EIGHT PAGES. KVE.MXQ OBSEftVEIt. LA ORA.VPE OREGON, nUPAT, ACGCST tt, 1908. PAGE THRICE. fmm ' . niHrnTntJv . - Q n -' '.. ' ' " of the: . ' FRATERNAL ORDERS l-A GRANDE, ORE. M. W. A. la Grande Camp No. 770t meets very first ana third Monday evenings at I. O. O. P. hall. AU visiting neigh bora are cordially Invited to attend. Relief commltteo: E. C. Davis Charles Dtaqua, A. J. Warner and D E. Cox. , E. C, DAVIS, C D. E. COX. Clerk. F. O. . La Grande Aerie No. tit, F. O. E, meets every Friday night in Elks' hall at I p. m. Visiting brethren in vited to attend. " D. H. PROCTOR, W. P. . J. H. LEISHMAN, W. 8. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8., hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays, of each month. V:tln; "r cordially invited. MART O. FORREST. W. M. MART A. WARNICK. Secretary. . l o. o. r. La Grande Lodge No. It, meets In their hall every Saturday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Uodel Restaurant. C. H. BLTSTONE, N. G. D, E. COX, Secretary. C. J. VANDERPOEL, Fin. See Fcrestera of Amenoa, . Court Maid Marian No. It meets ocond and fourth Wednesday night n K. of P. hall. Brothers are Invited to attend. NERI ACKX.ES, C. R. G. V. HENDRIvKS, F. 8. Board of Trustee: Dr. O. L. Big iers, Oscar Berger and Herbert Patterson, L O. O. F. Star Encampment No. tl, L O. O. F meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. D. E. COX. C. P. W. A. WORSTELL. Scribe. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve at L O. O. F. hall. ' Visiting members always welcome. , J. A. ARBUCKLjS. President C. J. VANDERPOEL. Secretary. . Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 16 a, W. O. W., meets every Saturday evening In K. of p. hall In the Corpe building. All' visiting members wel eome. M. M. MAIlQUIS, J. H, KEENET, Consul Commander. Clerk. A. F. A A.M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A . M holds regular meetings flrsi ilia luitu Citur" et 7:S0 p. m. L. H. RUSSELL, W. M. C. D. HUFFMAN, Secretary. IS POPULAR 1 I . - i nrotlierhood of Owls. La Grande Nest No. 17, meeu In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at ( o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. C. W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of P. ilea cross Lodge No. 27, meets jvery Monday evening In Castle Hall ?orpe building. A Pythian welcome -ti all visiting knights. D. H. PROCTOR, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. A S. B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 453, meets each Thursday evening at o'clock in Elks' hall on Adams avenue. Visit ing brothers are cordially Invited t attend. W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Ru.i O. E. M'CULLT. Rec. Sec. L. O. T. M. Hive No. 27, L. O. T. M., meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 2 o'clock In the afternoon Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH, L. C. MRS. EVA M INTTRE, K. of R. Rebekaha. Crystal Lodge No. 50, meets even Tuesday evening at the I p, O. F hall. All visiting members are In vited to attend. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, N. G. T1LLIE COX. Secretary. ICE CREAM This is the open season for Ice Cream and we are pre pared to furnisii the trade with the very best. Re member refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern Oregon. A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen .v : : : : E. D. S ELDER, the Candy Man 1 a uilders Arc You Doing What You Can to Populate Your State? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, mechan ics, merchants, clerks, peo pie with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co is sending tons of Oregon literature to the east for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who arc likely to be Interested In this slate T We will be glad t6 bear the expense of sending them complete In formation about Oregon and Its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER from the east to all points In Oregon. The fares from a few principal cities are: From Denver 130.00 From Louisville 141.70 From Omaha 180.00 From Cincinnati ..i.. .142.20 From Kansas City ......30.00 From Cleveland ...... .144. 