La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 19, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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" hi a ".rfc- oim.- vt:M'' iv. r t;r:-T :o. loas.
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Miss Mdttle Murphy of Portland, 1
visiting with Mrs. C.,C. Bull this week.
Jim O'Neill, lot Snodgras and E.
J. Stewart are hunting on the Minam.
Miss Nina Hunatock left thlg morn
ing for Baker City, to spend a few
days with her mother.
Miss Gertrude. Pike left this morn
ing for Huntington, where she will
visit her aunt, Mrs. J, P. Hannan. -
MIbs Effie King left today for tier
home In Walla Walla, after visiting
irlends at Baker City and in La
Grande, , '
Miss Etta Ruth Luther of Portland,
'. who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Bidwell, of Island City, left this
morning for Denver. 1
H. P. Rowe left this morning for
Elgin, where he Is operating a steam
wing for the benefit of the young
people of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bander of Wallowa
who- have been near Twin Falls, Ida
ho, passed through the city this morn
ing en route home.
( , Mrs. , Robert Kelley and -little
?Vtaughter kuli ."-",'? for Walla
Walla, where they will visit friends for
about one month. .
A. E. Bennett, lately with the Morn
ing Star, left this morning for Walts
burg, where he will make his future
. Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Moore left Kan
sas City on August 17 for California
points. They will return to, La Grande
. about September 1.
Rev. A. L. Cllne, pastor of the M. E.
church at Summervllle, left this morn-
-big for Welser, where he will attend
the annual Methodist conference.
Miss Florence Happersett, who has
been spending the past three months
In Portland with her grandparents,
returned home on No. 2' last night.
L. Couch, one of Wallowa county's
progressive real estate men, came In
last night on the Elgin train to visit
relatives In Idaho for a few days.
Attorney L. Denham of Elgin, Is in
the city; today on legal business.
'-"Attorney D. Eheehan of Enterprise,
It in the city on business andpleas.
Mrs. J. D. Gllllland left this morn
ing for Welser, where she will Join
her husband, Presiding Elder Gllll
land, who Is now th.-re at the annual
Recorder I. R. Snook, tG. D. 81m
mons and H. P. Oliver, who have
been fishing on the V.'ullowa river and
Mlnam, have returned. Thty secured
some beauties.
L. D. White, a former resident of
this city and now living at Portland,
who has been visiting in La Grande,
left this morning for Baker, where he
will remain a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steffen of Port
land, who have been visiting In Twin
Falls, are .expected to arrive here In
the morning. Mrs. Steffen Is a sister
of Engineer Fred Schllke.
CThe social committee of the B. of
L. F. ft E will give their regular so
cial this evening at the K. of P. hall.
All members of the aoclety and their
ladies are cordially Invited.
Mrs. W. D. Wallace of Belllngham,
. Wash., arrived In the cl tlhytsco
Wash., arrived In the city this morn
ing and will remain here a few weeks
the guest of her sister. Miss Fred
Edward Holmes of. Wallowa county
visited In La Grande over night, re
turning this morning to his home.
Miss Jessie Green Is home from the
Looking Glass, where she spent a few
days In camp life.
Miss Ruth Bush, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Bush of this city, who
recently submitted to an operation In
TUden.' Neb., for appendicitis, Is rap
Idly Improving and expects to reach
borne on a date not far hence.
Engineer H. A. Brandon Is In En
terprise today on matters pertaining
to the construction of the railroad. He
Is authority for the statement that the
Iron horse will be steaming Into the
city of Wallowa within the next II
Miss Luella McKeen of Walla Walla,
who haa spent about eight weeks In
Wallowa county, arrived In the city
last evening and went on to her home
this morning. She 1 a daughter of
Mr. McKeen, republican candidate
for mayor at the recent city election
; .- o.rdin City.
,! V. imonfis cf Lcstlna,
i. - last evening en
: uce, where the
will aeek Improvement for her health.
She Is now entirely helpless, having
euffrl Ur$; with dripvy and nazt
trouble. She we accompanied tr
r.-' hurr.p'd tn4' ir-n: ? on :r.
ni;Tr!fs tr'5.
