " money order In this eltv. TS. allagod crime Was committed Tho, uy nignt in Elgin, and lnc. th- until both wer arrested, local police nave been on the alert for their ap trance. ineir rralTm.f. piece oerore Justice of the Peace We have the best grade of Cedar shingles. These are two grades of the same brand. ...... .AAAAAAAAA STODDARD LUMBER CO ...t,tM iiiiiiii A RMAM, LMD or your winter's supply of our capital coal we will send to tour order promptly. Ton kno you will save money If you bi.y Boir prices go up montl ly froVf. ow on. The brands wa handle he no superior In the market; give full weight and have oare to keep the coal free from unnecessary dirt F0WI-ER . Phone Main 10 j Hie wart this afternoon.