PAGE THREE, EVENING OBSERVER. LA CUt.tKDE OREGON, MONDAY. AUGCST 17. 10S. EIGHT PAGES. " QIRECTORY t . .'' , : OF THE. fvRATERNAL ORDERSi lA GRANDE. ORE. j T Special y l o. o. r. . ' La Grand Lodge No. It, aaeeta lo their ball very Saturday night Vl itlng brother cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may t an at tlodel Restaurant. C. H. BLYSTONE. N. G. D. B. COX, Secretary. . C. J. VANDERPOEL. Fin. Be M. W. A. ' La Grande Camp No. 7701 meets very first and third Monday evening at L O. O. F. hall. All visiting neigh bor are cordially Invited to attend. ',. Relief commltteo: E. C. Davis, Charle Dlsqua, A. J. Warner and D. E, Cox. B. C DAVIS, C. fcj. E. COX. Clerk. : ; : : ' ' F. O. E. La Grand Aerie No. 151, F. O. E., meet every Friday night In Elk hall at p. m. Visiting brethren In vited to attend. ,. D. H. PROCTOR. W. P. J. H. LEISHMAN, W. 8. , O. E. 8. " Bop Chapter No. IS, O. E. 8., hold . stated communication the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. 4 lulling member cordially Invited. uauI C. r?wwWRT. W. M. MART A. WARNICK. Secretary. Forester of Amencs. Court Maid Marian No. tl meets second and fourth Wednesday night In K. of P. hall. Brother are Invited to attend. - NERI ACKLE8, C. R. G. V. HENDRICKS, F. S. . Board of Trustee: Dr. O. L. 'Big ger, Oscar Berger and Herbert Pat terson. i. o. o. r. Star Encampment No, tl, L O. O. F., meet every second and fourth Wednesday in the month in Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always ; welcome. D. E. COX, C. P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. B. of A. Meets first and third Thursday eve ' t I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting members ' always welcome. J. A. ARBUCKLH. President C. J. VANDERPOEL. Secretary. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. O. W meets eviry Saturday evening In K. of P. hall in the Corpe building. All visiting members wel come. M. M. MARQUIS. 1. H. KEENET, Consul Commander. Clerk. A. F.A. M. La, Grand Lodge No. 41, A. F. . M.. hold regular meeting flr and third Saturday at 7: JO p. m.' i. tl r.rr?-T t.: w. m. C. D. HOFFMAN, Secretary. MUCH MYSTERY OVER BOURNE'S SECRETARY HERE. Entire State la Watching With Much Intm-ext What the Visit of ohn Younn, Rlght-Hand Man of Bourne, Means Was In La Grande Wedne. day and In Wallowa Last Heard, of Refused to Disclose Purpose of Visit Say Timber Business. Brotherhood of Owl. La Grand Nest No. 17, meets In the K. of P. hall every Tuesday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers nordlally invited. J. B. VANDERMUELEN, Executive. ; C. W. BAKER, Secretary. K. of P. Red Cross Lodgo No. 27, meet every Monday evening In Castl Hall, Corpe building. A Pythian welcome to all visiting knight. D. H. PROCTOR, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. S. Hot Weather Bargains in Mh In bur, Matting Department we show a splendid assort ment, both as regards Shades, Quality and Prices . ... SEASONABLE FURNISHINGS B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 4JS, meets each Thursday evening at I o'clock In Elks' hail on Adams avenue. Visit ing brothers are cordially Invited to attend. W. B. SARGENT, Exalted Rule. G. E. M'CULLY. Bee. 8ec . L. O. T. M. Hive No. 27, L. O. T. M., meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting members made welcome. SADIE KLINTWORTH. L. C. MltS. EVA M'iNTYRE, K. of R. Rebekah. Crystal Lodge No. 60, meet every Tuesday evening at'lheI. O.O. F. hall. All 'visiting member are in vited to attend. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, N. G. TILLIE COX, Secretary. "River Ice Takes the Lead Score of people have demonstrated beyond all doubt that the natural ice handled by V. E. Bean la the Purest and most durable ice on the makreC For further evidence ask the numerous patrons In all parts of the city. Cheapest Fuel f The wise man foreseeth the evil and buyeth a carload of Bean's chain wood in time to season for winter use. The foolish pass on, and are pun ished by paying seven to nine dollars per cord next winter. Dry wood, bigger loads for less money, and put nto your woodsheds. V K B BAN Portland,' Aug. 17. The Sunday Oregonlan says: What Is John C. Young, private sec retary to Senator Bourne, doing in Grant, Harney and adjoining counties? The appearance of Mr. Young In the Interior counties has started the ru mor that his mission is to bolster up the statement No. 1 republican mem' bers for the double purpose of perpet- iint that doctrine' and securing the the senate. Anticipating that peti tions would be circulated relieving statement No. 1 republican members of the legislature from voting for a democrat for senator, It is charged In political circles that Bourne's private secretary and confidential manager Is working