La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 19, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    f-- "-WTI1 J.
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EAXXIXH O lls;itvK.
LA v.r .tv(,nv wf.b.'esi).iy.
AUGUST lfl. 1808.
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Published Dally Excopc Sunday.
Cnlted IVcwi Telegraph Service.
Dally, per month.............. .85
Dally,' single copy , .OS
Dally, one year In advance $0.60
Dally, atx months, In'advance. . .S3.50
Weekly, one year. In advance. . .81. 00
Weekly, six month, in advance. , . .75
Entered at tha postofflce at La Grande
as second-class matter. '
This paper will not publish any artl
. tie appearing over a nom de plume.
Signed articles will be received subject
to the discretion of the editors. Please
sign youp-SVtlrlea and save dlsappolnt
'. ment.
t Ad vertliilng Rates.
, Display ad. rati; furnished upon ap
plication. ' . ' ' .-v
. .Local reading notices 10c per line
" first Insertion; be pei iuv
sequent Insertion.
Resolutions of condolence, lis a line.
Cards of thanks. 6c a line.
; ,tcxu lit linker.
With much satisfaction this city will
entertain the eastern division of the
Oregon Educational association this
year, says the Herald. While the ses
sion proper will not be held until No
vember, the executive committee holds
a meeting in this city on August 29th,
for the purpose of making arrange
ments, outlining a program and choos
ing men of national repute who will
address the teachers when they meet
in the fall. The executive committee
la composed of State Superintendent J.
II. Ackerman, J. S. Landers, superin
tendent of Pendleton schools;. E. B.
Conklin, superintendent of ' Ontario
schools; J. A. Churchill, superintend
ent of Baker, schools;' E. E. Bragg,
county superintendent of Union coun
ty, and J. F. Smith, county superin
tendent of Baker county, who Is pres
ident of the association;' , ' :
18 19202122
Remember the mass meeting for
Saturday night.
I Put water onto fertile Grande
Ronde and then sit back and 'Watch
Grande Ronde grow'.
The country around Echo produces
' fine honey. Cue man brought in 600
pounds on - i.iv.
' Urn,
Think of It, we should be generous
with our neighbors in their hours of
torture. Nat Relss, commencing on
. the 24th, will hold a street carnival In
Butte for. two weeks.
Union will be connected by tele
pragh wire with the rest of the world,
and he old time methods of sending
telegrams by teet phone or freight to
the main lino will soon be a matter
of the past.
More than double the amount of
fruit haa been cared for by The Dalles
cannery this season than was hand
led by that Institution last year. Not
only is this true of cherries, but alse
of strawberries and peach plums,
The saloon men of Grant county
finally Inst out In their contention to
keep Grant county In the wet list af
ter the voters decided othorwlxo at
the Inst election. Their main point of
contention was that In one precinct no
notices of election were posted and In
one or two othor precincts tha notices
were not put up within a few days of
the prescribed time. It was a lengthy
legal battle, but the county la dry at
Entire Force, In AswsMor'a Of Ike Is
Working on Tux Rulls. ;
The busy season In the assessor'
office is now on. All Of the deputy
field workers have completed their la
bors and filed their reports and now
the office force Is hard at work pre
paring the 1908 tax roll. This work is
supposed to be completed by the third
Monday In October and Assessor Hug
expects to have It so completed. How.
ever, In case he does not, he has scores
of precedents In asking for a few
weeks extension of time.
SwrnUiry Garflrii! Finds the Wettt Is
Solid for Taft, and ProiH'rous.
Hot Springs, Aug. 19. Secretary of
the Interior James R. Garfield called
on Taft today. He said his trip througt
the west, Just completed, had con
vinced him that Taft will be elected
"I was In California, Oregon, Wash
Ington, Montana, Colorado, Idaho, Ne
braska and Kansas," he sold, "an
everywhere I found the people pros'
perous. Bryan will lose his own state,
A poll on the train coming this way-
showed Taft 47 and Bryan 17 votes.
