A 'IV.' Hif:4!'3't''K' EIGHT PAGES. EVKNXVO OBSERVER. LA GRANDE OIIEGOS. SATURDAY, ATJGCST 23, 1908. PAGE SIX, BRICK IS CHEAPER j .T!?IS,,G Brick building, at the present price of lumber, is oheapef as well as better, It has been demonstrated tnat my brisk is superior o any made in Oregon. I san furt ish common brick in any quantity. No order too large or too small to receive prompt attention. Correspondence with contractors and builders solicited. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Prices made known on application. .-, IGRO. KRIEGERI rnonss resilience, Bi&CK ui, ira, KM bZJ. La Grande, Oregon i C A R EY ! n am L 71 ru 15,000 acre of land, In the state or Idaho, lying; along- the Snake river on the main line of the O. 8. L. railroad, between the Jtowns ot King Hill and Glenns Ferry, will be opened for settle ment October 12, 108.. The ale of (he land will be under the supervision of the State Land Board of Idaho. The tract ACT n n 4 Proprietor and Manna. MOTION PICTURES and ILLUSTRATED SONGS. Projrrann A Tragedy In Japan. .. . SONG . "True Hearts." On Bad Terms With the Jan ltor. . , t Mystery of the Mountain. - 8ON0 "When Autumo Turns the Green Leaves Gold." ... Courageous, Nervous,', Ing. Twist- lies In a cove, surrounded tay 1000 to 1S00 foot elevations. The soil Is unsurpassed for fruit cul ture and there is an abundant surplus of water. The land Is opened under the Carey Act pro tecting the purchaser and assur ing the water rights. Money de posited on locations not found desirable, will be refunded. GRAND OPENING ON OCTOBER I2TH. The drawing of locations will be held at King Hill, where all conveniences have been arranged In the way of sleeping, eating and other accommodations. Tourist sleepers will be sidetracked for those who wish to occupy them. This Is the most promis ing opportunity for homeseokers eevr offered In (he state of Idaho. :: :: ' :: ... .. REDUCED RAILROAD RATES Ask your station agent for rates and ful particulars as to loca tion. For literature and full Information about the land, write Kings hill Irrigation & Power Co. Main Office . a w Daily Observer, 65c per Month Change of Program Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Matinees: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons at l:0. Regular Admission, 10c. , Children under 15 yean, Jc, for t ..... iliiu! vv' ' ,". I THE SCENIC OH MT EMILY BEATH WILL ASCERTAIN TRUTH OF RUMORS PREVAILING Pastime Theater Iloush Lucas, Props. ILLUSTRATED SONGS. v: MOTION PICTURES AND ' Program. f CEMENT WORK All kinds of, Cement and Concrete work. I CONCRETE I BUILDING BLOCKS I CEMETERY WORK I No contract too large or too small , Satisfaction Guaranteed t.- L. ROBERTS f PHONE ri ir.tr kpo t ' Each jenr adds oonxldcrably to the alfalfa acrcnge of this county. A few jtui au 11 wun praciirnuy all mure er less of an experlmunt, but we have pawed that stugn and It is recognlxi'd as one of the bent paying crops under proper conditions. The Bothersome Husband. The Poor Officer. "The Summer Girl." ' The Bashful Toung Man. In Government Service. "Cmlrr the Tropical Moon." . DOORS OPEN AT 7 P. M. Matinee: urdny. Wedniwday and Sat Call for Bids. Notice Is hereby given that the coun ty court of Union county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the construc tion of a wooden bridge over the main channel of Catherine Creek on Main street. In the city pf Union. Union county, Oregon, said bridge to be con. tructed In compliance with the plan and specifications on file In the office of the county clerk of said county, at La Grande, Oregon. Said bids shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of said county, on or before August i2nd. 1908. at 12 oclock noon Said bids to be accompanied by a ecr titled check for five per cent of thi amount of said bid. The court reserv Ing the right to reject any or all bid. Dated at La Grande, Oregon. thl 8th day of August, 1904. ED WRIGHT. 8"8" County Clerk. 1 4 4 4 There Is still some excitement in local mining circles over the report that gold has been found on Mt. Emily. While discussions have been free. It Is not until today that any known steps have been taken to fol low out the rumor and ascertain to what extent It Is truthful. That thr miner who a few days ago brought valuable ore here, "was truthful In his statements, Is generally believed by all who heard him talk, and this evening G. A. Benin, who Is an old-time nuur will go to Mt Emily to prospect. He has provided himself with the neces sary paraphernalia and will spend some time on the mountain. He has ascertained as near as possible, the probable location of the ore and will devote considerable time and energy .In prospecting to learn to vhat extent the yellow lucre exists there. That repeated finds of promising evidence of ore In or about the moun tain has given numerous "scares," Is common knowledge, but the present alarm seems to be more firmly rooted than any heretofore. 