7t From Ft. Louis $JS50 From New Tork 155.00 From Chicago 238.00 TICKETS CAX BE PRtOMID. If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph. a. II. KFEWET, Loral Arent. La C. ramie, Oregon. WM. M'MTRRAY, General Pamengrr Agent. PORTLAND, OREGON1. OVER SIXTY HAVE OR DERED BERTHS OX TRAIN. As Hour for Starting of Big Excursion , Draws Nemr It Bocomas Evident That t liXuemS ... ... ... . . That the Number Who Will Go to the Beach Will Reach Close to 100 Train Leaves Promptly at 8 O'clock. , With 61 Pullman berths sold for the eastern Oregon excursion to the beach which leaves La Grande tonight at S o'clock, there is every indication that the number will reach 100 before the train leaves, as there are always the tardy ones who do not make de cision until the last moment. Reports form Baker City hove It that the train which Is to be made up will at once be loaded with 150 excursionists. En route iu L. Sr:"1"" It will pick up a goodly number of people, but when It reaches La Grande the Elgin, Imbler, Island City and even the Union delegation will swell the number at least 100. The rates are such that they may never be du plicated again, and everyone who has a ghost of a show to get away for a week or even less, has taken ad van tage of the excursion facilities. ' During the day tickets have been selling rapidly, and the department predicts that all who have ordered berths will be nn hand to go. Hot Weather Bargains in Matting In our Matting Department we show a splendid assort merit, both as regards Shades. Quality and Prices ... ; SEASONABLE FURNISHINGS... By this we mean articles of house furnishings which the housewife requires at this time. Now think of the arti cle most needed and call at bur store and ask to see it. You will find it here at a price you can afford to pay. ' OUTLINE PLAN FOR MA MEEIi AT F'LKS I.rn COSfMEXCIXG AT (SEVEN O'CLOCK Hoard of Managers Last Evening Take Stop to Perfect Program for Meet ing Hero Tomorrow Night Several Kirakcrs Sclix-ted Signs of Good Attendance. To name the personnel of the pre' pared speakers for tomorrow night's mass meeting, to take further steps toward getting a representative crowd of people here and to discuss phases of the Irrigation question as It now stands, constituted the principal work of the board of managers of the Com mercial club at a meeting last night. Vice-President George Palmer presid ed. It was the outcome of the discussion that 7 o'clock Is the most suitable hour, as It will give the farmers time to attend the meeting and return to their homes without necessitating ex tremely late hours. Tho meeting will be held at the Elks' club hall, former- ly the Commercial club, and It Is also more than probable that the band will be on the streets prior to the meeting. Having sent out the J00 personal 'iters to land owners In the favored district, and with the rains last night to causa a let-up In the threshing and harvesting, the club managers look for a large crowd. hjiwlun to Bo XlinKTOUM. The program will open with short but explicit addresses by George B. Stoddard, F. 8. Bramwell, Walter M. Pierce, and perhaps C. D. Huffman. These men will set forth In plsln lan guage the features of the big Irriga tion scheme and make as clear as pos sible the splendid virtues which the proposition claims. Following these explanatory addresses, the meeting will be thrown open to discussions and questions. In which every attendant Is urged to freely give voice. Any question of doubt or any expression of pessimism will be received with pleasure, as In that way every detail of the gigantic but plausible scheme will be fully explained to the satisfac tion of all. I 1 w v. cum Jai?g;aLiis J Lace Curtains, Portieres and Draperies We have cut the prices in this line nearly 50 percent. You cannot afford to overlook this opportunity to fill a long felt want at a substantial money saving. t -Axlcook DEALERS IN FURNITURE An Capdftc T , ' hlal TSTords jit Praifto Por the several JnuredlenU of which Dr. ; 'k-ree'g medicines uro composed, as given y loaders In all tho several schools of icdiclno, should have far more weight '.iun any mount of non-professional tcs inonluls. Dr. l'lorcc's Favorite To-scrlp-!on hdt Tim UAtyiE or uiinkbty on every .Jt:le-wra:i)cr. In a full list of nil Its In rrdients pi iutcd In plain English. I! you are an Invalid woniun and suffer .rom freonom headache, backache, gnaw- muisir; i i;i stouten, periodical pains, -'.sagrc.e. catarrhal, pelvic drain, .'