La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 22, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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evewixq observfr. tji nRivnTonrooN syttrday. avgcst 22, io.
U mm tvenind Observer
Pabllkhcd Dally Kiecpt gumlay.
United I'ress Telegraph Servk.
Dally, per month... ,5
Dally, single copy .", ... .05
Dally, one year In advance, . . . . .16.50
Dally, six months, In advance. . .13. CO
Weekly, one year. In advance.. .11.00
Weekly, six months, In advance. . .75
Entered at the poatofflce at La Grande
' aa aecond-claaa matter.
Thli paper will not publish any arti
cle appearing over a nom' de plume.
Signed article will be received subject
to the discretion of the editors. Please
sign your articles and save disappoint
ment. Advertising Ratea. '
Display ad. rates furnished upon ap
plication. Local reading notices 10c per line
first Insertion; fic per line (or each sub
sequent Insertion. '
Resolutions of condolence, 8c a line.
Cards of thanks. 5c a line.
7 6
I 1213 14 13
id ia oa ko t no
io lit ta ci ic
2526 21 2$ 20.
It Is becoming as popular to Impose
heavy sentences on violators of the
local option, law as It Is on horse and
cattle thieves. - The circuit court at
Newport this week fined one man $200
nd gave htm a jail sentence of 20
.... . .
Vice-President Fairbanks this week
delivered an address before the Excel
lon Springs Chautauqua. We never
see or hear anything about a Chautau
qua association but what wa are Im
pressed with the fact that La Grande
la letting a golden opportunity pass by
In not securing one. Some day either
Baker City or Pendleton will grasp
the situation and the field will be oc
cupied. There Is a grand opening for
one In eastern Oregon. La Grande Is
the place, but If we sit waiting for
ever It will be elsewhere.
Elks hall should be well filled this
evening to lay the foundation for the
Irrigation project It Is true this Is
not Just the time to hold monster mass
meetings. Harvest Is on. Again,
many will let the other fellow attend,
and ask them how the proposition
sounds. Others cannot conceive how
It Is possible for a big proposition like
this to be consummated without some
promoter making a few dollars out of
It. Every business mnn should come
out this evening and become acquaint
ed with the details as far as at pres
ent worked out. It may require a
whole lot of work to secure the 20,000
acreage. Again, It may not. One lund
owner near this city knows that he
will contract for 600 acres, and Is
thinking seriously of making It 1000.
The whole thing Is simple, If the peo
ple will become sufficiently Interested
to Invciitlgate the proposition. Come
out this evening so you can be pre
pared to know what to say when you
re asked questions, relative to the
biggest project ever attempted In the
Grnndo Ronde valley.
( .'ilirorulit Attorney General Nitys It
Should Re Amended.
Denver,. Aug. 23. "That the Hth
amendment to the constitution should
be repented because' It permits Chi
nese and Jnponese horn In this coun
try to attain cltlrvnshlp," Is the gist
of a speech by Attorney Oeneral
Webb of California, In the closing ses
sion of1"yeterday,s meeting of the
Katlonsl Association of Attorney Gen
erals. In speaking of the conditions In
California, Wohh said the federal gov
ernment had taken advantage of the
14th amendment In the treaty with
Japan to force Japanese Into Pan
Francisco schools agnlnst the law long
established In California. He declared
that some day the amendment would
be repealed.
Mure Athlete Return.
New York. Aug. IS. Matt MeOrath.
John Flanagan and Ralph Rose, three
Americans winning the weight-throw
Ing championships at the
tames, arrived here today.
A great,
ovation was given them at the pier.
Notice of appeal was today filed In
the case of J. A. Russell against the
O. R. & N. The papera were forward
ed to the supreme court clerk at Pen
dleton today by Attorneys Cochran &
Cochran, for the defendants, which
have now turned appellants.
Mr. Russell won the suit for dam
ages from the O. H. & N. for the In
stantaneous killing of Don Russell
some time ago. The Jury awarded the
plaintiff damage money to the extent
of $1r,00. "The O. R. & N. Intimated
at the time that an appeal would be
taken, and the action tuuuy i m out
come. This Is an Instance where the
Jury awarded the full amount asked
for by the plaintiff. The action of
the supreme court will definitely set
tle th matter.