A. C, Kjii InR-ton rvJ t; h, -lK
rey, jr., came In last night from trte
Looking Glass camp. Mr. Huntington
may visit Long Beach the latter part
of the week.
I. C. S. bot-iul.
Imitations are being sent out for a
social gathering of the students of the
International Correspondence schools
August 19, at the L. D. 8. amusement
hull, corner Fourth street and N ave
nue. The Intention Is to get all of the
La Grande students together for mu
tual acquaintance and social and'ln
tellectual communion. . The idea Is
original with the La Grande student,
yet some of the representatives of the
schools will be In attendance, and their
display outfit will be on exhibition.
In addition to this each student Is re
quested to bring one drawing or writ
ing lesson. These will be arranged for
exhibition by the committee on decor
ation, and will be returned to the stu
dent at the close of the evening. It Is
expected that each student will Invite
a lady friend or an interested gentle
man friend, except, of course, that
each lady student Is at liberty to Invite
a gentleman friend, the friend may be
a member of the student's own family
or "Some other family. The Intention
has been to send an invitation to each
student, but owiim . l'. !:.'.'!''''
getting a complete list, and to the fact
that new names are constantly belnR
added,' It may be that some will be
overlooked, but It Is expected that each
student will feel free to attend,
whether they get a direct Invitation or
not. There will be a short educational
and musical program, and . light refreshments.
(Continued from page 1.)
garet Moore, Mabel Klff ler, Dora Den
ning. Third Grade.
Islg Moks,, Helen Ramsdell, "Or a
Brown, Gertrude Stoker, Bessie Kill.
Teachers Not tScaix-e.
County School Superintendent E. E,
Bragg stated today that he believed
every dlHtiict In the county this fall
Would have secured a suffilcent num
ber of teachers to open on schedule
time. He knows that all of the prin
cipal schools In the county are already
supplied, and that only four districts
had applied to him and In each In
stance he had been successful In sup
plying them with first-class teachers.
Morn Satisfaction of Mortgagee Thau
Mortgngms Filed These Days.
The records of the county record
er show a most healthy financial con
dition. There are more satisfaction of
mortgages going on record than mort
gages. While we hear much about the
hard times in general, there is noth
ing tn union tuu.ty t: !" such.
Neither do the records show that such
Is the case.v Old Grande Ronde val
ley, with her diversified products, al
ways keeps at the head of the proces
sion. ,
Nominate Johnson.
Minneapolis, Aug. 19. It ap-
pears Inevitable today that Gov-
ernor Johnson will be nominat-
ed against his will for a third
' re-election by the 'democratic
state convention, which opened
here today. When his name was
mentioned the delegates cheered
six minutes. A phonograph re-
producing the speech maue by
Bryan caused wild cheering.
Buy Your Raisins Now.
Fresno, Cal., Aug. 1. Better buy
your raining now. r:t"kers' here say
that the price will poor, hegln to soart
and that the dried, grapes will soon be
beyond the reach of all but well-to-do
people. Several advances In price
have already been niflde, and more
are to follow, according to the fruit
brokers. The extreme hot weather,
which has caused n: estimated dam
age to the crop of from 25 to 80 per
cent, Is given aa the reason for the
shortage and the, consequent high
price. Estimates place the 1900$ crop
at not more than 60,000 tons. Last
year'a crop was about 80,000 tons.
Victim of Lrprosy ffone,
Blsbee, Ariz., Aug. 19. Renewed
efforts were made today to secure
pardon for Albert Cole, who la tn the
penitentiary, so that he can care for
his sister, the leper widow of General
Wardwell. Today she was chained In
bed. She Is more violent since her
husband died.
Suicide at Medford.
Medford, Ore., Aug. 1. Frank I,
Nelke, the New York clothier who
came here to start In business and
who attempted suicide three times yes
terday by cutting his wrist and drink
ing carbolic acid, died this morning,
He had 16000 In the bank.
Wedding Tomorrow Night.
Invitations are out announcing the
wedding of B. M. Hutchinson to Miss
Eva McKennon. at the home of W. L.
Damon, on First street, tomorrow eve
ning. The affair will be a quiet one
to be attended only by a few intimate
lady friends of the bride,
Mrs. J once Entertain.