..'tr.tliicduwn distress In lower abdomen T DClVjC. rjcrhsOS HnrV lrtr.ii nr afuwls. '-inclKz before lliecvra. faint trwll. nH klntifalsymRtomscausod by female weak-uess.oLsthfjrdora-zajciitof the feminine orsanj. yW can not do better than take Dr. ricrrfefc Favorite Prescription. The he-:itkl. Slirronn, Unlf an4 aram- tlng tali maybe avoided by the timely use ol M avorlte Prescription" In surh cases. J lien-hv tbn nhnnvlmn rtnmln ... Til. . . - 1 rii,-. rl'y - in can lie avol'IH slid C. W. Preston 13 ' ul 8iu,ccs.'.(iil tri. JLJhor'uiKii U c:irrit ou"S oTTTie very bet 1 ri'SiTi ttLiiin " i ... ,,i ti native medicinal roou known to medical science lor tne cure ol woman s peculiar ailments, contnlns no alcohol and oo burmful or habit-formlna drugs. Do not expect too much from " Favorite Pffar-rlnl Inn- ii u-lll ..... nr..r bi clei t It will not dio!ve or cure tumors. ho medicine will. It wiil do as much to establish vigorous litalih in most weak nesses and ailments picullarly Incident to women as any medicine can. It must be given a fair chance b- perseverance In lia um for a reasonable I i.ath of lime. Vou enn't afTord to neceit a secret nos trum a. a iilwtitme lor this n medr of known composition. Nick Wfimpn urm ln'lfil In j.nnu,.l. t. lettoi. j-rrt. All corresMindenee is held as Htrletly rlvate mid -nerily confiden tial. Ad.ln-M: World's Dicix-tisurr Med lesl Assfielntion. Dr. It. V. Pierre, Pres.. No. tw Main Mrect. Purfalo. V. V Dr. Plero.-' Ples-ant I'i-IU-t Die bent mxative snd regulator of the bowels. They liiviuorale stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative; two or three cathartic Ear to take as candy. XfmCE OP FIXAfi SKTTI.KMENT. . .... nereoy given to all whom It may concern, that Mary E. Bwaugcr, sdmlnlstratrlx of the estute of Eman uel Swauger, deceased, has filed In tha county court o! Union cwinty, Oregon, her final report as adminis tratrix of said estate, and said court has set Monday, September 7th, A. I. t o'clock p. m.. as the time for tha hearing such report and any objertlnnt thereto. Dated this July 14th, 10. MART E. SWAUOEH, Mesaenger Service. If you want a messenger call Main 14. up Big Cut in Oxfords for Thirty Days C. W. Preston .x.,..... ,,,,,,,, ,,j DRIVES OUT ; QJJLlUUU nUNUK The skin is notaimnlv an r .i. - t , . . .. . , - - r-j w.w ijj ui uie lmxi y , out tnroucn thousand, of pores and gland it performs the great and necessary work reKulating our temperatures, and also assists in disposing of the refuse a waste tna ters of the system by the constant evaporation that goes through these l.ttle tubes. To perform these duties the tissue, and fib Tl i h?iM !!iM "!lnd .the p0re" a"d g,BOl,', ,uust tiaal1y no ished by pure blood W hen from any cause the circulation become, infec with itnpun ica and humors, it lose. iU .tren-jthenimr powers and bc-iM disease and irritate the delicate tissue., and produces Kczctna, Acniett or some other itching, disHgurin skin tro.,ble. S. S. S. cure, skin diseal ?n'7k"ld bl 6ln!C, iWU into t,,e cireulati"n "-"I neutralizing and reml leHd fi JST 'ilVnd hm7r- qHy of the blood from jcr.d fiery fluid to a cool.ng, health-producing stream, which instead hr.Ut.ng.nd nflaming the akin, cur', nud nourishe. t by it, aoothi healthful q'taWt.es. Salves, washes, Intlons, etc.. may be tised for V SnttrsTs C,""r "JS" Y TBotd' bnt ,kin disuses cannot beyc ,r ka Ldvif; Lt fZUnf,ed thC bl00d- 800,4 00 Ski0 l)i'l"u "Y ical dv.ce Mnt free. swrpT spEcrFIC CQ TXANTA, t A Notre Dam IsUIy's Appeal To all knowing sufferers of rheu latlsm, whether muscular or of tha Joints, sciatica, lumbneoa. backacha. You cure yourself at boms as thous and, will testify no change of elf mala being necessary. This simple discovery banishes urlo acid from tha auty to -ad It to all sufferer, free.. you. tor proof addre. Mrs. M. i ,. v.- -,-- -