' EIGHT fAGEK TUESDAY, ACGCST 18,1908. EVENING OBSEKVEIC LA GIUN'DE OREGON. ft 1 . H I, i ?!. ! it ust ensanons IN PRICE-MAKING AT THE PEOPLES STORE :: THE SUMMER GOODS remaining here have served their : I - I I ! If Tf i L!J f pufpubc anu serveu u wen. iney now musi om us rare :j well, and do it in a hurry. This is the timeoyyear that we make room for new fall goods by makiwfprices that will : : make the goods go, regardless of jfsirability or cost. : READ THESE PRICES, EVERY OHpOF THEM. j: Oxford 5fioes. $1. 50 White Canvas Oxfords now 75c $2.25 " " " r" $1.15; 5.50 Tan ' ". ." 2.y Ladies' and Children'spun HSU 60c to $1.00 Values now 1 -25c A Men's Straw and Oast Hats at Half Price. Z Ladies Long Gloves 85c Long Lisle Uioves now $1.25" " " 1.50 " " " " 1.15 " Silk " 1.50 " " " 1.75 M " " " All Sizes in Out Summer Glove Stock. 89c . 98c 83c 98c 1 18 Ladies Silk and Wash Suits Half Price and Less $ 1 9.00 Silk Shirt Waist Suits $9.25 20.00 " " " " 9.98 22.60 " Jacket " 11.75 35.00 " - " 17.50 $3.00 Wash Suits - - $1.25 3.50 " " - - - 1.45 4.00 " ' " - - 1.98 4.75 " . - 225 5.00 " " 2.45 :: Come Early as These Goods Cannot Remain Long at These Prices :: The People's Store LA GRANDE, OREGON : OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, mm SHERMAN NOTIFIED TODAY mjffjfyifi THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION A HOME COMPANY 34.000 MEMBERS $28,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN EORIE A Mutual Company can Save Ycu from 40 to 50 per cent on Your Insurance J. W. OLIVER, AG EINlT.La GrandcOr. Cor. Gtli St and Washington Ave Notice for Bids. j COMBS, NEW, THE FINEST j EVER WASH COLLARS WHITE TIES MIDSUMMER MILLIVERY ADAMS AX IC.M i: Notice Is hereby given that the city will receive bids until 4 o'clock, Aug ust 22, 190S, at the recorder's office, for the following rough lumber, de livered: 13,82 feet 4x12x16 select red fir. 4608 feet 4xl2xl select red fir, beveled on one edge to an angle of 20 per cent. 14 400 feet 3x12x18 select red fir. "(WO feet 3x12x16 elect red fir and beveled on one edge to an angle of 20 per cent. S440 feet 4x6x16 common fir and tamarack. 10,000 feet lVjxSxlS select yellow pine. 1120 feet 4x4x16 common fir and tamarack. 2560 feet 2x6x16 common fir and tamarack. (600 fvrt 4x6x16 Common fir and tamarack. . 1120 feet 4x4x16 common fir and timiar.uk. W. N". MONROE. Chairman Ftrcet Committee. i - If ynvl Main 2 4. want a messenger call up D rugs M Money Saving Prices We actually save you money, and a call at our store will demon strate this statement. Our drug stock is complet and and our prie s are lower than others. made with honor unless I were In full accord with the declaration of prin ciples adopted by the convention. . Not only am I in full and complete accord with my party's platform, but I en dorse .every word of, the statement made by Mr. Taft In his address ef acceptance when notified of his nom ination aa the republican candidate for president That speech fully and comprehens ively discusses the Issues of this cam paign as presented by the platforms of the two great parties, so. that it Is appropriate, that my statement should be short. Those not convinced by the presentation of Mr. Taft I could not hope to persuade. , It U, however, in conformity with custom that I refer at least briefly to some of the Import ant Issues of the campaign. Firsti then, let me say that I am e protection!. I am sufficiently prac tical to value the utility of a fact high er than tne iwuui ut U...C.;;-, a- T am a protectionist because experi ence has demonstrated that the appli cation of that principle has lifted us as a nation to a plane of prosperity above that occupied by any other peo ple. " r I especially commend that plank of our platform which promises an early revision of tariff schedules. That pledge will be fulfilled in adjustment based In every particular upon the broad principles of protection for all American Interests, alike for labor, for capital, for producers and consumers. The Dlngley bill when enacted was well adapted to then existing condi tions. The developments of industri al prosperity In a decade, which In. volume and degree have surpassed our most sanguine expectations, have bo altered conditions .that In certain de tails of schedules they no longer in every particular mete out Justice .to all.. In this readjustment the principle of protection