.4 i ; : 4 EVENING OBSEHVFU: l A GRAND" OiXVGUS. SATURDAY, AUGUST, 22, 1W. PAGE HV.VF.N. . - : e4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee GECGE PALMER. President . W. H. BRENHOLTS Asst Cashier J. M. BERRY, Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS, 2d Asi't Cashier ' . F. L. MEYERS Cashier ' .. 3655 La Grande National Bank - Of La Grande, Oregon ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $160,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS ; J. M "Berry A. B. Conley F. J. Holmes F. M. Brykit C. CJPennirigton F. 'L, Meyers . Geo"L. Cleaver W. L. Brenholts George Palrner ih I rtUKKY? THEN CALL THE TRANSFER MAN. He will take that trunk to the depot or your home In lees time than 11 takes to tell It. . Day 'Phone Red 701. ' ' Night 'Phone, Black ma. WAGON ALWAYS AT TOUR SERVICE. . ' e e - e ' . e e Keep the money at home by using LA GRANDE SUGAR Costs no n cie tr.d just as sweet. All dealers. fO STOP AI BAKER CllY I KELLEY WILL BE ON HAND FOR ATHElTES' RECEPTION FRESH RAnS WHAT will you have for dinner today? You may answer this question satisfactorl ly by dining at ' ' THE MODEL RESTAURANT ' The Old Standby. Our cooking Is a paragon of per fection, our food faultless, ; and our service rapid and courteous. What more can we say. except that our prices are popular? We give a regu lar dinner for J5 cents. Come and try It. Tou will not need the sense of hunger to enjoy It. . The Model Restaurant J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. Open Day w Sen MEf) And Niffht m.,i -rvu.t. rnr0 WITH TWENTY YEARS EXPERItNCE I should be capable of fitting your eyes correctly. e y' e 1; If the Glasses I furnish you do not give absolute satis faction, I stand ready to refund your money : : : : I am fiere three hundred and sixty-five days in the year to make my assertions good : : : : : : : J. H- PEARE LEADING PIONEER JEWELER TELEPHONE US i A LABOR OP LOVE. You never get tired of our delight ful Ice cream, made from purest In gradients, It's always of a uniformly high quality, i Absolutely pure, whole some and delicious. All flavors of se- legtng his efforts at refor mare Insln- ng, soothing. Try a plate and well, no more need be said. , W. H. BOHNENKAMP CO. :dealers in: HARDWARE.STOVES,FURIITlJRE.Bl!ILDING MATERIAL j-CLMENT AND LIME ; Agents for Union Portland Cement Cos Red Devil Brand Both Cement and Lime Highest Quality Obtainable ?! Satisfaction Cuarahteed .aw UNION COrXTT LANDS. "Spokane has the enterprise and : ginger, but Union county has the ; land," Is about the way Nat Parker, who has Just returned from the north, f states the case. "There Is no better ; land anywhere than right here In ,' ,Unlon county," says Mr. Parker, "and ii the price Is lower for the same class of land than any place I know of.". And Mr. Parker Is not far from right But Union county land will not always be as easy to get hold of as It Is now ' Union Republican. St, Peter's Church. Tenth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion, la. m. Sunday school. ' It a. m.; morning senrlce, 11 a. m.; evening service, t p. ra. Rer. Upton 1 II. Glbbe, rector. The Hold-up Game, A recent article in N. A. R. D. Notes shows how the mall order houses se cure some of their so-called wonder ful bargains. A state factory Inspec tor says: "While going through one of the large buggy manufacturing plants of the United States, I noticed that the perfect spokes, hubs, felloes, etc., were placed In one place, and the knotty, Imnerfect ones. In another. My th manager, In explanation said: 'Oh, these knotty ones go Into bucrles for Bo-and-So, the big ma order house. You can't tell the dif ference after they are painted'." Th hnneat retail merchant doesn't sell that kind of goods his goods are sll first-class, and his price are right. too quality considered. Exchange fcE I OtEATJ Forrest C. Bmlthson will be In New York by August 89, and will accoro pany the Oregon welcoming commit tee to Portland. Dan J. Kelly, whose whereabouts have been somewhat In doubt, will also be In New York for the big demonstration. That : Kelly will come west with the committee Is assured, for Trainer William L. Hay ward, of