Mrs. W. K. Jonee last evening, en
tertalned the "100" club and the
members' husbands tn honor of Mrs.
E. W. Bartlett of Portland. Five hun
dred was the order of the evening and
Mrs. Jay Van Buren won the prtie.
The home waa elaborately decorated
wlh tweet peat.
The luncheon wis In keeping wl:h
the tletwratenes of the decoration.
m-tm eet e eee - '
eee -i-evi M- ev eJeeee-j.e
if Hammocks-Guns-Hunfmg Coat
Why be tortured with heat when yoa can buy hammocks
at your own price. We have a few left that we are going
to sell for less than you would suggest
A Good heavy Duck Hunting
cqat, with corded collar and
game pocket, .$2.00
Hunting Vests made of the same .
, material, place for 74 shells.. $1.51
12-gauge single barrel Shotguns $fl.0fl
lt-gauge double barrel Shotguns 10.50
12-gauge double barrel Shotguns $10.73
.22 Marlln Repeator Rlgles ....$10.50
.22 Special Winchester Repeater ' i
Rifles 12.0u
Single Shot .22 Rifles, .$3.05 to $7.00
f good heavy duck i
hunting coat with
corded collar and
game pockets $2.00
Hunting vests made
of the same mater
ial, place for 72
shells $1.50
A fancy, red and white, well-made
Hammock for children, special, ,68c
A good, strong woven Hammock
that will last two seasons, spe- .
clal $1.28
A good grade, long fringe, and a
beauty; regular $2.60; special $1.98
A Inrge, heavily woven Hammock,
regular $2.75; special ....... .$2.38
And a regular 23.00 Hammock; spe- r
ciai,. ........ $a.4
Our prices cannot be excelled in builders hardafe
carpenter's tools and shelf goods. We carry theyGILT
hUUfc, line and every article is guaranteed.
Scenic' Banner Program.
In giving Its strongest program
since the theater was established, Mr.
Gardlnler announces "Romeo and
Juliet" and "The Poisoned Bouquet'
as two extra fine pieces. These two
films will be seen tonight and tomor
row night. Everyone la familiar with
the plot of the Shakespearean tragedy
and It Is needless to say It will be up
to the standard. The other feature Is
also of first-class views. The love ro
mance of a count Is so full of thrill
ing Incidents at to make It a tragedy
of the first order. The humor In the
program Is wrapped up In the third
The two features wpre released for
use on August 16, and are therefore of
the very latest class of moving pic
tures, t
v e
Sherwood Matinee.
The Wednesday matinee at the Sher
wood Electric was well attended this
afternoon. The show house presents
the present program for the last time
this evening and the followers of the
old atandby theater cannot afford to
miss the program.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Ore
August 10, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of La Grande, Oregon, who, on July
29, 1908, made timber land applica
tion No. 0660, for 8WK NW14, Ntt
8W4 and lot i. section 1, township
south, rai.o , W. M., haa filed
notice of Intention to make final tim
ber proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the reg
ister and receiver of the U. 8. land
office at La Grande, Ore., on the 27th
day of October, 1908.
Claimant namea aa witnesses: Peter
Hobenaen, of Perry, Ore.; Charles Far
rler, of Perry, Ore.; Charles Rowland,
of La Grande, Ore.; Frank Gabhart,
of La Grande, Ore.
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
Dr. W. D. MoMlllan. Red III.
FtlrJeea f ftrectlon.
Expert t nlC wvrfc. Bpedai attention
children's tM,v '
U OrattJ X In E-i:4;i
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office. La Grande, Ore.,
July It, 1901. ,
Notice la hereby given that
of Bloux Falls, South Dakota, who, on
July I, 1908, made timber and atone
worn statement No. 0141, for 8W
NEU. Ntt BE, 8EU BE. Bee. II,
Tp. 4 8.. R, 18, E. W. M.. haa filed
notice of Intention to make final tim
ber and ttone proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before the
register and receiver of the U. 8. land
office, at La Grande, Oregon, on the
ISth day of September, 1901.
Calment names at wtnee: Kith
ryn Connor, of Blous Falls. 5. D.