New York, Aug. 22. Among the
Important news eventls scheduled for
the coming week are the following:
Monday Pacific battleship fleet will
sail from San Francisco for a cruise
to Hawaii, Samoa and Magdalena Bay.
returning to San Francisco on Decem
ber 4.
Tuesduy John W. Kern will be of
filcally notified of his nomination by
the democratic party for vice-president
at the state fair grounds, In
dianapolis, when addresses will be
made both, by Mr. Kern and W. J.
New York supreme court for Kings
county will begin extraordinary trial
term to hear ruce track gambling
Delaware republican state conven
tlon will meet In Dover to nominate
state ticket and a congressional candl
Wednesday Associated Advertising
clubs of America will open fourth an
nual convention In Kansas City.
Civil service examination for teach
ers In the Philippines will be held In
many cities.
North Carolina republicans will hold
state convention In Charlotte.
Thursday Indiana state convention
of the Independence party will be held
In Indianapolis.
Friday The 80th birthday annlver.
sary of Count Leo Tolstoi will be cele
brated In Russia and by literary socle,
ties throughout the world.
Saturday Atlnntlc battleship fleet
Is scheduled to arrive at Melbourne
and will be given an elaborate recep
tion by the municipal and government
officials and people.'
Grent celebration will be held In
New York In honor of the American
contestants In the British Olympic
wiioi.i Mali: dkskhtioxs.
Only Throp of Sixty Sailors l.ft After
Trip AcriMH Country.
Ogden, I'tah, Aug. 12. It Is report
ed that there ale wholesale desertions
In tho ranks of the naval recruits be
ing transported to the Pacific fleet.
Only three remain out of the original
(0. A special train was engaged by
the government to take them to Oak
land from Ogden, was cancelled to
day. The deserters are being sought.
Flic Affidavit Hint Atviism Abo Rucf
of Being an Arcli-Olmliuil.
San Francisco, Aug. 12. "I have no
vicious or personal animosity against
Abe Ruef, but 1 believe him, from
evidence, to be one of the most ac
complished, atrocious and desperate
criminals of this or any other age."
The above la portion of an affida
vit filed In Judge Lawlcr'a court to
day by Francis J. Money In answer to
P.neFs affidavit that Lawlor la preju
diced and unqualified to try htm an
the Indictments of the trolley bribery
cases. Laiwler will postpone the case'nesa and Drosoerltv
to file his own affidsviu
Every Greek employed by the O. U.
& N. on the coal bins, where JO.OOO
tons of coal are being stored, were
summarily dismissed last evening. The
reason for the action is that the Greek
are too quarrelsome and too mean 'or
practical purposes. The foremen hav
had much trouble with the gang of JO
or so who are unloading the coal, and
came to the conclusion that more
could be done without them. The
dismissal came all In a heap, and th;
entire gang is now hanging around the
yards awaiting an opportunity to get
Japanese will replace them. The
contractors find the latter class of la
borers less likely to -Indulge In quar
rels either with the foremen or be
tween themselves. ,
EM 11
Kiddle Bros, and associates have
added another flouring mill to their
possession by the purchase of the El
gin 80-barrel mill. The company now
owns mills at Union, La Grande, Im-
bier and Elgin, and will within the
next few weeks commence the con
struction of a large mill i.: l':.ind City
to replace the Plone-r mill which vr.i
recently destroyed by fire.
The purchase price of the Elgin
property is reported to be 20, 000.
With five mills distributed In the b'est
wheat-growing sections of the county,
and being thorough mill and business
men, they have the foundation for a
large and Increasing annual business.
It Is understood that J. F. Bafer of
Union, will have charge of the Elgin
mill Just as soon as he gets the Im
11 '-r mill In running shape.
Yesterday this company purchased
the entire wheat crop of A. B. Conley,
as much of the grain is yet In the
field and little threshed, the amount
of bushels Is yet unknown, but the
sule was made.
It requires a lot of wheat to keep
five flouring mills going 10 months In
the year, running day and night. It
will thus be seen that this firm, of
necessity, will be the largest wheat
buying concern In tho Grande Ronde
Last night Chief Waldon and the
nlnht officers rounded up 22 hoboes
and loaded them Into a box car and
deported them. Each and every hobo
received personal Instructions to stay
In that particular car until they had
placed a respectable distance between
them and the city of La Grande.