must and will govern; such duties must and will be Imposed as will equalize the cost of production at home and abroad and Insure a rea sonable profit to all American inter ests. The republican idea of such a profit embraces not alone the manu facturer, not alone the capital Invest ed, but all engaged in American pro duction, the employer and employed, LuiHiieou for IxiulcrH. After the speeches Were concluded, members of the notification commit tee and other prominent visitors were guests of Sherman at his homo for luncheon. Athletic contest and a balloon as cension attracted many. Itrvuk News to CtinNn. Chicago, Aug. 18. Clnclnatl, Lin coln and pent up Utica are not the only cttlea to have the honor of a notification meeting. Chicago was the scene of such a ceremony today, and while the enthusiasm was largely co:i fined to the Fine Arts building, wfier.' the news was broken to Eugene V.'. Chafln, the prohibition . temperance folk were quite enthusiastic enough to atone for the Indifference of .th rest of the city. ' 1'rofenxor harles Seanlon, perma nent chairman of the Columbus eon vcntlon. informed Mr. Chafln of tin. hi'ivtr which lint been accorded him. Trli f speeches were made hy other members' of tlie notification commit tee. The rnnilUlale responded with an ailill'S In which he pointed out the gnat ga'lns In prohibition sentiment tin iiiikImiim the country 'In the It few years and the. future triumph of the pi oMbltlon cause. The campnlKU program mapped out by tile prohibition national ex. entive committee Is the most tiiiihltloiiK In years. It Is declared .that the party will have sufficient fumls to carry on an extensive warfare HK'tlnt. ihe ll'liior element and Unit many men of wealth have contributed liberally to the o'lmpalgn fund. Mr. Chafln will shortly begin sn extensive slumping tour. "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY"' Tenth tnd Morrison, Portland, Oregon A. P. Armstrong. IX. B., Principal TWe occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $,ooo equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It gays to attend such an institution. CSald a Balael Man: "Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said an EJncatort "Tt tion given in your Mhool makes it the standard of iU idndin the Northwest V. CPpen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue frjs Reference: Any bonk, any newspaper, any business man In Portland BAY & ZWEIFEL Plumbers and Tinners Pump Work and Gutter Work a Specialty Let us furnish you with an estimate on your work. Mo order too large or small for ou- best attention. Let us reline that old stove. At a slight ex pense we can make it as good as new BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREET THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your ' Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ; louldlngs, Chain Wood We are prepared to furnish and deliver mate:'! promptly. Call Uj Retail Department Phone Main 8. R ed C A. C. MAC LZNNAN Propr, ' S t a DrugS LA tore 1 GRANDE, ORE. Small ( I ilen no Itlot. ' Chicago, Auk. IS. A repetlon of rprlngflebl riot was narrowly avert ed by the police tmlay when negroe wvre Jeered nt by tcnnntcrs about tl-e Springfield trouble. They threw r" ' and a flerc-e battle fellruvi r. -serves were railed o'il. "uly n wn Injured, n det itlve v. ho was struck on the hend by a bottle. ARTIFICIAL ICE THE ONLY PURE KINO The only kind of Ice that we hanaie In retail trade Is artificial ice. made from pure art-.lan water-the only pure Ice In the city. A delivery wagon will bring this PL" II K ICK to yr door on notification by telephone or otherwise. To reg-.lar patron, our prices sre one-half cent per pound. MATITlllt. ir-W Kan, 11. ..1 I. .... . " iois. i.ok out for the Gral wagon. Thone Iilack BTI. v ice GRAM 1 i MAn l ine Minis joining. A lloman tragedy of the fifteenth century entitled. "A PoUoneJ Bou quet," l the title of the film that Is coming to the Scenic tomorrow and Wednesday nights along with "tinmen and Juliet." lloth plays are excep tionally fine. To learn their beauties It Is necessary to see both films. GRANDE R0NDE ' . MEAT COMPANY I H!0E IS VOIR OULfT.S City V'eat Market Main fit S::rcl Market Main 48 V: CO Our Urge facia permits us to handle only the best of everything to be found in a first class market. "umi maac Bac"-. "ams and Lam 5 r S 5 t I : f t 'F"-.ff.,rf-- )