The council of Baker City has pass
ad a resolution to limit the saloons to
25. The mining camp spirit prevails
possibly to a greater exten In Baker
City than in any other town in the
state. It was among the last to ills
card the wide-open policy. If the
council would limit the number of an
loons to five the temperament of the
pt'oplu mlttht put off prohibition fur
Sivcral years, but. we mistake the
trend of the times If the people of
Buker county will permit 25 saloons
to exist many years. The American
saloon must go. Is going at the rate
of scores every dny.
The examination of children under
14 years of age who desire to work
tinder the provisions of the new child
labor law of the District of Columbia,
seems to show that city girls are heal
thier than city boys. Since June to,
1700 children have been examined and
the Inspectors have had to reject 75"
boys for physical disability, and only
two girls, Though the number of
applicants for permits Includes more
boys than girls, the percentage of re
rejections In the case of the boys has
occasioned surprise. They are for the
m-tat part fi'Und to be suffering from
heart and lung troubles. It would be
Interesting to know how many of
them art cigarette smokers or have
t!hr pernicious habits. New Tork
Chrli-Un Advocat.
Tork State Fruit Mon.
Ithaca. N. T., Aug. 19. Members
of the New Tork State Fruit Grow
era' association assembled today
the auditorium of the College of Agrl
culture. Cornell university for the
annual summer meeting. Dean L. H,
Bailey, of the College of Agriculture,
Is In charge of the session, and some
of the most competnet horticultural
experts of the. country are on the
prosrem. A symposium on "Orchard
Parnslts" is the feature of the after'
noon session. Tomorrow the dele
gates will go on an excursion down
the lake and visit some of the 'fa
mous orchards In the vicinity.
River Junction Slay Soon Be Platted
Into Town Lots.
It Is reported that River Junction,
on the new railroad headed for Wal
lowa county, which Is now a city of
tents, may soon blossom Into a city
in fart. This point Is located on the
road where the Wallowa river Joins
the Grande Ronde, and la owned by
John Anthony. It Is reported that he
Is thinking seriously ' of having the
site platted Into town lots. The lo
nylon Is such that quite a territory
111 always be adjacent to this point.
Form Tobacco Combine.
Bowling Green. Ky., Aug. 19. To
bacco planters of Kentucky, Tennes
see and Indiana will meet here to
morrow for the purpose of amalga
mating the several tobacco growers'
unions of the three states. The In
dividuality of the various organisa
tions now In existence will be pre-
aerved. Leaders In the movement
deny any sympathy for "night rider"
and dynamite methods adopted by
some tobacco planters and declare
that the unions do not countenance
any auch measures.
Anotlwr Ocean Record.
New Tork, Aug. 1. Making 25
knots an hour from Liverpool, this
trip, beating Ita previous record, the
Lusltanla ! today tha fastest ship In
tha world. Wireless dispatches from
the ship say tfr has steamed 1202
miles up to r.oon.
Many Prlnevllle peopto In the
mountains camplrg have been utl! li
ed as flrv !lfchtr by the rangers.
They draw wag f0. th work, but
.hey didr't t-. t .nirt
irg for J. u, .. .;. -.... j.
In all probability there will be con
tinued discussion over existing laws
covering length of time required by
the statutes to advertise a special city
election. The new charter ordinances
will be given Its third and final read
ing tonight at an adjourned meeting
of the council and as it will undoubt-J
edly pass, the question of date for the
city election will Immediately come
up. . The supreme court established a
precedent In the Portland case recent
ly, which shows that 10 days are all
that are required to advertise a spe
cial city eelctlon. But the question
arises, If these 10 days are to be con
sidered only after the ordinance call
wi' hoeome operative. Unless
an emergency Is declared, It will take
30 days before the charter ordinance
is operative, hence 40 days before the
special election. The city attorney Is
now Juggling the question In all its
phases and will likely be ready to re
port definitely at tonight's meeting on
the legal phases of the question.
If plnns which the council has been
working on of late, are carried out.
the special election will be held with
in a very short time. The matter of
selecting Judges and clerks of election
Will also come up tonight If the char
ter passes.
