PASTS. eventtc n-f'-rn; r rmxT otiecox. jrwrAT. rrcrpr f. v?r.t. wtrr: r v eee LOCAL ITEMS. , 'v.-,-;.: . : Mr. and Mrs.' J. A. Thronson are spending the day at Imbler, ", Mrs. B. D. Solders Is home from a camping trip to the Looking; Glass. ' Andy Harris la out from his Wallowa farm and expects to return tomorrow. Miss Ivy Long Is home from Port land, where she spent a two weeks' va cation. Mrs. Jennie Chlpman of Detroit, la here visiting her sister, Mrs. Porter E. '.' ' Kobert ( Blumensteln, who spent Sunday at the county seat, returned to Elgin this morning. . Mrs. O, T. Fleming left last evening for Boise, where she will visit a sister for a short time. District Attorney F. 8. Ivanhoe' will leave In the morning for North Pow der to look after some legal matters. Mrs. Lilly returned this morning to the camp on Looking Glass. Mr. anl Mrs. Lily expect to remain some time yet.. , Konde hospital Is home from Union. where she was called on professional business. L. Rayburn, foreman of the railroad construction of the Palmer Lumber company, returned to the logging camps this morning. . C. J. Smith, who has been In the city several days, returned this morn ing to Wallowa, where he Is Interested In a moving picture show. Miss Ada 'Jloush has returned from Vancouver, Wash., whre she attehd e'.Jlhe meeting of tho Photographers of the Pacific northwest. .The Missionary society of tho Pres byterian church will meet at the home of. Mrs. Thompson In ' Frultdale on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Conductor Pancake, In charge of the logging train from the Palmer camps to the Junction, spent Sunday In La Grande, returning this morning. Miss Hazel Clapp of Island Cily, who was operated on at the Grande Ronde hosplW Saturday night for appendi citis. Is resting well today and gives evidence of speedy recovery. ' Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Deal returned this morning from conference. Rev. Deal was returned to this charge, as was naturally expected, as It was the desire of the congregallon. F. M. Jnspnr. a Grando Rondo boy, who has been filling the pulpit nt Long Jreek for the pnst year or mdre. has eef ided to attend the Willamette university this year. ! Is op-nrtlng the day with his parents. The household goods of Fred Boch, formerly In. the retail meat business In this city, were shipped to him today at Portland, where he Is now located. He left here for Mexico, but has re turned to Oregon. Robert Rarron and Miss Lizzie Bar ron of Baker City, spent Sunday with theln brother, G. A. Barron, ticket agenat the O. R. ft N. office here. Miss Edith Anderson, of Hot Lake, spent Sunday with relatives In the city. Mesdamea Leo 8lngleton and D. W. Thomas of Salt Lake, arrived In the city yesterday morning to visit at the home of A. Thomas for a month. The former Is a sister and the latter the mother of Mr. Thomas, who holds a responsible position at the sugar fnc- tory, District Superintendent and Mrs. J. D. Glllllnn, returned this morning from Welser, where they have been at tending conference. Rev. OHIIIan was reappointed to the pos'tlon wltlch lie has so fnlthfully performed for the has so faithfully held for the past four yean. Mrs. W. B. Wallace u( ltei!liiuu.'i. and Mrs. Clara Brown of Los Angeles. wh'U'iave b"n visiting Mrs. Fred G. Schllke for a few days, returned yes terday from North Powder, where they spent a day with Mrs. William Morrison. They are again at 'he Schllke home. The trial of the case of the State vs. Nels Holverson, who Is charged with selling liquors at Hltgard con trary to the local options laws, has been postponed until next Monday. The decision of Justice of the Peace BteVt, with reference to the present Indli tment, will be rendered tomorrow morning. The following ministers and other visitors who were In attendance at the Methodist conference at Welser, aro In town today and will hear Bishop Hughes this evening: Rev. II. Mar tin, J. D. Bird, W. F. Bradley, A. F. Kilns and wife: C. B. Trueblood and wife; A. L. Howarth. Mrs. J. I. Browning of Enterprise, and Miss Prulencs Eaaiemon or norm. , Mr. .. . . .vi, is " irt land, ar .