Chief Waldon states that this Is not
an uncommon proceedure on the pot
of the officers. He says the Weary
Willies keep out of sight during the
daytime and In the evening begin to
show up In the alleys and residence
portion of the city. Then the officers
take a hand and the alley creepers re
ceive notification to leave town.
Io max to Ijocate In Portland.
Because the field Is larger and he
sees n brighter future for himself
and his profession. Attorney Leroy
Lomax, ex-dlstrlct attorney, has an
nounced thot he will remove from
Baker City to Portland In about two
weeks and locate permanently In the
practice of law. Mr. Lomax has an
extensive practice In Baker and Union
counties, but this he will be able o
handle satisfactorily from Portland.
It la with regret that Baker City loses
Mr. Lomax and his estimable family
aa residents, but wishes them happl-
In their new
v home. Baker Democrat.
rplirnlm Kcdlicrs, the Mlsslnj Man
, Wonted by Aslilnntl Relatives.
A $100 reward will be paid for in
formation of the whereabouts of Eph
ralm I led berg, of Cumberland, Wis.,
whi disappr.ti'-! at I'mtitllla station,
on the O. R. t N." railway on the
morning of August 5: 63 years old; i
f.'et 6 Inches; weighs 1?5 pounds; very
rlark hair, sandy moustache, thin chin
whiskers; light gray coat, vest, dark
trousers, licht gray fell hut. Speaks
with Swedish accent. Carried drafts
for 11030 on Cumberland State bank.
He must be demented or hns met with
foul play. Address G. H- Hctfberg,
Ashland, Oregon.
Advrrtlwd Letters.
fi:n LaMont 3.
.'!:. Ellen famlerson.
.Mrs. Lucy Salisbury,
Claudo Hale 4.
Theodore Hnrtman.
John Mustard. '
Chester Laughlln.
Chps. Myers.
Chas. L. Miller
James B. Porter.
Boone Parker.
Ous Reuter.
D. L. Rosenfeld 2.
Walter Stafford.
Tnlph Scott.
Franklin Taylor.
G. M. R1CHEY, Postmaster.
Friday's lin.clMilI Scores.
Oakland, 2; Portland, 1.
Ran Francisco, 3; Los Angeles, 0.
Notice for publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore.,
August 10, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Elgin,, Union county, Ore., who, on
August, 10, 1908, made timber land
application No. 0859, for SV4 SW4,
section 5, NV4 NWU, section 8, town
ship 2 south, range 35, E. W. M., has
filed notice of Intention to make final
timber proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the reg
ister and receiver of the U. S. land of
rtee, at La Grande, Oregon, on the
28th day of October, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: Sam
uel Parker, of Elgin, Ore.; W. H. Gib
son, of La Grand. Ore.; H. J. Hug.
of Elgin, Ore.; Henry Hug, of Elgin,
F. C. BRAMWELL. Register.
wAugHOct23 '
w Dr. ling's
How Discovery
F0RC8iaH3 ASl
uifr mucus x JUUTUIIDED.
A Business Directory of each
my. lown and Vlllnge In
uregon ana Washington, gtv
Ing a Descriptive Sketch of
each plncp. Location, Ship
ping FaclllUeg and Classl
fled Inrectory of each Husl
Ucss and Profession.
H. L. POLK A CO., he.
Fruit Season is Now On !
Phone Us Your Orders for
pint j
Half gallons
Extra clumps
Extra caps
Caps 18c dozen
J Rubber rings ,...20o dozen J
? Clumpa v...... 10c dozen jj
Extra ,lurge Jelly Glasses . . ..45c dizcn
These are an attractive size and shape, and are easily
worth 60 cents per dozen " ',
I4II-I4I5 Adams Ave.
Ferguson's Circulating Library.
If you go camping
Take a couple books along.
Dailv Observer
Come in and examine our text books.
See our Student's work
August 19, 20, 21, 22, Inclusive
Dr;ng the display a discount of 20 per cent will beal
to all who enroll. Here is your opportunity.
Are you going to take it?
will be on exnibit during display. Came and see it and
bring your friends. . The exhibit Is absolute h, t all.
i.i avien
.$1.35 doien
$1. J down
10c dozen
2c dozen
Phone Red 1161
65c per Month
If you want to earn
more salary, you will have
to know more about your
business. Come to
Schools Window
A representative will be
in charge every day, and will
be glad to explain to you how
The Leadina I
Clothier. I -y
5 v