the University of Oregon, th man who developed Kelly, has wrlt- ltll.ili p.UiUfte tfefcvw. .,-.... the celebration In honor of the ath letes, as well as assuring htm that his expenses from New York are guaran teed by the Portland general reception committee. Incidentally . Haywarfl personally assures Kelly that he will see to It that, the Baker City boy Is returned to New York, providing he is required to do so, says the Herald. Following Is the Itinerary for the trip from New York: V Leave New York Tuesday, Septem ber I, arrive In Buffalo the same night; leave Buffalo next morning and arrive In Chicago Wednesday night. September 3; leave Chicago Friday night, September 4; arrive In St. Louis Saturday morning, September 6l leave St. Louis Sunday night, Septem ber ,' arrive In Kansas City Monday morning, September 7; leave Kansas City Monday night, arrive In Denver Tuesday evening, September 8; leave Denver Wednesday morning, Septem ber 9. arrive In Salt Lake Thursday, September 10; leave Salt Lake the night of September 10, and stop at Baker City between trains in order to reach Portland Saturday, Septcm ber 12, at a. m. . ; ' PICNIC H A MS SWIFT'S PREMIUM LARGE ONES THE CITY GROCERY AND BAKERY E. P0LACK. Propr- Phone Main 75 CITY UVERY MD FEED STABLE Cor. kth & Adams Ave., One Block West of the Foley Hotel All Mew Rigs Well Matched Teams Single Horses For Ladies For sale at A. T. HILL. FRED DCTLI. SILVERTHORN MACK. Blue Mountain Creamery Co. THERE'S NOT A HEADACHE, not a single bad affect following ths use of our bottle beverages. That Is on reason why so many people are OLD PICTURE PHOTOGRAPH OF FiRST LOCAL MILITIA ON EXHIBITION A highly Interesting photograph was left at The Observer for a few moments yesterday by Charles Baker. It was taken 21 years ago, of the first militia company organised In La Orande. Postmaster O. M. RIchey was captain; William Stevens, now de ceased, first lieutenant; Ira Balrd second lieutenant ' The photograph Is in a splendid state of preservation, and the It men dressed up In the national uniform of those days, quite different from the present, presents a striking group of young men. Bark of the company, drawn up In two lines, appears the old public school house, which stood for many years just west of Arthur Warnlck's resl dence in South La Orande, and was moved later to the new town, and until destroyed by fire, occupied the ground where now stands George Ball's residence on Washington ave nue. The militia company stood on the lot now occupied by The Observer office when the photograph was taken, Among those In the picture who are known to the writer were Bert Bsker, C. W. Noyes, Joe Baker (de. censed). Adam Crosnman, Colonel Ivnnhoe, C. R, Thornton, Ira Balrd George E. Wells, Will Kuhn, O. M Itli hey. E. L. Eckley, Joe Jones, Ed Klnzle. William Klnr.le, Horace Wil Hams, Ed Mlsner, Harry Klnzle and Will Klnzle. The photograph Is now on exhibit In the J. R. Smith display window, where It Is attracting considerable at tention. and taking, Instead, our Ginger Ale, Root Boer, Bod as, f Mineral Waters, etc They last good, art food, and' have only good effects. Union Bottling Work GLASSES THAT FIT THE EYE ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AT HEACOCK'S REFERENCES: . 1 have 1 A, Ask any one fitted. t Daily Observer, 65c per Month WELLS DRILLED New Alfalfa Hay KUmulatloa Without Irritation. In case of stomach and liver trou giving op the use of alcohollo drinks ble the proper treatment is to stlmu late these organs without irritating them. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels without Irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathar tics. It does nt nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleeyant to take. A. T. HUL droffUL , t If you need water for Irrigation or domestic use. why not have a well drilled and cased tip with steel Ingf It's the only way to secure Pure Water, and Glean Well R, A. West of La Orande, successor to Miller West, O. R. N. drillers, wilt be glad to give you figures and do your drilling. R. A. WEST All Kinds of Hay I Grain and Feed 1 A. V. OLIVER Slater Block Pnone Main 57 Jefferson Avenue ! i