Did DIK!
M Mm
It la reported that a certain soft
drink emporium near Mlnam will be
carefully watched In the near future
with a view of stopping the sale of In
toxicating liquors. It may be the brain
twister Is procured from some other
source, but it is evident that Its true1
source will be ferreted out. Because
one cook got on a protratced spree re
cently, one of the railroad contractors
lost 30 of his men. He does not pro
pose that It happen again.
Charles Vuiplllat has locked horns
with the city offiicals, and to all ap
pearances he will come out a victor In
the conflict, The action was caused
by the sfeet superintendent order Mr.
Vurplllat to construct a sewer ditch
beneath the sidewalk which he is
about to build In fornt of his resi
dence, corner First and Main. Resi
dents on that street will remember
that the spring freshets . Invariably
form a torrent under the sidewalk on
First street, and since the washouts
last spring, the section of the ditch in
front of the Vurplllat and Damon res
idences has been filled with earth.
Mr. Vurplllat Is about to construct a
sidewalk, along with other Improve
ment iu I,'.: nnd Immediately
encountered an order from the ' city
officials to build the ditch before he
constructed the sidewalk. After tak
ing legal advice he refused to obey
the. orders, and to all appearances' his
stand will be successful. While the
city officials have not said so, it Is
Intimated that they will build the ditch
A case In volvlng the title to 160
acres of land near North Powder,
which Is Instituted by the gaurdian of
an Insane person, will come up before
Circuit Jurise Knowles tomorrow. Th
titie of the' case Is Rachel J. Rafferty
by Mr. Buzzard of Cove, her guardian
at?alnst A. B. Davis. Attorney Shee
nan of Enterprise, appears for th
plaintiff, while Attorney L. J. Davis
of Union will appear for the defend
ant Rachel Rafferty la now In th
Insane asylum at Salem and the suit
Is brought by Mr. Buzzard of Cove,
Fruit Season is Now On i
Phone Us Your Orders for
Pints .......
Half gallons .
Extra clomps
Extra cape . . .
....$1.10 dozen
....$1.35 .dozen
,....11.75 dozen
. .. . . 10c dozen
, . . . . 20o dozen
Caps 18c dozen
Rubber rings 20c dozen 2
J Clumps . ..lOe dozen
Extra large Jelly Glasses .. ,43c dozen ,
The?; ?.r n attractive size and shape, and are easily
worth 60 cents per aoon
I4H-I4I5 Adams Ave. Phone Red 1161
Foresters of America are to Invade
Union tomorrow night, when a large
number of prominent Foresters of
this city will leave by team for Union
to establish a new camp In that city,
About 60 aOre to become charter mem
bers of the new camp, but It Is likely
that one poor mortal will be Initiated
Just to show the others what they
Sure Cure for Asthma.
v e guarantee to cure asthma.
bronchitis and catarrh. If our medl
cine falls we will cheerfully refund all
money paid. Write Arnold's Asthma
Cure Co., 83S-IS4-!St Arcade Build
ing, Seattle, Wash., or for next SO
days, Morris W. Knight. Cove, Ore.
Box IS.
(Continued from page 1.)
Northcote, governor general of the
commonwealth, will give a dinner In
honor of the officers of the. fleet
The arrival of the fleet tomorrow
will be made the occasion of a great
spectacular aquatic welcome on the
part of the public From the heads
at the harbor entrance tens of thou
sands of spectators will hall the ap
proach of the battleships, which will
proceed to their moorings between
lines of pleasure steamers and other
harbor craft, bearing cheering mult!
tudes, with nags flying and bands
playing. Once the battle ships have
picked up their moorings the fleet of
pleasure steamer will pass along the
ner of anchorage and another rous-
ng welcome will be accorded the
American bluejackets.
Private citizens are well to the fore
with suggestions for tha entertain
ment of the coming guests, and social
Invitations aro 'surs to f i!! like hall
hcut the head of t'.t sailers -men
no less than officers. Various local
bodies are anxious to accord a wef-
C ui. rii-V e .v- eccunt. The
c; c' y have
A.ik-i Us.-.