44444444t444t'S'S4 '- HW$4'$444444'$ &44 How am I to have that white suit of mine looking Fresh and Neat all summer as it , does now? The answer is simple. When ever it becomes soiled ::::::: PHONE MAIM 7 : : : . : : : WE will do the rest WE have a force of Experienced help to nrAf nfta. iia.ii ... . n ! n Uia K n a a v. J ..a.. ' '. iuvn aibci j'uui w an La in una uuu aiiu jruu - . need have no fear of sending your most aeucate garments to us. wc uuarantee to satisfy you. A. B. C. LAUNDRY LA GRANDE SCHOOLofMUSIC 4-44-4'44-4-4fr44fr4?4-t-4 Scotl & Altheide :'t t As house cleaners we are the people who are equip ped for doing the work; Leave your carpets on your floors, give us your orner and smile at a work and we f together. PHONE. Black 1772 t our i will smile t Studio at 105 Greenwood St. one door south of Adams Avenue PROF. DAY, Principal WHY NOT TRT Popham's ASTHMA REMEDY? Gives prompt and positive relief In vry case. Sold by druggists, Price $1.00. Trial package by mail 10 cents. Williams BIfg. Co., Props. Cleveland, O For sale by A. T. HILL, Druggist Kemembfr night. the mass meeting to- Ftr the IjmIIph. The Lnilli-s Home Journal Is In. At Ferguson's. AS0-M Moewngtf Ntiht, If you want a messenger call Main 14. up f If you want to sell out, call up R. A. Crawford, the second-hand dealer. 'Phone Black 1821. He pays the highest cash price for 4 second-hand goods. 4444444444444444 0 SIM q) laxativQ frail ":Syrnp J Pleasant to take and does not erine or nrnnf Cures Chronic Constipation. Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. Oriko Laxative, Fruit Syrup is 6 new laxative yrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruita, and it very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Fills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not dcrauge the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. Oarao Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively care chronie constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. ThA ftnnriit.inn nf ffia vs v as v bjwvbvijv IVIIIHIIIB U 11' changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels l. A. I 111 a . . nave uub uetjn sumuiaiea ana in a lew days a stronger Durcative mav have tn rw taken. This is why Pills and Aterient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movementof t he bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO is different. Omxo Laxative Fruit syrup is the only r re Duration that rpullv art. nnnn all of the digestive organs. Other prepar- ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of tbe digestive organs an nt cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc For Biliousness and SlcK Headache. Take Oarno Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweeten the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Oro Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion ot pimples and blotches. It is the best lax. ative for women and children ai it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Refuse substitute. MR RIlARflMTFC Tahe OR,NO Native Fruit Syrup and If you Ufll UUiiklrild I lulu are not satisfied your money will bo refunded. Prepare only by FOttY a CO, Chloace. Ilk old and Recommended by , 44e4e4444eeeeee4e444444444e4ef4eeeeeee 1N EW A R R l V A Lj THE LATEST NEW YORK STYLES IN Collars, and fancy Belts All Colors Fine line pillow tops, Lace and ruffling to match. Stamped linen, Center pieces,' and Scarfs.' Beautiful line Met Waists, Reduced prices on white mists, summer belts and other lines. Call and make your selections while they last many THF VAN MIYN M iiil inn iuin v, italic u. I BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE T. J. CRAY Prop. ( New Management) Rates $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Best 25c meal in the city Beds 25c and SOc All outside rooms. Board and lodge $6. per week One block from depot Only house in the city employing white help only TRY OUR SERVICE 1 1 4444444444444444444444444444444444444SHii 44444444444J 444444444444444444444444l I WE ARC GETTING IN UUR NEW STOCK OF 4444444444444 UMBER 1 4f?444444444 444444444444444444 I will be sold at reduced prices. House bills specla J prices. We have Fir finish and V G Fir Flooring We have the best grade of Cedar shingles. These are two grades of the same brand. : : 4444444444444444444444444 STODDARD LUMBER CO. A SMALL LOAD or your winter's supply of our capital coal w will send to your order promptly. You know you will save money if you buy now prices go up monthly from now on. The brands w handle have no superior In the market; Rive full weight and have a care to keep the coal free from unnecessary dirt : : G. E. FOWLER . Phone Main 10 'e