-iy u, . guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Happersett. Grace Carrier and Curn 1. Palmer, both of Centralla, Wash., made tim ber and stone proofs today. A mnyrlage license was Issued today to ThomnB E. Stafford of Spokane, and Miss Thersa Roth of this county. ' Mrs. F. O. Taylor returned this morning from Union, where she haB ben visiting friends a few days. H. S. Massee, of the Blue Mountain Creamery company, leaves tonight for Wisconsin, to be gone about three weeks. Miss Rachel Turner, stenographer In the Wllllamsoa land office, has gone to Sumpter to spend her summer va cation. The Perry baseball team met de feat at the hands of the Baker City athletes at Baker City yesterday by a score of 10 to 7. Mrs. H. C. Stuart leaves tonight with her daughter, Luclle, for Park City, Utah, where she will Join her husband, who Is now located there. The O. R. & N. Ice house was called upon today to re-ice nine fruit cars In one freight tram. The demands on the tee house at this time are enor mous. John Bergen, who wns found guilty of vagrancy a few days ago In the city recorder's court, was adjudged Insane today and will be taken to Sa lem as soon as the guards arrive. J. A. Scott of Walla Walla, an old- time friend of J. H. Watson of this city, wns In the city over Sunday. He returned this morning to his home. where he has occupied tho ponitlnn of baggagcmater for 28 years. Bishop Hughes will leave on the 8:55 train for the west after preach ing this evening In the Methodist church. Rev. Kynett, recording sec retary of the Home Mission and Church Extension, who Is also here, will leave on the 8o'clock train for points east. TURKS IB IIP RISING Constantinople, Aug. 24. This city Is In turmoil following the arrest of several defaulting off t'' is of the old reclmc. The grand l-U-r Is having a hard time In preventing the mobs tak ing tho pi -Isoners forcibly. Most of the disorder Is due to the report that Turkey Is negotiating with England for the loan of a number of English army officers to reorganize the Turk ish army to prevent the radicals from dethroning the sultan, precipitating bloodshed. T' CLEAR MI MYSTERY ' Baltimore, Aug. 24. The Camden trunk mystery was cleared today by a remarkable confession of Mrs. Bon nie Rosenbloom, aged 87, and her daughter Eva, who admitted the body was that of Samuel J. Rosenbloom, husband of Mrs. Rosenbloom. She said he was killed by his son, Alexander, at the ffome In Wlndbar, Pa. The body was found In a trunk at Belle Mawr, near Camden, August 14. The mother said her husband beat bar and the ton Interfered ud killed the father. The tmnk was partly submerged and tied with ropes. The victim was shot through the heart Alexander Is being sought. X TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. Ai nu: S5....uwo;i). French History for Sherwood's Pa tron Tills Evciitiijf. The feature bill this evening Is the pictorial representation of the m:l- dents pertaining to the famous Drey fus affair. This film 19 a Ions , and shows every Incident of Import-; ance brought out during the now fam-' ous trial. Tho arret. trial, condemna tion and degradation of the Ul-treatol . captain Is shown. All . the leading' characters conspicuous In the original j proceedings are shown. The well! known scene, where Mrs. Dreyfus ir. allowed to see her husband. Is Rhown with an exactn-.-st if detail truly won derful. Drcytus la shown In his cell on Devil's Island, where he was con fined. 1 Later he Is shown as he re celves the glad tidings that he has been granted a new trial and will be expected to return to France. Th" film also shows htm as he is rein stated to his command, and his happy rett'rn to military life. This "film Is an educational 'one, as well as entertaining. There are other good numbers on., tonight's program. There" will Oe u upputium . amutement as well ns education, but the feature Mil Is the "Dreyfus Affair.'; e seeeeeAseee-vt e r-. tt Hammochs-Guns-hhmfmgCo ' . Why be tortured with heat when yoa can buy hammocks at your own price. We have a few left that we are going to sell for less than you would suggest DKNTISt Dr. W. D. McMillan. Red 851. ' F air less ictractlon, Export rfoii. wir'rf. Speiai attention to .hlldvjn's.iew'h- l.n iJ-nn.if N'a mna' nk Bulirt:; a NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Ore., August 10, 1908. . Notice Is hereby given that DAVID W. HUG, of Elgin, Union county, Ore., who, on August, 16, 1908, made timber land application No. 0859, for 8V4 SW, section 6, Ntt Nffii, section 8. town ship 2 south, range 35, E. W. M., has filed notice of Intention to make final timber proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the reg Ister and receiver of the U. S. land of fice, at La Grande, Oregon, on the 28th day of October, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Sam uel Parkerrof Elgin, Ore.; W. H. Gib son, of La Grande, Ore.; H. J. Hug, of Elgin, Ore.; Henry Hug, of Elgin, Ore. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. wAug!40ct23 it t; i ft A Good heavy Duck Hunting coat, with " corded , collar and game pocket, ,....$3.00 Hunting Vests made of tho same material, place for 72. shells. .$1.50 12-gauge single barrel Shotguns $0.00 lt-gauge double barrel Shotguns 9.50 12-gauge double barrel Shotguns $10.73 .22 Marlin Repeater Rlglcs ....$10.50 .22 Special Winchester Repeater , Rifles $12.00 Single 8hot .22 Rifles, .$3.63 to $7.00 A good heavy duck hunting cost with corded collat and game pockets $2.00 Hunting vests made of the same mater ial, place for 72 shells $1.50 aisn I A fancy, rod and white, well-mode Hammock for children, special, ,68c A good, strong woven Hammock that will last two seasons, spe cial ................... .. .28 A good grade, long fringe, and a beauty; regular $2.60; special $1.88 A large, heavily woven Hammock, regular $2.75; special .... $2.28 And a regular $3.00 Hammock; spa- , ' W $2.I8 Our prices cannot be excelled in builders hardware carpenter's tools and shelf goods. , We carry the GILT EDGE line and every article is guaranteed. uohii THE BARGAIN:.- BASEMFNl Everything you need at a price suited to every body's pocket book. Visit the Bargain Basement before going elsewhere and save money. , e ? !: t t There is a Regular St Of Fall Goods pouring into the store. Dry Goods, Hats, Hosiery, Suits, GentsFurhishings -t uy9, auu vvwyiumy uoin w piease and sat- isfy the most particular buyer. Co i! foe Golden Rule BEST STOCK. SMALLEST PIUCES., ii s it OS e s s Fruit Season is Now On Phone Us Your Orders for ECONOMYJARS Pints Quarts Half gallons . . Extra clamps . Extra caps . . . .$1.10 dozen .$1J5 dozen , .$1.75 dosea . . 10c dosen , . 20o dosen ................ii.............. EXTRAS FOR tASY VACUUM JARS Caps 18o dosen . . . s ttuMurr rings ............ izuo aosen " Clamps , ............ vuu umcn a . lOo dosen i Extra large Jelly Glasses . . .45c dozen These are an attractive size and shape, and are easily worth 60 cents peY dozen Statement of the Condition of the FARMERS AND TRADERS NATIONAL BANK . At the Close ASSETS. Tims loans $ Overdrafts, temporary ... Bonds, warrants, a to. .... Banking house and fixtures Other real estate OF LA GRANDE. of Busln ess July 15, 1108. FOUND In this city, a lady's pocket book, containing a sum of money. Identify st this office. Good Hotel Proposition. For $1500, on easy terms; good lo cation for stesdy roomers, boarders snd transients; furnished. Inquire of John Palmer, at Palmer House, or W. J. Ransom, Elgin, R. F. D. No, 1 -24-lm ITALIA RATI AMUCK. F-'D- HAISTEN e Mil lytic A a... e Phone Red 1161 : Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that pursu ant to an act of the legislative assem bly of the state of Oregon, approved February 15, 1181, vthe following county warrants which were Issued more than seven years prior to the first day of July. 110$, but have not been paid, will bs paid by the county treasurer of Union county, Oregon, If presented for payment within $0 days from July 1, 190$, and If said war rants or any of them, are not pre sented for payment within $0 days from July 1, 1908, they will be can celled by the county court of said county and payment of the asms will be thereafter refused: Class HH, No. 1911, City ef Union, 84.1$. Class II, No. 1165, Ambrose Wright, $1.50. Class II, No. 1480, A. Wright. $7.80. Class II, No. 1759, Steve Correr, $2.20. Class J J, No. 141, G. C Horton. $7. Class JJ, No. $47, J. E. Moore, $1.20. Class J J. No. 1714, Union Electric Light Co., $2$. Witness my hand and seal of said county court this 87th day ef June, A. D. 190$. (SEAL) J. B. OILHAlt, County Clerk. 77.154.00 $.$48.7$ 19,781.89 15,811.00 $.000.00 CASH AND AVAILABLg ASSETS U. 8. bonds and premiums ...815,471.00 Demand loans $$,$68.70 Cash and due from banks .. $7,865.20 I per cent re demption fund 760.00 189,419.90 Total .$241,490.02 LIABILITIES. Capital stock ...$ 40,000.0 Surplus and undivided profits 8.718.46 Circulation 16,000.00 Dividends unpaid 1,800.08 Rediscounts t., 4,690.0$ Deposits and due to banks 179.074.67 Total ...$$$1,440.01 Ws want your banking account Ws srs careful with any business sn ' trusted to us, and our record for cons ervatif m in the psst is our best guar antee to you for the future. NOT THE LARGEST, but 1st ut convince you that WE ARE THE BEST bank to do business with The Farmers and Traders National Bank OF LA GRANDE Grande Ronde Lumber Co. I PERRY, OREGON CAN FURNISH LIMBER OF Al L MDS IN CARLOAD LOTS. for 16 Inch Chain Wood D ficrcd at ywr 'rir nr. Calf up '. C. BEAN, La Grand v rtan f.-(l ST-4! 4-4) - w' M -. ,