to counteract any such movement. It is further reported that if It becomes necessary to checkmate such a play he Is making the neces sary arrangements for circulating pe titions among the voters, addressed to anti-statement members of the legls lature and Insisting that such legisla tors support the popular choice for senator. At any rate, those acquainted With the methods of Senator Bourne and his lieutenant aver that Young Is not touring the remote counties of eastern Oregon for his health. Neither Is he there without the sanction of his chief. Just what his errand is, Young has not disclosed, except perhaps to a few of Bourne's trusted friends, but the object of his county-to-county can vass doubtless will levelop before many days. The gentleman to whom the Ore gonlan refers, wast last heard of In Wallowa county. About the middle of lost week he visited La Grande, call ing In a business way on several men of the city. He left Thursday for Wallowa county, saying he had a claim In that county which needed his at tention. Politically he had little to say, stating only that Jonathan Bourne would return to Oregon the first of next month, and commented on the fact that his boss Is trying to make a hit with Taft. To those with whom he talked here, he did .not disclose the real object of his visit to Union and Wallowa counties. He was scheduled to return to La Grande last Saturday, but If he did, no one here saw him. He might have come In on the Elgin train and went out on the delayed No. 1 Saturday evening without making his presence known. By this we mean articles of house furnishings which the housewife requires at this time. . Now think of the arti cle most needed and call at our store and ask to see it. You will find it here at a price you can afford to pay. v J! Lace Curtains, Portieres and Draperies We have cut the prices in this line nearly 50 percent. You cannot afford to overlook this opportunity to fill a long felt want at a substantial money saving. Adcook & Firitts DEALERS IN FtlRNITLRE AND CARPETS , 'PHONE RED 1711. ICE CREAM i This is the open season for Ice Cream and we are pre- pared to furnisn the trade with the very best. Re- ; member refreshment parlors are the finest in Eastern Oregon. A resort for Ladies and Gentlemen :::::: E. D. S ELDER, the Candy Man Notice of Filing PUt. Nolle. 1 hereby given, that h ap proved plat of surveys of fractional section It, It. It. 1. 17 and II, Ett and NWuVctlon 10, WH and NEW Sec. II, Townships f North, Rang 44 E., and all of Township 4 North, Range 41, East Willamette meridian, hav been received , In this office, Th bov r' of surveys will b filed on Tuesday, th 15th day of September. ltOI, at a. m. On and after that dat this offlc will reoelv applications for th entry of Innd In said township. r. C nRAMWELLt RcgUter. A. A. ROBERTS, Roetvr. Kpecial Train Excursion to I'ortUnd and lbs Seashore. Th O. R. A N. Co. beg to announce that on Friday, August list, they will operate a special train, constating of Standard Pullman and Tourist sleeping car and free reclining chair car to Portland, leaving La Grand .at I p. m.. arriving at Portland following morning at 1:11 a. m. tfteamer T. J. Potter leaving Portland at 1 p. m., ar riving on th Beach at T:lt p. m. Ticket limited to September Ith Passenger may tak advantage of 11-day stop-over at Portland on th return trip If thy M desire, and can leave th Beach sra4ay, August lid. Th v.ry low raU of lit. for th round trio will be mad. l-7tf ' Wordsif Praise For the several Ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's inodicim-3 uro comi-'iscd, aa given by leaders In nil tLo several schools of medlclnn, sho'.t!J l::ive far morn weight tliiiiinn", "iiiiiintoi non-profcs;;loni;l t" timr.iiluis. Lr. 1'lrrco's I avorlic Proscrip tion lias tiik baijuk it i: jni;htt on every boiMe-wraj-.pcr, lu a f'.Ul lit of c 11 Its in grHl.cTiU printed In vlaln English. If you am on invull.l woman and suffer frc:n ircci"i!t haaduclio, backache, gnaw inj Jistr" In noiaach. periodical pains, nitagwAuio, catarrhal, pelvic drain, Irio7.!;fyuown dlstrtis In lower abdomen or polv)?, perhaps dark spots or specks danrbfg beforo the eyes, faint spelli and klndlyi syrnrtona caused by female weuk ncss, otaihirderancmcnt of tae feminine organs, yfJ can not do better than take Dr. Flcri i Favorite Prescription. - The hi s)ltal. surgeon's knife and opera ting tali may be avoided by the timely use of Vf'avorlte Prescription In such caocs. TjiTchv the BnioN'lP'is exaTnlri- ul snCTs-lfi!: tri'j'rjMt i-nrrii'l out AinuHcimtit Afloat. Congressman Ellis of Pendleton, who Is spending his vacation at NeW' port, afforded no little amusement to the passengers of the launch Rose one day this week. While the little vessel was across the bar