!'M sr!!
Special Train Excursion to Portland
and the Seashore.
The O. R. ( N. Co. beg to announce
that on Friday, August 21st, they will
operate a special train, consisting of
Standard Pullman and Tourist sleeping
cars and free reclining chair cars to
Portland, leaving La Grande at 8 p
m., arriving at Portland following
morning at :15 a. m. titeamer T. J.
Potter leaving Portland at 1 p. m., ar
riving on the Beach at 7:10 p. in.
Tickets limited to September 8th.
Passengers may take advantage of a
lS-day stop-over at Portland on the
return trip If they so desire, and can
leave the Beach Sunday, August JSd.
Tha very low rate of (10.00 for the
round trip will be made. S-7tf
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Ore.,
August 10, lt08.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Elgin, Union county, Ore., who, on
August, 10, 1808, made timber land
application No. 0858, for 8H SWti,
section S.ifM NW14, section I, town
ship $ south, range 85, E. W. M., has
filed notice of Intention to make final
timber proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the reg
ister and receiver of tha.U. S. land of-
rlce, at La Grande, Oregon, on the
18th day of October, 1808.
Claimant namea as witnesses: Sam
uel Parker, of Elgin, Ore.; W. H. Gib
son, of La Grande, Ore.; H. J. Hug,
of Elgin, Ore. Henry Hug, of Elgin.
F. C. BRAMWELL. Register.
Ferguson's Circulating Library.
If you o camping
Take j couple books aloig.
Not an Arrest Made Since Circus Day
Few Hoboes.
Chief of Police Walden says there
Is little doing these days In his depart
ment. There has 'not been an arrest
made since circus day, which waa on
the' 11th, and even the hobo tourist
travel seems to have slackened up
since harvest began.
A Business Directory of each
City. Town and Village In
Oregon and Washington, giv
ing a Descriptive Sketch of
each place, Location, Ship
ping Facilities and a Classi
fied Directory of each Busi
ness and Profession.
POLK A CO., Inc.
ucng una 1
1 R.L.PO
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office, La Grande, Ore..
August 13, 1908.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed In this office by Benjamin
Bowman, contestant, against H. E. No.
11081, Serial No. 037, mado February
8. 102, for NH SE4 NEW BWli,
section 4. township 4 south, range 35
E., W, Meridian, by George E. Price,
contcstee. In which it Is alleged that
said George E. Price has wholly aban
doned the above described land for
more than six months last past, and
further that he has not resided upon,
mproved or cultivated said land or
resided upon said land as required by
me nomestead laws at any time, and
that said alleged absence from the
said land was not due to his employ
ment In the army, navy or marine
corps of the United States, said par
ties are herby notified to appear, re
spond and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m.. on Sep-
lemoer ;z, mos. before the register
ana recevier at the United States land
oince in La Grande, Oregon.
The mat A . .
. wiiioiiqi naving, in a
proper affidavit, filed August 13. lo
set forth facta which show that after
due diligence personal service af this
notice can not be made, it l. hereby
ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publlca
tlon' P. C. BRAMWELL.
J. T. WILLIAMSON, Reg1gter
Attorney for Contestant.
with Br. King's
Jen Discovery
(Isolated Tract.)
La Grande, Oregon, Land Office,
August 17, 1808.
Notice Is hereby given that, as di
rected by the commissioner of the
general land office, under provisions
of act of congress approved January
1. HOt, Public No. SOS, we will of
fer at publle aala, to tha highest bid
der, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tha SOth
day of September, next, at this of
fice, the following tract of land, to-
lt: NWU 8WK. section 17, town
ship 4 south, range 85 B. W. M.
8crlal No. 01010..
Any person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are advised to
Ale their claims or objections, on or
before tha day above designated for
V. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
A. A. ROBERTS, Receiver.
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Chronic Constipation,
Pi-.a.tant lo tnKe
Cleanses the system
-vwotyjhly and clears
: --'iow complexions of
;''.,T.jM;.t. vi trfiiCflCit.