Charles T. Clancey, of Blocs Falls. B.
D.; John K. Wrtrbt, of La Grande,
Ore.; Walter Cancer, of La Grande,
Ml 1-tS n-fl"
..... j;
Our specials thid&eek are exceptionally f
The articles are seasonable aad just what is
needed in every home. The best material is
used in making these goods and the prices
should tempt youtobuy. They are marked down
not because they are damaged but to make our
weekly specials a saving to everybody
Crystal White Soap, 6 bars .
Elka White Soap, 8 bara . . .
Silk Soap, 7 bar
Toilet Soapt, special, per bar
. . .25c
U. S. Spring Clothespins, special
4 'dozen .25c
Common Clothespins, special, per
dozen le
Rolling Pns, special, each 18c
Toasting Wires, special, each ..12 Wo
Brooms, special ................ .23c
10 per cent
Discount on
All Dishes and
Glassware in
the Bargain
No. 1 galvanised Tubs, special. . . .89c
No. 1 galvanized Tubs, special .... 19c
No. 8 galvanized Tubs, special . .. ,88c
8-qt galvanized Buckets, special,. 15o
10-qt galvanized Buckets, special 18o
12-qt galvanized Buckets, special 23c
14-qt galvanized Buckets, special 25c
Galvanized Slop Palls, special ...40c.
Tin Slop Palls, special ,.43o
10-qt J. C. tin Slop Palls ISc
A. B. Naptha Soap, I bars. 25c
I The Golden Rule 0o
te-ee4e4es4ee: ee4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee4.ee4ee . . . 7
Department of the Interior,
U. & Land Office at La Grande, Ore.,
August 10, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Union, Oregon, who, on September
16, 1901, made homestead entry No.
10608 serial No. 0286, for NWK SB
?4, EH BWH, 8W14 BWli, aectlon
12, township 4 south, range 17, EL W.
M., hat filed notice of intention to
make final five-year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before the register and receiver of the
U. 8. land office at La Grande, Ore
gon, on the 86th day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses: Frank
Bartmess, George Bartmesa, Frank
Gabhart, Isaac Hill, all of La Grande,
F. C. BRAMWELL. Register.
Statement of the Condition of the
At the Close of Bualn ea July 15, 1008.
Time loans f
Overdrafts, temporary ...
Bonds, warrants, etc. ....
Banking house and fixtures
Other real estate
U. 8. bonda and
premiums ...111,475.00
Demand loans 11,161.70
Cash and due
from banks .. 17,161.10
I per cent re '
demption fund 780.00 119,188.90
Total $262,480.08
Capital stock ...$ 10,000.0
Surplus and undivided
Circulation . . . . .
Dividends unpaid
Deposits and due to banks 179,071.17
Total $261,40.02
Seashore Excursion.
For a special train excursion to
North (Washington) beach points, the
O. R. A N. company will tell round
trip tickets to Nahcotta, Wash., under
the following conditions:
Fare Baker City, 111; Hianes and
North Powder, $11.60; Union, La
Grande, Elgin and Jmbler, $10.
Children Children of half-fare age,
one-half of the above fares.
Sale date August 11, 190$.. '
Stop-overs Continuous passage In
both directions, except that stop-over
will be allowed at Portland on return
trip within the limit All ticket will
bear as destination, Nahcotta, Wash.,
but passenger may stop off at and
may check baggage to any point be
tween Hegler, Wash., and Namcc ..
limit Final return limit Bept a-
ber I, 1901. Extension of return limit
to September 10, will be granted' upon
payment of difference between this
excursion ra'e and the aeasoa (are.
as au.horUoe In clrculai No. 110, L
Ws want jour banking sceount. W are careful with any business an
1 trusted to ut, and our record for conservatism in the past is our best guar
antee to you for the future. NOT THE LARQEST, but let ut convince you
that WE ARE THE BEST bank to do business with
The Farmers and Traders National Bank
Grande Ronde Lumber Co.
Tor 16 inch Chain Wood Dt acted at yor ilcn. .
Call up . L BEAN, La Grand . r;::r.?. K :d i:'V.
' .