the representative became seasick and tried to hide him self, but was discovered and made the target of many Jocular remarks from his fellow passengers. Newport news Item. WATCH WORK TURNED OUT promptly and guaranteed at heacocks. PreacriiHiou " i' to;.ii;uu ofth very best native innllclnal roou known to medical science for the cure of woman' pecullsr allmenU, contains no alculiol and no barmlul or dri.K. l)o not exrwi-t tr r icti from "Favorite Prescription; " It v: i; t (wrform mira cles; It will no, C'.:-'.T! or cure tumors. No mrdlcino will. I' '11 do is much to establish vlirorous Y.t ih'i In most weak nesses and aiiiount.t j'uo.iHurly Incident to women as any mcdU j.e o;n, It must be given a fair chance t "noveranee In its use for a reasonab!-- ;th of time. Von can't aiTurd to ! t i Heeri't nos trum a a ut.Htitiuo (ir this reiui'dy of kmiwn comiKMllioii. hick women :ire Invlti'd to conKiilt hr letter, rror. All corrr: jHinilence Is held ss strictly prlvntn and snrrnllv conllilen tlsl. AilHrrM: U iriu' s I lisnenniirv .Mill- Ii-hI Ais'm-IiiIiiiii. Mr. R. V. I'l.-ree. l're.. Nil (Va Main NTeot. I'uff vlo. N. Y. Dr. Pierre's I'lca iuit TeiletH the best Intntive ami legulntur of the Uwel. Tliey InvlKoratM stmnach, liver and bowels. On" a l.inaitvn i two or thre culbartlc. );a..y to ti'e as candy. To My 1. ' pkitons: Havit. "ta tr uiook f hsrdware etc., to !". Liily and Foster, ho will oontlnu.. In the same line of bus iness and at the saint, place. Mr. Lilly Laving been associated with me for thl pest six years, I take pleasure in recommending th new firm to my many friend and patron and trust th: vou will find business with them Homo Tlilcvp In Wallowa. Every few weeks you will hear of some stockman Inquiring about an es peclally valuable horse can't be found on the range. - Tt Is gradually dawning upon the stockmen that there must be a well ' orgsnlzed band of horse thieves operating In this coun ty. We have It on good authority tha a band of horses crossed the Imnahs as pleasant as our business relsllons : before dsyllftht one morning a short hav lway been. I will be found ot time go nd weer driven towsrds tns Hnake. presumably Into Idaho, Jos eph Herald. th tor during the mnnth of July and will be pleased to have as many of my friends rail and sssttle their ac count pnwtnle during th month. Thanking yo-i for the many favor showa mo, I remain. Vsnr rpwtluUy, MRS T. N. MURPHT. France and Vena Smith, the llttl daughter of Conductors J. B. Smith have Just returned home from Grande, where they have been on visit Pendleton Trjbune. C. W. Preston Big Cut in Oxfords for Thirty Days sutr . Mi C. W. Preston El II c.i ii .; m fr-! AAjA A A AAAAAAAA A A AAAAA A sfc it WWWWWWWW WWWWVV WWWWWWW V V DRIVES OUT o BL0QD HUMORS The akin is not slmplv an outer covering of the b-wly, but throueh it thousands of pores and glands it performs the great nnd necessary work of regulating our temperatures, and also assists in dtdpoKing of the refuse and waste matters of the system by the constant cv.ipurutiorj that goes ou through these little tubes. To perform these du'.i'.-.i t ;c tisnues and fibres which connect and surround the pores and glands must be continually nour ished by pure blood. When from any cause the cimil.itwn Ix-comes infected with impurities nnd humors, it loses its btronxtlieiiui;; hiwcis nnd begins to disease and irritate the delicate tissues, and produces Eczema, Acne, Tetter, or some other itching, disfiguring skin trouble. S. S. S. cures skin diseases of every kind by going down into the circulation and neutralizing and remov ing the impurities and humors. It changes the quality of t!ie blood from au acrid, fiery fluid to a cooling, healtli-producin stream, which, instead of irritating and inflaming the skin, cures and nourishes it by its soothing, healthful qualities. Salves, washes, lotions, etc.. may be used for any tem porary comfort or cleanliness they afford, but skin diseases cannot be cured until S. S. S. has purified the blood. Book on Skin Di.ieases and any med ical advice sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. l i?l!i.Jl" i J A Noire Dame Lafly' Appeal. To all knowing sufferer of rheu latlam, whether muscular or of th Joint, sciatica, lumbagou, backache, pain In th kidney or neuralgia pain, to writ to bar for a bom treat- La ment which ha repeatedly cured all of these tortures. 8h feel It her you. for proof address Mr. M. duty to send It to all u Merer free, ben. Box R, Notr: Dam. Ind. Tou cure yourself at bom a thou snds will testify no chang of ell mat being necessary. This almpl discovery banishes urlo acid from th blood, loosen th stiffened Joint, purlfle th blood and brighten th yea, giving alastlclty and tone to tha whol system. If th abov interest Buns- WUwyY-